Pakara, pakara, pakara -.

Six horses, headed by a white horse running the lead, were sickening through the roadless woods beside the street connecting Agricult and Handel as the sound of their hooves resonated vigorously.

The time is early in the morning.

I speak to the white horse who drives me sideways with the sight of adventurers, travellers, escorts, mercenaries, and people with various purposes crossing paved paths in the Chamber carriage carrying loads across trees.

"Blanc, I'm going back to the street, so slow down a little bit."

"I'm in awe!

Zero a small grin on the cheerful bran and manipulate the reins in a direction where the street is located.

The fifth day since we left Fort Lace. Even those familiar with the journey were given a half-hour run through a distance that would take ten days, but Blanc still seems to be able to afford it and the footprint is light.

Mr. Richter and Julia running behind. Then Ries, Theon and Lord Sumva's horses will see a little tiredness but will hold it until Handel.

- Almost there.

Looking at Handel's position a little further out of the trees, he cages his strength in his hand holding the reins.

According to information gathered by the mercenary regiment [Ancient Snake], Zenos has set up a shop as a pharmacist, unchanged in phase. Even so, this time it cannot be said that there is a Zenos store in the area called the so-called Dark Market, no matter how much it is said, and Lord Muske was blurry with a face that pushed the discomfort forward, saying that he had difficulty identifying his whereabouts.

Originally, Handel tended to mix and swallow more cloudy than other countries because of the national pattern that rests on the main axis of commerce, and if not so malicious, some evil was often missed. I have also heard that it was the former king, Lord Pinez Doyle, who put females into such a bad physique and is now being rapidly reformed by His Majesty Plata, who took over.

In fact, a few decades before Lord Muske and the others resided, they also existed the phrase 'Handel's sharpening depends on Kim', but that is a thing of the past. He said it used to be gray close to black, but now Lord Muske and Lord Scola said it was close to white.

But it seems that Zenos' lurking dark market is where the Kings of Handel still hold their hands.

Tables of stolen goods, etc. deal with things that cannot be bought and sold, and if both sellers and customers tap, they gather all dusty people, so nobody and he have a hard mouth. In addition, they are accustomed to being chased, so they have high crisis detection abilities and are fast on the run.

For this reason, even the face of the [ancient serpent] required extraordinary attention and effort to find Zenos' base.

If you go out of the woods to the streets remembering the words of the Musketeers who remained in Fort Lace in preparation for the battle, a kah blanc hoof makes a noise and steps down the streets covered with honey-colored cobblestones.

Some of them had their eyes on this one because they appeared out of the woods, but if they were mixed up with people going down the street with a few uninspiring faces as they were, the people who hurried ahead quickly lost interest and went back to their journey.

In that way, a few minutes to proceed while concealing a mind that deviates from the impending confrontation with Zenos.

Lord Sumuba, who was dressed in the middle of the line, lined up beside me.

"- Lord Doyle. It's time to take the lead."


Without defying that word, I gave way to Zion, who came with Lord Sumva.

The process of diving through the barracks came as a messenger to King Handel, because it would be smoother if Lord Sumuba did.

If you switch the order with the Sumva lords and pass beside the people waiting for the procedure, the temples will spread among the soldiers through the appearance of splendid blue hair that will proceed to the gate dedicated to the national embassy without straying.

"Your husband. He also said," Did any of the envoys plan to visit you today? ♪ And I'm making a scene ♪

"Oh. There's no problem"

stroke to forgive Bran's neck muscles sighing at that sight repeated many times on the road. Then looking at the detention center, one of the soldiers rushed into the building beside him, and after a few minutes a man came out of the station who could be seen to be his superior officer.

"- Welcome to Handel. What can I do for you?

Without paying attention to his exploratory gaze, Lord Sumva says with a piece of paper in front of the senior soldier.

"Sumba Shams, who came from Fort Trace, the following five. By the order of His Majesty the King, we must give the King of Plata the news of the fire. Have the gate open as soon as possible."

The senior soldier gazed at Lord Sumva's words for ten seconds with plenty of sticking out paper. Then, after a beat, he looked back and skipped the instructions to the soldiers who were watching.

More than enough to cross the barracks quickly due to Lord Sumva's activity before running more horses.

Finally, we arrive at the King's Capital of Handel, where we meet the face of the flaming serpent we have been waiting for, and bid Lord Sumva farewell for a while.

"- Then around here."

"Oh. I shall be sent to King Plata. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah. Thank you."

"Pray for good luck"

That's what I said and hit each other in the fist. Then I go to Blanc's back, Lord Sumva gets into the carriage that the face of the Flaming Snake was ready for.

For some time to come, we will act separately from Lord Sumva. He, the king's brother, has a serious duty to deliver the news to King Plata to avoid clashes with the elves caused by the leaps of Maris and the others.

I could not hear much because of the journey ahead, but the story of the journey between Father and Mother accompanied by Lord Sumva was interesting inside. I just happened to rush through, but I could also find out where my father crusaded the Demon King.

- Let me hear it slowly after I've cleaned everything up.

