Alyssum: Journey Of A Queen

74 A couple buried together!

"You people are the same. Don't think that I would understand your pretty little schemes." The man said angrily.

"What do you mean by people like me?" Alyssa screamed at his face. She was feeling offended by his actions. She continued, "For your kind information, it was me who saved you from those policemen, and again it was me who was taking you to the hospital." She tried to be logical.

"And why would you do that? Oh, yes, you would do that to show everyone how great you are." He said sarcastically. He glared at her and continued, "Congratulation, you have achieved your goal. You got the praises; another million followers and you became a deity in their eyes. And congratulations again. Just like everyone else out there, you used people like ME." The man screamed at her in the end.

He had taken a few steps away from her when Alyssa called out, "Do you think this is the first time that I have helped you?"

His steps halted and he looked at Alyssa in confusion. "What do you mean?" he said confused.

But before answering him directly, Alyssa threw another question at him, "Do you think I wanted to help you just because I pitied you or they were mistreating you?" She continued, "Do you think I will pity you just because of these wounds on your face? Do you really think I am that great that I will save everyone in this kingdom just to add more enemies on my list? Huh? Do you think I am so useless or I have plenty of time to waste it on you?"

Her each and every question stunned him.

It was then he realized that there was more than it meets the eyes. he realized that what he had thought was wrong. Maybe the person before him is not that evil that he had made her to be.

Still, he kept his guards up and asked her, "Why did you help me?"

Alyssa remained silent for a while. She was struggling to choose the right word to say to him. she didn't want to scare or make him angry once again. At last, she said, "Because I have recognized you."

This was not the answer the man had wanted. For him, this was not even an answer. A statement is an answer when it satisfies the curiosity of a person, but Alyssa's statement did the opposite of what he had thought.

"What do you mean?" He asked with all seriousness.

Alyssa sighed and said, "Let us go to some other place to continue our conversation."

The men nodded and followed after her.

Alyssa took him to a cemetery. This cemetery was located on a posh land where only rich people can afford to buy a piece of land for the burial.

The man was walking behind Alyssa, taking everything. He wanted to ask something that was heavy on his mind but one look at the Alyssa's somber and serious face kept his lips sealed.

Alyssa reached to a spot. In front of her was a headstone in normal square shape. At the corner of the headstone, there were alyssum flowers carved along with its leaves and tendrils. 'Foundation of Revolution' was carved in 'Old English' script in the middle of it.

The man looked at Alyssa for an explanation.

Alyssa bend down in front of the grave and swept the dried flowers and leaves that were present on it. She then placed the fresh flowers in front of the headstone. By looking at the maintained grave, it was clear that Alyssa used to frequently visit this place. After coming here, she realized that she has become sidetracked from her goal. Her goal that she had envisioned that day was the replacement of the king and all the corrupt officials fro the court. She felt guilty of being sidetracked. Because of these evil people, a happy family is destroyed and she was a witness to it.

Her eyes brimmed with tears. She closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling down. 'I am sorry for I was not able to fulfill my promise till now. But I promise you I will get the revenge on your behalf.' Looking at the headstone, she said it in her heart.

"I had taken you to a hospital one more time." She whispered in a voice that was enough for the man to hear.

"Taken him to hospital? But when?" the man was confused. He tried to remember the last time he had visited the hospital but couldn't recall it clearly. He was a naughty person since he was a kid. He used to get into fights all the time. Then he grew up as a headstrong person. He could defy his seniors, get fired, fight with them, get heavily beaten by the security guards but not once he had visited the hospital in his lifetime. Visiting hospitals was beneath him. first, he never had the money to afford any kind of treatment and second, he was an alpha born from poor omega couples. Because of this, he never got the privilege an alpha gets in Coral Bells. So, his body was quite strong and it would heal itself in no time.

Suddenly his eyes widened at the mention of the hospital. He was once admitted into one by some man. He never got to know his face. All he knew was from the people present at the market at that time. He was critically injured at that time and had to go through several surgeries.

Not only the man helped him when nobody was there for him and admitted him to a hospital, but he also deposited a large sum for the medical expenses.

"W…Was that you?" The man questioned in shock. He was truly grateful for the person that had saved his life that day. He even tried to look for that person but found no traces of him. Now when that person was in front of him, he didn't know how to express himself.

Alyssa nodded and said, "I was in the market at that time when I saw you getting beaten. You had lost your consciousness because of your severe injuries and mental trauma. So, I had to send you to the hospital. After that, I took your parent's corpses and visited your house. There I saw your heavily pregnant wife. She was wearing the same pendant that you are holding now. I didn't have the guts to tell her about this misfortune. I was worried about your baby and your wife's health. So, I took them and buried them here. I tried to find you later, but I was told that you sold your house and had moved to some other place."

Alyssa then looked into his eyes and said, "I am truly sorry if I had overstepped. And I am so sorry for your loss."

Yes, Alyssa had overstepped a little. But taking in the circumstances, she did what she thought was right. If it was some other person, the man in the tattered clothes would surely bash the person's head with a rock nearby. But it was Alyssa, his savior. She was the person that did everything for him without expecting anything in return. She did it because she wanted it to, nor because she was forced. The man was grateful that his parents got a place to rest instead of thrown into the wilderness. He knew he was so poor that he would never save money to bury them or even cremate them.

Thinking about these things and thinking about how tragic their death was, the man started crying. He knelt to the ground and said between his sobs, "I am so sorry for being such an incompetent son to both of you. I am an incompetent husband and a father. I am so sorry that you have to die like this because of me. I am so useless that I couldn't even afford a plot for you and somebody else has to bury you. I wish for you to get a good son in your next birth, for I, your son, is a sinner of the death of a happy family because of his incapability."

Alyssa was standing there the whole time. She wanted to console him but she let him cry because sometimes you need a good cry even if you don't know the reason why you are crying.

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