Following Lord Argo's instructions, the mercenaries strip the material from the bodies of scattered warcraft. On its face there was a relaxation that sent a second wave of warcraft.

In the meantime, I breathed ho for a while.

"Lord Argo! Will you contact Lord Pail as soon as possible?"

If I raise my voice to convey what I think is possible, everyone stops moving on the sounding words and the air that was loosening up all at once.

Lord Argo interrupted giving instructions to the atmosphere at the turn of the scene and left the mercenaries.

"- Did you save it for something unsavory?

Lord Argo seems to have felt something when he saw my face, and with that said, he is beginning to prepare demonic props for communication.

I didn't have the peace of mind or confidence to survive the Warcraft's onslaught there, and what I have is vigilance enough to irritate my skin tingly. The mercenaries around them are again entering a state of strictness, whether they have also been impressed by the attitude of Lord Argo.

- Is this the man who survived as a mercenary for years?

Burn its switching speed and gap-free standing behavior into your eyes.

At the booze seat, he said with a laugh, 'It's the secret to keeping this operation going for a long time that I won't be chronic at all times,' but surely this would make it less of a failure. Immediately after the battle, there are rarely those who can spend so much time without alarm in a battle that also won.

I open my mouth as I admire the glimpse of a first-rate mercenary.

"Yeah, for the most part. In the meantime, please contact Lord Pail and ask him if he's safe and if he needs reinforcements. If you're likely to be able to afford it, please confirm the type of warcraft you're attacking and with what flow you're under attack."

"... ok"

He nodded, shifting his eyes from Lord Argo, who began to act in contact with Lord Pail, and I shed magic on the magic props I was holding.

The light green on the magic prop slowly starts flashing. Fortunately, where one, two, and three flashed, a green light dwelt in the magic props.

"- Master Doyle? How are you?

The next moment I thought I was connected, I hear Lord Joyeh's voice from the demon props.

I breathed a slight relief in that strange voice.

Judging from Lord Joyeh's attitude, no harm appears to have been done yet. If something had been ambushed, or if something had happened like a warcraft coming out of the woods, you wouldn't have asked me what had happened.

"I've already fought the Herd of Warcraft about twice, but it could be a worse situation than I thought. I'd like to ask the Knights, is anybody nearby?

"I'm here. Wait a minute. '

I heard a familiar voice for decades waiting to hear the voice of Lord Joyeh calling a knight on the other side of the magic prop.

"Thank you for waiting, Master Doyle."

"I'm Richter with the Kingsguard Knights. The Knights Commander can't seem to get his hands off me right now, so I'll ask him with me. '

Fortunately, it was Lord Richter whom Lord Joyeh called.

It's more likely that a favored Lord Richter would listen to my words than a less intimate Knights captain. Also, the Knights Commander should be more receptive to words from Lord Joyeh and the Kingsguard Knights his father trusts. This would be quick to talk about.

I opened my mouth luckily.

"Now, as soon as possible, let me get to the point. So far, I've been engaged twice with a bunch of Warcraft, but the first time was Hattie and Goblin instead of the infantry, then Hazel Sprinter and Thunderbird, who seemed to be the ambushers who excelled at a single breakthrough. The second time we are fighting Weapon Monkeys, who specialize in mass warfare, giant salamanders capable of widespread attacks, and Tyrant Bears with high pure offense power. Also, it seems that me and Jin were currently being guided, moving from the right wing where the Flame Snake Mercenaries were to the left wing where Lord Argo is. Considering the presence of the Great Spider who solves the humanities that we have already reported, it is likely that a fairly intelligent leader will lead the Warcraft."

"The Warcraft guides Lord Doyle and Lord Jin, is it?

I will continue to say even more in the mouth of Lord Joyeh, who speaks truly of whether that is the case.

