"The Great Temple cleric?

His Highness shook his head without hesitation if he asked back blinking his eyes as to why he knew that the buyer of the Holy Wood was the Great Temple of Agricult.

"Oh. I was closer while I was studying. It was in their load when I went to drop them off because I was going home. It smelled good, so I asked him if he could give it up a little bit, but he said," Because it's a gift for the gods, "and he said no. Neglect of magic, I didn't know, but I remember it well because the clergymen said," It's rare for a tree to accumulate such beautiful and sober magic. "

"I may remember. It was about a month ago."

"It seemed like a wonderful product, and the priests said," It's God's guidance, "in a very exciting way."

As far as the Marquis' sons and escorts showing their consent to His Highness, who spoke as I recall, apparently it is true.

- If the priests are enough substitutes to be excited, the wood His Highness saw would undoubtedly be holy wood.

If she looked to Ries with that in mind, she nodded to affirm that it was her opinion.

To see the sharpness fading from the colour of no heart or Ries to earlier, I guess I was relieved that the holy tree taken away is being treated as a offering to the gods.

And that's the same for me.

If you go to the Grand Temple, at least you'll know who sold the Holy Wood, and if you're lucky, you might get a reason to step into the Shultz Chamber of Commerce. In addition, if Holy Tree proves to be used for this medicine that Lord Pines was chasing, there should be no more escape.

- Then I need you to share this medicine.

If you look at His Highness Brio in your hand with a medicine bottle whose contents have been slightly reduced by Ries' outrage, sigh with a tongue-in-cheek look that you know you don't even have to say.

"Take it. Speak up to the mercenaries around there and you'll get it right away."

"Thank you"

Thank you for your generous words. Making a debt to His Royal Highness Brio is a delicate feeling, but now that I've already gotten a lot of information.

When we get back to Majesta, let's tell Lady Gray and the others' I've been very much taken care of '......

Even though the safety of Lord Pinez, who was close to him, is at stake, he decides to do so to the cooperative His Highness Brio. Regardless, I do not expect to match this level of information to that extent, so it is the existence of a proper repayment one day. But for now.

"My sincere thanks to His Highness Brio for meeting me"

If I told him that with anticipation for the light I finally saw, His Highness Brio was looking at me with a regrettable, painful, indescribable face. But that's for a moment, and by the time I feel that my eyes have met, I ask in such a way that I wonder if the look I saw earlier was a mistake.

"Are we headed to the Great Temple?

"... Yep. It would be a good excuse to look into the Shultz Chamber of Commerce."

"Right now?


"Okay. Then I'll write a brush for the clerics I was close to. Wait a minute. If you take it, you'll be happy to cooperate."

If you answer the question even though you are surprised by the look on the face of His Highness Brio, who caught the glimpse, you will be baffled by unexpected suggestions. I sincerely appreciate your cooperation for Lord Pinez, but it is an overwhelming behavior that is a little scary given the hostile past.

Guess it's my concern to assume that I'm acting under cover of my identity...

Looking at His Highness Brio, who is letting the Marquis son and his men prepare paper, feather pens, desk replacement boards, etc. while thinking of disrespect as being too kind and slightly creepy, he looks back at whether he felt his gaze or not. And when he looked me in the eye, he laughed bitterly as if he was in trouble.

"Don't look like that. I'm not planning anything."

".................. I'm sorry. It's too convenient for me to be a little nervous about what I've been through, as if my distress were a lie."

I thought I'd delude myself into that word that sees through my heart, but I'll reconsider and honestly apologize to His Highness Brio for being just so good to me. Then his breath leaked as if to mock himself from his mouth as he was sliding his feather pen on paper.

"Right. Well, don't worry about it. It's easier for the Duke of Aginis, who surrounds so many mercenaries than I do with so many fences, to act for Lord Pinez."

- And if your help is redeemed, I will be saved, too.

The only person who could pick up the added words softly was me, who was nearby with the Marquis son supporting the board that was on the table.

To whom, the question would be foolish. Because he's the only one who wants to make amends.

The agony of the two men, who know that they deeply regret the appearance of His Highness Brio and the Marquis Son, who drops his eyes on the earth, running his brush to avoid my gaze, while at the same time not even being allowed to apologize for the sins he has committed, hisses.

There can be no more opportunity for the two of them to plead guilty and speak out apologies than His Royal Highness Prince Wang and the Marquis Son, and there can be no way they can make amends for a case that they were not supposed to have had in the first place.

I know how painful that is.

