The meal was eaten quickly, and everyone left the hospital, ready to return to their respective houses in Sky City.

In Mu Yue's courtyard, Sansan was dressed in a black and white maid costume, and when she saw the two returning, she ran over and said, "Master, that Murong Xueyue took the Sky City's Sky Ladder Train. "


Mu Yue showed a puzzled expression.

A week ago, Murong Xueyue went to the southern city of the empire to find him, and at that time, he left the imperial capital directly because of the Star Destroyer Cannon.

I didn't expect to come to Sky City again now.

Did she have something to find herself?

He is the original ice god, and now that he has chased after Sky City, how can he also meet him.

Hearing the name Murong Xueyue, Mu Yixue exploded on the spot, and her whole face turned into a very unhappy expression.

"I'll go too!"

Mu Yixue took a stiff step and strode forward, closely following Mu Yue.

Sky City, Sky Hall.

A maid sequence came here with Murong Xueyue and waited for Mu Yue.

Not long after, Mu Yue and Mu Yixue walked in.

Seeing that Mu Yixue also followed, Murong Xueyue was not surprised at all.

Mu Yue took Mu Yixue and sat opposite Murong Xueyue.

He asked straight to the point: "The first generation of ice gods, was it your idea that the Murong family came to the magic capital?"

"That's right."

Murong Xueyue said lightly: "Moving here, you can help at any time when you need it in Sky City." Hearing

this, Mu Yixue's face turned dark.

And Mu Yue was puzzled: "Help? Why did the Murong family help me?


Saying that, Murong Xueyue didn't seem to be able to speak, she glanced at Mu Yixue, and then said: "Because Mu Yixue is the best junior of our Murong family."

You fart!

Mu Yixue roared in her heart, but she still maintained a calm appearance on the surface.

"This way."

Mu Yue believed.

After all, it is reasonable that Yi Xue is not only the best girl in the Murong family, but also the best girl in the entire Blue Star.

If the other party says something else, he may not believe it, but if you praise Yixue's words, then it is not said, Mu Yue believes a hundred.

Mu Yixue glared at Mu Yue, not knowing what to say.

They were all ancestors from a thousand years ago, and their blood was as thin as a stranger.

"But the magic capital is not enough, I want to relocate to Sky City with the Murong family."

Hearing this, Mu Yue's eyes narrowed slightly.


The Murong family, one of the five major families, actually wanted to move the family here?

"The first generation of ice gods, the Murong family has a Murong Yueji, as well as you, and Murong Xian'er, three strategic levels, if something happens, it will be a devastating blow, do you think I will let this family in?"


Murong Xueyue said expressionlessly: "So, I am sincere.

Mu Yue looked at her, not understanding what she meant.

"I will be in Sky City, become a hostage, you can use me and command the entire Murong family."

Hearing this, Mu Yue fell into a thoughtful look.

This sounds bizarre.

He has never had much friendship with the original Ice God, and the relationship between the other party and Mu Yixue is actually not so good.

As soon as he came up, Mu Yue couldn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Murong Xueyue's gourd.

But today's Murong family, with Murong Xian'er and Murong Xueyue, two powerful combat forces, is indeed a big force that is difficult to ignore.

Mu Yue thought for a while, and then said: "In that case, then you stay in Sky City first, as for whether the Murong family can come, it depends on how you and the Murong family perform during this time you stay in Sky City."


Murong Xueyue replied almost without thinking.

Mu Yue was slightly stunned.

Not long after, under Mu Yue's order, Sansan walked over, holding a needle in her hand, and said: "This is a life supervision reagent, as long as it is injected, the owner can use the procedure to make the injector lose his vitality at any time." "

After all, this is the first generation of ice gods, and Mu Yue can't just let her stay in Sky City.

Seeing this, Murong Xueyue walked over, and without the help of Sansan, she directly injected the reagent into her body.

Seeing the other party's set of actions like moving clouds and flowing water, as if he was looking at death like home, and he wanted to stay in Sky City at all costs, Mu Yue not only sighed a little.

Sky City is really too attractive, and even characters like the original Ice God have to stay at all costs.

Mu Yixue did not speak the whole time.

Mu Yue got up and was about to leave with his sister, but Murong Xueyue said, "Can Yi Xue stay?" I have something very important to say to you.

Mu Yue looked back at his sister.

Now that Murong Xueyue has injected life supervision reagents, Mu Yue is not worried about his sister's safety, but he is a little curious about what the other party wants to talk to Yi Xue.

What topics will ancestors and descendants have in common?

"Brother, you go first."

Mu Yixue did not speak the whole time, and this time she finally spoke, looking at Murong Xueyue in front of her expressionlessly.

Mu Yue touched his sister's head, and then said with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for you at home." "


Mu Yixue nodded obediently.

And the word home also made Murong Xueyue think of some things a thousand years ago.

She looked at Mu Yue's back, her expression full of memories.

But those things have all become regrets now.

If you choose wrong, you will bear the consequences of being wrong.

After Mu Yue left, Mu Yixue and Murong Xueyue looked at each other, just like the Asura field, no one spoke first.

Soon, Murong Xueyue said: "Do you know that Mu Yue came from a thousand years ago?

In a word, it directly made Mu Yixue frown.

Because, she didn't know.

She even knew that her brother was from Huaxia, but she didn't know that her brother was from a thousand years ago.

Seeing Mu Yixue's puzzled expression, Murong Xueyue continued: "I met him a thousand years ago. Hearing

this, Mu Yixue's heart suddenly appeared, and then stared at Murong Xueyue and asked: "Let's not say whether what you said is true or false, even if you got married and had children a thousand years ago, even if the entire Murong family is his descendant, he now belongs to me." Hearing

this, Murong Xueyue was stunned.

She shook her head and said, "You are really serious, but a thousand years ago, we were not together, it was I who unilaterally liked him, this time I came to Sky City, I also want to tell him my heart, and draw a successful end to this thousand years of waiting." "

As you wish."

Mu Yixue didn't care at all.

"You're not afraid I'll snatch him?"

"Snatch it?"

Mu Yixue looked at her and said lightly: "I said, he is mine, he will always be mine."

After saying this, Mu Yixue continued: "Even if he is really snatched away by you, I will snatch it back, he is mine no matter what, even if he dies, he will die with me." Hearing

the other party's sick remarks, Murong Xueyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and said lightly: "You are really... His crazy crush.

"But you don't have to be nervous, after all, in his eyes, I have been crushed by you in all directions."

"Want to know what happened a thousand years ago? I can tell you it all.

Hearing this, Mu Yixue shook her head and said, "The era of a thousand years ago does not belong to me, and I am not interested... In the future, I will participate in everything he does.

Murong Xueyue sighed.

Nan Nan was right, a thousand years ago, if she had one-tenth of Mu Yixue's bravery, she would not have come to this day.

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