Am I God

Vol 2 Chapter 947: Manipulate and track

Zhao Yao returned to the dimensional stomach and saw that Elizabeth, Lucifer, Ares and several other cats who had not yet reached LV10 were obediently using the chaos army to gain experience, Zhao Yao nodded in relief.

"Come on, go up to LV10 early, I'll let you evolve too."

After encouraging the cats, Zhao Yao then hooked his fingers, and Simba, who was lying on the ground in the distance, flew over.

"I ask, you answer." Zhao Yao looked at the other party and said, "Where is the place where you were reborn?"

Simba: "You don't want to know!"

"Is there a consumption for rebirth? Is there a limit to the number of times?"

Simba: "Hahaha, kill me, I won't say anything if you kill me."

"What does the super cat behind you look like? Where is it?"

Simba: "Bah!"

"Do you know consciousness?"

Simba: "Humph!"

"The super cat behind you, what are those super powers?"

Simba looked at Zhao Yao with a look of caring for a fool: "Do you think I might say it?"

Zhao Yao ignored Simba's words and continued to ask, "What weaknesses do you have? How can you stop you from being reborn?"

Following Zhao Yao's questioning, Simba looked disdainful and tough, and made up his mind to carry it to the end, no matter what kind of torture he faced to extract a confession.

He didn't know that every question he heard just now, along with the answers he came up with in his mind, had been read out by the sheriff in Zhao Yao's arms one by one, and then told to Zhao Yao.

"The gate of eternal life? In a hidden Gobi?" Zhao Yao pinched his chin and thought about the information he had just obtained: "They have never seen the super cat behind them. These guys are not even apostles. Not by lending them power, but by exerting some power on them."

"They don't know anything about the intelligence behind the super cat."

"But in terms of weakness... Is the resurrected life of the gate of eternal life actually afraid of this thing?"

Knowing what he almost needed to know, Zhao Yao looked at Simba, pointed out, and the other party instantly turned into ashes, dissipated in the air, and reborn again.

On the other side, in front of the gate of immortality, with the darkness in it, a pale palm grabbed it suddenly, and then the body of the **.

Simba walked out of the gate of immortality step by step, his eyes suddenly radiated a cold blue light, opened his mouth, and felt the abnormality of his body with some surprise.


In a scream, the cold air burst out from his body, freezing the ground within a radius of five meters with a layer of frost.

Simba looked up thoughtfully, and saw that the interior of the entire gate of immortality seemed to be violently tossing, and layers of ice traces wrapped the entire gate.

"The gate of eternal life has been upgraded?" Simba squeezed his palms, feeling that an astonishing cold current could be summoned by him at any time, freezing all enemies into ice slag.

At this moment, he heard another noise coming from behind, Simba turned his head immediately, and saw that several of his comrades in arms were also reborn, each with the same cold light, and bursts of freezing air burst out.

Simba shouted: "Let's go, and then go after that guy!"

A companion hesitated for a moment and said, "Simba, why don't you forget it."

A hint of fear flashed in the eyes of another companion: "Yeah, that guy and that guy's cat are too **, too cruel, too evil, we should not mess with him."

"What are you afraid of?!" Simba said angrily: "We are immortal! He will never try to kill us! It is him who should be afraid, and he will live in our shadow forever!"

With that said, Simba's tone changed and said: "He doesn't know our weaknesses, and it is absolutely impossible to think that all he can do is to wait for us to chase and kill again and again, so...what are you afraid of? "

Just as Simba was boosting his morale, a sharp beast roar came from the gate of immortality.

Then I saw the undead war horses running out of the door, leaving a piece of frost wherever they passed.

At the same time, accompanied by a roar of meow, a cold and majestic voice came out.

"My knights, go catch more people, I need more souls! More consciousness!"

Simba rode on the undead war horse, and the war horse jumped lightly, then stepped into the void and ran towards the sky.

Simba laughed excitedly: "What are you waiting for?"

After a while, they saw Simba and others riding the undead war horses one by one.

On a cliff a few kilometers away, Asai and Shreve looked at the situation of the gate of immortality in the distance, Asai frowned: "The door of immortality has been upgraded, and Ariya's power has recovered a little bit, we have to hurry up. "

Looking at Simba and his group who were flying all the way on the undead war horse, Asai said, "Follow them."

Then he saw blood bursting out of Asai's back, the blood coagulated into red wings, and he took Shreev to chase after him.

Looking at Asai who was catching up with the high-speed flight, the briquettes controlled the space gate to chase, and shouted at Zhao Yao: "Zhao Yao, Zhao Yao, they are too fast! I can't keep up."

Zhao Yao came over: "It's okay, leave the rest to me. You go to the other side and prepare to open the space door."

Seeing the location that Zhao Yao set on the other side, the briquettes' face darkened: "What are you doing!"

"Don't worry, it won't affect the dimensional stomach."

Zhao Yao stepped out of the space door in one step, and under the influence of Yuanyuan's super power, the whole person entered a state of complete invisibility, and then looked at Asai in the sky, and followed directly with a pair of legs.

There was too much movement in flight, so Zhao Yao chose to track directly on the ground.

He didn't even think about rushing up and doing it. After all, the other party is also a cat with consciousness. Zhao Yao plans to collect more information before taking action.

Zhao Yao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he adjusted like a telescope for a while, and he could clearly see the situation of Asai and Shreve at an altitude of thousands of meters.

In the sky hundreds of meters in front of, Simba and the others were still running all the way, completely unaware of Asai flying over their heads behind them.

Then Zhao Yao saw Asai's wings shaking for a while, as if something subtle floated out.

Then the last knight among Simba and others not far away froze slightly, paused for a moment, and then ran again.

Zhao Yao secretly said in his heart: "The ability to manipulate blood? Can you control others from a distance? It's very useful to deal with these undead guys."

As Zhao Yao guessed, the uncontrolled warriors quickly approached other warriors. The warriors who were approached froze slightly, and seemed to be under control immediately. It spread like a plague, and in a blink of an eye, the entire team was wiped out. Take control.


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