Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode one hundred and eighty-five, Celery von Thermos.

Amelia, with a slightly pale blonde cat hair, narrows her blue eyes and laughs flutteringly.

Back from the battlefield I was just glad I was alive.

Amelia is more important to my sister than the blood connected family I've known since birth. I was more important than anything for a young tame girl who blossomed her magical talent early but thus held me back without straying this hand that even her parents reluctantly touched.

Sometimes I had a pale emotion for Amelia to call me love, but it was enough for her to laugh happily, which is why I also cooperated with Zeno in two replies when she was consulted about wanting to accompany me.

I have no regrets about that. I couldn't take the name and responsibility of [the Duke of Aginis] on my shoulders. [Flaming Spear Brave] I still sincerely thank Zeno for being and taking over what was put on her back. You won't have the whole life to put it in your mouth and tell it.

Having succeeded to the Duke before adulthood, she fought for her people and country without omitting herself. There would have been hard battlefields for the girl to run, but she kept leading the soldiers without breaking.

I will never forget the misfortune that happened when Amelia tied up with someone she fell in love with and gave her child and tried to surrender herself to the peace she grabbed with that hand -.

"Feeding negative emotions?

"Yeah. But it doesn't necessarily have to be human. Humans are extraordinarily tastier, but they can also be eaten from warcraft and animals. So they lived hunting in the woods..."

Doyle, I'll watch Julia tell you the secret of the clan, and I'll sneak a sigh of zero so the two of you won't notice.

... I haven't either.

He said that he had spent a long time biting into bites, both sour and sweet, but now he dyes his vision red with anger, and so on.

I can still vividly remember that time Amelia died.

It was the day when the last post-war negotiations were concluded and, in a true sense, the war became a past event.

An assault that took place behind the opening of the Great Hall of Castle Majesta where people from all parts of the relationship, such as the negotiators and allies, gathered to celebrate the peaceful future for all.

I left the hall with Zeno that I couldn't see Amelia, and I looked for her. That's how I found her. She's blood. Stay around. My body starting to get cold and spreading red made me and Xeno stand in the abyss of despair.

From our experience in many battlefields, Amelia was no longer helpful. That's why I tried to chase away the distant footsteps. But she just regained consciousness--

Zeno embraces Amelia without worrying about being able to apply blood. I stood up when I saw her calling on her to "don't die" looking pale in desperate shape.

"Zeno, I'll take care of Amelia. I'll take them."

As soon as I say that and try to rush out, a blue eye with a strong light from my slightly open eyelid looks at me.

"- That won't happen."

If my ears were clear not to hear and divulge the last voice spinning from Amelia's thin, open lips, my heartless words were spinning.

Tell her not to follow, and she realizes that the killer is from another country.

I know what Amelia's trying to say. History would be reversed if the Duchess of Aginis, a tribute to the war, were to have been murdered by someone from another country on a feast that wished to forget the war and live.

But! But! You want me to keep missing out on those who killed you!

What should I do now with the enthusiasm that creeps up in this chest to say that my days of peace and happiness are coming, but that I am not even allowed to take that revenge for losing the girl who wanted me to be the happiest?

"Why! If we go after him now, we can catch him!

Amelia laughs when she screams uncomfortably.

"I just caught you, it doesn't make sense. Just create pointless strife...... please, Dear Zeno, Brother Celery. Please don't chase me because I'm not the real killer. I don't want Alan to leave a spark in the world he lives in - I'm sorry I said so. Happy for both of you."

If Amelia laughs flutteringly with her blue eyes narrowed, the slightly pale blonde hair on her face fades away. And the softly closed eyelid never opened again.


Zeno's sad voice shivers the air.

So I finally heard the knights running this way when I heard the noise coming from afar.

Watching Zeno holding Amelia, he grips with his trembling hand the cane he took away. And I activate magic.


Amelia, Zeno, all the blood spread on the floor, all the iron-smelling air, whatever marks the incident, fly to the Duke of Aginis' house and punish the wand.

There's no way the battle we fought for her could be pointless. Everyone should think so if I, Zeno, Sebastian, or anyone who has ever been involved with her.

But if Amelia of the day wishes me not to fight, let me make it happen and show it to you.

Even if it's so hard that this chest is about to rip open.

"I heard something like a scream, what did you do!?

"The Dukes of Aginis tried to start a fight, so you just came home. There's nothing wrong with that, so please come back."

