On the top floor of the building, there is a small conference room that can barely accommodate four people.

That was the high-level conference room organized by SE.

The high-level meeting volunteered, but this time it was necessary to discuss the attack on the Sky Tower, so it became mandatory.

Especially Mu Yue, he is the representative of Sky City, and how much of Sky City's combat power can be brought out is very important for the SE organization.

Walking into the conference room, Mu Yue found that he was the second to arrive.

The first person was Ling Mu.

Seeing that Mu Yue was still wearing a pig's head mask, Ling Mu smiled and said, "You, you still refuse to see people with your true face."

Mu Yue did not speak.

He knew that although Ling Mu had all guessed about him, he still didn't know who he was.

I have appeared once, using virtual optical camouflage to disguise someone else's face.

And apart from his self-healing ability, he has not used any other technology.

As for self-healing, Ling Mu currently believes that Mu Yue assimilated his body with the pollutant.

Mu Yue sat opposite Ling Mu.

Before the other two people came, Mu Yue looked at Ling Mu and asked, "Is the pioneer finally going to provoke this final battle?"

"Huh... Mr. Hoghead, the purpose of the pioneers, is simply to make Blue Star better. Hearing

this, Mu Yue did not continue to say anything.

He didn't find the two Federals in Mechanical City, and he didn't know where they went.

And the real pioneer, the American Federation's Cosmic Fortress has been blown up by Star Destroyers, so the SE Organization has now lost the backing they rely on.

Even so, they started this world war.

Has their purpose changed? Want to become the Blue Star Overlord through your own power?

Ling Mu propped his chin and looked at the pig-headed mask man in front of him like this.

Sky City, even now, is still his henchman.

Is the power left behind by that person a thousand years ago really so terrifying?

And this force has never appeared during this millennium, and when the pioneers began to act, they suddenly appeared.

Endure to this point that surprised everyone.

They had been thinking for generations, that the man had no heirs and had died a thousand years ago.

Thinking of Murong Xueyue's awakening before, Ling Mu frowned.

A thousand years ago, his ancestors threatened the Murong family so that they could not help Mu Yue.

Later, the Murong family did not make a move, but unexpectedly, Murong Xueyue, the woman, still left a child for Mu Yue.

Suddenly, Ling Mu thought of Mu Yixue and Murong Xian'er.

If the entire Murong family is a descendant of Mu Yue, then it is no wonder that the strongest elements in the past are all ice elements, and the strongest ice will come from the Murong family.

No wonder, now the Murong family will move to the foot of Sky City.

Mu Yue didn't know that the human brain in front of him had made up so many things.

Not long after, Li Chaodemon walked in and sat on Mu Yue's left hand.

And Liu Ruobing followed closely and sat on Mu Yue's right hand.

"When everyone is here, let's talk about the main purpose of this meeting."

"Show all your hole cards, we will deal with the Tower of Heaven soon, I don't want you to hide it."

Hearing this, Li Chao Demon was already prepared, and he said: "Half of the credit for Asura is mine, in addition, Chen Enzhi's tyrant plan was restarted by me before, and a fifth-level tyrant has been born on Maple Leaf Island, a neutral city. Hearing

this, Ling Mu nodded, and then looked at Liu Ruobing.

The latter raised his head, did not hesitate, and said directly: "Level five mutants... Me too. Hearing

this, except for Mu Yue, the remaining two showed surprised expressions.

To know the birth of mutants, but it is quite dangerous.

Can put himself into the experiment, this Liu Ruobing, I am afraid that he is a scientific madman.

Women, really scary.

Finally, Ling Mu looked at Mu Yue and spoke: "I know that you are only one of the high-level of Sky City, and you can't mobilize all the power of that force, so let's say, how much can you mobilize?"

As soon as the words fell, before Mu Yue could speak, Li Chaodemon couldn't wait to ask, "Can you tune Mu Yixue out?" "

Mu Yue: ...

Li Chaodemon, this person has been labeled as a death sentence in Mu Yue's heart.

"I can mobilize the Xuan Armor Armor, the SE Organization can get the largest number of soldiers, and the General Mecha is also transferred through my authority, in addition, the Sin of Lust Light Dance, [Forbidden Ahead] Seal Thousand Dao, I can mobilize it... Mu Yixue can't do it, she is the wife of the highest authority in Sky City. Hearing

this, everyone showed shocked expressions.

Even Ling Mu was surprised.

This gossip is really worth listening to.

The little girl who was rescued from human experiments turned out to be the number two figure in the world's major forces.

Li Chaomo gritted his teeth and revealed a painful look.

Experimental subject No. 009, Murong Luoxi, that is a collection of all of Li Mo's science and technology, and it is an experimental subject that Li Chaomo cannot reproduce in his life.

The only perfect elf in the world, her upper limit is higher than that of a full-fledged Shura.

She is not only the most perfect experimental subject, but also the most perfect beauty in the world.

And the words "Madame", in Li Chaomo's eyes, this perfect experimental subject was actually infected with the desires of creatures and was defiled by other men.

She obviously didn't have any feelings.

A gap appeared perfectly, and Li Chaodemon's chest was full of anger.

"Three sets of armor, [Forbidden Ahead], one tyrant, two mutants, complete Shura."

"Mech troops, gene troops, elf troops, mutant troops."

Saying that, the corners of Ling Mu's mouth curled slightly, and he said in a condensed voice: "If the twelve gods of the tower today are uneven, we already have the strength to resist them. "

Chatting and chatting, the meeting is over.

Mu Yue walked around the scientific research skyscraper and learned that he was from Sky City, and a large group of scientists surrounded him, hoping to get some guidance.

Mu Yue also saw a lot of boring inventions because of this.

What automatic swimming machine, super mahjong machine, these scientists claim to be from the SE organization, is there really no shame in SE?

After leaving here, Mu Yue joined Sansan.

"Master, SE organized the war against the Skytower, why should we intervene?"

Hearing this, Mu Yue said: "This is a world-level war, and the duel between the two major forces can affect the pattern of the entire world, and it also has a certain impact on us.

"We will not interfere, a Feng Qian Dao who has just become a strategic level, and the addition of Xuan Armor will not affect the balance of strength of both sides."

"And... The source of magic is underground in the Sky Tower, and this time their war is my chance to see the source of magic. "

He has always had a guess about the source of magic.

But he needed to see the source of magic with his own eyes to confirm this guess.

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