Strategic-grade magic, Starfall.

It absorbed everything around it, and the killing god had been absorbed and fused with the vortex in mid-air.

And Venus was still struggling to support on the ground, and even so, the sword she had inserted into the ground had loosened.

It won't be long before she is absorbed by this huge gravitational pull.

Venus watched this scene and gritted his teeth deadly.

No one would have thought that Luo Ying would have this kind of magic.

Strategic-level magic...

She is not even strategic, but she can use the special attributes of the elements to exert magic similar to the strategic level.

Of course, this kind of strategic-level magic does not threaten the real strategic-level.

But for these magic envoys who have not reached the strategic level, it is still a huge threat.


The huge attraction disappeared, the vortex in mid-air stopped spinning, and everything inside fell.

Among them, the corpse of the god-killing also fell to the ground.

Is he really dead?

Venus showed a serious expression.

First the God of Fire, now the God of Killing, the two powerful envoys of the Kingdom of the Gods, all sacrificed in the empire.

If she also dies....

Venus looked at Luo Ying, at this time Luo Ying was exhausted, under the strategic level, using strategic-level magic, almost exhausted all her elemental reserves and physical strength.

After killing the God of Killing, she finally fell to the ground and passed out.

Seeing this, Venus was surprised, and then she laughed.

Although this is not a good way to take advantage of people's dangers, this is a battlefield.

If you want to blame, blame the cruelty of the battlefield.

Venus walked over with a long sword in hand.

Not far away, Wang Chenning also passed out, and the only people present were Zhuang Yan and Bai Chenfan.

After discovering that Wang Chenning didn't know what reason was in a coma, the two quickly rushed in the direction of Luo Ying.

As an elemental enhancer, Zhuang Yan's distance of a few kilometers is not far.

But she didn't expect that Bai Chenfan was faster.

"It's too late." Bai Chenfan said solemnly.

"Sakura!" Zhuang Yan's face was worried.

The former looked at Zhuang Yan's worried look, he thought about it, and then directly hugged Zhuang Yan.

"You... What are you doing at this time?

Zhuang Yan looked angry, she thought Bai Chenfan was going to do something.

The next moment.

Bai Chenfan held Zhuang Yan and stepped on a spring.

This was made by Bai Chenfan using the magic of metal elements.

After stepping on the spring, Bai Chenfan condensed a lot of heavy metals and put weight on himself.

When the spring is completely stepped on the ground, all the heavy metal disappears.

The huge elastic force ejected the two of them.

"Zhuang Yan!" Bai Chenfan shouted.

Zhuang Yan's face was stunned, but she didn't expect that there was this method.

She let out a "hmm" and then said, "I understand." The

two descended from the sky and came in front of Venus as fast as they could.

Three metal elements.

"Just you?"

Venus rushed forward.

The gap between the elemental reserves of the two sides is difficult to cross.

The power of the divine messenger, and the distance between the two of them, is difficult to make up with experience and skill.

Bai Chenfan took the lead in rushing forward.

Venus's eyes froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Such an ordinary magic envoy dares to challenge me." She

threw a punch, and the fist was immediately covered with metal, becoming a huge iron fist.

Bai Chenfan condensed metal finger covers on his fingers and stretched out his hands to block Venus's metal iron fist.

His elemental reserves had just been depleted on the spring.

His magical qualification is such a chicken rib.

But he is not alone.

Zhuang Yan passed by him, she held the Protector Sword, and attacked Venus.

"Elemental Enhancer?" Venus showed a serious expression.

Magic makes the distance between them difficult to cross, and the distance between elemental enhancers is also difficult to cross.

However, the relationship between magic and elemental enhancers is very delicate.

Just like the last time at Longcheng University, Chen Jingyan and Li Xia actually eliminated a fourth-level lieutenant general.

Even if it is a strategic-level magician, if it is close to the face by an elemental enhancer below the strategic level, there is still a risk of death.

And a strategic-level elemental enhancer who can't get close to magic below the strategic level will also risk being defeated.

Although neither is highly likely, there have been many precedents for this throughout history.

Therefore, Venus cannot be approached by Zhuang Yan.

But she is also a metal element, unlike other elements, it is easy to be approached.

Also a metal element, the melee combat of the elemental enhancer is definitely stronger than her.

Venus took a few steps back, but Zhuang Yan was faster.

The Protector Sword had already slashed at her, and Venus condensed metal to block the sword, but Zhuang Yan's sword was a famous weapon of the empire.

Protect the sword, protect the country, kill the enemy, extremely sharp, cut iron like mud.

The Protector Sword easily split Venus's metal, and under Venus's horrified expression, it slashed at her shoulder.

Then, Zhuang Yan used his strength again and easily cut off the Protector Sword, causing one of Venus's arms to fall to the ground.

Venus made a miserable sound, she roared, stretched out her other arm, condensed a metal long sword, and stabbed Zhuang Yan.

At this time, Bai Chenfan kicked Venus's chest and kicked her away.

Venus, who was already seriously injured, broke an arm at this time, and was kicked solidly, and finally lost all his combat power.

Venus lost an arm and became a broken Venus.

She looked at the two people not far away, knowing that she had no hope of survival, she chuckled and said: "I lost, but you want to retake the empire, it is simply delusional." "

Lord Asura God is hitting the threshold of the strategic level, once successful, the empire will have two gods, and you, at most, there is only one Mu Yixue."

Hearing this, Bai Chenfan said lightly: "How do you know that Mu Yixue can't fight one against two?" "

She is a strong person who can resist the God of War.

Hearing this, Venus said with a smile: "Even the God of War himself, you must be careful when dealing with two strategic levels at the same time, not to mention Mu Yixue, you... Don't underestimate the strategic level. What

else did Bai Chenfan want to say.

But behind the two, Luo Ying had already woken up.

She came to the front of the two and said softly, "What if I become a strategic level before the Asura God?"

Hearing this, Venus said angrily: "Mortal! Don't be too arrogant, you have grown to this strength in half a year, but it is impossible to become a god in such a short time! "

The level of the gods is high and sacred to the kingdom of the gods.

And Luo Ying said this sentence so lightly, it was an insult to Venus and the kingdom of the gods.

You must know that when the Asura God was young, he was also a super genius.

Now it has taken six years to become strategic.

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