I looked back at the knights running into the room with a grin, and I told them so.

Then we ran off to erase the fact that she was murdered.

Working with Libro, Elva, and his predecessors, he faked the time of her death by putting Amelia the Phantom in public, and funerals were held six months later, but her body was buried long ago. I had to put her doll to bed in the coffin and say goodbye. The remorse is still in this chest.

Amelia's death, which was so sudden, became rumoured for a while, but no one persisted in trying to explore us as we were called Four Young-Jie, and after a year, no one spoke. That's how her death was buried in the dark.

It was our last resistance that did not falsify it as morbid or accidental death.

I thought if we kept the cause of death uncertain, someday the time might come for Amelia to be able to find out why she was killed.

I have dedicated myself to keeping the peace I gained in exchange for the truth about her death by liding my wrath and sorrow without a place to do it. I pretend not to see the pain in my chest that I remember from time to time, raising the next generation and keeping my thoughts on the future of Magesta......

And Alan and the new king have come to a splendid reign, and His Royal Highness Gray and the children of you, Doyle and Jin, are about to grow into one serving. Now I can finally unload my shoulders, that's what Zeno and I were about to retire for a year.

Doyle, who seeks strength to protect you, dazzles me. I just saw the face of the late Amelia in the way she tried to do it for someone.

Doyle, the days of serenity I spend watching over you are not outrageously bad. I had recently begun to wonder if it would be a good idea to finish the rest of my life in a school where my children's voices still resonate.

Such a fold, the identity of the 'true killer' I've learned.

It's not me, Zeno, or Alan, my real son, who smokes remorse, and Doyle, who has never met Amelia before. What a cause and effect for you to reveal.

- Hated to shed pointless blood, is that Amelia's extraction?

If you stroke a bandage wrapped around your neck with that in mind, a chilli sore runs. The only thing Doyle remembers while touching the wound he put on you earlier is the purple color that looks at me.

Those eyes that are not similar to Amelia's bea. It was oddly the same word Amelia used to call me, shooting me straight through, as furiously as I did when I saw her dying.

"It won't be."

Quietly, Doyle, who clearly denied revenge, overlaps you and Amelia that day.

The next moment, the emotions I was smoking burned up all at once.

I knew it.

Amelia's thoughts did not stop me from disturbing a world that was finally at peace, nor your kindness for stopping me from trying to hit Julia with anger.

Still, I couldn't forget that pain, and I hit you with feelings of no place to go, Doyle.

I don't think you've gotten strong enough to attack me, Doyle. I burst out without time and bite my teeth at the 'true killer' who can't get enough magic to blow up the school with the help of a quote fia.

Why not?

You said you already had the answer, but you made me stop screaming without listening, Doyle.

Doyle, who tells Amelia not to be proud of herself, slowly reaches her ear as she passes through the pain of hitting her back. What I then felt was a cold blade and tingling skin, then a raw, warm liquid that transmitted the neck muscle. I breathe in the purple color that shoots me through as I feel the smell of iron plundering my nose that I even feel nostalgic.

- That's why I sent you to Lady Amelia before you took your innocent life and defiled your hands, Master Celery.

The moment I understood the content of the words gently uttered to the toddler, I felt my head beaten with cancer.

What have I fought for so far?

Haven't you been working hard to create a world where these children will never be painted by blood?

What a pity, Doyle, for making your hands dirty with all my patience!

If you're going the wrong way, kill me, but stop, Doyle, who is so ready and asks me, I remember wishing I had lived so that the children who are going to be born would not have to be prepared like this.

I look back and sorely regret my actions with cold thoughts at once. At the same time, Doyle, I wanted to cry over your kindness.

- I don't have a disciple.

One day, Doyle, I told Zeno to bite off the survivors who had grandchildren like you, but that seemed like something I could tell you.

Unlike Joyeh, Doyle, you've been treated half compulsively. Still, I bite your thoughts, Doyle, who recognized and respected me as a mentor and tried to stop me until I was ready to bear my life.

Unhealing grief and unforgettable anger are still in this chest. However, I thought if there was a child who sincerely wished me happiness so far, that would be enough.

- I couldn't follow the truth. Thoughtless, Doyle, let me entrust you or Joyeh to enjoy the rest of my life.

I think it's not too bad to turn to the protected side after the role, Doyle. If you turn your eyes to the gentlemen, you'll catch your gaze with the worrying purple color.

