It was just a trance time, and the golden key in the silver armored man's hand was already in Nan Nan's hand.

He showed a shocked expression and said in disbelief: "What happened?" "

Nan Nan classmate?" Not far away, Lin Rui was surprised.

"You know her?" asked Zhuang Yan.

"Yes, this is when I was a teacher, the students of the college holy land. Thinking

of this, Lin Rui wondered: "Why is

Nan Nan here?" On the other side, the silver armored man looked at Nan Nan and said solemnly: "Huaxia?" Hearing

this name, Ling Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he spoke: "Lord Envoy, in Blue Star, there was a legend thousands of years ago, there was a time magician, her existence stirred up the situation thousands of years ago, and also made my ancestors suffer a lot.


silver armored man said disdainfully, "What time magic, joke."

Saying that, he rushed towards Nan Nan, wanting to snatch the golden key.

But when he approached Nan Nan, Nan Nan's figure had already appeared in another place.


the silver armored man wondered.


In the communication, the voice of the blonde woman came, and she said: "There is a difference between your time there and other places, about a minute, it is a pause in time."

Hearing this, the silver armored man couldn't believe it, and exclaimed: "This is impossible!" The

power of time is unfathomable, and even the scientists of their federation have not revealed its true face.

In the history of the earth recorded by the Federation, the scientist named Mu Yue left a set of theories for controlling time to Huaxia a thousand years ago.

But it was just a theory, and after Mu Yue left that theory, he began endless energy research for several years.

The theory of time, at that time, was set as a topic by a young female doctor in Huaqing University at that time, and a team was established.

However, the specific outcome is not known to the United States of America.

They left the earth the moment Endless Energy was born.

Ten fortresses, each with a million people.

Of the hundreds of millions of people in the entire American Federation, only 10 million have left the earth.

The rest were all left on Earth, left to fend for themselves.

Today, it is estimated that life on the entire earth has dissipated in the universe with the rush of resources.

"The power of time. The

silver armored man looked at Nan Nan deeply and asked, "Are you from Huaxia?"


that, Nan Nan smiled slightly, and then her figure disappeared in place.

The power of time, for those who are controlled by time, is like seeing someone else teleporting.

Mu Yue already knows the things here.

The golden key was taken away by Nan Nan, and Mu Yue also gave a new order.

Fall back.

Feng Qiandao and Phantom Light Dance took Luo Ying and the four back to Sky City.

And the Silver Armored People and Ling Mu, the Flame Queen and the others could only return to Mechanical City.

Mechanical City.

The armor of the silver armored man disappeared, and he walked to the blonde woman's side and said solemnly: "Siah, we underestimated Blue Star." "

Joseph, there will actually be a user of time technology, it seems that Mu Yue has left a lot of things here. Sia said.

The blonde woman is a lieutenant in the American Federal Army.

And the blond man, Joseph, is a captain in the American federal military.

Both are explorers who broke away from the war between the Second Envoy and the Fortress and came to Blue Star to investigate, and they are also the elite of the military.

In the cosmic battlefield, the second envoy demon and the fortress fight back and forth, and no one can help anyone.

But their goal is not to win each other, but to Blue Star.

Their battlefield is approaching the blue star little by little, and now it has entered the star system where the blue star is located.

In less than four months, the fortress could reach Blue Star.

"But Mechanical City, it's still too weak.

Joseph looked at Ling Mu.

He took out the space compression device he was carrying with him, and took out the genetic potion in tens of thousands of units.

"This is a genetic potion invented by Federal Science and Technology, which can instantly improve a person's strength, but the mortality rate is more than ninety percent..."

He looked at Ling Mu and said, "What to do, you know?"


Although the science of the SE organization is only a few hundred, the ordinary people of the magical hostile organization have now grown to hundreds of thousands.

The number of Blue Star Enchanted Envoys is very small, and the world adds up to only a few hundred thousand.

Compared to tens of billions of people, the number of magic envoys is only one in ten thousand.

The rest are all ordinary people whose magical qualifications are not up to standard.

The number of people who hate magic is very large, and under the guidance of the SE organization, magical hostile organizations around the world have once again developed.

In almost every country, in every neutral city, there are strongholds of magical hostile organizations, ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands.

These people are just cannon fodder for attacking the League of Nations.

If they can provide combat power for their SE organization, they can also be regarded as having some use.

Ling Mu left here and found Liu Ruobing.

The magic hostile organization was created by Liu Ruobing.

Only she can command all magical hostile organizations.

"Dr. Liu, how is your third level five mutant researched?" Liu

Ruobing didn't respond, she was wearing a white coat and was intently studying the human body in front of her.

Ling Mu was not in a hurry.

Several high-level members of the SE organization, all of them are a few scientists standing on the tip of the pyramid with Blue Star, but they were born in the wrong era.

If they were born in the Federation, they could be scientists second to none.

Therefore, Ling Mu would not look down on these scientists on Blue Star like those two federal people.

After finishing the matter in hand, Liu Ruobing took off her gloves and said lightly: "I know." Hearing

this, Ling Mu left here.

He can also be regarded as understanding Liu Ruobing's character, so he just told the other party, as for whether the other party will do it, it is the other party's choice.

Even if the other party didn't do it, he had other ways to mobilize all the magical hostile organizations.

After Ling Mu left, Yu Qingrui walked out of another room.

Liu Ruobing looked at her expressionlessly and asked, "Do you want to do it?"

Yu Qingrui looked at the scene around him, and then said: "Even if we refuse, he can still order those ordinary people, although I don't know what he wants these people to do, but recently, some changes have taken place in the SE organization... I'm afraid, to prepare for a big war.

Hearing this, Liu Ruobing said lightly: "A decisive battle with the League of Nations?"

Yu Qingrui looked at Liu Ruobing and said, "I promised you to throw you to the Tower of Heaven, release the fifth-level mutant power in your body, destroy the Tower of Heaven, and help you take revenge." "

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