Magic Capital.

Yan Yunde stood outside, looking solemnly at Sky City where a big battle was taking place overhead.

This level of war is simply not something they can deal with, and their shots are tantamount to moths to the fire, but their

trouble, just not as big as Sky City, is not nothing, and it is also a disaster.

All the pollutants above level five gathered on Sky City, and they climbed on the energy shield, eating at the protection of Sky City.

Ninety percent of the pollutants below the fifth level have gathered on the border of the magic capital and are attacking the largest neutral city in the world.

Just to deal with these things, the magic capital has already put in all its energy, and the combat power is far from enough.

You must know that their only top-notch combat power gluttonous mecha has not yet completed self-repair.

Yan Yunde sighed and said helplessly: "This time, if Sky City can hold it, we can hold it, if Sky City can't hold it, then there is no point in us holding it..."

The guard next to him asked.

"How easy it is to talk about, Sky City is powerful, but the enemy who invaded, but half of the number of ancestors, one of the three major disasters, the dragon, and the first ancestor more terrifying than the three major disasters have appeared, plus nearly half of the world's number of fifth-level pollutants, such a combat power, I am afraid that all human forces need to join forces, to deal with it."

"And Sky City itself against such a lineup, the odds of winning are not even one percent, and this win rate of less than one percent is Sky City's hole card that no one knows."

Thinking of this, Yan Yunde said: "I must lead the demon capital to live and build a new big country, and I must not fall here."

He walked to the barracks of the Magic Capital Army, looked at the endless troops and magic troops in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Soldiers, monsters are coming, I am duty-bound to protect my home and defend the country." He

pulled out his weapon and was ready to take it personally.

Fang Shaojun behind him said solemnly: "I will also go, although I am a sinner, but at the moment of the survival of this hometown, you need my strength."


Fang Pojun has always been locked up in the Demon Capital Prison, and this time, he was released to jointly protect the territory of the Demon Capital.

In this battle, the demon capital suffered heavy losses, but no one knew that after this battle, in the distant future, the demon kingdom that could be compared with the kingdom of God was born.

Sky City.

A part of the maid sequence was left in the city, bringing 350,000 citizens to the underground of the central area, near the large-scale space folding platform.

After the space folding platform of the future science and technology city was transferred to Sky City, after a series of transformations, it has become a space transfer equipment that can transfer 10,000 people at a time.

As long as it is transferred thirty-five times, all the citizens of the sky city can be transferred to the space city.

Once Sky City falls, as long as Sky City's combat power can last for about three hours, it can allow the citizens to transfer perfectly.

And the protective clothing of space transmission, every Sky City citizen has already issued a set the moment they become citizens.

Once the citizens are successfully transferred, the Star Destroyer Cannon of the Blue Dragon Satellite will automatically launch after twelve hours, destroying the entire Blue Star.

And the premise of this plan is that Sky City has fallen, and there is no way to play the hole cards.

Sky City Protection, Energy Shield is the first line of protection.

Mu Yue couldn't just give this place a piece of protection.

Not long after, under the gnawing of the fifth-level pollutant body, the energy shield finally turned into fragments.

The next moment, four strange mirrors appeared in the barracks of Sky City Qinglong District, Suzaku District, Xuanwu District, and White Tiger District.

Seeing this scene, the First Ancestor, who was fighting with Mu Yixue, showed a solemn expression.

This terrifying energy....

Star orbit strike?

Is that stuff more than just in the sky?

Star orbit strikes, and the green dragon breathes.

A laser shot shot from the giant mirror, and the cyan giant laser penetrated the three fifth-level pollutants, instantly turning them into ashes.

Destroying three pollutants in an instant is something that no nuclear weapon can do.

Sky City, is there such a terrifying weapon?

Star orbit strike, Suzaku Yan.

The red laser was quickly launched, and the two fifth-level pollutants were devoured by Suzaku Yan before they landed on the ground in Sky City.

Star orbit strike, white tiger roar.

The white laser shot eliminated three Grade 5 pollutants.

Star orbit strike, Xuanwu Star Sea.

The blue laser eliminated two Level 5 pollutants.

The fifth-level pollutant body that had just broken through the energy shield was destroyed ten before it landed.

Except for the Great War a thousand years ago, this is the largest number of deaths of Level 5 pollutants in Blue Star.

However, because human beings have not eliminated pollutants for thousands of years, the number of level five pollutants has not exceeded one hundred in this thousand years, but has reached about eighty.

There were twenty of them who came to Sky City this time alone, and at this time, half of the number of Grade 5 pollutants were eliminated at once.

Ten Grade 5 pollutants came to Sky City.

Mu Er said in a condensed voice: "Start the third line of defense. "

Sky City Core-level Protection, [Iron Curtain Project].

The Iron Curtain opens.

The entire city of Sky City turned black, as if it was wrapped in shadows.

Cities become so hard and difficult to destroy that even Level 5 pollutants need to attack with all their strength to destroy a building.

Although the city will still be destroyed, it is already fundamentally different from the Blue Star City.

Blue Star's city, not to mention the fifth-level pollutant, even if it is a third-level pollutant, they can cause a lot of damage just by walking around the city.

If every building needs full force to destroy, it means that Level 5 pollutants pose no threat to the city's foundations.

Seeing this scene, the First Ancestor said solemnly: "Sure enough, the insect is right, Sky City is far more terrifying than Blue Star, and the pioneer organization cooperates with us, giving priority to eliminating this force and completely driving it out of the chessboard, which is good for all other forces." "

They were previously reluctant to cooperate with Sky City against the American Federation Fortress because both Sky City and the American Federation could threaten them.

And now, the fortress of the American Federation is no longer there.

Only Sky City is left to threaten them, so if they can destroy Sky City, they can cooperate with Blue Star humans.

After all, Sky City obviously did not belong to Blue Star, and it was not beneficial to their devouring evolution at all.

And the League of Nations, for their Zerg, is not a threat, but an obstacle.

Their Zerg clan has accumulated strength for thousands of years, and it is only a matter of time before the Tower of Heaven is overthrown.

Therefore, as long as Sky City can be destroyed, the Zerg is the only overlord force of Blue Star.

No one can stop them from evolving in Blue Star.

The ridiculous Blue Star humans still don't know the true purpose of their Zerg, and they think that they are also here to snatch the source of magic.

After all, thousands of years ago, they came to Blue Star after the source of magic appeared.

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