It's been two months since I learned the facts of the war based on Grandma Amelia's diary.

The season shifts to winter, and today I feel that a little cooler would start scattering snow. I was inside the residence of Tierra, which my wife called a secret base.

I used my after-school time to visit it. It's warm that it's deep underground, and bright enough to be able to write and read letters without any difficulty due to the glow of demonic stones embedded in the ceiling and walls.

"... Would it have been better if the tea of the Soil Spirit had cooled?

If Julia asks so, having placed the tea vessel without sound on the stone desk, Tierra, in the earthly shape of a black cat, smiles modestly.

"Thank you for caring, Julia. This is just imitating the shape, not even the nature of the cat, so stay put and you'll be fine."

"I'm in awe"

Though Yulia, dressed in maid clothes, was called "Yulia," and solidified for a moment, she quickly regained her sanity and bowed her head respectfully.

Ballado, who was watching a series of exchanges between the two, arranges a plate with some sweets on it next to a tea bowl as he walks over to Tierra's side to be replaced with Julia.

"It will be a new winter treat. This is the Mountain Fairies."

"" "" "" Confectionery!

If Ballad put a cage filled with so many sweets in his desk with words, the fairies of the mountains that were rolling there flocked together.

"You've got everyone's share? Thanks."

Ballado, who broke his hips to Tierra, who thanked him so much, turns a meaningful eye to Julia as he softly leaves his desk. And having received that gaze, Julia bit her lip with regret.

Are those two doing it again......

I sneak out a sigh of sigh to my squire and maid, who are straining quietly.

Julia, who showed her sincerity in one incident with Master Celery, began to behave as my maid of honor. As a result, I often see the sight of the two exploring which takes the lead at work in this way.

A squire and a maid, I guess they have something they can't give to each other.

Honestly, it's a little uncomfortable to be taken care of so as to compete, but I plan on piercing the silence until the two of you are convinced that this can also be described as a harm that I've never left my maid on my side and left everything around me to Balad.

I have no idea what I'm judging as superior or inferior in the first place, so I can't pinch my mouth. There is also the word not to sneak up on the untouched God.

While I told myself that it was a good thing to have pride in my work, I turned away softly from Ballad and Julia, who seemed to regret the proud look on her face. Then spread a large piece of paper on the tabletop to avoid touching the tea utensils and confectionery arranged in front of you.

What is written on the expanded paper is a map depicting neighboring countries. Watching it, I waited for the magic props for communication that were also placed on the tabletop.

The location of the major countries is often regarded as a sword. In the cutting-edge position lies the fortress city Fortraith, Agricult, an agricultural state with a vast sword body, Edelstein, with a commercial state handel lying on the edge of the quay, with both sides sandwiched in a mine on the gripping area, and Majesta on the patterned head, behind which lies the forest of the abyss. The ratio of national territory varies slightly, but the positional relationship and the shape of the country are roughly like that.

Of course, there are five other countries besides Fortraith, Agricult, Handel, Edelstein and Majesta. There are lands ruled by non-human races before Fort Lace, and I guess there are countries because they say the land extends beyond the forest of the abyss.

- The world is wide.

Imagine the end of a world that isn't on the map, and I'd like to see non-human species someday, whining in my heart.

Well, if you graduate from Epis School, that opportunity will come first and foremost. Fortunately, the King of Majesta is alive, so the day when Master Gray will be crowned is still ahead, and the Kingsguard Knights have a father and the Knights Commander has just been inaugurated by Lord Shubike, so my post-graduate path remains to be determined. Perhaps as a side service to Master Gray, I am going to go around about His Highness walking with the sight and ear spread.

- A year and a little until graduation. I want to pay for my worries by then.

When you're thinking about Maris or Zenos and you're having a hard time with that, the magic props for communication shine at the edge of your sight. I exhaled into the flashing green light and so on. When I drew the magic prop, I spoke through the magic.

- Long time no see, Theon.

'Seriously connected... that's really awesome young lady. We only use normal magic, but we can use communications across countries.

