During this time, the Qinglong satellite has not found the figure of the insect emperor, and the launch of the Star Destroyer Cannon has also fallen into a stalemate.

He only made one appearance when entering the star system, and then disappeared completely.

But think about it, such a terrifying weapon as the Star Destroyer, so that the wisdom of the devil, naturally cannot rush up.

This also means that the Star Destroyer Cannon can indeed pose a threat to him.

The second envoy demon and the American Federation, being able to solve one of them, was already a great relief for Mu Yue.

The other can only rely on Sky City's own strength to deal with it.

The existence of that level of the envoy demon is no longer something that individual strength can fight against.

The First Ancestor was already an invincible existence, and the strength of the Demon, Mu Yue could not measure at all.

The only time the demon made a move, he instantly eliminated Mu Er, who was wearing Xuan armor and exploring the sinkhole.

A Xuan Armor simply could not test the true strength of the enchantment.

[Inform that you have received news from the SE organization Li Chaomo, and the other party wants you to attend the high-level meeting of the SE organization to discuss the plan to attack the Tower of Heaven.] Hearing

this, Mu Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, and he fell into deep contemplation.

SE organization, is it finally ready to attack the Tower of Heaven?

Of all the neutral cities in the world, only Sakura Island and Mo were not occupied by them.

Their territory, although disparate, is no smaller than any other country.

The Mechanical City has already begun to move through the sea, and it is like a huge ship city, and before you know it, it is marching towards Darreis.

And Darres is the headquarters of the League of Nations, where the Tower of Heaven is located.

This time, the four high-level meetings must be attended.

"Brother, are you going?" Mu Yixue asked.

"Well, as soon as the Kingdom of God unified the two countries, the SE organization began to attack the Tower of Heaven, whether this matter is a coincidence, I will go over and take a look."

The time to attend the meeting was tomorrow night and did not give him much time to prepare.

However, the three high-ranking members of the SE organization are all in Mechanical City, and only he is an idle person.

"Brother, pay attention to safety."

She knew that if she was going to Mechanical City, she couldn't follow.

If she goes together, the goal is too big, and the power of the Elf King is even the current SE organization.

The so-called four high-level leaders are not people all the way, only four people with their own goals, gathered together to achieve each other's goals.

"Don't worry, I'll take Sansan with me."


Mu Yixue nodded.

The two had already arrived at the location of the Sky City transport plane, and behind them, Xu Qin and the others had also arrived here.

"Tsundere girl, you just became a female emperor, is it really good to leave like this?" Xu Qin asked.

"Use your tube." Luo Cheng clasped his hands to his chest.

Then, she glanced at the city behind her, sighed, and said, "There is only an empire and a kingdom of gods left in this world, the kingdom of gods is so powerful, but the empire is only sister Ying..."

Xu Qin patted her shoulder and said solemnly, "I'll help you."

"Me too." Gao Xiaosheng said firmly.

Although Mu Yixue on the side did not speak, no one found out, and she also nodded slowly.

Several people took the transport plane of Sky City, ready to return to Sky City.

This also announced that this time the war of the empire was completely over.

Murong Yueji didn't come in handy this time, she sat in the transport plane, surrounded by a circle of young people, and she looked a little out of place.

Wang Chenning sat next to her, uncomfortable.

Murong Yueji was born with the breath of a superior person, and the pressure was even greater than Mu Yixue.

In addition, between his eyebrows, there are three points similar to Mu Yixue, which also makes Wang Chenning dare not come out with one.

"Are you afraid of me?" Murong Yueji said softly.

"I'm afraid... No, not afraid.

Wang Chenning was already a little incoherent, and he didn't know what to say at all.

Then, the two were silent for a while.

Soon, Murong Yueji opened her mouth again and asked, "In your eyes, what kind of person is Mu Yixue?"

Hearing this, Wang Chenning thought of Mu Yixue's appearance, and suddenly shivered, and said: "My brother and daughter-in-law, it must be the best in the world, with a gentle and generous personality, elegant and dignified manners, and can go up to the hall and down the kitchen..." Praising Mu Yixue, the words in Wang Chenning's

mouth seemed to be endless.

The fundamental reason was because Mu Yixue was present and could hear him speak.

The more he praised, the more Mu nodded, and the more Mu Yixue gave him a thumbs up in his heart.

That's right, go ahead, just say it, to make her look like the world's number one girlfriend.

Murong Yueji listened and suddenly frowned.

What he said... Is it really from the Murong family?

Their Murong family has been passed down for thousands of years, and now there are hundreds of people in the family, and the higher the magic qualification, the more affected by the elements, and the more cold their personalities are.

It is no exaggeration to say that what a clingy girlfriend, gentle and virtuous, such a person has not been seen in their Murong family for thousands of years, Murong

Yueji glanced at Mu Yixue sitting behind without noticing a trace.

I saw that this girl was holding the arm of the man next to her, and she was sleeping very well.

As for whether she slept or not, Murong Yueji did not know.

But to say that she is clingy ... It seems to be true.

This...... Is it really her biological daughter?

Murong Yueji unconsciously substituted her sticky appearance, and suddenly felt a vicious cold, which made Wang Chenning next to him fall into an ice cave and almost freeze to death.

Fortunately, the speed of the transport plane was very fast, and it arrived in Sky City in less than half an hour.

Wang Chenning rushed off the plane and exhaled deeply.

Next to the transport plane, Sansan, Mu Er, and Murong Xueyue seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

And Murong Xueyue was actually wearing an ice-blue Han costume.

She is petite and has the temperament of the iceberg goddess, and at this time, she is wearing a Hanfu that matches her temperament, and her appearance has instantly risen to a notch.

Seeing this, Mu Yixue frowned.

This bad woman actually seduced her brother.

Murong Xueyue seemed to like Hanfu very much, she circled in place, and asked with curiosity on her face: "Does it look good?"

Mu Yue did not notice her, but came to Mu Er's side and said, "Follow me."

"Good master."

Then, Murong Yueji stood respectfully in front of Murong Xueyue and said, "First generation, what do you mean by this?"

The original Ice God showed a disappointed expression and said, "It's nothing, you go back first." "


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