Under a starless night sky separated by clouds, based on a list of material stores and woodworking stores prepared by branch managers and employees, and then materials left by Lord Velco, we run around town hand-in-hand with Lord Pail, Zion and mercenaries, then Lord Sumva, Lies and Richter.

That's how you can rely on the lights leaking out of the house and the light sources at hand, the markets, the chambers of commerce, the areas where the umbrella retailers meet, the areas where harbours and warehouses are located, the residential areas and the perimeter of the castle, etc. from one end to the other, for a few hours searching around for the figure and traces of Lord Velco and Lord Pinez.

We listened in on all the places on the list, and sometimes with the help of Rafael and Albione, we checked the surroundings and inside the building, but oddly enough, one of the sightings didn't show up.

Lord Pinez was the last to be witnessed by a soldier who was monitoring the dark market, and Lord Velco has been completely cut off in footsteps after the pick-up met at the Schultz Chamber of Commerce, and there is no story of suspicious persons or suspicious luggage being carried in both nearby areas.

The opposite is odd that nothing has happened so far.

It is a situation that makes me want to suspect that the whole town is keeping its mouth shut.

... If the Schultz Chamber of Commerce, it's not impossible.

As I looked around, I learned that the connection between the Shultz Chamber of Commerce, which has survived this land for a long time, is wide and deep. On top of that, it seemed to be used by other merchants and others as a run-in temple when they hit badly, and many people clouded the words' because they have been looked after... 'when it came to the Schultz Chamber of Commerce. Even the reaction of the other merchants is so, if it's an umbrella store or a store around the Chamber of Commerce, it must be easy to match the back of the mouth.

As the black-colored sky turned into a blue gradient, as he tongued into the empty space outside the town where he had made it his rendezvous point, Shion, Richter and Julia and Ries had already aligned their faces with Lord Sumva and Lord Pail. Apparently, I was the last.

"- I couldn't. We all have to know as if we've met."

If you report the situation while joining everyone's circle early enough, you'll get a similar look on everyone's face to give up.

As far as everyone's reaction was concerned, it was an achievement that didn't smell anywhere, and they must have handled it in a similar way to mine. If you sigh unexpectedly at what you can imagine the result, you tell Scion, with his hair up to mislead the irritation, to throw it away.

"This way, too. Speaking of information, I think it was our guy who followed you as the chairman's escort."

"He's an impudent kid who couldn't prevent one abduction while keeping his mind at the mercy of the chairman, but I've ordered some of you to keep an eye on him around town because if he's being taken with him, he might show some kind of reaction."

"... Remember, I told you to contact the young man if anything happened."

"I understand."

If I returned that way to Theon, who took over the words as he glanced at the complexion of Lord Pail, who told him in a bottom-cold voice, I then met Lord Sumva, who took on a serious face.

I'm going to the castle again.

If you see Lord Sumva again in that word, you will notice that he is dressed in a different outfit than yesterday. So if you re-observe the perimeter, Lord Pail is also dressed, and a little further away, the carriage has already refrained.

If you look back a little puzzled by the situation that all you have to do is leave, even naturally, Lord Sumva tells you.

"If there's no harvest and no clue, we'll have to start over, but in the meantime, Handel's national army won't be able to move."


But no matter how rightly Lord Sumva thinks, the sky is just beginning to brighten up now. Wrong is not the time to visit a castle.

"From now on?

"Oh. They'll look disgusted, but they'll negotiate for King Plata to wait for a search somehow. So do me a favor."

Beyond bearing the position of brother Wang, I asked him as I advised that Lord Sumva's actions would affect national traffic but would be okay, and he returned the unmistakable words and entrusted me with this occasion.

Apparently, Lord Sumva knew very well that he was insane and decided that he still had to go now. Then I guess what I care about is the wrong door.

"- Thank you. I'll take care of this."

If I responded by looking straight back at the face of Lord Sumuba, who was ready, Lord Sumuba raised the end of his mouth with Ni and slapped me on the back.

"I left it to you. I'll see you later."

If you nod near the edge, Lord Sumva walks out to the carriage like we're done talking. If I accidentally followed that back without looking back, now Lord Pail put his hand on my shoulder with a pompous and light feel.

"Leave it to me about Sumva. You can't beat the men there."

Reliably speaking, Lord Pail meditates with one eye glossy, and goes after Lord Sumva to the carriage in a refreshing pursuit. He smiles and walks slowly. He is a very manly man.

- Batang.