Unlike me, who delighted to react to the communication I had been waiting for, Scion's voice color I responded to is stiff.

That should be it, too. A magic prop for communication is an engraved wind magic that enables dialogue with those who are in a remote location by passing magic to the magic formation. Therefore, the distance and usage time during communication is proportional to the magic power of the medium that is carving the formation and the magic power of the users, and is used between those in the country, even if they have as much magic power as court magicians and Kingsguard knights. If you want to use it at a distance across the country, that's what you need to have two Serry-like level operators or enough demon stones to use in the vessels of the Spirits.

The magic props we are currently using combine the two. Anyway, the medium used to carve the formation has been able to absorb the power of Tierra, the spirits of the earth for a long time. It was Master Celery who carved the wind magic formation to enable communication there with the highest quality demonic stones, and I am the one using the contract with the Spirit of the Wind.

I felt sorry to have gotten information from Julia at the corner, but I just waited, and I tried to figure out if there was anything I could do, but it is a groundbreaking substitute in this era, when there is only one way to convey it to people.

There is a limitation that a pair of magic items must be carried by hand in advance and that one of the users has to be me, but it is definitely convenient. We're currently investigating how far we can communicate.

"I originally signed with the Spirit on top of my high aptitude, so it goes well with magic props that use wind magic. There is also a teaching of Master Celery. The difficulty is that it is possible with my magic power to protect the Spirit and the team that Master Celery has improved."

If I told him that while I thought it would be natural for Theon to be surprised, I could hear a heavy voice after a slight silence.

'I pray you will never be hostile to a young man again.'

"That'll help me, too."

As a matter of fact, Handel, I've only been able to confirm the use of it until I came to Edelstein, but I respond to Theon's words with a strange face.

- There aren't many pawns I can use.

Outside the Majesta, you have to rely on mercenaries like the Hendra Chamber of Commerce or Theon. However, since the main business of the Chamber of Commerce is business, I can't hope for more than that even if it undertakes to collect information as a side business. When it comes to it, it's important to know how to get the mercenaries to pledge allegiance. Of course I must always make the Scions think it would be more detrimental to betray me to keep my contract renewed.

We need a rush to do that. By actually talking to them, Theon and the others knew that even in a remote place called Handel, they would be able to get in touch, but at the same time they realized that if they made a disturbing move, they would immediately pass it on to me.

Nevertheless, this communication is not perfect either.

I'm investigating how far I can use it, and more importantly, long conversations are annoying because of my heavy magic burden. That's why I'm going to get down to business in order to finish the correspondence while you're afraid that Theon will be good.

"So to speak, Handel seems safe, Theon."

"... around noon yesterday. So much so that I have this way of contacting you, that the report I sent you from this side of the house was properly delivered to you, right?

"Oh. That was a lot quicker for Handel than I expected, but I don't suppose there was an injured man on the road and he was in a hurry or something?

'Don't worry, we're all in a state where we can start working right now. It was a pleasant journey, thanks to the fact that the young lady gave us plenty of travel expenses, so we wouldn't have to pay for the contents of the wallet or drink or fight, would we?

"Don't get lost there. Use it for the lodging."

"A lot of guys insist that booze is the water of life, so you can't help it, can you?

Sion answered me with a laugh and a voice rang from behind him, "Yes, yes, yes." "You can finish the day without a drink if you want to take a break." "It's extraordinary to drink while watching the starry sky."

Can I go to Nojuku if I can even drink...

On the other hand, I feel nostalgic for the same interaction between the face of the flaming serpent to which Theon belongs, who broke up at the same time as returning to school after the engagement ceremony, and weakened by its loose atmosphere.

If you recall Lord Argo, who was drunk before the battle, this may be the room for the strong, but it sounds slight: "What do you swallow today?" "Handel is a mere claim of liquor lovers to observe from the conversation that all kinds of liquor are gathered together."

I'm sure of my arm...

I think of that as I dig up memories of fighting together in the Abyss Forest, and at the same time I sigh loudly to sound like Zion.

