Pick the pink sweets recommended by Claire, feeling the stinging and stinging glance of Master Gray. The next moment I felt soft, the taste of sweet and sour fruit spread over my mouth, and the sweetness and acidity are just right.

If it weren't for this situation, it would have tasted delicious.

I don't hate sweet things. But he is sandwiched by his brothers and sisters who continue to fight silently and drink sweet confectionery with bitterness. Come on, I want out of this situation.

I have to get in between the two of us and do something about this place, more than Ballado, Jin, Sion and Leo seniors can save.

Look around to see if there's anything that could trigger a rapprochement to break this situation. Thus it was the snacks and confectionery, neatly arranged by Ballad's hand.

Jelly that intertwines eggs in sweet and spicy meat and pinches them with bread, or wraps them around something like cheese with smoked fish, or pies depicting beautiful decorations, giving you a sense of the taste of the mistletoe fruit.

If you look around at the snacks and confectionery that Master Gray has prepared, I see that, as Claire pointed out, all my favorite flavors and things I've been eating for a long time.

I didn't realize until you told me. Whatever I say, but so far I've got everything I want. 'Coincidence' has something tough inside.

As far as Claire's words are concerned, she even spoke to the head chef and the nanny, so it's a lot of effort.

... What did Master Gray have to say to me?

When it comes to being entertained so far by Master Gray, it doesn't look like the sermon to me was the real deal. If it's just a sermon and a breath, you don't have to entertain me this far. You should think there was something else, something 'important' that also made me feel down.

Perhaps these snacks were prepared to inspire me.

However, as Claire pointed out earlier, I'm sure we're not talking about haste. If it was urgent, it would have been done before I heard my report.

Besides, you chose to talk to me in this room instead of calling me, which means you don't mind if the face here asks.

I mean, it's not a big deal from everyone's point of view, but it would mean that Master Gray had an important story for me.

In order to find out what that is, we need to make up the two of them first......

To know Master Grey's sincerity, we must first do something about this situation. That's right. Re-establish the mood and look for inspiration to make up for the two of them.

And when I wandered my gaze for a while, I found something out of the lined confectionery and stopped looking.

The pattern of a warcraft resembling a deer named Erpos, adorably deformed, standing in a forest with deflected nuts, has long been the same symbol of that confectionery shop. I remember the three of us eating a lot when we were young, and that treat is just the right way to make up.

I try to get up thinking so, but Claire rises up and heads to the mountain of sweets before I move. And without hesitation, Claire reached back with the box of sweets that I was just about to take.

"Dear Doyle. These sweets used to be spoken for a lot, didn't they?

"... I still like it"

I noticed my gaze. I receive a crate with confectionery next to Master Gray's reaction to the crate that Claire brought me. This must be the confection that Master Gray brought to Nanny on purpose.

Speaking of which, I hope you haven't spoken recently, gently open the lid of the crate carefully decorated by the woodcarver.

Spread around as soon as opened are aromas of fragrant seeds and slight notes of butter. Similar to cookies, I've always liked these baked treats.

"This is your favorite, isn't it, Master Doyle?

"You remember me well."

"You can't forget what Doyle likes!


That said, out of the slightly different shapes of baked confectionery, Claire doesn't hesitate to pick one and put it on my plate. My favorite of the five flavors.

Remember what I like. While I feel warm for Claire stretching my chest, I'll also put one flavor on the plate that she liked and ate in return.

As soon as I did, I was a little embarrassed by Claire, who sparkled my eyes and looked at me, but smiled in temper.

"Well, you would have eaten, wouldn't you?


"Master Grey was this, wasn't he?"

I laughed again at Claire, who nodded joyfully, putting a different flavor on Mr. Gray's plate than what I had put on her.

After blinking my eyes at such behavior, Lady Gray's eyes staring at sweets that taste a little habitual, like hazelnuts, unlike earlier, are loose.


"... no"

Asked Master Gray, who was watching the confectionery in silence, he was swept away after a moment of eye contact. Apparently, he was delighted.

You want to delude yourself into joy, put the sweets I put in your mouth a little ramblingly, and give the crate to Master Gray, who reaches silently. While checking the type of confectionery, there was no stray in Mr. Gray's hand as he tripled the caracallas and confectionery.

One flavor at a time that we like each other, the rest is eaten by all those who like that flavor. The other two species are exactly three equal parts. It's the usual way of splitting.

- I got it.

