Gao Chengming and the leopard quickly rushed into the tunnel and came to Mu Yue and Mu Yixue.

"Are you all right?"

Gao Chengming carefully looked at the two from top to bottom and said worriedly.

"It's okay."

Mu Yue waved his hand, not caring at all.

Looking at his indifferent look, the corner of Gao Chengming's mouth twitched, and he punched him on the head, and said angrily: "You are an ordinary person, what are you doing running back to the tunnel?" If Yi Xue can't beat this pollutant, then am I going to lose two children at once?

Mu Yue covered his head and was almost knocked unconscious by him.

However, hearing the second half of Gao Chengming's words, Mu Yue glanced at him silently and said lightly: "I know, not next time."

"And you!"

Gao Chengming glared at Mu Yixue, and also instructed: "Don't take such risks in the future, there will be many accidents in actual combat, a slight mistake, then I am collecting your corpses now." "

He came from a military background, so he naturally knows the cruelty of the battlefield.

Mu Yixue nodded, looking sad or unhappy, and she didn't know whether she listened to it or not.

Several people left the tunnel.

Wang Chenning was lying in the ambulance and was being taken to the hospital.

He was not seriously injured, but his spirit was greatly damaged and he was unconscious at this time.

Xia Xin was conscious, but just now, her best friend died in front of her eyes.

Killed by contaminated bodies.

And she has always wanted to be a magician, and like other hot-blooded young men and women, she has great ambitions and ambitions to protect everyone.

But...... Does magic make you have to fight something so terrible every day?

Her faith has always begun to shake today.

After returning home, Mu Yixue went into the bathroom to take a bath.

And Mu Yue and Gao Chengming sat on the sofa.

The latter picked up the newspaper and said as he read it: "Don't you want to know how the top of the tunnel was blown off?" Hearing

this, Mu Yue said nonchalantly: "It is probably some powerful magic envoy."

He still remembered the news Wang Chenning was watching next to him when he was in class.

With this level of magic, the only person who can come to Xichuan City in a short time is the girl in the news.

"Then aren't you curious about who she is?" Gao Chengming said solemnly.

Mu Yue looked at his serious expression, thought for a while, and then muttered:

"Do the twelve god generals..." "Do you know the twelve god generals?"

Gao Chengming was a little surprised.

"Hmm." Mu Yue nodded and acknowledged.

The twelve god generals, although not confidential, have never been made public on the Internet, and ordinary people will not know this title.

How did Mu Yue know?

Gao Chengming did not think about this matter, after all, this is indeed not a secret, some people with status will know, probably Mu Yue also learned from some friend.

"Except for some rare elements, generally speaking, those who can materialize elements have the qualifications to become magicians."

Gao Chengming smiled bitterly and said, "And this point has already blocked nine out of nine people, and the probability of having this magical qualification is one percent."

"But magic envoys are also strong and weak, the weakest, I can deal with one or two, if the other party has no actual combat experience, I can even fight back."

"And the strongest..."

Gao Chengming's gaze became sad, as if he had some bad memories in mind, and he continued: "They can easily single out an army, influence a battlefield, destroy a city, and even pose a threat to the country.

"They're called strategic-grade magicians."

After speaking, Gao Chengming found that Mu Yue did not seem surprised at all, and wondered: "Why are you so calm?"

"Oh, I was thinking about what to eat at night."

Without waiting for Gao Chengming to get angry, Mu Yue had already turned his head, looked through the balcony, looked at the scene outside, and said: "The headquarters of the League of Nations, the twelve guardians of the Tower of Heaven, known as the twelve god generals, are the highest combat power of the League of Nations.

Mu Yue smiled and said, "With twelve strategic-level existences, the Tower of Heaven can stand tall." Hearing

this, Gao Chengming frowned, "How the hell do you know these things?" Obviously

they have lived together for ten years, but today he found out that he did not know his son at all.

Although Mu Yixue's magic qualification was ridiculously high, he could also accept it.

But Mu Yue can now be described as mysterious.

Looking at his expression, Mu Gao said proudly: "Actually, I am a traverser, from another world, and I have science and technology that is ahead of this world for a thousand years, and with my ability, it is normal to know some insiders." Hearing

this, Gao Chengming's face was shocked.

Mu Yue was very useful to his adoptive father's expression.

Shock, shock, after all, I am a genius scientist.

The next moment.

Gao Chengming punched Mu Yue's head.

The latter covered his head, lay on the sofa in pain, and cried: "Why are you hitting me!"

Mu Yue felt like his head was about to explode.

Gao Chengming looked at him, sighed twice, and said with a smile: "People from another world? Future people? Speaking so powerfully, how did it fall with one punch? That's it. Gao

Chengming rarely saw Mu Yue deflated, and his heart blossomed with joy.

Xiao Xiao, if you don't want to say it, you don't want to say it, as for making up this kind of lie.

Alas, the child is older and has secrets.

Mu Yixue wore a relatively conservative bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom expressionlessly.

She silently glanced at Mu Yue and asked, "Brother, do you need Yi Xue to help you beat him?" Hearing

this, Gao Chengming's face froze.

This little padded jacket can't be described as air leakage.

This is simply blowing a fan in minus 20 degrees Celsius.

"O rebel, I gave you food, I gave you clothes, and sent you to school, and you ended up doing this to me!"

Gao Chengming showed a grief-stricken look.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue looked at him silently, and there was no fluctuation in their hearts.

Just pretend you.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue each returned to their rooms, leaving Gao Chengming sitting on the sofa alone.

His expression returned to normal and he fell into deep sorrow.

He originally chose to adopt Mu Yue and Mu Yixue, which was suggested by the military.

He was the commander of the army that rushed into that human experiment ten years ago.

So he knew that Mu Yue and Mu Yixue were survivors of the original human experiment.

I also know that Mu Yixue has no feelings and it is difficult to recover.

At the beginning, the military searched for a large amount of data at the experimental base, but all the key information was blown up, and the data of a hundred experimental subjects was also destroyed.

Later, although the military of Xia Guo found the identities of most of the children, the identities of Mu Yue and Mu Yixue are still unknown.

As one of the most genius "double stars" in the world today, Mu Yixue's personal information did not reveal the slightest, and the real reason was not because she was underage.

The force in his body is too strong, fortunately, it is very stable and there is no big threat, but the Xia Kingdom official still lists Mu Yixue's information as a military secret.

In the military of the Xia Kingdom, the strategic-level magic envoy known as "Pandora's Box", the untouchable taboo, refers to Mu Yixue.

And this news is known only to Gao Chengming, as well as a certain high-ranking member of the military.

Mu Yixue is just a genius, but the power in her body has completely reached the standard of strategic level.

However, no one knows how this power can be used, I am afraid that only Li Mo, the mad scientist who created this power, can use it.

Gao Chengming sighed.

It seems that they are discharged, but in fact, they are on duty every day, taking care of the adopted children like nannies, which can be described as the worst veterans in the military.

Thinking of this, Gao Chengming said sadly: "It's all a rebel!" "

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