Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode One Hundred Seventy-Seven: Pfe von Hengst

A quiet evening when soft moonlights illuminate the pasture of a beautifully mowed horse ranch, and the voices of the bugs ringing with the sound of linlin and bells entertain your ears.

I always looked around at the horses as I proceeded in a relaxed gait through the calm airy stables.

"How are you?

He strokes his neck as he speaks to the horse who has slipped over to sweeten him. At the same time, observe the temperature felt in the palms and the sensation of hair in the pulse, followed by visual observation of the presence or absence of trauma, lustre, eyes, etc.

As head of the ranch, managing the health of the horses is an important task.

- This girl, she's taking care of it.

I look at the horse again, which I would be cared for carefully, and write 'No anomalies/good' on the record sheet, glad to hear it. Then check on the horse next door.

"You're in such a good mood. Did something good happen to you?

If you look at the paperwork at hand without thinking of the horse in a good mood to see it, it says that he and his husband went out to the ranch after school.

I don't know if it was either equestrian training or a long ride, but I'm sure he played a lot with his husband and had him brushed carefully. Chestnut hair was twinkly and my eyes looking down at me were vivid and shiny.

Next to the name of a healthy horse without complaint, write 'No abnormality/good', as you did earlier.

And I looked up.

All the horses in the stables are tidy and enjoy a pleasant autumn night out in the tranquil air.

Thanks to Aginis and the others.

I think of the students who would have created this situation, feeling their own mouths rip open at the appearance of a happy horse.

With Aginis at the helm, Lute Sturp, His Royal Highness Grey, and Jin von Spietz and some of the great horseback riding skills, the students who were fascinated by them riding honed their equestrian skills.

However, if that's all it is, it's a sight to be seen in a few years cycle. Horseback riding is popular among students when the protagonists and active knights of the book are active in equestrian arts.

This semester, however, students are not only brushing their horseback riding arms, but also investing in caring for the horses. That was undoubtedly the influence of His Highness Gray and Aginis.

They know the importance of building trust with horses. So I frequently show my face to the stables and take care of the horses with my own hands.

If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince or the Duke's heir were to take care of the horse with their own hands, the two men would, of course, imitate the other nobles as well.

The ladies borrowed the hands of their men on the boulder, but they began to brush.

Incidentally, the deciding factor for them is that Princess Claire, who enrolled this year, was caring for her horse while her Highness and Aginis taught her. Even though the princess does it, it seems impossible for the ladies to pretend not to know.

As a result of unfamiliar but noble children and courtiers working in the care of horses, the air also shifted to students leaving the civilian population, and no one left the care of horses to ranch staff.

I am very pleased to be head of the horse ranch, and I am happy to be a horse lover again.

That's the same for the horses.

Originally, horses are clever, creatures that respond to their husbands' affection. The conscious horses who are cherished try to live up to their master's expectations with a full body of spirit.

Students' arms go up to the horses that make it easier to ride every day. Horseback riding becomes more fun when you can manipulate it that way, and you like horses more.

Then there is heat in the hands to take care of, and the horses try to live up to their expectations even more.

Good circulation was taking place between students and horses, prompted by the actions of His Highness and Aginis.

"- I have to thank you."

"To what?

If you grumble like that while stroking a beautiful hairy horse, you'll hear a query from somewhere not so far away. When I looked around at the voice, my men, who had finished sharing, came to me with the completed documents.

"This one is fine. The horses are fine today."


Look through the documents provided and sign the Responsible Person field as a confirmation mark.

Subordinates who receive a recording form filled with all columns overlap at the top of the bundled paper. And as he spelled out the papers with strings to keep them from spreading, he mouthed the same question as before.

"So, what the hell was Dr. Pfe thanking for?

"The horses seem so happy, to His Highness Gray and Aginis."

Answer that as you gaze at the horses, and your men's smudging voices will strike your ears.

"Her Royal Highness's Blanc of Noir and Aginis is also lustrous and stylish. And the two horseback riding skills are amazing again, so it helps that the students' passion for horses doesn't get cold."

Nodding at the words of his men, I think of His Highness Gray and Aginis' beloved horse.

Glossy pitch-black blue hair and white horses gleaming in silver are beautiful to run in a prestigious setting, and students zero their admiration for His Royal Highness and Aginis' horseback riding skills that maximize the physical abilities of both heads.

"- Speaking of which, I heard you went through the paperwork Aginis brought you during this time, when are you coming?

As he depicts a beautiful white horse running through the meadow behind his brain, he opens his mouth in such a way as if his men had said so. At the same time as his inquiry, I recall a document that Aginis brought the other day asking for permission to act at night.

- Yeah, hey, that was today.

It was only this evening that Aginis wrote his autograph with almost a hint that the elucidation of the Seven Wonders meant that Aginis would also do something childish.

Perhaps the last time they go after human souls is in the woods behind the ranch. If you're coming from the dorm, you're likely to pass in front of the stables.

"I think it's time to go through that area"

"What is it today?

If you answer as you recall the contents of the paperwork, your surprised subordinates then proceed to the entrance and exit of the stables. I interrupted my work and headed to the door to see him like that.

"Speaking of which, isn't this moonlight tree blooming fast? I thought it was around the end of autumn that there were rumors of people's souls among the students."

"Looks like it was early this time. It feels like I went to see it yesterday. Today, tomorrow, it'll be full."

"Then I have to contact my pharmacy teacher."

"There's already one, huh?

"Huh. Is that true? If you tell me, I'll tell you."

"I just had some errands in the school building."

