I noticed.

To my parents and grandfather, Sebastian, Uncle Wynn and Celery, for the real reason that they were all clouding words that they were going to talk about Grandma Amelia.

When I jumped, I lit the lamp I had on my pillow and took the book I had just finished from the subspace. I spread five books on my bed, feeling the cloth I had wrapped around.

I thought no one would talk because it makes me sad to remember, because it's hard to realize that I'm not in the world anymore.

A man who admires the earth spirits Tierra so much. Indeed, Grandma Amelia was a personable person and I guess many people loved her wholeheartedly. But I'm sure that wasn't all.

- I can't believe I just realized that.

Amelia, I rarely get to ask about your grandmother. No matter how much I think back on the few memories, I don't remember asking. Abnormalities such as not even being falsified by difficult causes such as sickness and accidental death, and everyone and everyone else not touching the subject and keeping their mouths shut.

Doc and heart pulse.

I'll try to get two red books in my hand again. They are large and thick enough for the palms to hide, they are the same shape but notice a difference in how the fitting is damaged. If you arrange it, does one of them burn in the day or is the red slightly faint?

How did Grandma Amelia feel about leaving this diary?

Rather than concealing it in places such as the Aginis family and the Royal Castle, what a spiritual of earth it is that I had to entrust it to future generations with certainty until I entrusted it to a being beyond people's knowledge......

I reach for the diary of those who make me feel old.

And opened a faded red fitting with trembling fingertips.

○ Moon x Sun Sunny

It's my birthday!

It was a great pleasure to receive a gift from so many people to celebrate their turning ten. This blank book I'm writing my diary on now is also a celebration item that one of my maids gave me. She told me not to get tired of it and gave me three books.

It's a thick book, so it's going to take a while to use.

The diary had begun with such a text.

They write down briefly what happened that day, sometimes just one line, sometimes filling half a page. Occasionally, there were times when the period was free.

I guess Grandma Amelia had a mood store or something like that because she gets enough words from the maid to "never get tired of it".

The story of learning the sword from his father and the day the magic first succeeded, the things that were fun, sad, praised in his studies, etc. are spelled out in letters that make him feel young.

I accidentally stopped by the name of the country that caught my eye as I continued to read the routine of a happy girl.

× Mon × Sun Cloudy

The memorial is fulfilled and you can go to the famous kingdom of Fatalia!

Looks like your father was chosen as an emissary to celebrate King Lowell's tenth anniversary of his crowning. I'm excited to hear that the land that the young king will reign in on twenty-six years is a small country, but a wonderful place.

Are you excited, the letters of the day used to dance.

Forty-five years ago, a small country disappeared from the map with the name of Mad King Lowell. I'm breathtaking about the fact that Grandma Amelia was on her feet where she was said to have triggered the war.

The king's immortality is only thirty years old, so his wife visited Fatalia four years before the war.

× Month △ Sunny

I met His Majesty Rowell face-to-face.

It was an informal tea party for extra guests, so I was allowed to attend, too, but I can't believe your majesty is here!

Even though he was much younger than your father, His Majesty had a very calm atmosphere. It was gentle and calm, as rumored, and you picked garden flowers for me.

I plan to keep these flowers as a sign and a memorial!

The knights who were on His Majesty's side are like the Duke's family who have served the royal family since the founding days of Fatalia. It's like home serving the Majesta royal family...

The old lady used a whole page to praise King Lowell and the nearby knights.

His Majesty was a great man at the time, and until the day of his return, his wife wrote all about His Majesty and the nearby knights.

If I had taken the signs that were pinched, there would have been a bright blue embossing on white paper that I didn't think had been picked out decades ago. Apparently this flower that His Majesty gave me was a famous product of Fatalia.

Undo the signs, then drop your eyes.

Eventually I finished reading the first book and I took the second.

△ Month ○ Sun Rain

Today is a farewell ceremony for the former king and queen of Fatalia.

Though he said it was an accident in a landslide...

Both His Majesty and the people were grieving.

I very much regret that my first visit in three years has taken this form.

Looking at the dates, it was like a year before the war.

The letters written are more adult than the first book and have turned into feminine ones.

△ Month ○ Sunny

I'm going back to Majesta. He came to see me and my father off as a knight and a new civilian.

It seems that the knight trusts the dark-haired civilian to be His Majesty's favorite.

The clerk seemed to be a very beautiful man, and there was a description of "the reason for the sunset or for a moment the clerk's eyes looked like red balls".

