During this period, several Heavenly Wolf were attracted over, but they were killed by the Winning Array two hundred meters away, and everyone in the accompanying class did not see it.

Soon, the four members of the 0111 squad returned.

Throughout the afternoon today, they kept fighting with first-level heavenly wolves, except for Mu Yixue, the remaining three were dirty.

Mu Yixue didn't make a move, which Xu Qin specifically requested.

Judging from Mu Yixue's strength as a tyrant last time, the first-level pollutant body here was like a group of ants to her.

"Oh, sure enough, you guys came back first."

The Winning Formation seems to have been expected.

The progress speed of Xu Qin and these three people can be said to be extremely fast.

These three people can single out first-level pollutants before coming to the academy holy land, of course, they may not be able to defeat them.

After military training and a month and a half of study, they almost pressed the first-level pollutant to fight, and even the three of them joined hands to win the second-level polluter.

It is estimated that it will not be long before they can single out secondary pollutants.

When they reach the second year, they can also become the top five seats in the academy holy land like Chi Jingxin and Long Qingxi, and have the strength to fight against third-level pollutants.

As for the first seat of the future academy mecca...


It should be said that the first seat now is already Mu Yixue, but she is very low-key, and the winning array does not want to expose Mu Yixue's strength to the academy too early.

At least until Mu Yixue was able to protect herself, the Winning Array would not let her reveal her strength.

Lin Rui walked over and said happily: "Classmate Yixue, meet again."

Mu Yixue looked indifferent.

Luo Cheng looked at Lin Rui and said proudly: "Where is the little girl from the Heavenly Wolf Forest, do the wind discipline committee members eat white rice?" Hearing

this, Xu Qin and Lin Rui turned black at the same time.

Good fellow, you offended two people with this sentence.

Lin Rui hurriedly said, "I'm a teacher from the academy holy land."

"Oh, yes."

Luo Cheng walked directly past her.

Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Empire would not believe a little girl's nonsense.

Is it a teacher, can't Princess Ben see it?

Lin Rui wiped her nose and was about to cry.

It was a shame for her career to be questioned in such a direct way for the first time.

It's all about height.

"Don't cry, don't cry, oh? There seems to be a barbecue, little sister, go, sister will take you to see.

Xu Qin took Lin Rui's hand and ran over.

Lin Rui said angrily, "I'm a teacher!" I'm a teacher! I'm a teacher!

Mu Yixue stayed at the end, she looked around expressionlessly, and after discovering her brother's figure, she immediately walked over.

"Brother, Yi Xue will help you."

Hearing this, Mu Yue thought of the plates of black stir-fry that Mu Yixue had made at home.

But barbecue is so simple, Yi Xue should be able to do it, right?

Thinking like this, Mu Yue nodded and said, "Good." "

It's getting late.

In the forest, Lin Xinyi, who had lost her teammates, and Xia Xin Baichenfan formed a team.

The three were besieging a first-class celestial wolf.

This is not the first time they have faced a first-class polluter, and they have dealt with it.

Although Bai Chenfan was not highly qualified, he had studied in the academy for so long, and he had also mastered some metal element magic at this time.

He is mainly responsible for containment.

Xia Xin is in charge of the attack.

The most powerful Lin Xinyi harvests people's heads.

Soon, a first-class Heavenly Wolf was wiped out.

"How many?" Lin Xinyi asked.

"We've wiped out four in one afternoon." Xia Xin said with some joy.

Eliminate four polluting bodies in a day, if she had this strength in Xichuan City at that time, maybe many regrets would not have appeared.

"It's not enough, go ahead."

Lin Xinyi gritted her teeth.

"However, it is past the assembly time." Xia Xin hesitated.

"How many more opportunities can we have for such training?"

Lin Xinyi looked at her and asked, "If we can take real polluting bodies as training objects, we have no chance except for military training." "

They are not members of the Wind Discipline Committee, and they usually don't even have the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Wolf Forest.

Hearing this, Xia Xin and Bai Chenfan both lowered their brows.

The three of them, two teammates were all destroyed, and one lost a close friend.

Their desire to improve their strength is stronger than anyone else's.


On the side of the formation, small tables and stools have been set up, and everyone sitting on both sides is already preparing to eat barbecue.

"Strange, Xinyi and those two other school districts haven't come back yet."

Xu Qin was worried: "Teacher Yingjin, they won't be fine, right?" Since

losing her teammates, Xu Qin feels that the gentle and motivated Lin Xinyi is like a changed person.

"It's okay." Victory said casually.

In the deepest part of the Sky Wolf Forest, he could use Sirius' seal to sense the other sub-individuals here Sky Wolf.

Now there is only one first-class heavenly wolf left in the forest.

However, the reason why the Winning Array set a gathering time was because, after this time, the Sky Wolf would become more ferocious.

After all, night is the best time for the Sky Wolf to hunt.

"Don't you have to go out and look for them?" Xu Qin asked.

"No need, Xu Qin-san."

Ying Jing's expression narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "If there are disobedient students, but you have to teach a little lesson..."

Becoming stronger can be the goal, but it must not break the principle, let alone unscrupulously.

If students can break something as simple as listening to the teacher, then it is only a matter of time before other principles are broken in the future.

At night, human vision will deteriorate, but the sky wolf will not, it is not hunted by sight.

Lin Xinyi, Bai Chenfan, and Xia Xin were back to back.

There was a first-class celestial wolf around.

It is more than ten meters long, but in this jungle, you can't see its location at all.

They could hear movement, but by the time they looked over, the Sky Wolf had gone to another location.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared.

Bai Chenfan, who was a soldier, reacted instantly, condensing a metal shield in front of him.

The Heavenly Wolf crashed into the shield and directly knocked Bai Chenfan out.

Xia Xin and Lin Xinyi looked shocked.


On the other side, Huan Jin ate a barbecue and asked, "Xu Qin, why do you want to become a magic envoy?"

Hearing this, Xu Qin said: "My talent has been different from ordinary people since I was a child, isn't it a pity not to become a magic envoy?"

Hearing this, Ying Jin was a little surprised: "Is it because of this? "

Hmm... I have no other reason.

He turned his head to look at the others and asked, "What about you?"

Luo Cheng tilted his head and said proudly: "Do you still need to say that?" In order to become the queen of the empire, strength is essential.

Everyone looked at her in amazement.

O Queen of the Empire.

Then, Gao Xiaosheng whispered,

"I... I was thrown over by my uncle. "

Oh? Uncle? Ying Jin showed a surprised look.

"Yes, I was raised by my uncle, and my parents died."

When he said this, Gao Xiaosheng was smiling.

It seemed to be telling everyone that he was not sad.

He has had high magical qualifications since he was a child.

Ten years ago, a group of men in black appeared and tried to take him away.

To protect him, both his parents died in that fight.

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