In the airship, Mu Yue had already lifted his invisibility state.

He wore a pink pig's head mask, and the school uniform of the accompanying class turned into a black cape, looking very handsome.

This is Mu Yue's modification.

Nonsensical pink pig's head mask, paired with a black flowing metal cape, this weird dress, isn't that Frankenstein.

Mu Yue's bones may have a little element of middle two.

This airship is quite rudimentary and should have been made temporarily.

The nano-signaler he threw at Chen Enzhi last time showed a specific location in Mu Yue's left eye.

In the corridor of the airship, several armed men found Mu Yue.

"What people?"

They raised the rifles in their hands and aimed them at Mu Yue.

"Hands up, or we're going to shoot."

Mu Yue continued to walk forward.

The armed men pulled the trigger.

The muzzle was blazing, and bullets poured out of it.

But when the bullets approached Mu Yue, they were all blocked in front of them by an invisible wall of air, and then fell to the ground with a clang.

"It's magic, a magic messenger broke in!"

After discovering that the bullet was useless, a group of armed men rushed up with sabers.

At the same time, they also sounded the alarm bell, and the security of the entire airship was rushing here, including several magic messengers.

Looking at this group of tall armed men, Mu Yue froze.

How does this fight?

It's okay for him to dodge bullets with his blue eye, but he can't do hand-to-hand combat.

Who scientist can PK with a bunch of muscular guys?

"Little one, turn on the human-machine mode."

[Inform that the enlightened man and machine will take over the body, and when the enlightened man and machine take over the body, it can be interrupted at any time.]

The next moment, Mu Yue's eyes under the mask became ruthless.

In the face of several armed men, Mu Yue's body is extremely flexible, and his moves are deadly, although his body is three times weaker than ordinary people here, but he specializes in attacking weak joints.

No matter how they attacked, they couldn't touch Mu Yue's clothes.

In the exchange, there was even a crisp egg crush, and a sharp cry of an armed man.

With the fall of the last armed man, Mu Yue regained control of his body.

The so-called enlightened man-machine is really outrageous, and no human being can defeat this kind of thing.

Unless it's a particularly powerful magic to make a covering blow, this thing is invincible once you get close.

In the airship control room, Chen Enzhi looked at the pig-headed mask man on the screen and frowned: "Why is this guy here?"

"You know?"

"Well, and he's probably the culprit who sabotaged the tyrant's plans."

Hearing this, Li Chaodemon was interested: "Can destroy your tyrant plan, this guy is not a simple character.

"I'll meet him in person."

Chen Enzhi left here to meet the pig-headed mask man.

Since he came to this airship in an upright manner, it means that his purpose is clear, that is, he wants to touch the owner of this airship.

The flight was not made by him and Li Chaodemon, but by the third high-level scientist in scientific extremism.

That guy is the only scientist among the four high-ranking members of scientific extremism who has not touched human experiments, and the things he studies are relatively normal.

The previous submarine loaded with nuclear weapons, the current airship, all came from her handwriting.

On Mu Yue's side, several magic envoys had already surrounded him.


Mu Yue's left eye released a magic forcibly nullification command.

The next moment, several magicians found themselves unable to use magic.


"Can't use magic? Is there a forbidden realm here?

"No, hasn't the Forbidden Demon Realm been invalidated by unknown signal interference?"

"No matter, on."

Several people rushed up.

The melee abilities of these magic envoys were much weaker than those of the previous armed personnel, and Mu Yue could easily defeat them by relying on the prediction of the blue eyes.

Soon, Chen Enzhi came to Mu Yue and said suspiciously: "You also have the Forbidden Demon Realm?" Could it be that the forbidden demon realm lost in the Academy Holy Land fell into your hands?

Saying that, he asked again: "What is your relationship with Double Star?" Why did she protect you last time.

Mu Yue replied, "I want to know more about what Asura is than this. "

At the moment when Asura appeared, Xiao Yi had clearly given his threat level.

Level 5 threat.

"Shura? That thing is a weapon of war that I made with another scientist, and as for the rest, you don't need to know.

Chen Enzhi came over and asked, "Come here, do you want to go to the control room and sit?" He

was still very polite to Mu Yue.

After all, he saw behind Mu Yue, and there were a bunch of people lying in the horizontal seven.

And after getting close to Mu Yue, his magic could not be used.

A melee invincible guy with a forbidden demon realm, he can't deal with it alone.

However, the other party also has some scientific knowledge, and he wonders if he can be brought in.


Mu Yue followed behind him, wanting to see what kind of fame these people were doing.

Anyway, he didn't notice that there was something threatening to him, so he became bold in his actions.

On the ground.

The two of Asura and Yingjin were already deadlocked.

The darkness and countless elemental chains are bound together, and no one can help the other.

And near the two of them, an invisible realm was generated, and those with weaker strength were afraid that they would be torn apart by the concentrated elemental aura when they got closer.

There are also some chains that are fighting against the black mist ghost in the air, and the two are deadlocked.

Wan Qianming was fighting hard with the huge skeleton in front of him, and he couldn't destroy the other party for a while.

Chi Jingxin on the side asked, "Vice Dean, who is Teacher Yingjin?" Hearing

this, Wan Qianming frowned and said, "The Winning Array is one of the twelve god generals, and if it weren't for the distraction to maintain the seal of Sirius, he would have suppressed this ghost thing a long time ago. Hearing

this, Chi Jingxin was shocked: "Sirius was suppressed by the Victory Formation teacher?

"That's right, you weren't enrolled six years ago, and it's normal not to know these things."

"Our task is to resist these splintered sub-entities before winning the battle against this damn thing."

Long Qingxi was worried, "Can Teacher Yingjin really suppress this thing?"

"Hehe, the girl of the Chi family, don't underestimate the twelve god generals, this is the highest combat power of the League of Nations."

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