Future Tech Company Canteen.

Gao Chengming said with a serious face: "So, you are now the chief scientist of Sky City?

"Yes." Mu Yue nodded.

The future science and technology city is his, and he is not prepared to tell Gao Chengming about this.

After all, Gao Chengming watched them grow up, and if Mu Yue said that he had a company in his early tenteens, he was afraid that he could scare this adoptive father to death.

Therefore, the chief scientist of Sky City and the strongest magic envoy of Sky City, these two titles are still acceptable.

After all, Mu Yue used to be the national college entrance examination champion of Xia Guo, and he grew to this point in just one year, although it was unbelievable, it was not so unacceptable.

And he is indeed the chief scientist, he just hid something and did not lie to Gao Chengming.

"Okay, okay."

A pair of adopted children have become the premier big people, and Gao Chengming is extremely relieved, feeling that his ten years of teaching to them have not been in vain.

Though...... None of this has anything to do with him.

Then, Gao Chengming's expression became more serious.

He looked at Mu Yue seriously and asked, "Are you with Yi Xue?" "


Mu Yue's admission was actually not much surprise to Gao Chengming.

Although it seems a little incredible, but if you think about it, it also makes sense.

After all, his daughter Mu Yixue, he also watched grow up.

For ten years, living together under the same roof, he did not feel the slightest emotional fluctuation in his daughter.

It was also difficult for him to imagine what kind of man could enter her heart if such a girl fell in love in the future.

It seems that there is no longer any candidate except Mu Yue.

As for Mu Yue, he has been precocious since he was a child, and he is not interested in women, and looking at the eyes of beautiful women is like looking at a burden.

Only for his sister, he is a qualified brother.

Gao Chengming couldn't think of any girl other than Mu Yixue who could get close to Mu Yue's body.

They can be together, it seems that it has been doomed from the beginning.

In my mind, I think back to the first time they encountered a contaminated body.

The tunnel was blown away by a strong wind, and Mu Yixue protected Mu Yue behind him.

Gao Chengming smiled slightly, and couldn't help but say: "Yes, you are very suitable."

Mu Yue nodded, and then sent another photo over.

And this photo is even more outrageous, it turned out to be Murong Yueji.

"Marry her, you will be Yixue's own father."

Hearing this, Gao Chengming's eyes widened angrily, he slapped the table and stood up, pointing at Mu Yue and said angrily: "You're endless, right?" For

Gao Chengming's behavior of slapping tables in the cafeteria, the people around him have already seen it.

"I think so, Murong Yueji, thirty-eight years old, widowed, has a daughter, and is still a strategic-level magic envoy."

Gao Chengming finally couldn't bear it anymore, he waved his sleeves, left here, and said at the same time: "I'm going to work, don't talk to me."

Looking at his back, Mu Yue's expression was stunned.

Gao Chengming only has their children, just like Mu Yue only has Mu Yixue.

If something happens to them... So what motivation does he, the adoptive father, have to live?

This is also the reason why Mu Yue has always let him stay in the future technology company, and it is also the reason for giving him a blind date.

With the strength of Sky City, they will definitely participate in world-level battles, and Gao Chengming is just an ordinary person, only by staying here can he live well.

As for the Sky City residents, although they are also ordinary people, they were all rescued from the line of life and death in Sky City, and if there was no Sky City, they would already be dead.

Therefore, the existence of Sky City is a continuation of their lives, they participate in the work of Sky City, and Sky City provides their life and security.

If they don't want to, they can leave.

But 350,000 people, basically there is no unwillingness.

The current life in Sky City is already the most beautiful place in the entire Blue Star, much better than Darres City, where the Sky Tower of the League of Nations headquarters is located.

Although the blind date failed, seeing that Gao Chengming was doing well, Mu Yue was relieved.

After strolling around the Future Science and Technology Building Group, the time has come to six o'clock.

Mu Yixue's class today is over, and he is also ready to return to Sky City.

As soon as school ended, Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng took Mu Yixue to the door of Luo Cheng's room.

In the past few days, it didn't matter to anyone, and Luo Cheng didn't come out of the room.

But today is different.

When several people came to the door of the room, they found that the door of Luo Cheng's room was open, and she was no longer in the room.

Soon, Luo Cheng appeared from the door of the house, carrying a large bag of ingredients in his hand.

Seeing everyone standing at the door of her room, she shouted, "Why, come and help." Hearing

this, Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng walked over left and right and took the two plastic bags full of Luo Cheng's hands.

Xu Qin was puzzled: "Why did you suddenly go out to buy vegetables?"

"Suddenly I want to cook."

Luo Cheng's face had a hint of a smile, and he didn't look as sad as he thought.

During this time, no one knew what she did alone in the room.

"You can also cook?" Xu Qin was a little unconvinced.

"Yes, Nannan's cooking skills are all taught by me, don't think that the princess will be pampered and pampered."

In Xu Qin's surprised eyes, Luo Cheng began to wash vegetables and cut meat, and boiled oil.

When Mu Yue returned, Luo Cheng was already waving a spatula in the kitchen.

There is also Mu Yixue in the kitchen, she can also cook, but she does it very reluctantly, and usually can only help the chef.

And Xu Qin and Gao Xiaosheng will only eat.

After Luo Cheng made a large table of meals, Luo Cheng came to Luo Ying's room and said, "Sister Ying, come to eat." Hearing

that it was Luo Cheng's voice, Luo Ying walked out not long after.

After all, although she was devastated, Luo Cheng's pain was even worse.

If Luo Cheng has recovered and she hasn't come out yet, then what kind of sister is she.

However, compared with Luo Cheng, Luo Ying looked haggard and looked unspirited.

On the side, Wang Chenning came over and said worriedly: "Sister Luo Ying, is it better?"

"It's okay, it's worried everyone."

Seeing the food in the yard, she smiled slightly and said, "The craftsmanship of oranges has indeed not been eaten for a long time." Several

people sat around the stone table, although Mu Yue had already eaten, it did not affect him to sit here with Mu Yixue.

Xu Qin tasted it, and then said with disgust: "Tsundere girl, your cooking skills are so-so?"

"I did that." Mu Yixue said expressionlessly.

Xu Qin's face changed, ate another dish, raised his big finger, and praised: "Not bad, really good." "

Thanks for the compliment." Luo Cheng said with a smile.

Xu Qin: ......

She stopped talking.

While eating, Luo Cheng supported his chin and asked with some silence: "Brother has never eaten my cooking in his life." Hearing

this, Xu Qin said with some distress: "Luo Cheng, your brother left with confidence because the empire has you." "

I know."

Luo Cheng said seriously: "So I won't let him down, I will become a female emperor as good as the original Gravity Queen." "

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