Chapter 37 So you are the backstab!

Has it been two years since you created a silly strong? Time is really messy…

and many more!

What did he add to Silly Qiang after drinking? How do you feel that when this guy is not mentally retarded, his intelligence has risen?

I vaguely remember that the last time I turned on Silly, it was as pure as a child, but now I have learned to use the term obsolete.

By the way, it seems like this was introduced in the skill bar last time: Shaoqiang (a growing artificial intelligence, maybe you can try to use it as a basis to develop a real intelligent life form!)

That’s right, it is because of this introduction column that Tujian Zou Wu chose to close the silly and strong, MD, Na Goubi Gold Finger absolutely messed up, Goubi definitely wants to provoke a battle between carbon-based life and silicon-based life.

He should have thought at first that Gold Finger hadn’t even thought about letting him-Sou Gou Tama live a peaceful life.

Fortunately, the strong self-control did not allow Gold Finger to succeed. If it is a different person-for example, a certain Akasaka Kuronaganao who has no self-control, it may not have opened up the battlefield now.

Unlike Tujian Zou, if it wasn’t for the old man in his family who suddenly went mad and confiscated his income, he would have to stay in the corner and eat ashes.

Anyway, as far as Tuma Sougou is, as long as it is before adulthood-after adulthood, the Tuma family can make him a dude smoothly, and then he will find the right opportunity to take the waste material and run away. That’s it.

As for the pursuit of life-I’m sorry, don’t think about so much in the world of crisis. First, worry about yourself and a lot of safety. If you are passionate, just look at it. This is by no means instigation, but steadiness!

I think at the beginning, if he hadn’t been sturdy enough to grow up in a dull voice, he would have been educated by the earthworker at the Kondo Dojo.

Although after a wave of development, it was only a tie with the earth, but sure enough, the stable group is the best. If this is not developed, wouldn’t it have to be hanged?

Just as Tuma Sougo was admiring his steady behavior in his heart, Silly Qiang sent another message.

“Generally, smart programs like me are living supercomputers, with notebook computing speed…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Generally, like you, who can’t survive one episode in a movie, how can he develop a program for a stable person who is not mentally retarded or in various waves?

Want to live on a supercomputer? The second fool is not afraid of being caught, and the source code will be cleaned up for you!

It turned out to be okay, he can still help, but now he is in the quit, and he never dares to program randomly. If this really creates an intelligent life, who will be responsible?

Are you stupid? Maybe, these two fools really want to.

“Master Ryunosuke’s intelligent maid lives with super calculation!” Shaqiang continued to ask.

and many more!

Sougo Tama turned his head and stared at the notebook, “Master Ryunosuke?”

WHAT? Why would the silly strong call the fellow Long Zhisuke?

“Stare!” With a soft sound, Silly Qiang was shutting down automatically.

“Bring me back!” Seeing the silly strong who ran away, Sou Wu Tuma was stunned. Is this guy really good?


“Clang~Clang~Clang~!” There was another boot sound.

“Oh, Master Sougo, it’s been a long time.” On the screen, a cartoon character in a maid costume appeared.

“Are you?” Doma Sougo took a step or two back

“It’s me, it’s me, I’m Ryunosuke-sama’s dearest maid butler, Nanako.” The cartoon maid suddenly stepped forward, as if trying to get out of the screen.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

When did that intelligence, who is stronger and more retarded than stupid, evolve into this way?

“Wait, Ryunosuke did everything, right?”

“Huh? Of course, Master Ryunosuke studied according to Master Zongwu’s program and re-developed Me and Silly Qiang.” When it came to this, the intelligent maid looked proud.

Do you even have an expression?

The earth is always in a daze, saying that if it is good, it will grow stably? Guy Akasaka: “Ryunosuke——”

“Master Sougo, Master Long Zhisuke is writing a new program, do you need me to call him for you?”

MMP! Looking at the maid who is not low in intelligence, Tuma Sougou covered his forehead: “No, I want to be quiet…”

Fortunately, this world did not find a certain thousand sky, otherwise the two goods together, I am afraid that it is not going to lead mankind to fight the galactic war.

“Crack!” is another sound of the program running.

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched. How many loopholes does his laptop have? These guys are not humans. What about the former defensive mechanism of the silly strong guy? Is it so battered?

“By the way, Lord Sogo, Lord Ryunosuke said, if Lord Sogo finds Nanako, please open this video. Do you need to watch it now?”

Sure enough, this guy is not a person, even the small video? Fortunately, he can stand it. Come on, who else is there?

“Open it!”

The video moved in response to the sound, and it can be seen that it is quite clear, not the quality of a sneak shot.

The first thing that caught my eye was a certain Hei Changzhi sitting in front of the bar-Zhengtai.

As soon as the screen turned, it was someone who was drinking too much.

“Akasaka, come and have a toast. There is an old saying in the sky that makes you happy in life. You are almost gone when you face the computer all day.”

“If you don’t drink alcohol, alcohol will damage my brain cells.” Ryunosuke in the picture is very principled.

Tuma Sougou: “Don’t make trouble, there are too many things that hurt brain cells, so I don’t care about this little alcohol.”

Akasaka Ryunosuke: “…”

“Master Zongwu, instigating minors to drink is a violation of the Public Security XX Law, and your current behavior also belongs to…”

“Silly strong, don’t mess with you guy, Ryunosuke is depressed because he was hit by you.”

Akasaka Ryunosuke: “…”

He felt like a swordsman who had just become a master of skill. However, before he could show his power, he was beaten by Long Taojun.

“Hey!” With a sigh, Akasaka Ryunosuke drank the boiled water in front of him: “By the way, is it too cautious to add so many restrictions to primary intelligence?”

In this regard, Sougo Tama just wanted to say that he was a human for two lifetimes, and he has watched no fewer than 20 intelligent rebellion movies. Can he lose his focus?

“By the way, how is your smart maid? Are you sure you don’t need to add restrictions?”

“The smart maid can’t even pass the Turing Test now, it’s unnecessary.” Akasaka shook his hand.

“Cut, Turing knows Mao’s intelligence…” As if thinking of something, Sougo Tama stepped up and said with a smirk: “Ryunosuke, if you have done this, I will show you how stupid you are. How about the source code.”

“Master Zongwu, once again affirm that it is illegal to induce minors to drink…” Shaqiang reminded again.


The drunken total enlightenment feels that the world is the biggest, but it is the program he developed, so he dared to educate him and shut it down!

The picture in the video turns again…

“Don’t look at the stupid strong network defense is quite strong, but in fact, as long as you bypass this program, you can control the stupid strong, and thus manipulate the other party’s computer.”

“Look here again…”

Seeing Sougo Domama who kept introducing his computer loopholes, Akasaka Ryunosuke decided not to drink alcohol. In other words, how many loopholes are left to be broken? As for your own computer?

“Hey!” Maybe this is the difference between a genius and a mortal. “Silly Qiang, can I refer to it?”

“Although for reference, a notebook like mine is not a fan. Don’t look at the loopholes, but it is not easy to break. If you are fine, you can also try it.”

Seeing someone ranting in the video, Tama Sougo wanted to rush in at this time and shouted: “Riddulous boy, what nonsense?”

“I will…” Ryunosuke said in the video.

But the next second, Akasaka was stunned, and saw Sougo Domama inside suddenly pressed a remote control button.

“The capture is over, today’s consumption will be paid for by Lord Ryunosuke!”

Ryunosuke in the video: “…”

Doma Sougo, who is watching the video: “…”

So, this is self-inflicted?

Sure enough, it was a drinking mistake!

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