When the platinum luster appeared in the black hole, Wang Luo retreated without hesitation and pushed his assistant Xiaoya away.

For that white light, I am afraid that no one in the Immortal Alliance is more familiar with it than him. Even the Hunyuan Immortals who once belonged to the Heavenly Court have never sunk into the Taichu Heavy Lake and witnessed the brilliant and splendid scene of the Star Sea and Sky Domain in the illusion being fully excavated and the sky full of platinum.

There are billions of platinum colors in the world, but Wang Luo will never mistake the platinum color belonging to Taichu Tianzun!

And long before the light in the black hole lit up, Wang Luo had actually foreseen this scene, so his reaction speed was very fast... but still not fast enough.

When he tried to push Xiaoya away, he found that he had no strength to raise his hands and feet, and he had sunk into the Taichu Heavy Lake. The surrounding scenery gradually distorted and dissipated like bubbles, and was replaced by an increasingly overflowing platinum light.

It was just a short moment of eye contact, and he had no way to escape.

However, Wang Luo was not surprised by this. When he figured out this stupid way to personally attack the Demon Slayer, he had naturally fully considered the possible consequences of the stupid way. A direct contact with Taichu Tianzun was a high-probability event.

And the result of the contact should not be too bad. He could correctly sense the white light and preserve his consciousness completely, which showed that his ability to withstand pressure was not bad. He was not crushed by Tianzun's pressure in an instant. Since his consciousness was not broken at the first time, he only needed to wait.

Wrapped in the platinum light, the passage of time had been distorted. It was difficult for Wang Luo to correctly judge how long he had been trapped here, and he had no way of guessing the purpose of Tianzun's binding him here... It is better to say that before he began to think seriously, he felt that the light beside him suddenly rippled, and a faint voice came from a distant place.

"Master Wang Shan, Master Wang Shan!"

"Are you okay?!"

The voice came from far away and came directly to his ears in an instant. And those calls were like strong winds that blew away the white and gold color in the sky, revealing a night sky full of stars and a few unfamiliar faces under the night sky.

Wang Luo exhaled lightly, regained his consciousness, and looked around, realizing that what he saw now was still the scenery in the illusory world.

Then, it was not difficult to guess the identities of these unfamiliar faces in front of him.

"Are you from Xinheng Taixu Division?"

One of the young women who looked like a captain nodded, with both worry and admiration in her eyes, and said: "Yes, I am Zhu Yang, the captain on duty of Lingkong Thirteen Pavilion. I came here as soon as I received the alarm. Are you okay?"

Wang Luo shook his head: "Fortunately, I was just ejected from the scroll... How is the assistant next to me?"

Zhu Yang was a little surprised: "You mean Wen Ya, the customer service staff of the workshop? She..."

"I, I am fine, thank you for your concern, sir!"

Accompanied by a trembling female voice, Wang Luo turned his eyes and saw that the extremely "simple" dressed woman was still standing on the light boat, her eyes fixed on him, and the meaning was self-evident.

Wang Luo waved his hand: "Give her a full set of examinations, and then deal with the aftermath according to the regulations."

"Eh? Sir, Sir, I..."

Before Wen Ya finished speaking, she was held by several strong men from Taixu Division and staggered away from Taixu Fantasy.

After that, Wang Luo asked Zhu Yang, "Are there any casualties in Lingkong Pavilion?"

Zhu Yang's eyes dimmed slightly: "There were no casualties in the Thirteen Pavilions... but there were quite a few casualties in the other Lingkong Pavilions. Before the appearance of this phantom disaster, although Lingkong Pavilion had received your warning and had made many preparations, it was still difficult to be completely safe."

Wang Luo was silent for a while: "My condolences."

"Everything is for the Immortal Alliance..." Zhu Yang said reluctantly, "The good news is that this time, thanks to you, we have obtained very conclusive observation results, and the sacrifice of our colleagues has not been wasted."


Zhu Yang's so-called conclusive results soon caused a great response in the Immortal Alliance.

According to the report submitted by Xinheng Lingkong Pavilion, the true body of the phantom disaster, that is, Taichu Tianzun, has been captured with a vague outline.

Although it is only a hazy outline that is difficult to distinguish whether it belongs to a human figure, even the most basic Taixufu officials dare not guarantee the reliability of the outline. But the stain on the picture is undoubtedly a major progress in the Immortal Alliance's cognitive warfare against Tianzun, and even a brilliant victory.

Capturing the figure of Tianzun with the eyes of mortals has extremely important symbolic significance. Confirming that Tianzun is indeed "observable" can allow the Immortal Alliance to continue to bet on this road destined to be full of thorns, and prove that those observers who fell in Lingkong Pavilion did not sacrifice in vain.