"... you can leave the rest of your travel expenses free, but you can do the job I asked you to do, okay?

"Sasaru, young lady! I like generous employers, don't I?

This sigh made me listen, and I passed through, and I raised my voice of joy, and I decided it was useless to pay attention to Zion, and I cut off all the words I was told.

"Report because you don't need it."

Approximately twenty minutes can be used without communication failure from the results of the last experiment. I could afford a little, but I wanted to avoid riding an extra conversation and getting worn out.

'... Yes, sir. Damn, it's really cold for me, young lady. "

I don't know if you've noticed my insides or not, but how pleased I was with the bait I presented earlier, Theon began reporting on the road without any further reluctance.

The evacuees were safely returning to the village. The young lady saved Raz and the hungry were playing well with her sister. "

"That's good"

I gently stroke my chest down to that word of Zion.

I heard from Julia. I believed her words for now, and decided to look into the neighborhood, excluding Edelstein and Majesta, the agricult of the commercial and agricultural states, and Fortress City Fortress. So I asked the mercenaries I met in the forest of the Flaming Snake and Abyss, which were under contract, to scatter all over the country, but I was wondering if there were any after-effects of the mass outbreak of the Warcraft, so I sent Scion and the others to see it.

"He went around the village near the woods, but there was no damage, and he hasn't even seen the Warcraft since. Good for you. '

There seemed to be no problem as far as I read the report that was sent, but it is reassuring to hear from the human mouth that I have actually seen. While I smiled at Theon's words, I encouraged him to stay ahead of the conversation.

"Oh. So how was Edelstein?

"As the young lady specifies, I've stopped by to see it properly. It looks like His Royal Highness Prince Wang will be sent out of the country. Guess the engagement room position worked. I didn't officially receive a protest from Majesta, so it seems to be a year or two, but I was under the impression that His Highness, who has the right of first inheritance, would be sent to study abroad. By the way, some of your offerings include the Marquis son."

"... right"

"I left a few in Edel just in case, so I'll report back when I find out where to study. And then there was no rumor about the Abyss Forest, so I'm sure you'll be relieved. '

"It's superimposed. Handel me thoroughly to gather information for now. I'll take care of it, but I'm not gonna be noticed."

'Okay. Handel's stayed here a couple of times, so in five days, we'll have more or less information. "

"I asked. I have arranged for the report and urgent requirements to go to the Hendra Chamber of Commerce just like they did on the road, and for expenses to be received there - so we'll hang up?

'You're not getting along. Let's talk some more, shall we?

That's what Theon said and ate down when he announced the end of the conversation. In the middle of the conversation, I heard a slight but spelled letter on the paper, so I guess there was some instruction from around Lord Pail.

It's hard to follow them perfectly without meeting the head of the [old snake] in the main body......

I open my mouth thinking about that to the feeling of being searched in my hand.

"It's the mountains I want to ride you because it's an invitation in the corner, but I'm a student, and it's time to go back to my dorm."

"That's too bad."

"I'm sorry. I'll call you when I see the fold again."

"Oh. See you later, young lady."

At my discretion, you decided to convince me this time, that Theon spins goodbye words. And then shortly afterwards, the demonic prop that ends the role loses its shine.

A few seconds staring at a demonic item with a pale green light that indicates being in communication.

I'm completely silent, and I pull out my shoulders and leave my back in a stone chair. Then moisten your throat with warmer tea.

I could still afford magic because it was less than enough conversation, but I was mentally tired. Reach for the sugar confectionery on a beautifully served plate and if you put it in your mouth, the sweet flavour and floral scent will spread in your mouth.

Apparently the sweets I ate without looking closely were candied flowers. If you look closely, there were many sweets this time in the form of flowers and fruits. If you drink tea again while thinking it's unusual, the flavour of tea put in tannins goes well with the gorgeous aroma of sweets left in your mouth.

... I'm just saying, it sounds like Ballado and Julia are doing well.