After attending the farewell ceremony of the former king and queen of Fatalia and returning home, the grandmother has not kept a diary for some time. From time to time, it was around the time of my grandmother Amelia's father's death, so I guess she was too busy taking over the title and not in the diary.

It was not until after the war that it resumed.

○ Moon ○ Sun Rain

For the first time in my life, I put people in my hands.

That was the only diary I had written in a long time.

I feel the deep agitation and fear of my wife in one sentence written in trembling writing.

The diary, which began to be spelled out again that day on the border, seemed to be making penance in the war.

The horror of people, the sorrow of losing companions, the anguish of having to send a people to battlefield to be protected.

The days spent by the fourteen-year-old girl were remembered. There was no innocence when she was writing the first book, and there was the Duke of Aginis who fought to protect the Majesta.

It is difficult to string Amelia's feelings out of a concise diary.

But I felt the girl grow as letters that were often trembling turned into beautiful lines, and I felt anger for the war at the marks that I thought broke my feather pen.

That's how I met my grandfather.

△ Moon □ Sunny

Some of the mercenaries hired were very strong spears.

Many soldiers didn't have to die because of him. That's why I went to thank you, that man!

I should have slapped him in the fist, not the flat hand!

Something in the diary that was as terminal as the report begins to cross over as emotions.

Grandma Amelia was mostly frustrated when someone like her grandfather came out, and I honestly was impressed that she had often gotten married.

Was it about that time I went on to read inside?

The lady in the diary becomes attentive to certain people.

□ Mon ○ Cloudy

If I thought it was a rough battlefield, there were reports of enemy soldiers being caught using strange techniques.

I don't know if it's a special skill or the magic of clan secrets, but it says there are people on the battlefield who use unsatisfactory abilities.

The old lady called them psychics and seemed to meet them every time she went out to battle.

□ Moon x Sun Rain

There were also those on the battlefield today who possessed alien powers. Apparently their alienation has the effect of inciting fear and frustration in the soldiers. It's rougher than it needs to be fought. I don't know what the purpose is, but it's a terrible ability.

□ Mon △ Sun Cloudy then Sunny

They also have friends, family, and loved ones who have alien powers...

In the sun, her eyes were red as blood, taking the sword in her hand and shouting her lover's hatred.

I thought what they had in common with the mutants was dark eyed dark hair, but I first learned today that it was black and confusing red.

I wondered why I hadn't noticed before, but when I went back through the diary, it was all cloudy and rainy the day I met them.

That red one that I'm going to accidentally get into. Is it because you feel familiar?

Breathtaking what I read, thinking it was a rare and long sentence.

Black and confusing red. It's the color of Julia and Maris.

Also reminiscent in the context of 'their alien powers have the effect of inciting the fear and frustration of soldiers' is the magic artifact that Yulia broke into the headquarters of the Magic Division before the engagement ceremony. I hear that only had the effect of ramming people up.

Then the figure of Zenos, imprisoned by jealousy and hatred, and Maris, who tried to hang some kind of magic on me and said, 'You can't use it anymore'.

Assuming that the alien powers of Julia and her clan incite negative emotions such as fear, frustration, jealousy and hatred, I can understand the meaning of the words Maris uttered towards me in the dungeon.

Unlike when I was desperate to know I couldn't be a spear brave man, when I got back on my feet, I didn't have the negative emotions to stir up, so I wasn't even fit to use my powers.

"- It would have been a good pawn, too bad"

It reminds me of Maris, who shrugged about laying her eyes down.

What was he trying to do, pawn the heir of the Duke of Aginis?

I read more about my grandmother's diary, suppressing her beating and deviating heart.

Apparently, the war ended before we could figure out who the psychics were, and there was a sentence: 'Tomorrow is the entrance ceremony for Epis School'.

I thought it would be over here because one side was blank, but I turned the page with a few left. Then, near the end, the diary was again spelled out in a letter that appeared to belong to Lady Amelia.

It is the writing of a lady spelled out to flow far more beautifully, while leaving behind the face of the letter that was written in the first book.

○ Moon x Sun Sunny

I was walking with my newborn child and I hadn't seen that black and confusing red in ten years.

The people and we are finally trying to forget those days...

○ Moon △ Sun Rain

... I remember.

There was also one with that red in the kingdom of Fatalia.

A brunette civilian brought in by the knight to say that it was a favorite of His Majesty Lowell.

It was an instant, but I see his eyes shining like the finest red balls!

Why can't I remember until now!

If I could remember, I still can't...

□ Mon ○ Sunny

I'm going to go over them again.

