Mu Yue dived all the way.

[Informed that it has reached 500 meters underground.]

It's an empty space.

Darkness is incomparable, there is no light.

Fortunately, Mu Yue's left eye could ignore the darkness and perceive the things in front of him.

The space of five hundred to six hundred meters underground on Academy Island is sealed with this fifth-level pollutant body, Sirius.

Its eyes were as big as Mu Yue, and it was staring at him dead at this time.

It seems that it is not dormant, but bound by countless elemental chains, unable to move.

The five chains of gold, wood, water, fire and earth bound Sirius's head and limbs respectively.

Among the twelve god generals, one person has a special magical qualification and can use the five element elements.

Although the power that each element can use is not very high, the combination of the five elements produces an effect greater than five.

Suddenly, it seemed to sense the intruder, and among the chains, countless small chains were separated, whipping towards Mu Yue like a whip.

"The self-defense of sealing magic, it seems that it is not so easy to study the fifth-level pollutant body."

A lightsaber stretched out from the arm of the Xuan Armor Armor.

The lightsaber kept extending until it was more than twenty meters long.

Mu Yue waved towards the countless chains and cut off these small chains.

The lightsaber continued to slash, cutting off one of Sirius' toes.

The toes detached from the body and did not turn into powder like other polluting bodies.

"It seems that the fifth-grade pollutant is not the same as other level pollutants."

After the toe dropped, Sirius's body grew new toes.

In this way, the regenerative ability of the fifth-level pollutant body is also unique.

And just when the lightsaber touched Sirius, there was an obvious pause, and it took a lot of effort to cut off its toes.

And that's when it can't move.

This means that Level 5 pollutants may already be able to withstand laser weapons.

At this time, Mu Yue's voice came from Sansan's mind: "Master, there is a member of the wind discipline committee approaching."

Hearing this, he muttered, "Have you been discovered by this twelve gods of Academy Island..." "

Sansan, fight them, but the point is over."

It was just enough to test the gap between her and the magic angels of this world.

"Obey, master."

Sanzo took off the headband of the double ponytail, and his hair fell loose.

As if prepared, she pulled out a pure black mask and put it on her face.

The black and white maid outfit, together with the white stockings on the legs, also slowly turned pure black under the optical reaction.

Her clothes were not cotton, but special flowing metal, which could not be penetrated.

And the black silk that wrapped her legs began to fall off automatically, and the flowing metal that made up the black silk turned into two thin swords, which she held in her hands.

The smooth long legs of the maid girl were soaked by the rain and full of temptation.

Today's Sansan has become a rose in the dark night, full of thorns under the appearance of temptation.

Four Wind Discipline Committee members surrounded her, and one of them said: "People who are not from the academy holy land are not allowed to enter the Heavenly Wolf Forest, we are Wind Discipline Committee, please come with us." But

Sansan took the initiative to attack, brandishing his long sword and rushing over.

The speed was so fast that this Wind Discipline Committee member did not have time to react.

But the other Wind Discipline Committee member was quick and quickly launched the earth element, causing an earth wall to appear, separating the attack of Sansan.

Three jumps back.

And this light leap is a distance of four or five meters.

The Wind Discipline Committee member in front of him seemed to be frightened and exclaimed: "This guy's physical function... Is it an elemental enhancer? But what is she?

"Not only that, but look at her mask, pure black, airtight, what did she use to see us, did she hear the position?"

The four desperately launched elemental attacks, but they couldn't even touch the corners of Sansan's clothes.

Although it is a member of the Wind Discipline Committee, in the end, it is only a young student, if it were not for Mu Yue to let three or three o'clock arrive, I am afraid that the first to see the face, these four Wind Discipline Committee members would have died under her sword.

"Drag her and let the other Wind Discipline Commissioners come to support, this guy's target is most likely Sirius's seal."

[Enough, Sansan, retreat.] Mu

Yue's voice appeared in Sansan's mind.

"Obey, master."

She looked at the four Wind Discipline Commissioners in front of her, and then took out an item from her pocket.

"This is ... Grenade? The

four were stunned.

No, we're playing excitingly, what do you mean by throwing me a grenade? The

four wind discipline committee members were taken aback.

But that's just smoke bombs.

When the smoke cleared, Mu Yue had already left with Sansan.

The four Wind Discipline Committee members wide-eyed, completely unable to understand what the current situation was.

The next day, the matter reached the ears of the student council.

Vice President Chi Jingxin, Chairman of the Wind Discipline Committee Long Qingxi, and Student Council President Qiu Yu were looking at the black-clothed woman in mask that was photographed on the big screen.

"Her strength is extremely strong, and the wind discipline committee has fought to the end, and she doesn't even know what kind of element she is." Long Qingxi frowned.

"But the strange thing is that if such a powerful person has a killing intent, these four wind discipline committee members will not survive, but they only suffered some skin trauma."

"What exactly is her purpose?" Chi Jing wondered.

Qiu Yu looked at the girl wearing a pure black maid skirt in the picture and muttered, "The high-level of the academy said that there were some changes in the seal of Sirius yesterday, but there was no trace of loosening. "

Sirius' seal change? But did not loosen? What do you mean? Long Qingxi asked.

"That is, something went to the Sealed Land, even met Sirius, triggered the Seal's automatic defense, but... The purpose is not to unlock the seal..." Hearing

this, several people fell silent.

Things are starting to get a little confusing.

If it is a clear purpose, then there is at least a direction for solving it.

But...... A girl in a black maid skirt who went to the Sky Wolf Forest just to fight with the Wind Discipline Committee?

The mysterious man who entered the seal of Sirius just to see Sirius?

Could it be that he is a relative and friend of Sirius? Go inside and see how it's been lately?

It's strange to think about it.

"In any case, whether it is friend or foe, whether it is good or bad for the academy holy land, we can't judge for the time being."

Qiu Yu stood up and said solemnly: "But as long as it has something to do with Sirius, we can't be sloppy, and we will increase our inspection of the Sky Wolf Forest in the future, and if necessary, we will ask for the military's assistance."

Chi Jingxin and Long Qingxi both nodded.

Finally, Chi Jingxin looked at the photo of the girl in the black dress on the screen, revealing a trace of doubt.

I don't know the origin, I don't know the purpose, I suddenly appeared, and I left suddenly....

This formal style, it seems... Somewhat familiar.

Sometimes, a woman's intuition is just so scary.

But Chi Jingxin couldn't remember where it was familiar.

I can only deeply note the figure of this black-dressed maid.

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