"How about an addition or a subtraction? Dear Doyle."

I only manage to include a reply that the moment my eyes meet, I almost have zero sigh on Balad, who has asked me that.

".................. Balad. It's been almost two weeks since then, huh? I'm telling you it's gonna be okay, right? I hear the injury itself was a tumor in the first place."

If you answer that with a little gennary to the repeated exchanges over and over the past two weeks, Ballado comes to me with a look of dissatisfaction and exhorts you.

"But he was beaten with the mace of His Royal Highness the King, wasn't he? The tumor was healed by the seniors in that treatment squad and went down, but they didn't wake up for nearly half a day. I stayed with you all night, but I didn't feel comfortable living like Doyle."

I said only good words to Ballad.

That mock day.

I ate His Highness's mace. I miraculously have a minor wound called one tumor, and the wound itself seems to have healed immediately. But then I tried to wake her up like a gin, and she couldn't get the antidote to work.

It's not unusual, but it seemed important to Balad.

There are rare humans who do not have appetite pills.

In the first place, an appetite drug is one that clarifies consciousness by its unique irritant odor. This medicine, which is used when you are not losing your mind for a long time, is generally difficult for people who have strong resistance to abnormalities and poisons.

There are also appetite pills that work for people of such physical stature, but in my case, it is not that my life is in imminent danger, and it seems that I would not need to use such expensive magic pills.

Finally, there seemed to be some consideration that the grandfather and the captain had finally grown up and that if I were to wake up, I could be exposed again.

His Royal Highness seems to have regained his peace after his grandfathers seized him. But the nail marks on [the gentle and gentle prince] 's distraction case were awesome, and he said the arena was half-baked and several teachers suffered minor injuries.

And Balad won't wake up. He's worried about me and knocked on the door of the treatment squad many times. Senior Leopard told me both when he woke up and came to see me.

The treatment of the wounded put out by His Royal Highness and Senior Leopardo, who was chased by Balad's response, said that was difficult.

"I'm not loved, Aginis. Huh? As long as I envy you," he said with a drawn grin and cordially, letting Senior Leopardo tell me what happened after I fell, with words of sincere apology and labor.

On top of that, for some reason, one of the training plants beside the dorm burst into flames at night.

Sometimes there were no injuries, and Senior Leopard said he didn't know any details about you either.

These rumors usually Balad will look into and tell us, but this time it wasn't the case, and he didn't even know there was such a case until I heard it.

That's how I regained consciousness around the evening after the simulation.

And the first thing I saw when I woke up was Balad holding my hand with a face that cried more than Gin, and Balad cried when I made sure I woke up.

You had a hard time making me stop crying...

When I think of that day, I don't think I can help but think of the hardships of that time that make me look a little faraway.


".................. sorry to bother you. Ballado, can you make me some warmer tea than that?

"I'm in awe. We'll have it with you right away!

"I really did," she said, moisturizing her eyes and looking at me. I couldn't find the words to put on the ballad, and asked for tea to deceive me.

Then Balad left the room joyfully and courageously, glad that I had been asked to work. A bitter laugh comes to mind at the speed with which it switches.

But Balad, who is still delighted by my words and actions, is a valued employee who worries and thinks of me with his parents. To the point where I don't think anyone would think and serve me more than he does.

- Con, con, con...

That's how I remembered Balad that day, and he sounded knocking on my room. Balad usually responds to visitors, but Hate is not here right now.

I knew who I was visiting. I turned silently to the door and opened it.

"- This, this is... Dear Doyle, it is an extra honor to welcome you yourself. Nevertheless, Master Doyle is as divine and radiant as he is. Lutze can even look at Master Doyle with such glare."

"............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... And Sorcier and Jeff came here a lot."

"" Long time no see! Dear Doyle! "

I laughed lightly at the visitors as I expected, who had said so many words, and I opened my own door wide.

"Jeff, put your stuff on that table."


"Dear Doyle, what happened to Master Balad?

"I just ordered some tea. It's time to come home."

Instruct Jeff, who was holding a large crate, to place his luggage on his desk. As soon as I put the crate on, the table makes a slight noise.

At the same time, I'm going to answer you because Sorcier has been asking me questions about Balad's absence, which he's always holding back on my side.

And the pivotal Lutze was looking at me with a dazzling look, like when he saw the sunlight in person.

