- A few hours after receiving the hospitality of the Pania Chamber of Commerce with the mercenary quartet.

Me, Richter and Julia, who returned to the inn after dinner with the polios and the mercenary quartet, were once again sorting out the information we got today.

"I'm glad things are going to carry well, Master Doyle"


One room in an inn almost full of circular side tables with two smaller chairs on two beds. In it, me and Mr. Richter are sitting on the bed I'm using, and Julia is sitting on the chair.

"The mercenaries also seemed concerned about Master Doyle. If that's the case, the Pania Chamber of Commerce won't be able to do it, but there's a good chance the upper echelons who heard the mercenaries will move."

"Right. There is an anxiety element, but it could have been a better encounter than I thought"

Julia smiles at me and Richter, who have such a conversation.

"What do you think? Except for the concerns of Lord Doyle and Lord Richter, that Chamber of Commerce is going to be dark inside, isn't it?

Is Julia feeling drunk while being able to proceed to Chionos but swallowed a good amount of booze, she says a laughingly meaningful word with couscous as she puts a cheek wand on her desk. I questioned Julia about the meaning of the word, frowning at its delightful appearance.

"... what do you mean? Or you swallow too much. Julia."

"I couldn't help but put up with two treats in advance and without tasting them. There was a lot of negative emotion in the minds of that Pania Chamber of Commerce guy named Meran and a young man named Chionos, and he seemed so delicious. I thought if you were surrounded by all those demonic props, you wouldn't find out if you tasted a little, but I had an appointment with Master Doyle, so you put up with him with alcohol, right?

With a disgruntled look on his face, he said, "Isn't that great? Julia is a drunk who never gets drunk. Even though I wonder if the Descendants of the Demon King will get drunk with alcohol, I will inscribe that ugliness in my memory as their information. And at that time, the question in the back of my brain passed.

"I left it alone because there's no sign that I'm moving magic, but can you tell if I have negative emotions even if I can't connect?

At meals, they stretch something like a root of magic into their prey. It seems like the trees suck water up from the ground, and the thickness of the roots and the number of copies that connect at the same time depend on the individual's qualities. By the way, they taste different depending on the type of negative emotion, and Julia seems to prefer jealousy.

She replied with a big, vertical shake of her neck, prompting her to reply with her gaze as she remembered such bean knowledge.

"Of course. You instinctively think that even the Doyles would look delicious if they saw shiny chunks of meat, right? It feels the same way. Well, I don't know what emotions you have until you try them..."

That's what I say, and I go on a little tour to Julia, who gives me a caged eye of hope.

By their nature, it was honestly a blind spot to spot negative emotions just by looking at them. I think it would be troublesome if Julia's identity were exposed in a bowl with a good looking sub, and when I went to the shopping place or something, I had her leave a message with Mr. Richter, but in some cases I might as well take her. Pretty rough, but with Julia, we'll know if there's any malice. Even if you don't know who it's for, it would be very helpful to avoid any trouble.

And in a case like this one, if it turns out the type of emotion Melan and Chionos hold, it could be an indicator when examining the inside and back of the Pania Chamber of Commerce. If you don't have to gather information, it will shorten your time.

However, we know that Yulia's abilities can be prevented by good performance magic tools. Successful merchants are likely to be wearing psycho-defensive magic gear, and if they reacted when they were with us, they would definitely be stuffy.

"If you get a chance, yeah. The interest is definitely there, but the risk is high when you expose it."

"Taste it and it'll be over in a flash, won't it?

"Some of the jewelry the three of them wore is magic props. What effect does it have? Stop it if you don't know."

She will be surprised to round her eyes if she tells Julia, who is left to spare, remembering the jewelry worn by the polios.

"Huh. Is that true? You didn't feel any sign of a demon stone at all, did you?

"I guess it's a mechanism to activate it with your own magic. I didn't even know what effect it was, but there was still slight magic left. That's probably from when the craftsmen carved the formation."

