Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Episode Two Hundred Twenty: Leopardo Desfecta Perspective & Agricult's Grand Cleric Perspective

Traveling for hours using the Temple's Transfer Formation. We took care of many temples as we grabbed lunch in between, and we arrived safely at the Grand Temple of Agricult.

It was new to my memory that Serena had never met the great priest face-to-face at the Great Temple where she grew up, but was welcomed and frightened by a cleric who would be in a position to do so accordingly. But even that was a while ago, and we were put in the front carriage of the temple between the Grand Temple and Fort Trace by carriage, and now we are in the middle of a road trip.

A splendid horse running through a vast plain dyed at dusk if you turn your gaze to the front of the front carriage and a temple knight dressed in silver are manipulating the reins, and if you look at the rear, there are two temple knights who are escorting you, and there are about two more knights side-by-side in the form of pinching the carriage, which won't come true again. On top of that, I was biting my cheeks off in my mouth so that my face wouldn't catch on to the current situation where a cleric who had been put on as a guide was sitting with a soothing grin that I didn't think he was in his early twenties.

What a situation...

He said he was very frightened at the time he let me use the transfer formation, which would be classified, but this is not how he is just lending me the front carriage of the Great Temple, or the awe-inspiring place where he gets five priests and a temple knight. What Serena used to call the Virgin and make a name for herself in the Great Temple of Agricult is something I had learned in class but more influential than I imagined.

Or is it so important to deliver this crate to Master Doyle...

The imagination that comes to mind raises more anxiety. What is going to happen, and what situation is Master Doyle in now? What a shame that the only way to know that is to rendezvous with Master Doyle as soon as possible.

As I breathe deeply to calm my deviant mind, I remember the contents of the luggage and my own subspace given to me by my master in preparation for the future. Some of the packages handed over had all the tools needed for advanced pharmaceuticals and materials with strong medicinal effects, as well as consumables such as bandages and disinfectants needed for treatment. The subspace has all the fresh herbal and warcraft materials collected in the Abyss Forest, all the Parma medicine I've learned over the past month, and the way it's made is in my head. Ljeci and Sana 'a should each have medicines, materials and tools in their area of expertise, and with all three of them, as the master put it, they should be able to treat them better than some kind of treatment center or pharmacy there.

I often tell myself not to be swallowed up by the unusual circumstances of being protected by the temples and the unseen anxieties ahead.


Turning consciousness back to reality in a voice that overlapped without power, and looking to Sana, who was sitting next to him, and to Riechi, who was across the street from him, the two seemed to be watching the scenery from a distance with a zero dry laugh.

"I can't believe this is happening in just one day... and I've never seen a beast before."

"Me too. There really are people who can fly with their wings."

- Was there a beast man nearby?

When I look backwards into the dialogue that the two of us with dead eyes have spoken about in a hell of an experience, the blinding knights of the temple confirm the area and the sky as bah and shout.

"- Enemy attack! They're in the sky too!

If the clergyman draws Ljeci and Sana 'a with that word, one of the horses who was guarding behind him overtakes the carriage, while the escort knight jumps inside.

Then it sounds from the people, the sound of pulling out the sword.

"It's from the forest on the left! They're all beasts, so they're already coming!

If the knights who have boarded the carriage communicate their trends with their swords in place, those who drive the horses speak up one after the other with a hard voice.

"They're turning forward!

"Don't make me stop the horse!

"I'll cover you, so run through it!

"Eh, roger!

Feathers and footsteps surround the temple knights not long after a shouting conversation, and the sound of weapons hitting each other rings.

It was less than a minute since Rieti and Sana raised their voices. Birdmen and beasts who were able to determine critically that they were human are slaughtered with the Temple Knights in front of them if they are aware of them.

"There's no load on this carriage!

"I know!

"You will not be forgiven for your misery of the Temple!

"Above my knowledge!

Was it the clergy or Ljeci or Sana, or yourself, who shoved and killed the scream at the roaring anger and the bloodshed on his cheeks?

When we were nailed to the appearance of a Temple Knight intercepting the Beast Man while he bled out of his arm, I thought I heard some kind of destruction, unlike a weapon crashing into each other behind his back, and Gatan and a loud vibration hit us.