He has had these expressions from the beginning when he saw me, but he hasn't told me the truth yet. Well, from what I've heard, there's no chance that Lutze will answer honestly.

"In the meantime, all three of you sit down"

"" "Yes" "

Of the couch I sat on, pinch the table and recommend the other couch to the three of you.

Then I think it's the same with Luce directly in front of me, and Solcier to the right from me, Jeff to the left and the three of them sitting in their usual fixed position.

Luce Hendra, son of the Hendra Chamber of Commerce, who also places the world on the line, and Solcier Straga, son of the Straga Demon Prop Store, who makes it a business to create demon props, and Jeff Burca, who takes care of the Ferriella family, who runs one of the leading blacksmiths in the country.

None of the three are titles, but even though they are promising future boys who were born and raised in expert homes on that path, they are the strangers who were around Doyle.

To be precise, it feels like the decision among the three is in Luce, Solcier doesn't defy Luce's decision, and Jeff said if he was with the two of them.

I don't know what the hell Lutze likes about me, but he took the lead in fulfilling my wishes during the Middle Ages. He is also an executor of my business.

These three, originally acquainted with Balad.

That their home was the one where Ballado was in public service to serve me.

For me, I said, "I've got people I can use!" I still remember Balad, who offered them with a radiant smile.

Besides, I was very impressed that Luce, who looked at me as if to identify me as introduced, looked at me with a dazzling face after using some skill.

Since that day, Luce has done all she can with that power and connections as she looks at me like she's about to blink from time to time.

There is nothing that cannot be obtained by Luze, one of the world's leading merchants, and Luze, who brings it to me in things and talent as long as he piles up money, is the man who deserves the son of the Hendra Chamber of Commerce.

And even today, this is how Lutze brought me what I asked for.

"All of it? Luce."

"Yes, this is what Doyle wants"

"That was faster than I thought."

"Of course it is! It was no other Doyle's order, so you let all the paper workshops owned by the Chamber of Commerce do it. The craftsmen also asked Master Doyle what he wanted and said, 'Why didn't anyone think of that before!' He said it orally. My father was impressed to see the real thing................ So you can leave this product to the Hendra family in the future, right?

"Of course. I'm sorry I forced you to."

"No, because we are merchants. It's not a struggle, like the struggle that has made tremendous wealth what it is. My father was thrilled to give me the right to this product."



For some reason there is no falsehood in Lutze's words telling him that with a proud expression, and he is sincerely pleased with it. Well, it's true that this has never happened before, so maybe the merchant soul nods.

"By the way, what's in this? It was very hard to tear down."

Jeff asked me what was in the crate if I couldn't stand Lutze's conversation. I heard Jeff say it. Lutze asked me if I could open it with his eyes, so I nodded.

"This is it."

".................. beautiful. Is this paper?

And what reacted to the contents of the open crate was the silent sorcier until then.

"That's right. This is the [color paper] Master Doyle wanted!

"Ha. I see. No matter how much paper it is, it should be too heavy."

Thank you to Jeff for looking at the contents of the crate in a convincing, and so on. Jeff, who inevitably makes me carry my luggage that it was in these three, laughed at me lightly, "Nothing good," although for a moment I was surprised that I had thanked him.

Mm-hmm. He's a subordinate I don't have.

Once again, I give a word of gratitude in my heart for the preciousness of the three of us, while peeking into the crate opened by Luce. The contents of the box were tightly packed with colorful paper in red, blue, pink in yellow, green in purple, orange or crimson.

Take out one of them and see the thickness. Not as much paper as I remember in my previous life, but I fucking laugh that I can do this on paper made thin enough in this world. This thickness is enough for paper in this world close to Japanese paper.

I'm going to make Senior Leopard a perfect gift and take it with me.

"How was your request to" make paper colored with dyes, etc. in a variety of colors, as thin as possible "?

"Oh. I did what I thought. It helps."

"It's superimposed. By the way, what use does Master Doyle intend to use this for? Because the colors are bright and beautiful at our Chamber of Commerce, I intend to spread them in the form of wrapping paper and paper bags for gifts."

"Right................... corner. If you have time, can you help me, Luce? Sorcier and Jeff, of course."

Somehow I'm going to have to use this [colored paper] and make a hundred. I was going to ask Balad to help me, of course, but I've never had enough men.

"This [colored paper] is how you use it."

So I took the [colored paper].

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