The junction of Dalreis City and Mechanical City.

A great war of mankind's own is taking place here.

For a thousand years, the number of strategic levels has been the largest number of participants, and the scale of the war has been the largest.

And the reason for everything, only because of one person.

Mu Yue piloted the White Tiger Mecha, turned on the state of enlightenment and machine, and suppressed the complete Asura and Flame Queen alone.

With the strength of the White Tiger Mecha that can match the three major calamities, it is more than enough to deal with a complete Shura.

Plus a Flame Queen, also said to be able to fight.

But Mu Yue's enemies were far more than that, and the entire army of Mechanical City had already surrounded him.

Gene warriors, mutants, zombies, elves.

A fifth-level tyrant appeared, and a body larger than the White Tiger Mecha attacked Mu Yue.

This also meant that he had to deal with three strategic-level existences at the same time, one of whom was a complete body Asura who could match the God of War.

Even if one of the three major disasters is present, it is not necessarily three strategic opponents.

However, Mu Yue, who has realized the state of man-machine, can also be undefeated for a while, but he has already begun to fall into the downwind little by little.

And Feng Qiandao only suppressed Ling Mu and Li Chaodemon at the beginning, and with the participation of some powerful gene warriors and mutants, he gradually lost out against a large number of enemies and was being suppressed.

Not to mention the Phantom Light Dance, she is not good at fighting herself, not to mention that she has not yet reached the strategic level of magic envoys, just dealing with the three elf envoys is no longer an opponent.

On the other side, the three people who wanted to help Mu Yue in the Tower of Heaven were also stopped by a steady stream of magic envoys.

The strength of the Jingu Chizuru was unexpected, and she could fight with the God of War for a while, but she was still too young after all.

A little inattentive, she was punched by the God of War, and even if she blocked it with the God Ember, she was also injured.

Shen Tianyi worked with her to deal with the God of War.

And Yun Hui's handling of Hei Qi and Bai Qi was not easy, after all, it was a combination of two strategic-level forces, even if he did not use a polluted body, he could not win the other party for a while.

Goji is dealing with the Victory.

Looking at the man in front of him with half-white hair but still a young complexion, Lan Xiya said with some regret: "Senior, as the twelve god generals, the only order we must obey is to protect the Tower of Heaven, you and I are very clear that our power is related to the source of magic, so the Tower of Heaven cannot have an accident." Hearing

this, Huan Wei smiled slightly and said, "Miss Geji, you call me a senior, it seems that you still remember the original thing, since this is the case, you have not doubted that the source of magic belongs to the Tower of Heaven?"

Lan Xiya frowned and shook her head: "For thousands of years, the source of magic has been in the Heavenly Tower, even if it did not belong to the Heavenly Tower at the beginning, now, it is already a thing of the Heavenly Tower... Seniors, don't be obsessed. "

Obsessive... Oh, maybe, as a Blue Star person, I should have been on the side of the Sky Tower, but I won the battle, and the only weakness in my life was my wife, and they saved my wife, so... Even if I betray the Tower of Heaven, I will repay this kindness. For

Yingjin, his life had already passed away with his wife at the moment of her death.

But that young man saved Situ Yaya, and also redeemed the confused life of Yingjin.

When Lan Xiya became the Twelve Divine Generals, she was the same as the original Divine Palace Qianzuru, reckless, and at that time, it was the Winning Array that took good care of her, so the two could be regarded as having some friendship.

But the Tao is different, and they do not conspire against each other.

Lan Xiya began to use her elemental power.

Rare elements, vibrations.

She is not a woman who can only sing.

History faces the predecessors of the twelve gods, and she wants to use all her strength to show her respect for the predecessors.

The complexion of the winning array changed slightly.

Vibration, the destructive power of this force is too strong, so he also needs to wait with all his strength.

The strategic-level vibration force instantly affected the surrounding cities and seas.

Severe earthquakes erupted in both Darreis and Mechanical City, and tsunamis hit both cities in the nearby seas.

Jiang Haoxuan frowned, "Ge Ji, do you want to destroy this place?"

As soon as the words fell, Murong Xian'er, the only one who did not make a move, made a move, and her eyes looked at the tsunami that was coming.

With a flick of her hand, she froze all the surrounding tens of kilometers of sea into ice, resolving the tsunami crisis in the two major cities.

Then, her gaze looked in Mu Yue's direction.

Although she is the Murong family, the Murong family is now a subordinate force of Sky City.

But the prerequisite for becoming a general of the twelve gods is to abandon the country and the family.

So she is hesitating, this war, who to help.

As another powerful force among the twelve god generals, her decision was enough to affect the entire battlefield.


Jiang Haoxuan said: "I have painstakingly operated the Heavenly Tower for more than twenty years, and now in the hearts of your twelve god generals, what am I? "

He didn't get the hearts of any of the twelve god generals.

Dongfang Jinyao did not obey him, and the reason why he was obedient was only because that hot-blooded young man was very good at fooling.

Shen Tianyi, the only one who obeyed him, now chose to betray.

As for the other twelve god generals who were fighting for him at this moment, they were not obeying him, but protecting the source of magic.

As the twelve strategists of the Magic Ceiling, they know better than anyone how important the Source of Magic is to this world.

So they became the twelve god generals and cooperated with the Heavenly Tower, which provided them with the help they needed, and they were also protecting the Heavenly Tower.

They can refuse any orders from the Tower of Heaven, but the Tower of Heaven is in danger, and they need to protect this place unconditionally.

Murong Xian'er looked at the man in the wheelchair and said expressionlessly: "Why do you have to become this master?"

Hearing this, Jiang Haoxuan asked himself, "Why... Yes, why, I am obsessed with becoming the true Lord of the Tower of Heaven.

The next moment, his eyes changed, looked at Murong Xian'er, and sneered: "What qualifications do you have to ask me this question, you five major families, use me to rule the Heavenly Tower, make me the largest puppet in the world, what is the Lord of the Heavenly Tower, what is the supreme administrator, everything is a joke."

"I just want to make this world chaotic, that is, to destroy all your five major families, the kingdom of God also wants to become the lord of the world, the kingdom of God will also be destroyed, and all those who disobey me will be destroyed."

"I want to become the real master of this world from a puppet."

Jiang Haoxuan was controlled by the five major families for most of his life, making his pursuit of status reach a crazy point.

Surrender or die.

In Murong Xian'er's doubtful gaze, Jiang Haoxuan actually stood up from the wheelchair.

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