Chapter 103

“Don’t pretend to be stupid, do you think I don’t know how careful you are about your psychology?” Looking at the innocent look of Zou Gou, Tufang Shibu Lang stepped forward and grabbed Mu Jian Zou Dao.

“Don’t make trouble, what can I think carefully? I’m upright, isn’t it right to protect regular businesses and residents?”

“Dare you say that it is not to protect you. After the safety zone is established, Xiao Bui doesn’t need someone to protect him, right!” Tufang Shibu Lang said in a low voice.

“Earth…” Sougou Morama’s face is full of kindness: “Do you seem to want to protect me?”

“Tsk!” Tufang Shishiro sipped lightly: “I don’t want to, but after the establishment of the safety zone, I feel a lot easier…

I was just thinking about how that Sougou, who hates bullying and isolation, would think about it and start bullying a little girl. ”

Yoshida Saki: “??”

No way? Does that guy hate bullying and isolation?

“No, there is a reason for isolation. I just want to see what this guy is so stupid that he can be isolated with such a face.”

Yoshida Saki: “??”

Is this complimenting her or scolding her?

Tobe Shiro: “It turned out to be stupid…”

Yoshida Saki suffered numerous crit attacks and was very Buddha at this time.

Tuma Sougo nodded towards the earth, then turned around and asked, “Why do you think you will be killed?”

Saki Yoshida: “Isn’t it all acting like this on TV?”

Turkishiro spit out the smoke ring again: “First of all, our Kondo team is a legal organization that has been filed!”

Saki Yoshida: “Huh??”

Doma Sougo continued: “Besides, no matter how much you hear, can anyone believe it? You fool JK who doesn’t collect evidence at all. Moreover, if you really want to hear you talking outside, the Kondo team will only send you Letter from the lawyer, sue you for defamation.”

Yoshida Saki: “??”

How is this different from what was shown on TV!

and many more……

Doesn’t that mean that she really won’t be silenced?

“This kind of IQ, no wonder it will be isolated!” Sougo Tama continued: “I can’t see any bright points of wisdom at all…”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

She is really sorry for her IQ. Besides, she is not born to want to be isolated. She is also changing. It is the first time that she has put on light makeup.

“Sougo, don’t you just say a few words…” Seeing Yoshida Saki, who had been bowing his head, the earthworker persuaded that.

“Actually, I also want to thank her…” Sougo Tama said, touching his chin.

Yoshida Saki: “…”


How can anyone thank you so much? And, what did she do to be thankful?

Turki Shiro also said: “Why, this fool JK helped you?”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

You all know her name, why use the fool JK as a substitute! !

Tuma Sougo turned his head and said, “Of course, if it weren’t for this guy, I wouldn’t have time to find out that the safe zone is already insecure!”

As if thinking of something, Tufang Shibu Lang frowned and said: “There have been more gangsters in this recent generation, but, Sougo, I can handle this kind of thing.”

“No, I think this is just the first test…” Sougo Tama said, touching his chin.

Tubo Shiro frowned: “Do you have a clue?”

“Yeah!” Sougo Tama nodded, “It’s probably because I beat up all the patrons of the wealthy Chiba chaebol… and took away Xiaobu without permission. The old man seems to be angry this time, haha …”

“Cough…” Seeing the total enlightenment who laughed, Tufang Shibu Lang choked his trachea with a puff of smoke. After a few coughs, he said, “Why haven’t I heard Master Guilong mention this kind of thing?”

Tuma always comprehend tilted his head: “It’s probably because of the ugliness of the family.”

Tufang Shiro got up and grabbed Zou Wu’s collar: “You also know that this is a scandal, Tujian family, it’s not right, Guilong-sama worked so hard to bring the Tujian family…”

“It’s settled, it’s settled…” Tuma always realized that it was not anxious: “They can’t move the Tuma family, but I suspect that some guys saw someone offering me a reward on the black market online, thinking that the Tuma family gave up the Kondo group, so Start small-scale trials…”

“Are you still being offered a reward by the black market network? Does Lord Guilong know about this?”

Doma Sougou touched the back of his head and sneered: “It is said that the old man bid the most in it.”

“How is it possible!” Tufang Shibu Lang let go of Zou Gou’s collar: “How is it possible, Master Guilong…”

“Probably because I announced it in front of him. From now on, Xiao Bui’s marriage is up to me. Don’t worry about it.”

The corner of Tufang Shishiro’s mouth twitched.

“The reason why you beat the Chiba Patriarch?”

Tuma Sougou: “Those guys actually want to marry Xiaobui, and they said something about the Si Gong family, the Suzuki family-how could the treasures of my Tujian family be sent out so easily.”

Turkishiro was holding his forehead—it really is!

Listening to the conversation between the two, Saki Yoshida’s mouth twitched constantly: “…”

What a wayward guy, in other words, the four house family, the Suzuki family… will they be the four major chaebols in the country, right? She usually doesn’t even dare to think about marrying into the four great chaebols. As a result, some people are good and look down on them. Sure enough, people are incomparable with people-I really envy the young lady named Xiaobui.

However, Saki Yoshida also has the name of self-knowledge. Seeing Sougo and Tufang did not pay attention to her, she quickly said: “Well, that, since the matter, the matter has been clarified, can I go home first? ?”

God, let her go home first, her worldview today has been shattered.

Shibuya Shiro nodded, but then said, “Is it uncomfortable to be isolated?”

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Of course it’s uncomfortable, as if I have severed contact with the world. I am obviously a classmate, but I don’t have a friend who can speak. How can this kind of cold violence feel good?

If she has friends, now, she should be eating desserts with her friends in a cold drink shop, and discussing in a low voice, which class of boys are handsome-instead of leaving as soon as they are accosted. If not, she would not have This kind of heart-pounding, world-view experience is constantly being destroyed.

But what do these two guys understand? Judging from their appearance, they all have the shelter of each other as a harbor.

“Do you think that I don’t understand anything, but I want to talk a lot about it?” Tukata Shiburo said again.

Yoshida Saki: “…”

Before she could speak, Tufang Shiro had already lit a cigarette.

“Remember what I said at the beginning, the idiots of the Kondo team were all isolated bullies at the beginning.”

Saki Yoshida: “Huh?”

I did say that, but with so many people gathered together, they are also relying on each other, right? Saki Yoshida had a touch of envy.

However, this proves that the guy with bad personality really hates isolation and bullying.

Excluding these points of disregard for life and bad personality, maybe that guy is unexpectedly a good person!

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