Having finished triplicating the confectionery with a familiar hand, Lady Gray places a plate of confectionery in front of me with her share of the confectionery in front of Claire, saying so.

At an early age Claire always said she liked the decorations carved into the box and wanted to eat from the crate, not the plate. So after we split the confectionery between the three of us, it was an implicit understanding between us to put Claire's share back in the box.

Master Gray also seems willing to put an end to this barren feud, more importantly.

"Thank you, Master Gray"

After thanking Master Gray, I stare at Claire. After taking my gaze and dropping my gaze into the crate for a moment, Claire also thanked Master Gray.

"... thank you, brother"

At the same time I felt the air between them loose on my skin and I stroked my chest down.

Now you two are okay. The fight is over.

"Thank you. Jin, you can eat the other box separately from the seniors."


Having finally exhaled at Claire, who sees herself, Lady Gray then orders Jin to divide another box of sweets. The tense air that was between them was gone and relieved, Jin stood joyfully brave as a dog thrown the ball to fetch confectionery.

Looking at the gin like that, my shoulder is finally loaded, and now I want a new cup of tea from Ballado to try the sweets slowly.

"Ballad. Can you make me back some tea? When you're done, you should get some sweets too. Delicious."

"I'm in awe. We have a new cup of tea ready, so we'll replace it soon."

"You're a boulder."

"I'm afraid so."

Break his hips gently on my words, and Ballado happily begins collecting tea utensils. I'm afraid I've watched the story and already prepared some tea. It is a boulder ballad.

He quickly collects the muddy tea utensils and looks at the ballads that go around pouring new tea in a way that Master Gray was impressed with. The runaway habits are too awesome to be forgotten, but Balad's work is perfect.

That's how the soothing air finally flows through the room, when everyone starts to be thoughtful.

Enjoying a warm cup of tea and a delicious treat, Claire inadvertently raises her face and asks Master Gray.

"Brother. Speaking of which,"


"Have you talked to everyone about the ball that will be held in three days?

"... no, we're going to"

To Claire's words, Lady Gray, who had placed the tea, replied so during a strange time. To Master Gray, who gave me an odd, indescribable attitude to say that I had forgotten, I also somehow set my sights on the two of us with tea.

"I forgot, didn't I?

"No. I came to doyle that story, and you came before I cut it off."

Lady Gray, who made a clear affirmation to Claire turning her suspicious eyes, then hesitated to look at me. Then, after a short tour, he slowly opens his mouth.

"I've had a month before your engagement ceremony, and I've already had envoys from several countries. Sometimes they were all distant countries, and they were there early so that something could happen on the road. Even in my country, I can't leave the people who have come so far to celebrate you. That's why we're holding a ball to entertain them three days later."


No, I feel like this was Grey's "important story" to Mr. Grey, who talks a lot.

But I can't connect the ball that entertains the messengers who arrived early with the sweets that were prepared to inspire me. What the hell is wrong with that ball?

I'll fix my stomach, too, to Master Gray, who makes me look slightly nervous. Claire, Jinn, seniors, they feel the air, they put the sweets they were eating and they pay attention to us.

That's how the indoors quieted down, telling Master Gray to make up his mind.

"There was a name for the Marquis of Wincal von Gladius, who will be your great uncle as an apostle of the East. They're bringing three escorts for you. So, in it."

I know why he was so hesitant to look at my complexion.

"Mr. Obza, you're here."

"... yes"

Speak the words you would have liked to say, and I could hear you breathing somewhere.

Overprotective childhood tampering snorts heavily at the words I tell you, gazing straight into each other and slowly opening your mouth.

"You're the stars, so you're not allowed to be absent from the ball."

How can I tell this chest to Master Gray, who says so and waits for my reaction with a nervous face?

... I don't care too much, Master Gray.

I whine softly in my heart to Master Gray, who swallows his solitude and waits for my words.

Imagining Gray's behavior since he found Uncle Wynn's name among the invitees was somehow sexually illuminating.

Sure, when I hear Mr. Obza is coming, I have a lot to think about.

I resented him for a long time, and I feel guilty for trampling on that guy's utmost kindness. You've been so considerate, but it's not hard to look at each other when you think of the last time you let me grip the gold.

But more than that, seeing Master Gray, who is more nervous about reuniting with Mr. Obza than I am if he sucks, boils down to a feeling that tickles his chest clogged, hard to describe.

"Where are Uncle Wynn and the others now?

"... they've been staying at your parents' house for about two weeks. He said he would stay in the castle room as a messenger from the East after the ball."