Seeing what we had prepared for each other, Julia changed the intensity of the tea, and Ballado would have chosen a particularly scented gorgeous one from among the treats that were available. Some of the cages prepared for the mountain fairies who haven't had tea are also mixed with lightly scented baked confectionery.

Discussing that the two of us who don't waste each other's work while sticking together may be compatible with the guide, the magic props for communication shine again.

Slowly flashing green I reached out in no hurry and spoke in a more relaxed mood than earlier.

"How did Scion and the others react? Mr. Richter."

'- You were a lot surprised. It seems that Scion, lightly embellished by Master Doyle, is pissed off that he should extend the conversation more to Pale. That would have stabbed enough nails. "

I exhale relieved by Mr. Richter's words. Apparently, it worked.

He was one of my father's men. It was just before he came into contact with me after the engagement ceremony and returned to the castle. Mr. Richter, who had just reunited in the Abyss Forest, wished to abandon his position as Kingsguard knight and serve me.

I took the three of them who were my men and said, 'This was my dream. Besides, I've already resigned, so if you don't hire Master Doyle, we'll be unemployed at this age,' I'll never forget him. Saying Gardy and a good Mr. Richter, apparently knights have the habit of pushing and selling themselves.

Because knights have many three or four men who do not carry on the family business, it is certain that there are many who are clingy. But, well, I don't feel bad to be told that working for me to support Master Gray was my dream. He's also the one who supported my opinion in the Abyss Forest, and only a former Kingsguard knight is strong enough. And if personality is guaranteed, there's no reason to refuse, and this is how they serve us.

"I was relieved to hear that. Is it going to work?

'Yeah. You won't be moving vigilantly tomorrow, but not in a few days'

I laugh deeply at those words.

The task we are asking of Mr. Richter and his team is to manage magic props for communications and to find the leader of the [ancient serpent], the body of flaming serpents led by Theon and Lord Pail.

'One at a time in Pail and Scion, the other watching from behind the inn where the Flaming Snake is staying. Suddenly fate will be difficult, but you will get a clue'

"I'll leave that kind of rush to the experienced Lord Richter."

"I'll take care of it. By the way, does Master Doyle want anything? Since I am face-to-face with the mercenaries as a liaison with Master Doyle, this is a situation where I cannot leave the Hendra Chamber of Commerce and have no time to spare. So there's too much time to look for a gift for the princess. '

If you breathe into Mr. Richter's words, which brought about inclusions, you will hear a biting laugh when you dull it.

"Isn't it time for the school to hold a ball? Are you ready for a gift for the princess?

"... Speaking of which, Mr. Richter was a graduate"

I asked Richter bitterly about what was going to happen at Epis School. That's how I asked him, and he returned a soft voice as to whether he missed his student years.

"Yeah, it was fashionable in my day to give brooches to my partner."

"They say it's a hair decoration now. So let me know if you have anything that might suit her"

"If you want to give it to your fiancée, the color gem of your eyes is a classic, so I'll look for it in purple crystals, etc."

He also knows the classic rhetoric at the dance party. What an embarrassing emotion to respond to Mr. Richter.

"Right. Please."

'Expect Handel to gather first-class products from all over the country. Of course, don't worry about that one. I'll call you when I make another move. "

"Waiting for good news"

My last words. Once again, the magic prop loses its light and becomes silent. and at the same time looked around wondering about the quiet indoors, Ballado and Julia, looking at the raw warm gaze, entered their eyes.

I deflect my attention before I get extra words from those two, but it didn't come true to be deflected by the Mountain Fairy and Thierra.

"When it comes to prom?

"It's not the one where people's kids are ready for fun in the snowy weather."

"There will be plenty of sweets!

"It's already that time of year. Amelia took me in once, too!

You remember your memories with your grandmother. Tierra says so and laughs with pleasure.

"Doyle will be joining that princess, won't she?

Ballad nods loudly at that word of hers that was continued for some reason.


And Balado, who took a step forward and answered forcefully, made his eyes shine just waiting for this story -.

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