
Mu Yixue showed a somewhat puzzled expression.

All around, the Zerg Emperor and Yumina waved their hands at the same time, and some long-range attacking Zerg and self-detonating poisonous insects, as well as the fleet attack of the Galactic Civilization, rushed towards the two in the battlefield together.

But with Mu Yixue as the center, a transparent barrier appeared, blocking all the attacks from the outside.

The attack of the fleet and the attack of the zerg exploded on the barrier, turning into a beautiful scene like fireworks in the universe.

At the moment when the endless energy self-destructed, Mu Yue already felt his heartbeat stop.

At this moment, he understood everything and confirmed all his guesses.

He is dead, and his life is sustained by endless energy.

Immediately after the death of the heart, there is a feeling of suffocation, followed by brain death.

Mu Yue's consciousness became more and more blurred, and in his sight, only Mu Yixue's tears remained.

Some tears floated near Mu Yue.

Mu Yixue has officially become the owner of the Genesis Stone, that is, the Genesis Stone itself.

"Brother, brother, I will save you, I will definitely save you."

Mu Yixue desperately teleported her power into Mu Yue's body, but to no avail.

All the power was repelled by Mu Yue.

He is dead, and the dead cannot be given power by the Genesis Stone.

"Why, why can endless energy maintain my brother's heartbeat, but I can't, why, why."

With Mu Yixue's painful questioning, a terrifying force erupted from her body, almost completely destroying the surrounding zergs.

Even the apostles lost more than half.

The Insect Emperor and Yumina both showed incredible expressions when they looked at this scene.

This is the true power of the Genesis Stone?

It was just the aftermath, and the other party's unconscious blow actually destroyed the entire galaxy and the Zerg army?

The two sides are simply not an existence of the order of magnitude.

But Mu Yixue is too sad now, she holds Mu Yue, whose life is passing quickly, and all she thinks about is how to save him.

This is the last chance for Bugdy and Yumina.

Once Mu Yixue really started attacking them, they definitely didn't have the slightest ability to resist.

The two rushed over at the same time, Yumina piloted the galactic mech, and the Bug Emperor also used his most terrifying weapon.

The strongest forces on both sides have the means to destroy a planet.

But Mu Yixue turned her head, her eyes glanced gently, her mouth moved slightly, and she said weakly: "Go away..."

The terrifying power instantly affected the entire Blue Star star system, and Yumina and the Bug Emperor flew out of him upside down, and they felt that space was shaking.

But here is the universe, how can the universe shake?

Has the power of the Genesis Stone reached this point?

Mu Yixue was still transmitting power into Mu Yue's body, but the power couldn't enter at all.

Endless Energy and Mu Yue are a community of life, and Mu Yixue has already guessed this matter, so she wants to replace Endless Energy and become a community of life with Mu Yue.

In the future, it will be up to her to maintain Mu Yue's life.

However, this thing is simply not possible.

If it can be done, then as long as the dying person is sent to Mu Yixue's side, won't it all be resurrected?

Endless energy is a dead thing, not a living thing, so it can sustain the life of its master, which has affected the rules of the universe.

But Mu Yixue is life, the power of the genesis stone, to maintain Mu Yixue's life, it is impossible to give the same power to a second person.

There is only one life it can save, and this person is now Mu Yixue.

A person with the power of the Genesis Stone is almost immortal, unless she takes the initiative to separate this power from her body.

Therefore, some advanced civilizations in the universe will first grab the creation stone, and then extract the power by some means.

Just like the human experiments that Li Mo conducted in order to research the perfect elven weapon.

But if you want to defeat the Genesis Stone in its heyday, it is not easy to talk about it, and there may not be several such people in the entire universe.

Therefore, in order to get the Genesis Stone, even the top advanced civilizations have to pay a huge price.

The Genesis Stone can only sustain a person's life.

If the Genesis Stone is life, then it will sustain its own life.

If the Genesis Stone is a weapon, then it will sustain the life of the Lord of the Weapon.

Therefore, Mu Yixue could not save Mu Yue no matter what.

Mu Yixue put her hand on her chest without hesitation, wanting to end her life.

In this way, the elder brother is still the owner of the Genesis Stone.

But Mu Yue grabbed her hand with his last strength and said,

"Yixue, live..." Looking at Mu Yue's appearance, Mu Yixue collapsed and said: "Don't!" No! Brother! Don't die! Don't leave me..." "

No, you can't die! Help me! Can anyone help me! Who will save my brother

, help, help..." Let Mu Yixue say help, this is probably something that no one has ever thought of.

But Mu Yue's hand hung down, having lost the last trace of breath.

After the death of the heart, Mu Yue's brain also completely darkened.

Soon, his memories will disappear and his soul will dissipate in the universe.

In Blue Star, the soul dissipates within seconds of physical death, but in the cosmic environment, the soul survives longer, up to seven days.

After feeling that Mu Yue had completely lost his breath of life, Mu Yixue held his corpse with a dead face.

Not far away, Yumina and Insect Emperor silently watched this scene.

The two who have been fighting in the galaxy for many years are standing side by side this time.

Neither of them made a move, and Mu Yixue's strength had proven one thing just now.

Mu Yixue, who possessed the power of the Genesis Stone, was not a dimensional strength with them.

After all, they have nothing to do with this thing.

After the Huaxia fleet came here, it also surrounded Mu Yixue.

In the fleet, Morin and Optimus both looked at this scene with heavy faces.

Wang Chenning helplessly went up and said in disbelief: "How can this be, he is the top scientist, how can he die, even if it is a genesis stone, how can he compare to Mu Yue..." "

Old Mu, tell me this is not true, you are such a genius, you must have left the back hand, right?"

"A thousand years ago, a thousand years later, the entire Blue Star encircled us twice, we can all survive, this time, you can also survive..."

This time, are you really dead? In

space, Mu Yixue held Mu Yue's corpse, her eyes were lightless.

It was difficult for her to accept that fact.

My brother died....

What else does it mean that she is alive....

She stayed here and spent seven full days.

For seven days, she was motionless.


Mu Yixue lowered her head slightly, and saw a slight change in Mu Yue's body.

His body... Actually decomposing?

Just like after the Zerg was wiped out of the core, it turned into dust, and disappeared little by little.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yixue didn't even have the ability to hold Mu Yue.

The latter's body turned into a firefly-like bits of starlight, first rubbed affectionately on Mu Yixue's body, and then completely disappeared in Mu Yixue's lightless eyes.

Mu Yue died, and for seven days, he left nothing, even the corpse strangely turned into starlight and disappeared into the universe.

Just like the words he once said the moment he created endless energy.

He became light.

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