Secondly, Lingkong Pavilion also made it clear why Tianzun appeared in the scroll of demon-slaying legends - so simple that it makes people laugh and cry. In order to save costs, the workshop operating the scroll placed a Tiangong computer in the Taixu Building of Mingtai County in the west of Xinheng, and supported more than half of Xinheng's business needs with the help of the Lishen formation.

There is no technical problem with this approach, and the procedures are also legal. The only problem is that the Tiangong computer is too close to Jingzhou... It is the closest computer among all the computers that are stably operating in Xinheng.

In addition, after Taixu Mansion summarized opinions from all parties, it gave a fairly reliable explanation for Wang Luo's stupid method: Tianzun practiced alone in the Taichu illusion for a thousand years, and his realm was so unbelievably high that it could not be higher... But this was obviously flawed. During the thousand years of practice, Tianzun had never encountered an opponent.

Although the sincere immortal ancestor in history was also willing to practice alone, and would often retreat for ten years, he never lacked opponents in the process of attaining the Tao and ascending to heaven, and he had experienced many life-and-death battles. When he was about to ascend to heaven after the perfection of Mahayana, he single-handedly suppressed many Taoist sects, and the creatures of Jiuzhou had no choice but to respect the immortal way. Later, he ascended to the immortal world and became the immortal ancestor, and no one in the world could be his opponent... But in the history of the heavenly court for thousands of years, there were not a few people who could exchange ideas with the immortal ancestor on a relatively equal footing.

However, in the Taichu illusion, Tianzun was lonely, with neither opponents nor teammates. Everything in the immortal world was left behind by him, so far away that the scenery was trance and distorted. And the so-called practice was nothing more than mining in the Xinghai Tianyu day after day, and then decorating himself to be more burly and tall. It should be said that after the heavenly catastrophe, the imagination of the surviving golden immortals of Miaofa was still a little thin, and could no longer support a sufficiently rich and magnificent practice world.

The Taichu Tianzun, who was in it, would naturally crave for opponents or any other objects worth communicating with. So those "masters" who shined in the Taixu Fantasy naturally attracted the attention of the Tianzun.

The Tianzun may not really see the ants on the ground, but for a person who has achieved the Yuanxian, even unconscious attention can bring devastating pressure. And what the Immortal Alliance has to do is to keep making the Tianzun bow his head, bend his waist, and finally get close to the mortal world and look at the ants.

In short, Wang Luo's stupid method has both theoretical support and actual results, so this stupid method suddenly became an obvious shortcut for replication. At the Nine Zun Competition that ended not long ago, countless professional-level scroll walkers were worried about their subsequent livelihoods, and now there is an iron rice bowl immediately offered.

Although going to visit Taichu Tianzun in person is bound to be accompanied by great risks, the worst possibility is to be permanently banned from entering the Taixu Fantasy... But compared with the high rewards and compensation measures offered by the Immortal Alliance, the mere risk can no longer stop all kinds of talented people.

In the foreseeable future, the efficiency of the Immortal Alliance's observation of the Heavenly Lord will increase tenfold or a hundredfold.

And only in this way can we catch up with the day of the final battle that is getting closer and closer.


After the stupid method, Wang Luo's vacation was basically over. Although Lu Youyou still did not summon him back to the Mountain Fortress, it was only because Wang Luo had a more important mission-staying in the Demon Slayer, observing the Heavenly Lord at the closest distance, and pulling that towering and incredible figure into the scroll little by little.

It should be said that this is a task that only Wang Luo can accomplish. The same "encounter" of the Heavenly Lord in the scroll, each encounter of Wang Luo, in the Lingkong Pavilion Qingquan Formation, brought ten times more excitement than others, and only Wang Luo could return to the scroll in good condition after a short rest after the excitement, and guide the next encounter.

The so-called guidance is nothing more than following the normal painting process to speed up the development of wasteland, from the Three Realms Ruins to the Six Paths Holy Palace to the Nine Heavens Jade Branch... Then every once in a while, go to the black hole in the Three Realms Ruins to observe the flashing platinum light in the hole, looking forward to its changes.

This process is boring and full of risks, but it makes people immersed in it, and time passes by...

Because with repeated encounters, and immersing in the platinum light again and again, Wang Luo can clearly feel that Tianzun is getting closer and closer, and his words are becoming clearer and clearer... And Tianzun's murmurs also make Wang Luo's power grow day by day, as if the immortal is passing on the law.

