Stone floors and stone ceilings on stone walls, then iron plaid.

The man was in a cell surrounded by hard, chilling them.

Both hands of a man dressed in simple clothes sitting on a bed of nasty making are fitted with shackles that deprive him of his liberty. A further chain stretched out of his ankle connected the man to the walls of the chamber, reflecting the light dull.

There is no expression on the face of the floating man, illuminated by a light source installed on the other side of the iron lattice so as not to touch the man's hand. The gaze remains staring at a point, motionless.

But it was those immobile eyes that spoke eloquently of the man's mood, and behind his pale green eyes a terrible flame of hatred was burning.

"If it weren't for him, he would have used the mercenaries... to tell me what the hell I was doing making drugs for the mercenaries... a little more, a little more. Even the guys I used for the experiment... got caught a few but the Knights guys didn't have any doubts. The pills I made were perfect... not even him, not even him"

Words spinning from a man's mouth in a cell seem like a curse.

Words that keep spinning all the time are filled with the malevolence of a man.

Both the voice color and the content of the words make me feel bad just listening.

The knights on the lookout standing in the aisle have also been trying to keep their expressions faceless since earlier, but the creepy appearance of the man has caught my eyebrows, temples and mouth tingly. The occasional narrowing of the eyes seems very uncomfortable.

As I looked down at the knights on the lookout from a gap open on the stone wall, I glanced back at Zenos again and frowned at the bumpy squeaking look.

What I have now is a hidden passage on the back with a single stone wall pinched.

This place is made in the form of a passage through the front of the prison where the prisoners are located, with a narrow gap just about the sight of an adult male.

Of course, the inmates know the existence of hidden passageways, so this passageway is designed to be about fifty centimeters higher than the passageway on the surface. In addition, the gap for peeking is made near the light source so as not to escape from the leaked light, and care is taken not to know from the prisoners.

"- If I did what that guy said, Marnagarm was born too... and it was a great opportunity. I can't believe they're together as well as the king prince of Majesta... it was a good opportunity. If Prince Wang died there, even that one would have been happy. If it stayed that way, we would have bowled each other before we met the teacher...... by the time the teacher ran weirdly noticed, the body should have been rolling. I had enough distance and time to do so... and suddenly I realized it. Besides, I raised the demon king so diligently... if that hungry ghost doesn't do something extra... he's just as obnoxious about the habit of failing as I am. And this time again."

... I don't want to be in the same line with you.

To Zenos' vomited words, yes, I throw them up in my heart.

I already know what the whining is all about through the report, and even though I said I was ready to get this far, I still have bad chest shit when I actually hear it. Without someone else's eyes, you must have accidentally put your hands on it.

I admit I couldn't do it as the grandson of a fiery spear brave man, the son of a thunderous spear brave man, nor was I busy, but I sincerely don't want to be left alone with this guy in front of me.

The madman stained figure I'm seeing now is harder to forgive for trying to have no enemies of Master Gray or for building a demon king. What's more, I don't care about this situation, either, where important seniors are heartbroken because of this guy.

"... Senior Ljeci"

- It's my brother.

If you only sow frustration and anger at Zenos, who springs up boiling, and speak to Senior Ljeci, who was watching Zenos next to me, he will tell you he is my brother with a trembling voice.

It hurts my hand grabbing the wall like a scratch to indulge my emotions. Senior Ljeci's complexion, staring at Zenos as he ate in, did not look well due to his dim demeanor, but he lost his mind and felt blue and white.

"... that guy is me and Sana's brother. Four years older, no bodies appeared... but our hometown was a small village in the woods, so I thought the Warcraft would have eaten us to death... the funeral was over..."

I can't find the words to distort my face and spin the words in a trembling voice to seniors.

It was ten days ago that we tracked with the help of Rafael and Albione and surrounded ourselves with the Waldos to capture Zenos.

The day after I captured Zenos, I put him in the Royal Castle cell under Grandpa's direction.

At that time, I was going to ask for Master Gray's cooperation, and I managed to put Gardi on Zenos' watch, although I was stuck. I don't care if they hide Zenos while I'm gone.

Of course about Gardi and Scion, Master Gray's grin, hearing the general history so far, was terribly calm. "When you go up to the royal castle, let me hear it slowly," he said, and I haven't seen Master Gray since then, who took Gardy away.

I was so disturbed by the laughter at that time, I can be quite disturbed, but, well, not now.

It was that night that I heard bitter speculation from Senior Leo.

What has been told is something heavy and valuable.

I didn't think anything of it when I caught him, Xenos' hatred suddenly became horrible.

