A spreading entangled in a tree, illuminated by a moonlight that fell zero from between the branches.

A grass stroking your feet from the top of your pants on a falling leaf that collapses under your shoes every time you step out.

Footsteps of small animals that are occasionally heard between the sounds of insects.

About half an hour of walking among those irreplaceable trees, caught by the little hand of the fiir.

"Over here!"

That's what I said and ran out. If you proceed in a way that drags you away, suddenly your sight flickers. Apparently, the woods have broken.

I stepped into the woods with my hands drawn to the phia. There, unlike in the woods, where the moonlight was blocked by the growing trees, it was much brighter.

If you narrow your eyes to the glare, a cold, comfortable breeze strokes your cheeks. Then, the scent of flowers was picked up by the sense of smell sensitized by the narrowed vision.

Similar to golden wood rhino, sweet aroma. Slowly opens the eyes I'm used to the glare as I inhale that scent of nostalgia somewhere all over my chest.

There, it seemed like another dimension.

If you look up to heaven, a pitch-black night sky with sparkling stars will appear in your eyes, and if you drop your gaze, a low-back grass covering the ground will blow in the wind and soar. If you turn your eyes to the back, the flowers that emit the pale light falling from the moonlight trees over the soft, swinging greens descend sarcastically, and occasionally, the flowers on the wind dance through the universe like fluorescent flames.

It is the moonlight tree that emits a sudden presence among them.

There are about five similar silhouette trees growing around, but only one is wearing flowers. But the presence of the moonlight tree that opened up so many flowers is hard to describe.

The pale light emitted by the blooming flowers, not to say overflowing, covers even the leaves, branches and trunks, as if the trees themselves were glowing.

Zero exhales of admiration from time to time so that the falling moonlight shines throughout your body.

and then my little hand pulled my left hand.

If you follow the feeling of being pulled and turn your eyes, a full grin involves fia and gaze.

"- Isn't it beautiful?

"Oh. Beautiful."

If she answered the enquiry told with a boastful sound, she nodded contentedly and turned her attention to the moonlight tree. I giggle at the fia looking at the sight in front of me in a mood, and I look back, too.

That's how me and Fia were fascinated by the divinely glowing moonlight tree until we all caught up -.

The time it is time for the moon to take to Jomtien.

We broke up with the Feniches and came to the front gate when the moonlight trees burned the sight of weaving and collected blooming flowers for souvenirs.

The time of the covenant I made with the Spirit of the earth was when the moon ascended to Jomtien. Obscure, but this happened when we considered that the earthly spirits did not know the world's decisions of people such as time.

- You're almost there.

Looking up to heaven and confirming that the time of the covenant was near, one day the clouds that were in the night sky overlapped with the moon, and the darkness around them darkened.

In the meantime, Ballado, who was right on his side, feels signs of movement and turns to you. Lutze and the others said what they were doing, under "The Blue Soul," they were all sitting quietly on my side and on Ballado's side, either due to the fatigue caused by their chase with the Feniches. With me and Ballado lined up behind the main entrance, Lutze and Julia lined up on the front right and Spirits and Julia on the front left.

Lose as much and a light lights up gently in front of me.


"Would you like a cup of tea?

If he thanked the light source provided, he was asked to replace the tea. I thought it was unusual for Balad to look at my situation and judge without bothering to ask, but I realize and convince him that his eyes were directed to the moon.

"No, that's enough. Clean it up."

"I'm in awe"

If he chooses to prepare himself for the face to face with the earthen spirits, Ballado, with my discretion, handily collects the tea utensils. And Balad, who had finished storing the tea utensils of me and Lutze and the others, then saw the spirits.

If you look at the women after Balad's gaze, you'll see the three spirits chewing for fun and Julia, the fairy of the mountain.

"... that's good. You won't admit it now."

"I'm in awe"

Ballad, who returned the compliment to my words, withheld it from my side.

With Balad finished working on it, the conversations between the women strike their ears first.

"The sweets Albione is eating, they look delicious"

"If you want some, I'll give it to Rafael."

"Thank you. Oh, so many different kinds, huh? I'm gonna get lost."

"You never get as full as a human being, so you just have to eat it all"

"So is that."

Albione and Rafael have such conversations between treats like marshmallows that Claire has recommended me to eat, too. Next to those two, Fia grabbed a baked treat about half the size to hide that face.

"Muggle. Muggle."

'Can I have this?

If that's what the Mountain Fairies asked, blinking their eyes at the confectionery put on the tossed Fia's feet, Fia takes her mouth off the baked confectionery and nods.


"Spirit of Fire!

"Thank you"

The mountain fairies, who have obtained forgiveness from the phia, look happy and go into a box filled with confectionery. I look out for the sight.


The number of fairies in the mountains that were one during the exploration of the woods, if you look at them, was increasing to two. When the hell, and as I continue to observe while wondering, Julia, with her noticed eye round something, grabs the box from Fia's knee.

"Hey, that, even though I'm a fancy treat I haven't eaten yet either! I'm going to put it on the plate now, so don't go in the box."


When Julia hurriedly tilts the box, she transfers some of the confectionery and the mountain fairy to a plate that was nearby. And when I wrapped it in a cloth a little from what was left, I put it in my own pocket, and I returned a box of sweets over Fia's feet.

I think she's surprisingly delicious about such a series of actions by Julia, or that she likes sweets.

Meanwhile, Cologne on the plate and the mountain fairies that rolled out seemed to mock for a moment, but when I made sure there were sweets around me, I was starting to eat like there was nothing.