I remember the faces of people who swallowed discontent at Kasashi for the goodwill and identity they once trampled on, and I lay my eyes down softly. Much of what I hurt in the middle ages were civilian teachers and students, and the opportunity to apologize would hardly ever be face-to-face. And beyond being heirs to the Duke of Aginis family, it is unacceptable to bow your head and turn around. Because the house, of course, will have its aftermath in Master Gray and engaged Claire.

Therefore he that hath standing shall continue to discipline himself.

As I deplored that two years ago, His Royal Highness Brio and the Marquis must have realized with our own self.

But there's no word for me to call the two of you.

Because I believe that guilt must continue to be felt so that we do not repeat the same mistakes, and that it is up to us to decide for ourselves what to show as redemption for the sins that are not judged.

He opened his eyes and looked at His Highness Brio, who had already finished writing, and when he confirmed that the ink was dry, he carefully threefold it and offered it to me.

"You should visit a priest named Arbor if you need him. He seemed familiar with the Great Cleric, so he should be able to accommodate everything."

"Thank you."

Side by side the Marquis Son, who cleans up the boards that were being replaced by writing tools and tables, receives the references provided and carefully goes to the subspace with the vials. Then I stood facing His Highness Brio again and then knelt down using [the elegance of an upstream nobleman] and my gaze hit me with my eyed eyes.

... I was somewhat anticipating it but it would be too surprising.

I guess they didn't expect me to behave in a clear way like I respect them.

Even His Highness Brio, to whom Fu is supposed to be accustomed, is surprised, so the Marquis sons and the knights of the escort stare at me, not to mention stopping their movements.

I prayed slowly as Mr. Richter and Theon stared solidly at a line of His Highness Brio upset to see, and only Ries, who knew nothing, leaned his neck strangely.

"We thank you very much for your dedication. I promise I will tell you this time, my Lord."

If you spin your words in public to be relative to Lord Gray and His Majesty the King of Majesta, His Highness Brio and the Marquis sons standing in front of you breathe.

But to this extent, the reaction is fast. This is where the real issue begins.

I look at His Highness Brio as he shoots, tightening his expression softly after he smiles unnoticed them when his thoughts are not chasing him. And I signaled that His Highness's eyes had captured me, including his intention to refuse, and told him with a gentle and murderous mind.

"We will certainly take the former King Pinez, whom you are looking for, and we ask you to love yourself if His Royal Highness Prince Brio, who can reveal himself with honor. As you can see in your chest, any further prying will put you in danger."

One beat after confirming that His Royal Highness Brio's breathing under barometric pressure had stopped altogether, the sound of a haphazard exhalation strikes his ear if he turns off his killing temper and smiles.

Keep staring at each other for a few seconds.

Finally, Patti, I shook my throat to break the silence when I thought that His Highness Brio, who had begun to blink with Patti, had an indescribable grin that caught on.

"............ I understand. I don't mean to bother the Handels, so I'm gonna go home and make a big deal out of it."

"I was wondering if that's okay. Let me escort you to the mansion, which has been made your temporary residence just in case."

If I deepen my grin and respond that way to His Highness Brio, who accepted the unspoken advice, "... oh," a powerless voice returned, but I rise without caring. And after watching over Mr. Richter and Sion and asking them to prepare a transfer, he told the marquis sons and escorts who were sloppy.

"Then, if His Royal Highness Prince Wang continues to set foot in the rough business in the future, I encourage you to be fully prepared. It's too late to regret what happened to His Highness Brio, so if you can't prepare yourself satisfactorily, it will be your loyal duty to stop it by being prepared to buy unhappiness."

"" "" "" "" "Yes (Ha)!

As I narrow my eyes with an inner smile at the Marquis Sons and the escorts I salute in unexpected ways, Her Highness Brio smiles bitterly in its face with a loud sigh.

"Is this what the Duke of Aginis does to His Royal Highness Gray?

"I hope so, but if I were you in the first place, I would hide any information or material evidence that approached the core to prevent His Highness Grey from acting, and I would clean you up with this hand before I put you in danger. It's like we're treading on Handel's land right now."

If I told him so, the Marquis' sons and his escorts would have an incredible look on their face, and I could hear voices like "That's the young lady" from Zion and the mercenaries who were listening. And when it comes to Lord Brio, who has asked, he zeroes his words so as to whine with an expression that is difficult to say whether it is frightening or astonishing.

"I don't know... Your Highness Grey will have a lot of trouble."

Now it was my turn to laugh bitterly at that dialogue spinning in a laborious tone.

"- Yeah. I'm very aware of that."

- I don't care who doesn't tell me that.

When I saw His Highness Brio squeaking like that in his chest feeling the weight of the purple balls' halves hidden under his clothes, he had the look of seeing something unexpected or unexpected. But as soon as you change that look to something that you're likely to envy, you turn a very straight eye to me.