To that end, we leave Lord Sumva's escort to the rendezvous Lord Pail and the others, and we head to a section with a dark market where Zenos is located.

"Well, I'll take care of that one. Mrs Tsubaki."

"You're the one doing it right, aren't you?

"I know. I'm not doing anything to hurt my name."

With a glossy grin on Zion, Lord Pail said, "Do well," and walked into the carriage where Lord Sumva was, waving his hands at us.

As an escort to Lord Sumva, there is one other woman in the carriage besides Lord Pail, then three men on white and scorched brown horses, a total of six of whom will be on the side, otherwise dressed as hired lords and porters to follow the face of the flaming serpent.

Lord Sumba was probably frightened that the captain of the Flaming Snake, who specializes in annihilation, would rarely be escorted immediately, but this time, the chief and deputy chiefs were special.

When I found out that Lord Pail was attached, I felt that Lord Sumva's complexion was slightly worse...

Thanks to you, we can act safely and act differently, so we don't have to talk extra.

If I turned away from the carriage in which the two of them were riding while holding hands in my heart to Lord Sumva, I could see a group of people lined up ready.

- Then we're leaving.

The voice of one of the mercenaries dressed as your man dissolves in the air and the wheel of the carriage slowly turns out. The wagon, which gradually rose in RPM, quickly became part of the bustling view of the town in the morning market and disappeared out of our sight after a few minutes.

- Let's go too, young lady.


Nodding at Hilari and the words of Zion on horseback, he looks around. So, when I pay attention to Mr. Richter, Julia and Ries, and then to Rafael and Albione, and make sure they're all ready, I'll take Bran's reins.

"Let's go."

- Dark market rooted in the corner of the handel.

In that place, where the gloomy air was constantly drifting, the building was hissing in the form of a confiscation of limited land. The shop, which consists of properly embedded and tilted columns on the ground, allows the gap breeze to blow all you want from the appropriately punched wooden walls, and the neatly built buildings that are rarely visible are already collapsed and insects and mice enter and exit freely from the empty holes. On top of that, the sunlight is blocked because of the overlapping fabric shelter stretched out from shops and houses to claim ownership of the land, which is dim even though it is the time known as morning.

It is a creepy place where dark market shopkeepers and customers are quiet after their activities, but they also feel they are being seen from somewhere.

"... the neighborhood where Zenos is situated is a place where all the dark ones are gathered, even in the dark market. Be careful. '

In retrospect of Lord Muske's advice, he walks secretly after Zion, who follows the signs left for him by the faces of the ancient serpents with Mr. Richter, Julia and Ries.

Because the residents here had previous information that the house was alert and highly capable of detecting crises, the brands on board left it a little far from the dark market.

Honestly, pushing and killing your heart in a hurry and stealing people's eyes while moving forward with your legs is stressful behavior. But if he rode in with a horse from the front, it seemed likely that he would be obstructed by the unrelated and that he would be able to escape.

And the decision was right.

The path of the Dark Market is narrow and difficult to escape from above by houses stretched out to compete. It is easy to imagine the difficulty of pursuing the escape of those who have excelled in the interests of the land, and this must have been resolved in the inner circle before the rubbing happened or even before they went outside the dark market.

... I am also convinced that the former king and His Majesty Prata are holding out their hands.

Ballad, who is good at exploring and hiding, could have taken an easy stroll in a place like this, but I can't help but sneak around.

We move our legs as we swallow the sigh up our throats with the jirries.

That's how we arrived at the streets lined up with relatively beautiful buildings compared to the collapse that was on the road.

- Right there.

Moving his gaze according to Sion's voice, which was spouted at the sound of breathing, two familiar mercenaries were watching the building with faded deep red shelter.


"... have you finally arrived"

When you notice us, there is relief in their faces, which increases the risk to Theon's face for how they look.

"You must be tired."

"This is the place."

There was a seepage in the voice that responded to Zion's words. Apparently, the lookout on the black market was a task that reduced nerves even if it was strong enough to receive a mission from the heads of the ancient snakes.

Clear your ears as you explore the buildings around the Zenos store, where smoke is rarely rising in the morning to be on the dark market, you can hear the breath and metal rubbing together that you pushed to death.

We all have weapons in the house so that if anything happens to us, we can react.

... In an environment like this, you wouldn't even have been able to sigh.

While I feel that way about the signs of people lurking around, I concentrate on Zenos' shop.

"Zenos is the figure you see through the window. I've been standing in front of the pot since last night."

Carefully not to be distracted while listening to such words of mercenaries at the edge of consciousness, using [sign detection] while blending magic into the surrounding area, there is one sign of a great human being in the store. Probably Zenos. It's because they've been watching. Definitely.

But from the moment I saw the shadow in the window, I knelt down to be pushed by the uncomfortable and deviant heart I couldn't wipe, reaching for the ground, and I was activating [Exploring the Ground] skills.

"Your husband"

"Dear Doyle,"

Albione drifting overhead and Julia behind him call me at the same time.

At the feet of Zenos, who finished exploring simultaneously with two stiff voices striking his ears that prompted vigilance, something like the roots of a tree stretched deep into the ground.

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