This kind of transmission of the law itself is naturally accompanied by risks. Jingzhou's immortal way is originally wild and poisonous to the Immortal Alliance, not to mention that Tianzun's immortal way has long been abstracted to the point that it is enough to poison the real immortals in the heavenly court. For a period of time, except for Wang Luo, anyone else who sensed the whisper of Tianzun in the Taixu scroll would suffer irreversible contamination, and the scroll account would go out of control on the spot, merge accounts on their own, and even transform into a regional demon king on the spot, killing people indiscriminately.

As for the walker himself, at the very least, he would never be able to enter Taixu, and at the worst, his consciousness would be damaged and he would be sent to the doctor on the spot. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured and died directly in the scroll - so soon the Taixu Mansion strictly restricted the business scope of various professional scroll walkers to attract Tianzun, reducing casualties while inevitably reducing efficiency.

But for Wang Luo, the risk of attracting Tianzun was minimal. Even the first encounter with the most serious side effects was nothing more than being forced to eject the scroll, and the account itself was not even affected. Later, as the white light in the black hole gradually expanded, the Immortal Alliance's observation of Tianzun became more and more in-depth and detailed, and the side effects of a single observation became less and less.

About half a month later, after Wang Luo's daily routine of quickly brushing the Nine Heavens Demons, when he went to the Three Realms Ruins, he would not even be ejected from the scroll, but only some of his account health would be deducted.

At the same time, those professional walkers who bravely observed the Heavenly Venerable in other scrolls also reported that the damage of the illusion disaster was obviously not as strong as before, not to mention endangering the walker's body outside the environment, and sometimes even the scroll account would not be destroyed... causing some people who made a living from medical subsidies to complain a little.

But it was also from this time that the entire Immortal Alliance Taixu Mansion became highly nervous, as if facing a great enemy.

Because when people can avoid being hurt by the Heavenly Venerable, it just means that the Heavenly Venerable is close enough to the illusion, and humans have a sufficient understanding of him... If they face the Heavenly Venerable with an attitude of friendly communication, such a development is of course a good thing. But since from the beginning, no one on both sides has considered friendship, then the next step after the distance is shortened and the understanding is sufficient is to start a direct war.

The opportunity to start the war also came from Wang Luo.

Two months after the first encounter with Tianzun, observing the Three Realms Ruins in the Demon Slayer Legend has become an adventure routine for many courageous folk enthusiasts. Especially when Wang Luo finished his daily tasks and went to the ruins to see the white light as usual, he would always be surrounded by people.

Some people planned to take advantage of Wang Luo's help to witness the increasingly clear outline of Tianzun and bathe in the white light. Some people simply wanted to take a photo with Wang Luo, the famous owner of Lingshan Mountain, as a capital for bragging after dinner.

Based on various considerations, Xinheng Taixu Division did not stop this spontaneous enthusiasm among the people. Instead, it intentionally or unintentionally guided ignorant people to gather over, just like the sacrifices that spontaneously walked onto the altar, accelerating the attraction of Tianzun.

So, in the evening of this day, taking advantage of the blood light that covered the sky when the Heaven-Swallowing Guidao fell, Wang Luo came to the Three Realms Ruins. At this time, there were already hundreds of travelers bustling around his fixed observation position, and some people even reached out to him and greeted him as if they were familiar with him.

Wang Luo naturally ignored the noises, floated to his position, and began to observe day after day.

Two months later, the black hole was no longer the black hole it was before. The platinum light in the hole had overflowed, eroding the gray and glorious courtyard every day, making the place seem to have restored its old days - and all this was completely out of the control of the workshop.

In the middle of the platinum cave, there was a faint vertical light, which was also platinum, but the color was richer and brighter than the surrounding. Once you look at it for a long time, even the walkers at the forefront of progress will lose blood quickly.

And the object of Wang Luo's observation every day was that vertical light. Others may not know, but he certainly knew that it was the outline of Tianzun.

Compared with the few scales and claws that were captured two months ago with the sacrifice of many Lingkong Pavilion martyrs, the figure of Tianzun is now quite clear.

The tall and straight outline is exactly the same as the Taichu Tianzun that Wang Luo saw in the illusion of Chonghu, but there are still some details missing.

It was as if it was missing the finishing touch.

And that touch had already reached the critical point, which could be today, or tomorrow... or even the next moment.

With such a mood, Wang Luo carefully stood up, blessed his incarnation in the scroll with various immortal methods, and then turned his eyes to the white-gold vertical light.

These were all standard operations as always, but at the moment when his eyes turned, a warning flashed through Wang Luo's mind.

The next moment, the time in the Demon Slayer stopped, and the stagnant white-gold vertical light moved instead, as if the saplings were growing, the branches and leaves were waving, and the simple shadows gradually turned into a clearer outline of a person.

Then, click.

A white-gold long boot fell on the floor of the glorious courtyard.

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