... Speaking of which, what's going on with the Mountain Fairy Mouth?

Such a question passes through the back of my brain to a candy that disappears from the top of a plate whenever a fairy moves.

In this way, we often think about the physical structure of mountain fairies and about the wonders that are growing in the gap between our eyes.

The moon hidden in the clouds peeks into his face.

With the moonlight pouring down, the bottle on their side glows lightly. Packed with moonlight flowers, the bottle emits two light red lights in green, blue, illuminating each owner.

By the way, Lafar had chosen green, Albione blue, and Fia and Julia a light red bottle. Having chosen the same colour for their hair and eyes, they look delightfully at the flowers of the luminous moonlight tree once again.

The sight I saw just now caught on to what they looked like fun.

"- Moonlight tree, that was beautiful."


That's how I answer the exclamation caged sorcier whine, and I close my eyes.

At the same time, the beautiful scenery I saw earlier is vividly recalled.

Night skies and gently rocking green carpets adorned with countless stars, luminous moonlight trees, and fluorescent flames floating around.

- You wanted to show it to Claire and Master Gray, too.

Think about that in the fantastic sight that came up behind your brain. I rarely see a view that fantastic. I'm sure they both would have loved it.

I slowly open my eyes as I think of the childhood tamers who declined that permission would not be granted if the royal family were here.

And in the heart of the night sky I looked up, the moon was glowing brilliantly.

- It's time.

If you rise so zero in the moon that rises to Jomtien, Balad and Lutze will also raise their hips.

There is no conversation between us out of anticipation and slight anxiety about the spirits of the earth that we have yet to see. On the other hand, the women remained the same, picking tea and soaking confectionery.

So, enough to wait.

"... you're not coming"

I thought Jeff shrugged, and the perimeter darkened.

With the moonlight blocked in good time, I'm on alert. But there's no change that goes on, and I just feel signs of finding out when I explore the area.

So when I saw the sky, the thicker clouds were blocking the moon. As earlier, the moon pulls out the power of its shoulders only to have hidden in the clouds.

Then a beat, face to face, we laugh bitterly from nobody.

Apparently, everyone was nervous about meeting a new spirit.

"It was just so good, I was a little surprised"

That's what Jeff tells me, exhaling the breath he was packing.

I laugh at him laughing at me for exaggerating. I nod deeply too when I see that Solcier, Lutze and Balad also spoke out of agreement.


"Yeah. Really."

Almost at the same time I answered that, I heard a woman I didn't remember.

Soft Lafar, Rin Albione, or the sound of a bell fiir. Or different, I explore my surroundings in a trembling voice that doesn't rely anywhere.

Then there were signs that I'd never seen before, right next to me. Between the main entrance and me, everyone looks back to see the Lord of the Great Signs, in a place where I or Balad would not be seen in the shadows.


But you were surprised at my behavior like that, she disappeared to melt into the short screaming ground.

"Master Doyle?

"What's wrong -?

Without responding to Balad or Jeff's voice calling me worryingly, I gaze at the place where the spirits of the earth have now disappeared.

All I could see was a few seconds, but enough time for my eyes to capture the appearance of the earth spirits.

Glossy straight brunette with scorched tea eyes. With a mild face, she looked older than Rafael or Albione.

Remembering the glimpse of the earth spirits, Pong and his hands are placed on his shoulders. Then I moved my neck slightly to see the bearer of that hand to the crisp feeling I felt, and I saw Albione with a mean grin.

"Your husband surprised you, so you ran away."

"... is that my fault now? You just looked back, didn't you?

"There's no one else, is there?

If Albione's teasing words do not fall to his heart, he will be cut off lightly.

"So, what do you do?

"What are we going to do..."

I asked Albione, "What the hell do you want me to do?," he whines in his heart.

The drawstring is not Dada. The moment I had a turning eye, before the sad reality of being able to get away with a quick run, I said, "Was it my fault that I suddenly turned around?" and so on and ask yourself repeatedly, but no longer the festival of the rest. I can't do anything about it from reflection.

Though familiar, it would be too delicate......

What can I do, stare at the place where the earth spirits disappeared without the art of doing.

And that was then.

"Soil Spirit, Soil Spirit"

"Please come out."

"You're all sweet and good people."

"Nothing to be afraid of."

"There are also many delicious treats."

Soon the mountain fairies, who have grown to five, become circles where the earth spirits disappear, calling as they pound and jump.

"Soil Spirit!

"You want to talk to the human children, don't you?

'Don't miss this opportunity!

'There are also spirits of wind and fire in the water!

"We've all been waiting to meet the earth spirits, haven't we?

I gently explore the underground to avoid wasting their efforts spinning words.

- Don't surprise her.

As I tell myself so, I carefully stretch out my magic. Then in a less profound position, the earth spirits were felt to remain.

Apparently, the hairy balls' voices have reached her.

You were inspired by the words of the Mountain Fairies that continue while I was exploring, and the signs of the Soil Spirit are getting a little closer to the earth.

Then there's one thing I should do.

Stop exploring underground and I will gently lay my hands at the center of the circle of mountain fairies and call on the earth spirits.

"Soil spirits. Sorry to surprise you earlier. My name is Doyle von Aginis. I just want to talk to you and I'm not willing to do any harm. Would you like to show yourself now?

If I told her that with a gentle, slow tone in mind, the mountain fairies who were listening to me spoke to her more intensely.

"" "" "" The Spirit of the Earth!


"- Aginis?... That's what she called Amelia."

The earthen spirits let their faces peek into the earth again, whining so with a trembling voice.

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