In space, unimaginable wars are breaking out.

If this battlefield is on the blue star, then the mere existence itself can be said to be a disaster.

Wang Chenning looked solemnly at the Insect Emperor in front of him, and said solemnly: "It's really powerful..." If

there is no Xuanyuan Sword, I am afraid that he can only draw with the Insect Emperor at most.

It was precisely because of Xuanyuan's existence that he reluctantly suppressed the other party and stopped the other zergs at the same time.

But now it has reached a limit.

At this time, a large number of Zerg had already passed him and rushed towards the direction of Blue Star.

The Insect Emperor stared at the mecha in front of him, and his indifferent face revealed a bone-deep killing intent.

"I didn't expect that on this planet of low civilization, there would be a guy like you."

The existence of the Bug Emperor is top in the entire galaxy.

The title of Emperor is the Zerg Emperor of the galaxy and the most powerful Zerg in the entire galaxy.

Even if it is a fourth-level civilization, he must be afraid of his strength, fight alone, and for tens of thousands of years, he has hardly encountered an opponent.

And Wang Chenning, who was driving the human god mecha, was able to tie with him, and even held a weapon and suppressed him.

In the corner of the galaxy, such a strong person appeared, I am afraid that no other civilization expected such a thing to happen.

Neither Blue Star nor the Earth have entered the eyes of those advanced civilizations in the galaxy, but on the earth, unknowingly, two guys who can compete with advanced civilizations have appeared.

Mu Yue, Wang Chenning.

According to the information told to him by the insect, the insect emperor knew very well that if he wanted to get the source of magic, these two people must be eliminated.

Behind Wang Chenning, thousands of mecha, the support of the Seven Kings, the Blue Dragon Satellite, the Suzaku Battleship, and the Maid Sequence, and the Butler Sequence have arrived.

Looking at the lineup in front of him that was enough to compete with him, the Bug Emperor waved his hand and signaled his subordinates to attack.

Under the Worm Emperor's throne, except for the White Night, the remaining fifteen apostles came out together.

At the same time, a large number of level five zergs and level four zergs also rushed over.

In the army of the Insect Emperor, the third level seemed to be just the most ordinary soldiers.

Wang Chenning piloted the mecha and once again launched an attack on the Insect Emperor.

Sky City's current strength, not to mention the Worm Emperor, I am afraid that even the apostles under its seat are not opponents.

You must know that in the first ancestor of Blue Star, Michael, even the third apostle of the Worm Emperor could not be defeated.

That is, there were at least three apostles, stronger than the First Ancestor.

But this war is not without hope for them.

As long as Mu Yixue can defeat the insect, then Wang Chenning will have the confidence to destroy the insect emperor.

And Mu Yixue dealt with the other apostles, as long as he could drag him to destroy the Bug Emperor, he could completely eliminate the Zerg in front of him.

Now all they have to do is to hold out until Mu Yixue destroys Blue Star's enchantment, and then support here.

They blocked the vast majority of the Zerg, but there were still a considerable number of Zerg who descended from the sky and came to the land of Blue Star.

In a large city in the Kingdom of God, a fifth-level Zerg appeared.

This level five zerg from the universe brings people a much greater sense of oppression than Blue Star's polluting body.

It walked in the city, excited to see the blood in front of it, like a harvester, slaughtering the city's humans.

The strategic-level magic envoy of the Kingdom of God had just experienced a big war, and he had not rested long before he had to face such a terrible enemy.

The God King, the Sea God, and the Sun God were all injured when they fought against the Seven Kings, and only the Fighting God still had the power to fight.

He looked at this terrifying zerg and was shocked in his heart.

"How is it possible, I have never seen such a pollutant, and I have never seen it in the records of the Blue Star countries."

He looked up and found that the same monster was falling towards the city like a meteorite swarm.

A huge creature smashed near him, followed by another terrifying level five zerg.

At the same time, a steady stream of fourth-level and third-level zergs kept falling from the sky.

Such a scene gave Doushen a sense of déjà vu.

He saw this scene in front of him in the movie.

It was a movie thousands of years ago, when pollutants descended on Blue Star.

And now, this kind of thing has happened again, which is enough to show that a new pollutant has come to Blue Star.

And more powerful than the one from a thousand years ago.

Dou Shen brandished his spear and faced the two fifth-level Zergs, and he said in a condensed voice: "Dare to hurt the believers of my God Kingdom, and they already have the way to death. He

rushed forward and fought two fifth-level Zergs.

Behind him, the divine envoys from the Kingdom of God, as well as the magic envoys, also began to fight against the polluting body.

Although this time the Zerg are more powerful, they have no choice.

Either do your best to win the last hope, or the entire Blue Star will be wiped out by these polluting bodies.

Only at this moment did they realize that these guys who came from outside Blue Star and had malicious intentions towards Blue Star were Blue Star's real enemies.

This is true of the kingdom of God, and it is even more difficult for other countries to overcome.

In the far north, the western United Nations was almost invaded by the Zerg, with heavy casualties in a short period of time, and the scene between the two countries was like the end of the world.

And the magic capital and the empire have the support of Sky City, and they can barely support it.

Luo Ying returned to the empire with Feng Qiandao and the phantom light dance that broke through to become a strategic, while Murong Xian'er and Murong Yueji came to the magic capital.

With their strength, they can still do it against a few fifth-level zergs.

At this time, a fifth-level Zerg also fell on Sky City.

It landed behind Mu Yue.

Looking at the human in front of it, it rushed up and wanted to swallow Mu Yue in one gulp.


A figure that stood tall appeared in the sky, and he swung a stick and knocked this fifth-level Zerg thousands of meters away with one blow.

Qi Tian said disdainfully: "This is the great benefactor who gave me my treasure, what do you dare to hurt him?"

Next to him, the Ancestor Monk Demon smiled slightly.

The demon eye touched his head and couldn't help but say: "This guy, why is it still so pompous." At

the same time, the seventh apostle under the Insect Emperor's throne, Bai Ye, came here and also began to protect the city.

Sky City, which had three ancestors and one apostle, would not be harmed at all.

This also made the Sky City residents breathe a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, they could stay safely in this city.

Nowadays, the Internet is full of wailing, and the situation in various countries is shocking.

Three level five zergs appeared in the magic capital.

However, they were unlucky and met Murong Xian'er.

The world's strongest ice, comparable to the strength of the God of War, belongs to the strongest human being of Blue Star.

What's more, there was also a Murong Yueji beside her, as well as the entire Murong family's combat power.

The war was almost seamless, catching Bluestar, who had just experienced a big war, off guard.

Until this moment, the surviving forces such as the Kingdom of God and the League of Nations developed a wave of regret.

The Bug Emperor is in space, and all of them are under the protection of Sky City, but they have to join forces to deal with Sky City.

Although the subjective consciousness of the former is not to protect them, they are indeed protected by the former.

Such a scene is so similar to a thousand years ago.

They are also destined not to receive the assistance of Sky City.

Soon, the Far North completely fell, and the entire country became the blood food of the Zerg.

This picture is like hell on earth.

They were the first country, but by no means the last.

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