Of the five great powers, only the empire was feudal and there were slaves.

The imperial person who can live in the dormitory in the villa area is probably the imperial princess who is guaranteed.

Mu Yue walked in, Chen Jingyan followed next to him, I didn't know, I thought they had a good relationship.

"Xiao Yuezi, whose escort are you?"

asked Chen Jingyan touching his bald head.

His shining head, unusually conspicuous in the crowd, attracted everyone's attention, and the rate of turning back was quite explosive.

"My sister.

Hearing this, Chen Jingyan was surprised: "Sister, what sister? is it biological? It is really rare for a brother to accompany him." Soon

, Mu Yue walked to the door of his dormitory.

Sansan broke out of the door and said excitedly: "Master master, master, I'm coming to pick you up!" "


?" Sansan bought cat ears and cat tails, and already wore them on her body, she tilted her head and looked at Chen Jingyan suspiciously: "Monk?"

Chen Jingyan was extremely moved every time he saw a beautiful woman, he grabbed Sansan's hand and showed a narcissistic expression: "Miss maid, we have met at the airport, and now we can see it for the second time, this must be fate, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

But people already have a

master?" Hearing this, Chen Jingyan was shocked, he looked back at Mu Yue, walked over and whispered: "Xiao Yuezi, what's going on? Is this your sister? Why is it called your master? What are you kid doing? Brother and sister? taboo? Engage in this set?" Mu Yue

said expressionlessly: "Sansan, don't pay attention to him."

Mu Yue walked into the dormitory.

Sansan turned around and glanced at Chen Jingyan's bald head curiously, and also followed behind Mu Yue.

At the door of the villa, Chen Jingyan's hippie smiling expression disappeared, he looked at his palm and muttered: "The touch of that maid seems to be a little strange..."

The next day, each school district began its own military training.

The first school district, a total of about 2,500 new students.

A man with a bearded face and a somewhat emaciated figure was looking listlessly at the fifty freshmen in front of him.

He is the instructor of the first-year class of the first school district of the college's Holy Land.

To be the teacher of the best freshman class, it stands to reason that he should have something extraordinary.

But the man in front of him looked very unreliable, as if he would fall down when blown by the wind.

He yawned and said with a casual expression: "Let's have everyone, then let's move freely." Hearing

this, the students were surprised and talked about it.

Xu Qin hugged his chest with his hands and asked, "Teacher, what does free activity mean?"

With that, he turned around and was ready to leave.

The classmates were stunned.

They are all the best freshmen in this class, all of them are well-informed, but they have never met such a teacher.

The other classes, led by the teacher, went to the forest behind the academy's holy place.

There, it is a real combat area, where quite a lot of polluting bodies live, but the highest level is only one level, and many of them have no level, not even ten meters.

Three or four meters of miscellaneous pollutant body is the main presence of pollutant body in the forest.

Even so, for novices, it is still a life-threatening guy.

And more than ninety percent of the freshmen in the holy land of the college have never really fought in the actual battle, except for the entrance examination.

And in the entrance examination, they deal with a pollutant body of one or two meters, and they are not even miscellaneous soldiers.

Mu Yixue was in the crowd, silently watching this scene.

In his mind, he recalled what Mu Yue said to her.

The pollutants of that forest are constantly being born.

You know, only level five pollutants can reproduce offspring.

Among the many fifth-level pollutants located by the Qinglong satellite, one of them was buried in the forest behind the academy's sacred land.

Its name is "Sirius".

However, it was sealed in the forest ground by some means, leaving only the ability to split the sub-individuals, making this forest a practical training ground for the academy holy land.

The college sanctuary is regularly cleaned up so that the polluted bodies in the forest can only grow up to level 1.

This forest is also known as the Sky Wolf Forest.

And these are all told to her by Mu Yue, and ordinary people don't know at all.

The other classes gradually left the playground, leaving only their class of students confused.

Soon, there were only fifty of them left in the playground.

On the roof of a teaching building, an elderly man squinted at this scene and said with a smile: "I am very relieved that the students of the first class will be handed over to you."

The Victory Formation, who had already left, appeared behind him, revealing a dead fish-eyed look, and said: "The students in the first class look very arrogant, too lazy to teach, so troublesome.

"Yes, a group of heavenly arrogants, how can it be done without blowing and blowing?" the

old man did not listen to him complain, but raised his head.

A transport plane passed over the playground.

The sound of transport planes echoed in the playground, and a class of students looked up in confusion.

I don't know what the transport plane threw on the ground, but I saw a black dot gradually enlarging from the sky and falling rapidly.


one student yelled.

Fifty cadets scattered.

A behemoth fell to the ground, splashing dust and rubble.

After seeing what was in front of him, Xu Qin was all excited.

"Second-level Celestial Wolf!" the Celestial Wolf

stood up, as if it had just fallen from a high altitude and seriously injured it.

But its body was twenty-one meters long, and even this group of geniuses in the first class could not help but start to panic.

"What are you kidding?" "

Don't panic, this is a seriously injured secondary polluter." "

Don't panic Nima, Lao Tzu has a little magical qualification, but before coming to the academy, Lao Tzu had never even seen a pollutant, and you let Lao Tzu hit a second-level pollutant as soon as he came up?" Most

of the people began to panic, and only a small number of people looked as usual.

Mu Yixue retreated to the end.

My brother said, try not to expose all your strength, don't be the first to strike, don't make a head bird.

A qualified sister, of course, chooses to listen to her brother.

On the roof of the teaching building, the old man's gaze glanced at a few outstanding students, nodded silently, and turned around: "Don't let this group of cubs destroy the building."

He left the rooftop, leaving only the Victory Array, and said with some trouble: "Got it, old dean."

He looked at the few trainees in the playground who were obviously different from ordinary people, and finally set his eyes on Mu Yixue in the corner.

"Strange, she is obviously the calmest one, why did she hide at the end?" took

out the roster and found the girl's personal information.

Mu Yixue......

Escort to the student....

Guarantor...... Seeing

this, Wanjing's originally listless expression became a little surprised, and suddenly said, "She is the one who ranks alongside the Thousand Cranes of the Divine Palace?"

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