Alyssum: Journey Of A Queen

67 Winning the battle!

The lights of the room turned dimmed and the projector which was placed at the side of the podium light up.

Among the murmurs and the curse words that were being thrown at Alyssa across the room, a video played out.

"Who do you think she is that you have to knock on her door."

Lady Norrell was stunned to hear a familiar voice. Her head snapped towards the screen at lightning speed and when she saw the video played on the screen, her face paled. She looked towards Alyssa viscously.

'How could this wench record something like this. She thinks that she can turn the situation just by playing it." She laughed in her heart. "This video will bury her even deeper. I can still turn this video in my favor.' She thought.

The video ended up after Lady Salvia said, "You better memorize the line and say everything exactly as it is written."

"What is this video about? Can Lady Norrell explain it to the public?" One of the reporters sitting in the rows stood up and asked.

Salvia smirked at Alyssa and took the mic to reply. But before she can say anything, another video was played out.

It was from a shopping mall in Royal City where Violet frequents. The video was actually a CCTV footage so the date and time were clearly mentioned below it.

It showed Violet shopping in that mall. There were four to five videos back to back which showed Violet roaming around the Royal City and partying with her friends.

It was then everybody's expression changed. They were stunned. Even the netizens were in shock.

Everybody among the audience zeroed their vision on Violet's face. Even the camera zoomed on her face. It clearly captured the change of expression on her face.

"W..what was that?" One of them wrote.

"She was partying with her friends? Didn't she said, she was captured by the Bright's men and was in their dungeon?" another netizen wrote it.

"Hey, you fart heads, can't you see she was faking it and lying about it?" a supporter of Alyssa said.

"But this doesn't prove anything. This video can be tampered. For us to believe, we need some solid proof." Another netizen stated.

While the citizens were arguing in the forum, the audience in the hall were murmuring regarding the situation too.

"What is this. Pull this screen down." Salvia roared at her men.

"If anyone dared to touch the screen, all your dirty deeds and everything that you have stored in your laptop, mobile, camera etc, will be publicly displayed," Alyssa said with a thunder in her voice.

That made the men stop in their tracks.

"How dare you? Go and pulldown that screen." She scolded them once again. But even after that, nobody moved.

"If you all will not do it, I will do it myself." With this Lady Salvia stood from her seat.

"Aren't you afraid to expose your secrets too, mother?" Alyssa said slyly.

"What are you up to?" She questioned her.

"I am JUST trying to prove my innocence. If you don't want the secrets to be revealed, accept your mistake and retreat. But if you will not back down now and will again try to come in my way, there will be MORE secrets revealed." Alyssa whispered in her ears.

Salvia got the hint and went to sit quietly on her seat. She was not the one to back down and will never retreat, plus she wanted to know Alyssa's card. But she didn't want to further challenge Alyssa because the rest of the secrets, if spilled will destroy her life. She can not take that kind of risk.

The videos of both Leonard and Violet's day to day life started playing.

There was even a report of one of Violet's lackey, threatening the doctor to make a fake medical certificate for Violet.

As more and more evidences came forward more the ball rolled towards Alyssa's side.

This time, the king's favorite son, Leonard was dragged into it.

He stood up and said, "How could you use me like that? I thought you were genuine and gentle, but you disappointed me."

"Leo.," Violet whispered. Pearl-like tears started dropping from her eyes.

But it didn't gather any sympathy for her this time. Leonard's words were enough to prove that what Violet had said was false.

His words broke the stagnant, shocking atmosphere that Alyssa's proof had made and murmurs rose once again.

"How can you prove that it is Violet's falt with this footage. It can tamper too. How could you explain the bruise marks that she got on her face?" the reporter that was bribed said, glaring at Alyssa.

Everybody present in the room as well as the netizens looked at her in distaste. Her colleagues that had come with her instantly distanced themselves from her.

"I will answer this too," Alyssa said. "Do it!" she ordered no one in particular. Suddenly a large amount of water poured over Violet. Since she was sitting beside violet, she got drenched too. everybody was shocked once again. Thinking that it is just a water, Violet, wiped her face, Alyssa did it too. Everybody gasped after seeing them. Without makeup, Violets face was clean with no paleness as well as there was no bruise on her face. In comparison, Alyssa's face looked disastrous.

The reporter's phone pinged again but this time she opened it to check her message. It was a bank statement saying that there was zero balance in her account.

"H...How did this happen? Who could do this to me?"

"I did," Alyssa said proudly.

"How could you? How can you be this vicious. Return my money back." The reporter screamed like a banshee.

"This was my fee for answering and proving your baseless accusations," Alyssa said with a smirk.

'So vicious.' Everybody was amazed by her. Everybody started gazing her differently.

The rest of the reporters too hurriedly took out their phones to check their message. They released a collective sigh of relief when they found none.

"Alyssa, what are you trying to prove here?" Lady Salvia roared at her.

Alyssa turned towards her. The spotlight that was on her made her face seem bright in the dim room. There was an exceptional aura radiating from him that made her look much more regal than the queens. She was a born leader. Her face, her posture, her actions, and her mind, everything justifies this claim.

Alyssa looked at her with resoluteness. Her backbone was straight. "I reminded you all again and again to leave me alone, but you never seemed to understand my goodwill. Even a rabbit attacks when people drove it to the edge, how can I not do anything to retaliate. Maybe I would have left you all if this was only about taking credits, but you went ahead and tried to destroy my reputation. You have trampled on my dignity more than once. But that is. I will not let it be trampled again."

She then turned towards the audience and her eyes became colder. She looked at the camera and said, "I don't want anybody on my side. Those who are loyal to me will remain on my side whatever the world tells them. I did what I had to do for my county. No one asked me to do this. And in return, I don't expect you all to do anything for me."

"Any more questions?" She looked at the press reporters sitting below the podium one by one. Nobody dared to raise their head and look into her eyes.

"Good. Now the conference ends here. You all are requested to attend the banquet before leaving." She said with confidence in her voice.

Actually it was to be announced by the King, but he was so shocked and was in trance looking at Alyssa that he forgot what he was about to say.

With his mouth opened, while sitting in his high seat, he kept staring at Alyssa.

Alyssa could feel the hateful and vicious gazes thrown towards her by her mother, Leonard, and of course Violet. But she ignored them and got up from her seat.

Following her, the rest of the audience including the reporters, got from their seats too. Quietly they started heading towards the banquet hall. Alyssa gave one look to her family members and left the area followed by Alexander.


Alyssa went towards her vanity room to change her wet dress. There were still a few hours since the official beginning of the banquet.

Alexander followed her inside her room but remain quite.

Alyssa too, ignored him

"You must be disappointed in me once again, right?" Alexander spoke.

"No. Not exactly. It's funny that a child is willing to do anything just to get it's parent's recognition. I know how you feel. I was in your shoes once too. But later, I found that I don't have to prove anything to anyone. All I have to do is respect myself and stand in my decision. I wish you to do the same too.

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