Even if I can detect magic, I don't know much about it without my appraisal skills. Even if not, if the other person had skills in the skill-sensitive system, they would find out what they had explored and be offended.

... Luce's father or grandfather seems to have the art of appraising him to be unpretentious.

Think of the face of the reputable Hendra Chamber of Commerce that you have a good eye for. Think of that. Well, I can't help but think about the skills of those who aren't.

"Well, when Rafael and Albione return, let's have a look at what formations are engraved with magic props. If they are spirits, they can get close without finding them, and in case they discover that they are looking into them, they can be deluded."

"... ok"

I nodded unfortunately, knowing I couldn't eat Julia, and I lost my motivation, or was my drunkenness turning and limiting, and I stuck it straight at my desk.

I smile bitterly at Mr. Richter and his face at how she looks like that. But that too. In the meantime, the air in the room takes seriousness once again, with Mr. Richter, whose expression was largely tightened, opening his mouth.

"This is about the elf girl Master Doyle said, are you going to do something about it? It is rare for an elf to show himself, however much this land is on the border with the subpeoples"

"Yeah. I know."

I nod at Mr. Richter's point. Perhaps my face has a very sinister look.

As he put it, a race called Elves is rare, even within Fortrace. Originally an elf is a long life, a lot of magic, and we can do most things ourselves. As a result, they live on a subsistence basis in their own dwellings in some forest, a species that rarely comes out. This is the seventeenth day of my life in Fort Lace, but the elves I saw in the meantime are about three daytime girls together.

"In the meantime, we will explore the Pania Chamber of Commerce. It's unusual, but it doesn't mean there aren't any elf mercenaries at all, so it could mean she's hired. If you're rubbing inside the elves, you'll find out in the middle of examining the Chamber of Commerce. Until then, I'm not going to give you any word, no physical evidence, and I'm not going to make a deal. Just..."

I told him what I was planning to do in the future, and I wonder if I should say a few words of suspicion. You saw through my chest like that, Mr. Richter gave me the exact name he was about to say now.

"Are you Maris and Zenos?

"Yep. Julia's prediction suggests she's either in Handel or Agricult or Fortrace. If there's an incident going on that makes the inside of the elf move, it's likely they're leaping"

Mr. Richter, who snorted deeply into my words, tells me with a serious look.

"I thought the Bandits were suspicious, too. That sword muscle was clearly not an amateur, and from them I felt the unique discipline of the military. Has some country unwittingly collapsed and lost itself, or is it about to wage war? I don't know what their sincerity is unless you look into it."

"You should also find out if you happen to have been attacked or because it's the Pania Chamber of Commerce"

That's what Richter said, and I remembered the conversation with the mercenaries.

"All Beasts Mean These Guys Are Recently Rumored Bandits"

'I think so. What do you want to do?

'If the rumors are true, you should give up loading'

'I knew it...... Uh, already! I thought we could have some good food this evening at the corner!

Hugo, the young man carrying the captain's canel and song knife, had exchanged such conversations in a mild tone but without taking his eyes off the looming bandits, pulling out their respective scores in a calm manner.

"... Speaking of which, Lord Kanell had spoken of knowing that all the bandits were beasts or not: 'Are these the bandits that have been rumored lately'. And Lord Hugo affirmed it..."

"! Is it true?

"Yeah. Maybe he knew something about those bandits to remind me of Lord Cannell's mouth. So they gave up the wagon that way and didn't move from the side of the wagon where the merchants were."

I remind Mr. Richter of the conversation that Kanel and Hugo were having at the encounter, while at the same time recognising the narrowness of my horizons and zeroing my tongue.

"Excuse me. I could have heard them on that occasion if I'd remembered their words sooner..."

"No. If Lord Canel and the others knew about it, it's quick. Tomorrow, I will speak to Lord Canel and those who are close to them. If you suddenly go to see Doyle, you won't be able to go down there."

"I hope so...... for now I'm off hunting tomorrow, and do you mind if I gather my own information?