Dozens of seconds to fall in love with her majestic hindsight. The door closes and returns to me. No, the carriage ran out and disappeared into the whole town where the morning sun plunged in.

"- So, what do we do? Young lady."

"Again, I'm going to the Schultz Chamber of Commerce. If you don't get out of anything after all this research, you'll see that there's already a warrant in place where you need it. It's no use looking around."

If you respond that way to Scion, who cut his mouth, Mr. Richter snorts, too.

"I think that's likely. And the Schultz Chamber of Commerce is pretty suspicious in the circumstances."

Apparently, he agrees with me.

But the expression that was floating was not excellent, and the eyes that stared at the material were full of bitterness.

"But it is impossible to break down the Schultz Chamber of Commerce with this material alone. I went without any significant information and, like the Hendra Chamber of Commerce, I would end up being paid in advance for 'I don't know what happens after Lord Velco returns'. Besides, Lord Velco seemed convinced that his Chamber of Commerce was involved in buying and selling holy trees, but in general this material alone cannot be considered as such. There is also the hand of trying to camouflage, but under this circumstance we should refrain. The Shultz Chamber of Commerce has more credibility from around it than we do from the ground up, and if we are forced to ask questions, it will be noisy and difficult to move, such as defamation. If we do poorly, it's also possible we suspect that Majesta or Fortrace snuck us in to make a mockery between the inside of the elf and Handel. If we can't prove that the Shultz Chamber of Commerce was involved in the kidnapping of Lord Velco, or that he was involved in the trafficking of holy trees, we'll only make the situation worse."

Silence falls on Mr. Richter's bitterness.

Because his words are exactly right.

To get the right to look into the Schultz Chamber of Commerce, there is evidence that the kidnapping was involved or that the Chamber of Commerce traded holy trees.

But if the Chamber of Commerce was involved in the kidnapping, there would be no evidence of it.

And the only way to get proof of Holy Wood's buying and selling is to let the Shultz Chamber of Commerce crack its mouth.

I told Lord Sumva to leave it to me, but honestly, it's not a very good situation. You could at least find out if the Shultz Chamber of Commerce was involved if you knew where the Holy Tree was, but I couldn't find a statement like that when I dished my eyes and loaded the material Lord Velco left me.

Would you like to speak to the witness of the Holy Tree again or have Rafael and the others explore the interior of the Chamber of Commerce......

The former is likely to be empty on time consuming, while the latter is risky. If Maris and the others are connected to the Shultz Chamber of Commerce, they will be taking action against the Spirit, and even Handel's leading established Chamber of Commerce headquarters can't possibly not be taking precautions against the crime in their hands in the first place.

If the search was revealed, black would make the opponent more alert and prompt the Maris and the others to hit him further in the hand. And if it was white, in addition to leaving Handel in distrust, if we were bad, we would trigger an intercountry stigma ourselves.

Bet or no on the possibility of evidence coming out -.

It was then that I was conceiving as I threw up in my chest saying that I felt like I was being danced.

Feeling the air of the mercenaries surrounding our circle a little further apart, I raise my gaze, lying down, looking for the cause.

There are eight signs of approaching this place off the town where the merchants who work to prepare for the morning market go.

But the mercenaries hold the weapon and do not give news of the enemy attack, and I can feel some confused air, albeit alarming.

- What?

Doubting the mercenaries who paved the way to invite them, I stared at them, and Lies, who was moving his head, narrowed his eyes softly to zero puzzling words.

"Doyle, the guests look like you. Then there's one sidekick, six men."

Now that Lord Pinez is missing, I have no idea who you are visiting me here in Handel.

Place your hands on the espada that was lowering to your hips as you tilt your neck to find out who the hell it was for. And if I moved next to her to capture the Guest with my naked eye, a bewildered voice rose from Julia, who was moving as well.

"Huh. Why is that better in here... No, no, this goes first!

I finally opened my eyes unexpectedly to the visitor's face I could see as I realised who the visitor was and flipped herself into, catching Julia rushing to hide behind the mercenaries behind the empty space at the edge of my sight.

On the other hand, the guests, who walked gracefully along the path the mercenaries had paved in confusion as they chained jewellery, also breathed when they admitted my appearance.

"" - Why ""

In the tight air, the overlapping words mouth me and my guests as weighed.

We slowly opened our mouths, unable to hide our agitations from each other, when we realized it was an accidental encounter by that series of actions.

"Why are you here? Duke of Aginis."

"Let me give you back those words exactly as they were. His Royal Highness Prince Brio"

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