Always You

12 Flashback

Ali and her friends decided to meet up this Saturday. Their friend, Trish, just got back from Country A to celebrate Wendy's engagement. She's been the most talkative among their friends and also the one who likes to hang out in the mall and bug them all the time. She never gets tired walking; let's just give it to her. She missed her friends and hung out with them.

Since it will be on Saturday, she agreed to do their shopping in the afternoon since Ali still has classes in the morning. The afternoon class was cancelled because their professor was taken to the hospital last night, so they have the afternoon off.

She doesn't really like to dress up that much but she still looks chic when she goes out. She's wearing white tee and jeans and a brown blazer and a beige cross straps stiletto pumps. A simple outfit for her Saturday class is enough.


Axel was in his house sitting on the sofa in his bedroom, he can't help but remember the past since Ali and him were talking almost every day.

Flashback -

They were still students back then, so youthful and lively. That was the happiest time of his life. The days when they were together were so precious to him. She added colours to his monochrome life.

He ran away from home. He was from Country C and he went as far as the Country F to hide from his parents. Though his brother is secretly supporting him, he still needs work to support his lifestyle. He wants to prove something to his parents, that even though he is alone he can still live comfortably and doesn't really need the luxury they told him that he will get. And of course, the biggest reason was so that they won't insist on marrying him to their business partners' daughter. It's not like their company is going bankrupt, they just want to secure the future of the company and the merger was the best idea they can think of.

His parents set up an engagement for him at the age of 15. He's really upset about that and he doesn't even like the girl. So, after he confronts his parents about that, they get into a big fight. He was grounded and couldn't leave the house. They were not talking for months until he couldn't take it anymore.

They thought he was just in his rebellious phase. They didn't think he is so determined to decline the life he's been used to. So when he came around to compromise, they were not surprised. But they didn't expect what would happen next. He decided to accept the engagement. He went to the party, entertained his parents and his fiancé while thinking how to get away from the limelight. And when the opportunity arrived, at the night of the party he slipped away.

His brother knew he was going to run away but he didn't stop him. He thought that it is better that at least someone from their family knows where he really went. So when the time comes that there is an emergency, someone knows how to contact him. And besides, he is still too young to live on his own. He has a friend who used to live where he is going. So, at least someone can help Axel settle down in a foreign country.

Axel went to the Country F; his parents wouldn't even imagine that he would go overseas. At the young age of 15, he decided to live alone. With his brother's help, all his school credentials were sent from Country C. He applied to a university and since the school year has yet to end, he started to look for a job. The condo unit his brother bought for him was near the school grounds and he works in a shopping mall nearby.

When school started, he quit his job and looked for a part-time job instead. He was always serious when it came to his study that's why he has good grades. He was an achiever. Though he was busy, he divides his time to do the things he has to do and things he wants to do. He always makes sure to do his best whenever he does something. He never slacked off because he knew the worth of his time.

Both he and his brother grew up in a strict family. They always expect them to be the best. It never really occurred to him that one day he will throw away all that he has and start in another country with nothing. Well, it belongs to his parents, not him technically. Of course, he had the courage to back him up but for a young boy to decide like this will have a big impact with his future. He was barely a young man and to live on his own takes more than courage.

His life was just like that, it was quite monotonous. Until one day, while he was walking on the street going to the campus, he bumped into someone. She was running and looked like in a hurry and she didn't see him. He didn't notice her either because he was too preoccupied with something.

"Oh, I'm really sorry." she quickly apologized and bowed her head.

All her things were jumbled up. She quickly got her things after that and ran towards the campus.

She didn't notice that she dropped her I.D.

Axel saw the ID after a while and tried to call out to her but he doesn't know her name.

"... Never mind" while slowly putting back his raised hand.

"There is a contact number in her I.D, i'll just give it to her later." he thought.

He was awoken from his reverie.

"She's really a blockhead sometimes." he said and smiled softly.

The first time they met was on the street bumping to each other and now they bumped into each other again.

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