On the other side, Luo Ying's room door.

Wang Chenning was carrying a plate of fruits, looking like he wanted to enter but did not dare to enter, and hesitated at the door.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, who were sitting at the stone table, had been watching him for half an hour.

"If you don't go in, the fruit will be wilted." Mu Yue said lightly.

Hearing this, Wang Chenning gritted his teeth, as if he had made up some kind of determination, took a step and was just about to walk in.

But right now.

"Lao Wang, I'll help you!"

Chen Jingyan kicked Wang Chenning's butt.

Suddenly, the vigilance of the soldier made Wang Chenning's eyes become particularly sharp, and his body had already rushed the door open.

Unexpectedly, the room was just closed and not locked.

The fruit bounced off the plate, and Wang Chenning spun around, catching all the fruits accurately.

But the foot slipped, and the whole person fell.

It's over....

This was the only thought in Wang Chenning's mind at this time.

However, his body and the plate in his hand suddenly levitated, and the door of the room was closed.

Wang Chenning raised his head suspiciously, and saw Luo Ying sitting on the bed, holding his chest with his hands, and said with a smile: "I waited for you for half an hour, and deliberately opened the door, just to see when you came in." "


Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be in a bad mood, Wang Chenning wondered in midair: "Sister Luo Ying, are you okay?"

"What can I do."

Luo Ying smiled slightly, then got up from the bed, walked to Wang Chenning, and said, "Are you so worried about me?

Wang Chenning's eyes swayed from side to side, as if he didn't know how to answer this question.

Seeing this, Luo Ying picked Wang Chenning's chin with his finger and asked, "Why, didn't you come in to comfort me?" Why can't you say anything after you come in?

"Sister Luo Ying, you let me down first."

Wang Chenning can't move now, and only his facial features can be controlled.

At this time, his expression was extremely funny, and after losing his body language, his expression replaced his limbs, and he looked pitiful.

Luo Ying put him down, and also used the gravitational element to put the apple back on the plate.

And the plate fell on the table.

Luo Ying walked to the table, sat down, and took a piece of watermelon to eat.

Seeing that Wang Chenning was still stunned there, Luo Ying said: "Come and sit, what are you still sitting there for?"

Wang Chenning sat sneakily in front of Luo Ying, and the iron-blooded soldier who was usually strong in blood was like a thief at this moment.

Every time in front of Luo Ying, Wang Chenning seemed to feel a bloodline suppression, and his behavior was cautious, for fear of making Luo Ying angry.

Seeing him like this, the more Luo Ying looked at it, the more interesting he felt.

Her mood was indeed not very good at first, but seeing Wang Chenning standing at the door for a long time hesitant, she felt a little funny.

Because of this, when Wang Chenning saw her, she couldn't help but smile.

And now, the more she looked at this younger brother, the better her mood became, it seemed that Wang Chenning's casual move, Luo Ying felt very interesting.

Finding that the girl in front of him was staring at him, Wang Chenning said a little nervously: "Sister Luo Ying, it's nothing, I'll leave first." "

Something, of course something."

Luo Ying's expression suddenly changed, and the whole person became sad.

The woman's face changes when she says it.

Even Luo Ying herself didn't know that she had this skill, but she just wanted to tease the dumbfounded silly boy in front of her.

When Wang Chenning saw it, he was a little anxious, but he didn't know what to say, and the whole person became anxious.

In his mind, thinking of how Mu Yue did when Mu Yixue was unhappy.

Touch your head?

Yes, touch your head.

Looking at Luo Ying's crying appearance, Wang Chenning stood up, walked in front of her, and put his hand on her head.

Luo Ying was stunned.

She didn't have a single tear on her face, and looked at Wang Chenning with surprise.

Next moment!

"Wang Chenning!"

"You have a long skill, don't you, dare to tease your sister!"

Luo Ying chased Wang Chenning in the room.

Listening to the noisy sound in the room, Mu Yue and Mu Yixue watched expressionlessly in the courtyard.

"Brother, what do you say is their relationship?"

Hearing this, Mu Yue said seriously: "Friend, or sister and brother." "

At the beginning of the Wang Ma noodle restaurant, Luo Ying stayed for a long time, where Luo Ying and Wang Chenning got along very much like brothers and sisters, and Wang Ma also treated Luo Ying like her own daughter.

Not long after, Luo Ying and Wang Chenning came out of the room.

Even Mu Yue did not expect that Wang Chenning, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, would be afraid of Luo Ying to this point.

"It's so late, why are you going out?" Mu Yue asked.

"Go out for a late-night snack."

Luo Ying walked out with Wang Chenning, and looking at their appearance, it seemed that they had a clear destination.

However, Mu Yue can also guess that most of them are Wang Ma noodle restaurants.

Wang Ma has already opened the noodle shop to Sky City, and the business is very hot.

With Luo Ying's speed, he quickly drove Wang Chenning to the door of Wang Ma's noodle restaurant.

Although it was no longer open at this point in time, Wang Ma had already prepared and left a door for the two.

Wang Chenning pushed open the half-open door and shouted, "Mom, Sister Luo Ying is here." "

Luo Ying is here."

Wang Ma came over enthusiastically, grabbed Luo Ying's hand with a kind face, and pulled her to the table and sat down.

"Wait a minute, the face will be fine right away."

Wang Ma was just about to go to the back kitchen, but was stopped by Wang Chenning.

"Mom, I'll go, you haven't seen Sister Luo Ying for so long, you can talk."

Saying that, Wang Chenning walked into the back kitchen and prepared to cook noodles.

Wang Ma looked at Luo Ying in front of her, and also asked: "Little Sakura, I have heard that you are the county lord of the empire, a big man, or a strategic-level magic envoy, I am relieved to have you by Chenning's side."

"Auntie, Wang Chenning has more than just me by his side."

"Yes, Xiao Mu's child is also what I watched grow up, and it is also very reliable."

Hearing this, Luo Ying was puzzled: "Auntie, are you worried about Wang Chenning?"

Wang Ma hesitated, but still said: "Yes, but with you by his side, I don't worry much." "

Sakura, you are a very powerful person, I don't hide from you, Wang Chenning, it's not my own."

She also did not hide from Mu Yue.

She just hoped that these big people could help Wang Chenning more when he was in danger.

Luo Ying looked surprised: "Not biological? But why do you think he is in danger?

"It feels like it's so strange when he appears."

Saying that, Wang Ma thought of the scene her husband described to her.

Wang Chenning appeared in the polluted body battlefield eleven years ago.

It just appeared out of thin air, without warning, and suddenly there was a little boy about eight years old in the originally empty place.

Having lost all his memories, even the pollutant body was not afraid, just sat in a pile of polluted corpses, looking around in confusion.

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