"I think the warcraft in the hands of the mercenaries spotted me and Jin taking the initiative against them. Strong individuals emerged who were doing well and, if they noticed, were moving significantly from where they were initially to the left. We're in a hurry to check on Lord Pail and the others, but if anything happens over there right now, me and Jin won't make it."

The other side of the magic prop on my word is breathtaking, of course, Lord Argo, the mercenaries who were around him, and the gin who was back at some point.

In the meantime, it was Lord Argo who first resumed his action.

"The Duke's boy tells me not to fail to be vigilant because even if something happens over there, I can't go right back. - Oh, do that. It's better for you if you don't lick it with the Warcraft. - Well, there's no change in the quality of the Warcraft, is there? If so, the aim is the boys..."

It is in my ear that Lord Argo, who seems to have grasped the status quo, tells Lord Pail so.

At the same time, from the demonic props at hand, a voice was heard that Lord Richter blamed.

'- I have a Kingsguard knight with free hands, so I can deal with the matter here. So, Doyle, what are you guys gonna do?

Wrap your inner tongue around the spoken word.

He sees through my thoughts and so on. Lord Richter seems to be absurd, and his voice was harsh.

The Kingsguard Knight on whom Father Boulder puts his faith, no, in this case it should be called facial familiarity from an early age?

With that in mind, I speak my mind.

"It's an invitation in the corner, so I thought I'd keep riding"

"Mr. Doyle, I can't allow such a dangerous thing."

I laugh bitterly when I hear Lord Richter whispering in my hair.

I know you're worried...

I find it tempting to defy Lord Richter, who took care of me as a child and still turns to me for the same kindness.

But I have a role to play, too. Therefore, there was no option to back off.

... this is also the seed I sowed, right?

I think so to Lord Richter, who does not break the perception of being to be protected.

This is not the first time Lord Richter has been treated like this. No matter how much martial arts you do, the closer you get to me, the more adults don't treat me equally and try to protect me. I guess that has been more of a sporadic sweetening to favors directed from the surroundings than a cause of youthfulness. You can't count on me forever because I've been sweet enough to knock you down.

Then we must correct that perception.

With my own words and actions.

At the same time, I open my mouth.

"Lord Richter. I am here with His Majesty's life. And the mandate given is' not to let warcraft out of the woods until the surrounding inhabitants have completed their evacuation '. It is only in the middle of the night that the villagers will come to the king's capital, and until then, the mercenaries will be under my command, and I will be free to act in the discharge of my duties. I don't need your permission. Of course, with the permission of Lord Joyeh and the Knights."

The tone changed to convey the will not to obey.

In this outing, I am a mercenary, Lord Joyeh is a magician, and the Knights Commander is given command over the Knights, and I am in an almost reciprocal position.

We have no right to dictate to each other's actions, no matter what our duty is to cooperate to protect the lives given to us by His Majesty. If the action is right to defend the country, it will be disproportionate.

Not to mention Lord Richter is one of the first groups that Prime Minister Libro ordered and dispatched to his father. The mission is to reconnaissance and evacuate the residents and negotiate with the mercenaries. I don't have the authority to stop me.

"Mr. Doyle! To you... '

"Considering the composition of the first and second battalions, they use the Warcraft over there. But if mercenaries continue to practice mass warfare on their opponents, the leader will eventually know how to use the Warcraft. Defeat the leader before he learns how to move as an army, and make the Warcraft more dangerous than the U.N. crowd. After this, it will also interfere with the extermination operations carried out. If there's any chance we can get a leader to avoid that, we should bet on you. You understand that, don't you? Lord Richter."

Lord Richter will shut up about my words. It's proof that you think it's true.

Lord Richter knows I'm right, too. But I don't feel like a parent because I know my childhood, and I'm trying to stop it.

I'm glad and grateful for that feeling.

But we'll always have trouble with that.

I am heavily aware of his guidance, but it is the defense of Majesta that should take precedence over ours over standing in this land under the royal decree.