Leaving the stables with such a conversation, I look over the ranch with my men.

For horse ranch officials, rumors of human souls whispered among students are a signal to inform the blossoming of moonlight trees.

Because the identity of the human soul is a small animal such as a wild bird wrapped around a moonlight tree.

The ranch is made from nature, and many small animals, such as wild birds and squirrels, live in the woods. Moonlight tree flowers are so small that it was the norm to get into the hair of small animals and wild birds that climbed trees and make noise that the students who occasionally witnessed them were human souls.

I can explain it in advance, but many students graduate without hearing rumors of human souls because it takes years to blossom, and it's pathetic to make them expect it even though they can't expect it to bloom. More importantly, students who are making noise about human souls seem to enjoy themselves, so the existence of moonlight trees is decided to lay low.

In this school, where there are many adults, it is somewhere childish for students to talk seriously about human souls, and it is also a pleasure for our faculty.

"What does Aginis look like?

You imagine Aginis's reaction, and the voice of his men who tell him so plays somewhere.

"I don't know."

I answer my men, smiling bitterly, looking at the ranch, which is lit by the moonlight, in an exciting way.

And that was then.

"- No more reason!

"Come on, Solcier! We'll lose him!"

I hear voices like that, along with things like footsteps.

If I relied on the sound to gaze, I could see the blue and white light a little farther away and the students chasing it.

"Oh, just fine, come on..."

My men grinned deeper at the sight I saw, and the next moment I nearly said so, a human soul crosses in front of me at an unusual rate. Then the screams you hear.

"Jeff! Solcier!

"Master Doyle."

"Please go first!

"Okay! Follow me carefully."

"" Yes ""

I wonder if the human soul has passed at an alarming rate, and I hear such conversations between Aginis and the others. Then a beat late, something red passed in front of the stables.

What's with the red now?

I think so. No, next time, the golden colour like Aginis and the different red colour from the earlier one rush through terribly fast.

"Well, Fia! Alone -!"

"Dear Aginis, don't leave me -!"

Shivering pastures, as if blown by the voices and strong winds of men and women distant in an instant.

Less than a second captured the brilliant golden color in his sight.

The red, known as the soul and fia, who passed too far as a storm, Aginis and the woman who chased them at an incredible rate.

Silence falls between me and my men, who couldn't swallow the sight I just saw inside.

To strive to understand each other's current situation in that way, often.

My men finally opened their mouths when the pasture swayed softly in the light of the falling moonlight and I began to hear the bugs again.

"…………… now the gold colour I see for a moment is Aginis?

"Looks like..."

Answer an unspeakable feeling to a subordinate who muttered with a loud voice saying he saw something incredible.

"Humans can get at that speed..."

"...... so"

Answering my dry laughing men like that is incredible to me.

Give up a hundred steps. Human souls are good. Being floating in the universe is likely a wild bird, so depending on the species, you'll get that much speed as well.

But that speed of Aginis was what doubted my eyes.

...... the growth of kids is amazing.

I look up into the sky, thinking that to Aginis, who is crossing people's boundaries either under the influence of Master Celery or at a terrible speed.

In a cloudless night sky, the moon was dazzling.

As I narrowed my eyes to the brilliant downpouring moonlight, it was the woman who ran away with Aginis who passed my head. According to a circular that came around from the school director, following Aginis, she should be a maid recently attached to Master Celery. I thought he wouldn't be just a maid because he brought him here better, but it's more than I imagined.

- Dr. Pfe.

Had I lost track of the unexpected development, I returned to me with a voice from my men.

"... excuse me, Dr. Pfe. I'm kind of tired, so excuse me first."

I guess the sight I saw earlier was a shock as I was thinking of Aginis and the others chasing people's souls like children. Fatigue seeped into the faces of his men who wished to return home.

His work is already done. I nod quietly because I have no reason to refuse my offer to rest.

"Rest tight."

"Yes, excuse me"

I gently divert my attention from my men leaving the stables in some unbridled footsteps, and I turn my eyes out again.

There, Jeff Burka and Solcier Straga, left behind by Aginis and the others, were just about to rendezvous with Balad Rove and Luze Hendra.

"Jeff, Solcier. What are you doing here? Where's Master Doyle?

Burka and Straga answer the robe asking where Aginis was going.

"Master Doyle follows human souls into the woods. That man's soul, it was too fast to reach me or Solcier."

"Fia and Mr. Yulia are with us. Mr. Rafael and his men followed him from the sky."

"- Yes, but how about we? Dear Barado."

Take over the two replies and Hendra asks. Without Aginis, their command seems to be in the robe.

"Whatever, I'll go after it. If we stop here, Master Doyle will not reprimand us. On the contrary, you should pick me up after you've done your research on everything. You're sweet. But let Master Doyle take such hassle, the name of the squire is broken. I can't help but keep up with the rare physical abilities like the talented Doyle, but don't just be sweet with his kindness and outstanding hands."

That's the answer. The intended robe shuts up for a while and then tells the burkas off.

"- It's going at a great speed, but I could grasp where Master Doyle is. I'll be there."


Copy that, sir.


The three comfortable people follow Robe's instructions and step out.

Chasing Aginis, who would be running around in the woods at unlikely speeds, is a little harsh for the average person. You should help them to rendezvous safely with Aginis.

That's what I thought. I called their names to tell them where Aginis and the others were headed.

"Robe, Hendra, burka, straiga! I'll tell you where Aginis is going. Ah, why don't you come on?

"" "" Dr. Pfe!

So he waved, and the four of them looked back in horrible breath.

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