Bai Chenfan was also an official student of the academy's holy land, and since he insisted on joining the martial arts association, Chen Jingyan was also very welcome.

Regular exercise can't break through human limits, so Bai Chenfan wants to try ancient martial arts.

But even if martial arts are cultivated to the extreme, only skills are improved, and the training of the body is actually not as good as the military's training methods.

Metal elements, or from the military of the Xia Kingdom.

To be honest, Mu Yue was a little moved.

This guy, if he teaches him the fusion method of some special metals, maybe he can create a set of exoskeleton armor for himself.

Moreover, many weapons are made of metal, and his existence can become a mobile cold weapon repository.

However, he is not familiar with Bai Chenfan, and if he has the opportunity in the future, he can try to make him his assistant.

Thinking like this, Bai Chenfan came over and wondered, "What do you think of me?"

From just the beginning, Mu Yue's eyes had been on his body.

"Nothing." Mu Yue sipped the melon seeds, his face expressionless.

Bai Chenfan looked at him, and then set his gaze on Mu Yixue next to him.

The escort of Xichuan City, of course, he is thunderous.

Although he is not from Xichuan City, he also spent some time in the garrison military district of Xichuan City, and his captain and teammates were also sacrificed there.

He died in order to protect Xichuan No. 1 Middle School, where Mu Yue was located.

Mu Yixue silently put another handful of melon seeds in front of her brother.

Mu Yue naturally stuffed the melon seeds that his sister had peeled into his mouth.

"Brother, I joined a squad of enchantments."

Mu Yixue took out her mobile phone, opened a group chat interface, and placed it in front of Mu Yue.

Group chat name: Brother is the best.

Mu Yue:?

Mu Yue raised his head and glanced at his sister with some surprise.

Finding that the name of the group chat had not changed, Mu Yixue's face instantly turned red.

How so? After she changed it, didn't anyone change it back?

"This... This one is... It was Xu Qin's changed name, and she liked her brother.

Looking at his sister's helpless look, Mu Yue smiled slightly, "This way." "

His sister has no talent for lying at all.

Mu Yue looked at the squad members.

Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, Gao Xiaosheng.

Such a lineup can be called the strongest team for freshmen.

However, for Mu Yue, it is enough for Mu Yixue to have Mu Yixue in the strongest lineup.


Mu Yue returned the phone to his sister.

"Yixue, get along well with your classmates."

"I see, brother."

She listened to her brother very much.


A group of people rushed in.

A petite figure was pushed to the ground and let out a cry of pain.

Chen Jingyan's face was shocked, and he quickly ran over to help Nan Nan up, worried: "Is it okay?" "

Didn't... It's okay.

Nan Nan seemed to be used to the pain, and she was helped up, looking at the group of people in front of her with some inexplicability.

"Who are you?" Chen Jingyan frowned and asked.

"Hehe, this is the club formed by the accompanying class?"

The leading boy is tall, he holds his chest with both hands, his height is one meter nine, standing in front of Chen Jingyan, with a strong sense of oppression.

"I am Du Mingxuan, a member of the fighting club, and I heard that a martial arts association has been opened here, so I came to ask for advice."

"But it seems that you are afraid that you are not even short of manpower, hahaha."

The Fighting Club, one of the established societies in the Academy's Holy Land, is very popular, and many of the fighting skills of magical angels are trained in this club.

And the martial arts association, which overlaps with the nature of the martial arts club, is a normal thing to be found to kick the gym.

"I am Chen Jingyan, the president of the martial arts association, and something came at me and did something to a girl, you also deserve to call yourself a man?"


Du Mingxuan showed an extremely unhappy look, he looked at Chen Jingyan condescendingly, and said with a smile: "President? It seems that your martial arts association is really nobody, everything has to be the president to come forward, the only few members, how do they look white and tender, and there is a thin little girl.

His gaze swept over Bai Chenfan and Nan Nan, not noticing Mu Yue and Mu Yixue who were snorting melon seeds in the corner.

The brothers and sisters watched them argue with relish, only thinking that it was even more exciting than the TV series.

I didn't expect the martial arts association to have such an interesting thing, and this bag of melon seeds was considered to be the right purchase.

Soon, the situation became more serious.

Chen Jingyan took the lead and put Du Mingxuan down in three or two strokes.

Several of Du Mingxuan's henchmen were also knocked down by Chen Jingyan with one punch.

Mu Yue was amazed in the corner.

Chen Jingyan, this guy, beats people more cleanly than low-level pollutants.

Bai Chenfan's eyes lit up looking at this scene.

Chen Jingyan clapped his hands and said disdainfully: "A hundred half-hanging magic envoys like you are not my opponents."

Du Mingxuan stood up and said angrily: "Miscellaneous, you are looking for death!" Flames

began to appear from his fists, using the power of magic.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yue sighed: "Yi Xue, if he uses magic, you should stop it." During

this time, although Chen Jingyan was very noisy, Mu Yue saw a trace of Wang Chenning's shadow in him.

"Well, I see, brother, I'll peel melon seeds for you when I get back."

Mu Yixue smiled, then left the table and turned to walk in the direction of Chen Jingyan.

The moment she turned her back to Mu Yue, all the expressions on her face disappeared, and cold air currents surged from all around, extinguishing the flames on Du Mingxuan's body in an instant.

The latter trembled all over, and looked at Mu Yixue with a frightened face, and his teeth were trembling.

"Mu... Mu Yixue? Why are you here? "

High cold goddess Mu Yixue.

Because of its super high appearance, it was very popular at first.

But as the people who approached turned into ice sculptures, Mu Yixue also became a figure that was difficult to approach and was labeled "terrible".

Chen Jingyan touched his bald head, cold sweat flowed on his forehead, and said, "Sister Yixue, this guy can't beat me with magic, you don't have to shoot..."

His tone became weaker and weaker.

Because of Mu Yixue's appearance, she didn't listen to him at all.

Suddenly, a girl broke in.

"I am Xu Qin, a member of the Wind Discipline Committee, and I received a report that someone gathered here to make trouble."

Seeing this, Du Mingxuan seemed to see a savior, and his tall body hid behind a girl of about one meter six and curled up, and said in horror: "Member Feng Ji, save me." "

Mu Yixue?"

Xu Qin looked at her and also found several members of the martial arts club who fell to the ground all around.

She understood at once what was happening.

"I probably understand the situation, Mu Yixue, and the next thing will be handled by our Wind Discipline Committee."

Xu Qin turned his head to look at Du Mingxuan and said solemnly: "The academy stipulates that private troublemaking is prohibited between associations."

"After you go back, ask your president to come and apologize."

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