Zeno, Sebastian, and Celery. Though it is hard to abandon the days of loving my child while being protected by your brother, I am the immediate family of the Duke of Aginis. The one who protects the Magister.

Even now that I have given the Duke to Master Zeno, the pride I inherited from my father is in my chest.

More importantly, I want Alan to live a peaceful world.

That's why I fight. As my father, grandfather, and ancestors have done.

Maybe he'll take his life in the middle of his mind.

So I shall keep this diary and the history of the Duke of Aginis family with my dear friend.

Even if I taught you, I don't think Master Zeno can remember the oral biography...

For my newborn child, it was written in a powerful letter, the readiness of the Lady Amelia, who decided to fight the one of the clan with the alien powers.

I'm trembling at my fingertips, rolling through the last page.

To the descendants of the Duke of Aginis family.

You mean you're reading this. You met that kid, right?

You're familiar with people, but you're pure and cute, so keep him close.

I watch from the shadows of the grass leaves.

I pray that I achieve my purpose and that the history of the Duke of Aginis is rightly carried on.

But if history ever interrupts, help me with the blue book we were in together. Because I wrote down the trajectory of my home that my father taught me.

Then I want you to look for the alien manipulative clan that was written in this diary.

Before the birth of the second Mad King.

I was the best I could do just to protect the Majesta......

I could not help Fatalia, His Majesty the gentle Lowell, or the knights, or the people who dwell in the land.

Please don't repeat the same mistake.

You can inherit Aginis' blood. Absolutely.

With the signature of Grandma Amelia, the diary was over there.

I close the book with my cold hands proportional to the rising pulse.

Then he exhaled the breath he was unconsciously stuffing.

- I could have been the second Mad King.

No, at least Maris was going to.

The kidnapping noise caused by the King Prince and Marquis Son of Marnagarm and Edelstein, who met in the Abyss Forest. Then the mercenaries gathered in the king's capital of Majesta and the herd of warcraft led by Zenos and Arakune.

All of which would have rocked the country if things had been done.

Maris had added me to the pawn at some point and was trying to use his position as Duke of Aginis heir to pull the trigger of the war.

Just like His Majesty King Lowell of Fatalia, to this me!

At the same time that I think with the anger that boils up is the carelessness of Lady Amelia and the people of Fatalia, then His Majesty Lowell.

The sudden transformation of the King, who was famous to you, was a setup. How about the despair of a people betrayed by a beloved king and His Majesty Rowell who collapsed a country he loved dearly?

I can't imagine Grandma Amelia, who would have been murdered shortly after sweetening the peace that dyed her hands with blood, and the emotions that Grandpa, Sebastian and Master Celery had tasted that couldn't protect her.

- We have to be clear.

In preparation for the day when Maris and I can see each other again, we need to put on black and white whether Julia and her compatriots are enemies or allies. I can't say long enough to wait for her to talk to me.

Maris decided she couldn't use me because of her encounter in the dungeon. Then we should be getting ready for the next one.

- Majesta will not, of course, let the two dances of Fatalia take place in any country.

I swore so strongly that I carefully wrapped the book I spread on my bedroom in cloth and subspace it. Then change into the clothes you put in as a spare and sit on your hips with Espada and Oreo.

Across the street is Lady Celery's lab in magic. So Julia is awake with Master Celery and Fia.


A familiar breeze strokes her cheek if she calls while pulling her connection.

"- What? My dear child. '

"I want to visit Julia to keep it out of sight, so carry me."

If you say so and give me your hands, your hands without entities overlapped.

"If you want."

Fluffy, warm wind grabs me.

Lafar, with a grin, tells him whether or not he feels the swing of magic.

"I got it."

If my green hair dances to chase her up near the ceiling and disappears from my sight, the surprise hardens Julia in my eyes.

She didn't seem to rest with her maid clothes on, and although I wouldn't put it on my face, I snuck down my chest.

"I'm suddenly sorry."

"Yes, no"

You noticed the stiff vibe I wrap up in, Julia constricts more than usual.

Even though I know I'm scaring you, I'm aware that I can't contain the emotions that get in, and I go on with the conversation, being careful not to hit her at least eight times.

"If I had the time, I wanted to wait for my mind to sort out and talk to me from myself, but I could have a situation where I couldn't be that way"

Lid the guilt of recruiting Julia, who sensed my intentions and stretched her face, and poke the final announcement.

"Tell us what the Yulian clan did to His Majesty Rowell of Fatalia in the war forty-five years ago."

The moment I told her that, Julia completely lost her word.

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