Tighten your mouth that seems to loosen to Master Gray, who answers my question in such a way as to be afraid.

At the same time, the word 'two weeks ago' reminded me of Waldo's father's words. I wonder why I didn't think of Uncle Wynn's visit back then.

The ingredients from the East, where Waldo's father jumped at that time, must have been brought in by Uncle Wynn and the others. The fact that the food that was surplus because it arrived smoothly without problems was sold before it rotted because it did not exist is probably why rare eastern ingredients were on the market in Majesta.

There was a terrible coincidence that my Uncle Wynn and his aunts were not trying to bring in the ingredients that I was talking about.

"Are you all right? Doyle."

You thought I was worried because I was stuck in my thoughts, and Master Gray looked at me with a worried look. Even the faces I was listening to during the sleepover looked at me anxiously, and Claire looked up at me with a worried face that you guessed there was something around you like that.

All of them are overprotective people.

"It's okay."

If you smile calmly at the warm emotions that are directed at you, Master Gray will round his eyes and lose his words. But as soon as he regained his mind, he frowned slightly.

"But you"

"Really, it's okay, Master Gray"

To make you believe you're really okay, I'll say it clearly without distracting you.

With so many people worrying about me more than I do, I won't lose sight of where I am now.

Even laughing with that in mind, I opened my mouth with a bitter laugh to Lady Gray, who was still unconvinced.

"If it didn't work, I'd like you to line up and comfort me again."

You know, if you waste it, Master Gray turns a blind eye and squeaks away once after a moment of void poked expression.

"... were you aware"

"Just now. You're worried about hearing" Important Tales, "and you're trying to cheer me up, aren't you?

Ask Master Gray, who doesn't try to look at me, feeling his grin deepen, and he backs off to the chair with a slightly rambling trick, either blindfolded or "hmm".

"I can't breathe. It could have been an unwanted favor."

"No, I appreciate it. Your heart is ready with shame."



"Lai Lai"

At the end of the conversation, I drink tea again. I drink tea too. I heard someone exhale to reassure us.

The 'important story' comes to an end, and once again the air of relief flows into the room.

That fold, Claire, who couldn't grasp one story now, anxiously pulled my sleeve.

"Dear Doyle,"


"May I ask what Uncle Wynn and Master Obza are like?

Called and looked next door with her sleeves tucked in and understated, Claire with a slightly nervous face appears in her eyes. On that face, he said, 'Should I not have asked? But I'm curious' and other emotions are floating around, and I know very well that you want to know about me while you're worried.

Smiling to reassure Claire that she had a lovely reaction, I think of Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza on Saturday.

"Uncle Wynn is the one who gave me the knife I love, the one who wraps around the very calm air. Did Mr. Obza say he was my master of swords? You're both sweet people, so Claire's gonna love it."

"Who gave you the knife to Master Doyle and are you the master?"

"Uncle Wynn's sister, she gave me the knife from someone who was my wife, but she gave it to me comfortably. Mr. Obza is a former adventurer, he's very strong. Thank you both for all your help. But I was too young to thank you for that. I would like to thank you again. If you don't mind, why don't Claire come along and say thank you?

"Of course!


I thank my lovely fiancée for nodding so powerfully at my words, and now I turn my gaze to Master Gray.

I'm sure this guy cares, too.

"If you don't mind, Master Gray is with you"

"Esperda helped me. Let's go too."

I grinned and nodded at Master Gray with a satisfying grin.

If Master Gray and Claire will go with us, I have no anxiety whatsoever.

I have a little difficulty seeing Mr. Obza in the face, but he's the one who was guiding my future to the end. I'm sure he'd be happy to take the two childhood trainers to see him.

"Dear Doyle, may I join you?

"Then I'll offer you, too, Master Doyle!

"Then I have to go too."

"" We're coming too! Brother Doyle ""

Skinny of Balad's offer, Seniors Jin and Leo, Seniors Rieti and Sana 'a also speak up.

Everyone was listening to my old stories in the lodging. You've been watching me go without pinching my mouth until now, but I guess I was concerned about seeing Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza again.

"Right, let's all go. Uncle Wynn and Mr. Obza will be delighted."

They'd be happy to welcome you. Tell them to think of you two, and they all laughed happily.

Imagine a ball three days later in their appearance like that, laughing small.

I'd like to introduce you both to thank you and apologize for your disrespect.

And tell Mr. Obza.

Even if I couldn't be a spear brave man, my place was right here, he said.

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