Then you move your gaze into the bandage wrapped around my neck, Doyle, and you tell me with a sorry look on your face.

"Does the wound I put on hurt? I'd still rather use healing pills to heal my wounds..."

It's the reason I was touching my neck, and it seems to have made me worry.

Honestly, a wound of this magnitude is treatable with my magic. But I will not heal as a commandment. It will disappear soon because of the degree of thin skin cut, but it's important to reflect on your own stupidity.

"It's okay. Elva would be pissed off if she relied on medicine for this kind of scratch."

If you say that and laugh, Doyle, you look a little surprised and then nod like you're convinced.

"So, Master Celery. May I have some more time? I'd like to hear from Julia to the rest of those involved in the war..."

I shake my head gently at you, Doyle, who asks me if I have time.

I'm very concerned about Julia's story, Doyle, but I've decided to leave it to you guys. You won't have to listen to me. I'm sorry to take care of your adorable apprentice any more. I have trouble getting extra information and getting impatient.

So I tell Doyle I don't have any plans.

"Excuse me. I have breakfast to tell the school director about you last night."

"So when can you have some time?

"You don't have to worry about my convenience. Mr. Doyle, listen to me alone."


Doyle smiles at you with a dumb face in my words. Then slowly raise the end of my mouth to show off, then I open my mouth.

"I'm retired, so hey. Enjoy the rest of your life and wait for the day when you'll come to figure it all out and report it."

You can do that, can't you? Tell them to include and provoke, Doyle, and you'll have a confident grin after you move your throat.

"I understand. Stay tuned, Master Celery."

I stare and narrow my eyes as purple eyes with strong will gleam with joy.

And as I rebuild as I grow, I take away the wand I've always used for many years. A crystal with more than two fists resting on the tip as a medium for the wand is what Amelia and her father have searched out for me.

- Because I don't need it anymore.

Large, rainbow-colored crystals are a testament to first-class products. It is a treasured item when using massive magic.

I suppose it would be more useful to do it to Joyeh, but I gave him another wand when I gave him the seat of Chief Mage, so let me give this to you, Doyle.

I feel more right in your hands, Doyle, a blood relative, because their thoughts caged that led me to blossom my magical talents early and to be a court magician.

"I will give it to you because it is unnecessary for you not to fight."

I'm wary of what I'm willing to do, Doyle. I'll put the wand in front of you and take a seat.

That's not how I swallowed the situation, Doyle. I killed the signs and walked out to disperse while you blinked your eyes.

That's how Julia stares at me. But you remembered the battle earlier, and as soon as I had eyes, she made me jump on my shoulder and stray from my gaze.

"- Good luck, Doyle. Be of service to you. That's the only way you'll survive."

If I whispered that way to Julia, who leaned down and passed by, I could see her open eyes with a bah up her face, but I head to the door without opening my mouth any further.

I understand that she and her compatriots are not all enemies, but I still have feelings that don't heal. Doyle, I'll spare you, and I won't take your life, so this will be enough for an eight-win apology.

Yes, one excuse and put his hand on the door. That's when the resurrected Doyle calls me off in a hurry.

"Wait, Master Celery! You won't receive anything as expensive as this!

"Originally given to me by Amelia and her father, the payment is made by the Duke of Aginis. Don't worry."

I smiled and looked back and told him so. I stood up to hold me back like that, Doyle. Ignore you, I'll open the door.

"Don't be such an important..."

And Doyle, I left the lab with your screams on my back, and I'm going down the hall early.

The destination is the school director's private room. You'll still be asleep, but Doyle, I told you. I have to wake you up to beat you up and let you accompany me to breakfast to make my plans true.

Shall I tell him that I will finally make this my final home...

I was interested in you, Doyle, and I chose Epis School as my hiding place, but it's not a bad idea to bury bones here. No, I decided to do that in this one case.

You can remember what you've been fighting for while you're imagining the future of dazzling and loving children, and you can continue to lid on the smoking passion. Perhaps here, Doyle, you'll have the tranquil afterlife you wanted.

I was thinking about my future as I narrowed my eyes to the morning sun slipping into the hallway, when the wind that wasn't supposed to blow strokes my cheeks. And dreams or manifestations or illusions,

- Good day, Brother Celery.

Amelia smiled fluffily as she narrowed her blue eyes, making her pale blonde hair slightly faint.

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