"Then you will surely be returned alive. There are people waiting for your return for a thousand autumns."

Blinking your eyes with words gently spoken to you as you can tell them, but understanding their meaning and unspeakable emotions gush up and down. Again at the same time, I realized what his enviable face meant.

I never thought I'd get these words from His Highness Brio......

If you raise your face hiding your surprise, your gaze will collide with your highness, who is somewhat adept at what you do, and a slightly proud grin like the prank was a success if you think you have eyes in hand.

The expression is so beautiful.

I also gave my invincible grin back so that I could not beat His Highness Brio's beautiful grin.

"-Of course. I intend to."

If I assure you, His Highness Brio's grin deepens.

That's how the atmosphere drifted, vaguely, but I was feeling the possibility that a new relationship would be formed between Majesta and Edelstein from now on. Just then, Mr. Richter called me softly when he said he was ready for a lift.

"Dear Doyle, we are ready"

Put your voice on the signal. My lord and I will distance ourselves from each other.

"Well, please be careful and welcome home. His Royal Highness Prince Brio"

"Oh, master, Duke of Aginis."

If you fold your hips and say the words of drop-off, His Highness Brio gently responds and walks out.

I narrow my eyes as the Marquis son and his escorts, who follow him, look proud somewhere, depending on where his Highness is on his way home only looking straight forward to stretching his spine.

And I walked a little distance to protect His Highness Brio's line and them like that, and dropped them off until I couldn't see the mercenaries, and I turned to face the rest of them after exhaling.

"You were a rare customer, but you got good information, young lady."


He tells the mercenaries and Mr. Richter, nodding at the words of Zion, who raised the end of his mouth, that Julia had returned at some point, and Ries, with strong determination, looked over and told him in turn.

"- From here. We're gonna be busy."

The voices of everyone who responded mightily to my words were sucked into the blue sky where the sun shined.

- Hours after I broke up with His Highness Brio.

Even Handel had me and Ries on the roof of the tallest mansion, then Rafael and Albione.

- Are you ready?



If me and Ries snort, Rafael smiles like a blossom. He was happy to help, and his eyes sparkled.

'If you go in the sky, it won't take a day to reach Agricult, so leave it to me!

As you can see from her words, me and Ries are going to use the airway to get to Agricult. If we fly straight, we'll be there in less than a day, so it's a waste of time, and we're unanimously going to adopt the Spirits' proposal.

So me and Ries are going to fly in the sky alive.

There's literally a way to get there in an instant without going by air, but that seems to make it difficult to deal with when it's detached, and I wish I was at a distance where I could sense the stray, but I can't collect it right away except for me, who's contracted to be flown far away.

'It's probably okay,' Rafael said, 'but it's hard to get time out of a search for a buddy, and it's a threat that you can't tell from a missing person due to an enemy attack. For this reason, there was a proposal that I was alone, but I couldn't handle the situation alone, so I decided to go to the sky.

By the way, it was only me and Ries, the elves, who stayed because they chose someone who endured a long air flight and had no problem heading towards the Great Temple. No matter how much you cooperate with us, Julia will not be taken to the Great Temple by the Descendants of the Demon King.

I feel less for both of us, but I have Albione and Rafael, and I have a letter of reference for His Highness Brio. Fighting power is good enough and there seems to be no problem. It's the only way to travel if you're anxious, but Rafael and Albione are going to do something about it, and I think it's okay if they have their own physical strength and magical aptitude even if their assistance isn't enough for people.

"In case you fall, don't worry, I'll take it with water."

"... that's reassuring"

After responding to Albione's words with a hint of anxiety, there were dark green eyes in front of him that he did not know to doubt if he turned to Ries.

"There are spirits. Nothing to be anxious about."

'Even if the elf worshipping the Spirit tells me...' said Ries confidently, for a moment, but I swallow the word.

Albione still doesn't fit most of the Lafar standard's okay with humans, but I'm worried about the late, but I'm sure no matter how much I preached this unspeakable anxiety to Ries, who originally had high foundational abilities and believed in the Spirit.

"Right. There's Rafael and Albione."


Ries and Rafael nod joyfully if you give it back with an objectified mind.

By the way, Albione, correctly perceiving my chest, was laughing joyfully as he said, 'Your husband won't die, so it's okay', and I couldn't even utter a word to her like that, "If you know what I mean".

'Well, shall we go?

"Oh. Please."

As soon as I responded that way to Lafar smiling gently, my legs would leave the roof of the mansion after a beat when my body and Ries were wrapped in her magic. And the fluttering body flew far above at a terrible speed the next moment.

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