In the meantime, the future policy was set, and I was confirming my plans for tomorrow with Mr. Richter, when a bang of windows opened and a slightly stronger wind swept my hair, and I closed my eyes reflexively.

"Hey, what!?

In the dark, I feel Julia jumping up, drunk and nostalgic at my desk, while at the same time realizing that the two signs I found out were full in the room.

I just understood what had happened to the familiar signs I felt on my skin, and when I held my silver hair up in the breeze that blew through with one hand and opened my eyes thinly, I could see Rafael and Albione as I thought.

"- Welcome home. Rafael, Albione"

Send me greeting words with a bitter smile at their rough return that will make them gaze at the exhilaration of their mood, and I'll have a grin on their faces.

"'I'm home! My dear child (your husband)' '

And the voices of energetic spirits echoed in the room.

'You know, this is a souvenir for my darling. I got it from the spirits who live here. "

It was the walnut great demon stone that Lafar, with a delightful grin, put on my hands while saying so. Green, blue, red, yellow and colorful, they all emit a bitter presence on my hands with the sound of jalajara.

... Don't just be a fortune.

I guess I grew up over a long time in the Spirit's residence. Demonic stones with incomparable transparency and radiance, such as gems, possessed terrible magic.

This stone is packed with pure magic. Pass it around to Master Celery and you will be able to produce a tremendously powerful demonic prop, and if you put it on the market, it will produce a variety of flaws. I'm wary of the imagination that came up behind my brain, but Chirali and Lafar in front of me are smiling nico with a gentle look.

"Isn't it beautiful?

It's a slightly difficult substitute to handle, but for her to ask in a soft voice, it feels so much like she wanted to show it and picked it because it had beautiful flowers. I can't do that without her kindness.

"Oh. It's so beautiful. Thanks."

She laughs more and more happily as she nods her gratitude to Rafael, whose desire to please is seeping out.


"Good for you, Rafael."


Albione had no choice but to gavel at Rafael, who was happy, and then turned to me.

'So, your husband. Was there a problem while we were gone?

I remember what happened all day, feeling a little tickled at the first voice she seemed to take good care of herself.

"Like there was, like there wasn't."

"Which one is that after all?

Albione, who hastens to give me that answer if I'm a little annoyed by the unclear reply, is worried, I guess. I think of my plans for tomorrow, laughing small enough not to let her notice me like that, and I open my mouth to help both of us.

"Right. There was nothing I had to do with Albione and the others, but I could use your help. I'm sorry, but can you hang out with me from tomorrow?

"Say that from the beginning."


'Well, fine. I met the spirits around here, and I checked the water. It's about time you wanted to sightsee here.'

If I smiled at Albione saying that without hiding it this time, whether it was a lightning hide or not, Lafar, who went into the vessel to speak to Julia and Mr. Richter, looked back.

"What? Are you going to look around King's Capital with me tomorrow?

"I have something to look into. Can you help me?

"Of course!"

Ask that to Rafael, who asks you somewhere with a candle face, and you'll get a light-hearted voice back without hesitation. If I thanked her like that and turned to Mr. Richter and Julia, the two nodded with expressions such as I knew.

"Well, Julia and I are going to look into the Bandits."

"Please. Like Julia would be careful not to be blind."

"I understand that."

That's how I looked out the window that opened up where the story of tomorrow came together, and the thin three-day moon was starting to fall.

"- Dear Doyle. Time to go to bed in case of tomorrow?


Nodding at Mr. Richter's suggestion, I stand up to close the window and lay my hands on the window frame. That's how I saw the robust walls that protect the stone houses and the people who sleep there, the plains that spread outside them and the light of the fires that rock everywhere. Straight behind those who are camping on the plains, there is a natural agricult, ahead of which is Handel, a commercial state that can overflow with many people and things, through which Edelstein is surrounded by rocky mountains, and beyond which there is Majesta.

I close the window softly thinking of the many people I had met by the time I got here and the beautiful scenery and the land where I was born and raised.

That's how I turned to Mr. Richter to get ready for bed.

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