Depending on how Zenos connects with his predecessors, Seniors Ljeci and Sana will also be connected to the cell, and even if the two have nothing to do with the case, if there is any contact, there will be those who will see the two with suspicion. If we misrespond, there will be no future for the two of us.

Having understood that, I am grateful to Senior Leo for his report. Thanks to you, I'm still trying not to misrespond.

Given Senior Leo's personality, it would have been a severed thought to pass on information about Seniors Ljeci and Sana 'a to me. It's impossible for him to sell his body, even though it's not certain that there's a problem.

Senior Leo bothered to tell me about such a sentiment because he thought it was a sign of intent to "protect you both". It's not like they said it in words, but it's probably not a mistake.

"Abominable, though the Duke's can't. You're wasting your motivation for something you should have grown up with... in the first place, it wouldn't have happened if they hadn't even been born. Because they were born, they were more talented than me, so I couldn't stay in the village... I thought I'd strangled them then... they always protected him... all in my way..."

"... brother"

"Let's go, Senior Ljeci. You shouldn't listen to him much."

I can't look any further at Senior Ljeci with a crying look on the words Xenos spins, and I push the senior's back with a little strong force. I didn't know what Senior Ljeci was thinking walking out on me without resisting.

Seniors Ljeci and Sana 'a had brothers and so on. Both me and Senior Leo had their first ears. Besides, Senior Sana said he didn't remember the presence of his brother.

That he was a very sweet brother.

That I was arrogant and that Sana had cornered me.

Being strangled.

That he was then missing and thought to have died from the situation.

That my brother was erased from the whole village because of Sana 'a, who forgot his brother because of the shock of the incident.

Senior Ljeci's voice, spinning the word interruptedly across the substituted demonic props for communication, is still in his ears. A tearful voice was hard to hear.

"Dear Doyle, to Sana 'a"

What can I do to Senior Ljeci, who stops his legs and turns his gaze on him?

Zenos, who has been whining at that rate ever since he captured him, is currently a first-degree criminal.

Among the medicines taken up by Phea have been found hallucinogenic, confessional, and banned medicines used in making allusions. I'm suspected of being involved in some way with the recent surge of petty criminals here, such as the hiccups I caught from whining, and an investigation is underway as soon as possible.

Also the words of Zenos that glorify things in the forest of the abyss.

If that were true, it would mean that Marnagarm was made artificially and made to attack Master Gray.

Nothing has been found so far to prove Zenos' behavior in the Abyss Forest, but it is a felony merely to have retained and manufactured a drug ban. On top of that, if the matter in the Abyss Forest is the work of Zenos, treason. The destination is capital punishment.

If there is one salvation, Zenos has always been at that rate since we caught him, so I guess the veracity of the words is in doubt.

Because there was no conversation and Zenos drug resistance was too high to work with the confessional agent, there is currently a rush to develop new drugs, led by the chief pharmacist.

There was also the 'that one' that Zenos spoken of from time to time, and it was urgent to verify his identity. But my chest hurts.

Despite how much it took to confirm, Senior Ljeci has a strong sense of hard work.

I can't even imagine the pain my real brother would want us to die.

"- I know. Whoever says anything, I won't tell Senior Sana, and I won't let you see me."

"Thank you"

I thought apologizing was different. That's why I say what Senior Ljeci wants.

Senior Ljeci, who bowed his head deeply to my words like that, was a brother who was prepared to protect his sister.

There are few things I can tell you about everything and make you a senior Ljeci who hoped to protect his sister first. Precisely enough to listen to Senior Ljeci's desire not to let him see Senior Sana, whom I don't remember.

Senior Ljeci will feel worse as we move forward with our investigation, and one day we will face Zenos directly. For keeping Senior Sana away, the burden on Senior Ljeci will increase, and he will struggle and be hurt.

What can I do for this man then?

"Let's go"

"... Yes"

Again, with a slightly stronger force, push Senior Ljeci's back and leave the scene.

During that time, Zenos' voice heard from the other side of the wall was uninterrupted.

- It's different to wish for the ruin of others, that of real brothers and sisters, too, isn't it? Zenos.

Feeling the air in the cold hidden passage on my skin, I think of Zenos, who couldn't stop at the last line I stepped on.

I don't know what it's like to be disgusted by a world that doesn't acknowledge your efforts.

If you want me to admit it, I also know my thirsty heart.

The envy and jealousy of those who have talent that they could not possess is painfully well known.

But I don't even want to know what it's like to wish for someone else's ruin.

- I had a lot of people. But I'm sure there was no one on Zenos' side.

To the thought I fumbled past as I pushed Senior Ljeci, I sprinkle my head that it was past.

Somehow asexually, I missed Master Gray and the Ballads.

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