Lord Joyeh, the Commander of the Knights, Lord Richter and the mercenaries all stand in this land with weapons in their hands because they think so little.

Me or Jin, one of them. Even so, I still can't treat you like a child.

From the moment I slaughtered my grandfather in the public eye, I turned from being protected to protecting him.

That is why His Majesty the King gave me command of the mercenaries and allowed them to go to this land. I have trouble being forgotten about that.

We must make it clear and tell them that we are in this land with the same thoughts as the knights and magicians who swore to defend the country.

That's what I thought, I knew I didn't see it, but I set my posture right and faced the magic item in my hand.

And tell them clearly.

"I have not come on social tours or workouts. I am here now to receive my life from His Majesty the King as heir to the Duke of Aginis and to protect the Magister. With that in mind, let's hear if I'm saying the wrong thing."

To give you a sense of majesty, speak in a tone you dare to thrust away.

And like knights and magicians, I waited for the answer whether or not you would see me equally as the protector of the country.

... Which one?

Dozens of seconds to wait, with anxiety and expectations.

I heard a slight rubbing noise from across the demonic prop that was quiet.

'- I apologize for saying that I went out too far. Rest assured that the Knights of Kingsguard will be at your disposal to reinforce the defensive lines being formed by the mercenaries until Master Doyle returns.'

I smile at the answer Lord Richter gave me.

Apparently, I got a pass score.

"Please, Lord Richter."

Good luck.

"And Lord Richter."

That's when I was having such a conversation with Lord Richter, I heard an unexpected voice coming from the other side.

'I can't send many, but I also make the knights turn. I asked for you, Lord Aginis. "

"... thank you, Lord Shubike"

Thanking him with surprise for the voice of the Knights of Staller von Schbike, suddenly heard, the voice of the serene Lord Joyeh strikes his ear.

"A few, but I'll have the magician on his way."

"Thank you, Lord Joyeh."

'It's each other. Because this one is easier to deal with the U.N. crowd than the warcraft in charge.'

Then I briefed him lightly on the arrangements and formations with the mercenaries, and the magic props ended their role and silenced.

I am surprised at the result that it will cover not only the Kingsguard Knights and the Magic Division, but also the Mercenaries to the Knights. Then he raised his face and the mercenaries thanked him in unison.

The movement varied from courtesy to bowing my head and letting my score go, but I blink my eyes unexpectedly at the movement that I find to be shown respect. The declaration to Lord Richter seemed to have had an unexpected effect.

I wasn't after him, but there's nothing good or bad about him being impressed by the Majesta-based mercenaries. Deepen your grin as you respond to their favors.

That's what Lord Argo told me.

"I made a good decision. Don't ruin it, Duke."

"Of course. - Huh?

In answering the words spoken in a delightful voice, if you notice a call that has changed from 'Duke Boy' to 'Duke', turn to Ba and face, you will see Lord Argo staring straight at me.

"Best of luck"

What was then called was a word of prayer for safety.

It was a common rhetoric, but I accidentally call that name because I feel that the carefully spoken word contains a heavier meaning.

"Al -"

"Enemy attack! Ahead is Kobolt!

But my voice was scratched off by the voice of a mercenary who was on guard around me.

The neighborhood is at once enlivened by the advent of a new herd of warcraft.

The mercenaries gathered nearby scattered instantly when they took each weapon in their hands. And on each placement, I went into an interception posture.

"- There's a bigger Tyrant Bear over there than just now!

"Let's go, Master Doyle!

To the voice that informed him of the existence of the mighty enemy, Jin told him so that he would make a loud noise and wrap the flame around the spear. And run out without waiting for my reply.

I followed after him, too, as I tongued about the look of Jin as I looked away.

I care about Lord Argo, but I can't let Jin go alone any more than I know he's been invited to bait a strong individual.

"Be careful on the road!

"Good luck!

Hearing from the mercenaries on their backs one after the other, I pulled out my espada and ran.

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