Am I God

Vol 2 Chapter 830: impersonate

Ares looked at the overwhelmed fish balls, and was secretly proud of himself.

"Calling you a stinky brat is usually like this. Apart from being handsome, you need to be incompetent, and you need to be incompetent. You can't do anything, but you have so many cats."

The more he thought about it, the more angry he said, "Yuwan, let me pinch your face smaller."

Elizabeth said: "What nonsense, you want to deform his face." She stepped forward, looked at Yu Wan's face, looked at Cameron's face, and said, "It's not There is no way to solve it, I will help Yu Wan take care of his hair, and at most add a little illusion."

Saying that, Elizabeth put down her backpack and took out bottles and jars, including beauty hair powder, talcum powder, moisturizing liquid for meat pads, deodorant spray, perfume, Polygonum vulgaris... and so on.

Looking at Elizabeth smearing one by one on the fish ball's face, Ares said speechlessly: "I just said I don't know what Mei Mao powder is..."

Elizabeth's ears trembled, and she turned her head and glared at Ares: "What did you say?"

"Can fish **** work like this?" Ares said quickly, "Can these two make them look a little bit more alike?"

"Hmph." Elizabeth flicked her big fluffy tail, and continued: "Makeup is just one of the things. I will modify the face and hair of the fish balls, and then use illusion to make some fine-tuning. Basically, there is no difference. ."

After a while, Yu Wan and Cameron stood together, but the two cats looked so similar that they could hardly tell the difference.

"Not bad." Zhao Yao nodded and said, "That's it, Yu Wan, you come to pretend to be Cameron."

So shortly after Cameron and the waiter disappeared, Zhao Yao had put on the waiter uniform and walked towards the manor with the fish ball in his arms.

Zhao Yao's body is surrounded by super cats wrapped in the exclusion field. With the help of the optical invisibility and illusion of the exclusion field, ordinary people can't find their village at all.

Yu Wan said nervously: "Zhao Yao Zhao Yao, I can't even speak English, what will I do later?"

Zhao Yao said: "Just talk to the cat, it doesn't matter if you communicate with the heart sound."

Just as the two of them were communicating, they walked into the hall of the manor unknowingly, and Zhao Yao couldn't help but open his eyes wide due to the splendor that came to his face.

The entire hall is full of details. Every table and chair has complex carvings, patterns and high-quality materials. All kinds of rich people walk around, and their gold, platinum, diamonds, and white stones are all dazzling. Zhao Yao's eyes opened.

‘It’s better to rob all the people here and go back to China, don’t look for meteorites. ’

Zhao Yao quickly shook his head and threw out the tempting idea: "No, no, you can't do this, Pharaoh and Yuanyuan are still waiting for me to save my life."

Zhao Yao walked into the hall with Yu Wan in his arms, and said in his mouth, "Yu Wan, find a few super cats to talk to, and inquire about Assas, it is best to know what his super power is."

Just when Zhao Yao was walking around holding the fish **** and wanted to find a super cat to inquire about the news, suddenly a Garfield and a Ragdoll were held by the waiter and stopped in front of Zhao Yao.

Being hugged Garfield laughed: "Hahahaha, come and see, isn't this Cameron? Do you still have the courage to attend Lord Arthas' banquet today?"

Yu Wan's expression was condensed, he raised his head to the sky, looked at Garfield proudly, and didn't say anything. In his heart, he said to Zhao Yao in panic: "Zhao Yao Zhao Yao! What should I do! It seems that I have met this guy's familiar cat."

Zhao Yao said: "It doesn't matter, I guess it's not a good friend, just keep the way you are now."

Garfield saw Yu Wan's domineering and disdainful appearance, and he flicked his tail furiously: "Cameron! You can't afford a cat! Who doesn't know that your governor is about to step down, and then the time comes. With the ability of your three-legged cat, see who can keep you!"

Fishball's nostrils snorted at Garfield, but he still didn't let go, making Garfield scream in anger.

Then he suddenly jumped into the arms of another waiter, licked the puppet cat, looked at Yu Wan provocatively and said, "Hey, Yu Wan, you see clearly, Selena has promised to be my girlfriend, you Are you very angry and angry, but there is nothing you can do?"

Yu Wan said angrily: "Zhao Yao, although I don't know this guy, but he looks too cheap, can I beat him?"

Zhao Yao took a step forward, put the fish ball in front of Garfield and Ragdoll, and said, "Fight."

Looking at Garfield so close, Yu Wan panicked: "Don't get so close, what if he bites me?"

Garfield shouted: "Cameron! What are you doing? I warn you that you dare to do it at Lord Arthas' banquet! Be careful you can't get out today!"

Along with Garfield's frantic waving, the waiter who was holding him quickly took a few steps back.

Ragdoll shook his head helplessly, looked at Yu Wan and said, "Cameron, don't blame me, now you can't give me the life I want, I don't want to be dragged down, just be an ordinary friend in the future. ."

After he finished speaking, he saw the Ragdoll waving his paws, pointed in a direction, and left with Garfield.

Yu Wan said angrily: "Zhao Yao! Why don't you teach them a lesson! I feel like I've been green."

"Sister Lu, don't get too involved in the drama. We are here to catch Assas, and everything else has nothing to do with us." Zhao Yao took the fish **** and walked a few more steps, and saw a group of super cats gathered On a leather cat climbing frame.

Several of the super cats apparently knew Cameron, and they greeted him from afar.

"Cameron! You are still in the mood to attend the banquet!"

"Cameron, Tom is looking for you everywhere, be careful."

Obviously Tom is the arrogant Garfield just now.

Yu Wan asked them: "Do you know where Assas is?"

"Who A black cat shrugged and said, "Although Arthas held this banquet, it doesn't appear every time. "

"After all, he is one of the nine elders of the Star Alliance, and there are too many things to do every day."

"Have you heard the news? I heard that Star Cat also sent apostles to support Shahai this time."

"The super cat of the anti-government armed forces is very strong, and it is normal for the army to ask for help from the star cat."

Seeing that their conversation gradually went off topic, Yu Wan could only interject again: "Speaking of which, do you know what Ares' abilities are?"

In an instant, several super cats quieted down and looked at Yu Wan with a surprised look on their faces.

Yu Wan wondered: "What's wrong? Did I say something that shouldn't be said?"

[m..](Am I a god..9393165)--(Am I a god)

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