"They did it!

The shock and the horse that was pulling the carriage away if you turn to that voice that went up from the front. It was too late for the Temple Knights to panic and try to flip their horses when they realized the carriage had stopped.

"Don't drop it!

I wonder if the beast man who was slashing knights with the Temple Knight behind him would have gone away screaming like that, his feet would shake grassly and grasp the carriage unintentionally floating.

"Eh [junction]!

The temple knight, who was holding the reins due to his inclination with Grali, fell, but felt like some distant event when he fell inside the carriage due to being bounced into the junction the priest had tensioned.

"Hey. You okay?

"Yeah, somehow"

Standing up with that said, the Temple Knight mutters in a bitter voice as he lowers the front cloth imitating his fellow man who closed the rear door so that he could not see it from the outside.

"You've done worse than that."

"... oh. The Beast Man means the Rumor Bandits."


A little late from the two Temple Knights who give us a harsh look over our heads to discuss the status quo, the breathless priest who was stuffing gets up in an unstable carriage when he pulls his lips together cuddly. And after staring at us, he raised his face and sounded Rin.

"In the meantime, treat me now. They must defend themselves more than the Great Goddess has entrusted them to."

"" Ha!

A powerful voice strikes his ear and moves backwards as the cleric curses to treat the injured Temple Knight. When I returned to me for reflexively supporting the clergy who was about to fall, I finally swallowed up the reality that we were being attacked by the beasts and taken away by every carriage, and that we were flying through the sky.

(Agricult's Grand Cleric Perspective)

The deepest part of the great temple, the largest of the temples that celebrate the gods.

On an altar with an atmosphere of international rigour among buildings filled with clean air, I prayed for the journey of the front carriage that I had earlier travelled to Fort Lace.

- Please keep an eye on how you can successfully overcome the trials that await you.

If Serena would have given you a prayer with the thought of the three people surrounding her protection, a sound similar to Lynn and the bell plunders her ears from somewhere when she says she knows. Apparently, some of the gods are peering at the altar.

If it was Serena and I who must be on this occasion, I would stand up in a gentle motion, thinking that you would have spoken up, and depict her in the back of her brain as she quietly looks over the altar where no one is.

Nearly twenty years of training was required until I was given the skills of [divine], but Serena made herself ten years old, listened to the voices of the gods, and then showed people a number of aptitudes that saints and saints could have, such as recovery and purification.

Serena's power is worthy of calling herself the Virgin.

Those who devoted their lives to the gods honored Serena like that, with an enviable eye, but I didn't care if the gods would eat her up whenever she showed the power of her constant separation.

That's how unhappy she was, she was a living apart.

She was left behind by the Great Shrine because of a rare color for someone named Purple in silver thread hair, but fortunately she grew up with a child whose parents didn't feel lonely or lonely.

It's thanks to the gods she talks about not being lonely, but it also ironically makes Serena's engagement with the world of the person she should be.

Being deeply connected with the gods from an early age, she was able to pick up their words, and she told them about the Mori Monument and the fragments of the future that she had learned, and people worshipped and honored her like that and eventually deified her. There is no one who takes a friendly attitude towards his surroundings that he has transformed into believers, a vicious circle in which he is distant from others, but therefore Serena becomes even more involved with the gods, and every time his power as Virgin is honed and his skills are increased, so that people look at her more distantly.

Although picking up the girl who came as an assassin saw a slight change, the atmosphere surrounding Serena grew sober year after year and left the world behind.

I guess I should be happy with that change in her as a body that can be used by God, but as a body that has held up a crying baby on the altar and burned care on behalf of its parents, it is too sad, and I have asked the gods several times why she is that child.

I accidentally doubted the gods when the answer to that was' Send me on my journey to the Demon King's Crusade '...

The gods were merciful.

Without hating or punishing me for doubting your words, nor taking Serena from the world of men. Having served and returned safely, she was just a girl who was spoiled by the gods and confused by the love she had for the first time, not the Virgin.

- This is Alan, the brave man of thunder spears. I traveled with you and you helped me a lot.

I will never forget Serena dyed her cheeks when she saw the face of her favorite person standing next to her while introducing her as a useful actor in the Demon King's Crusade.

On her journey and in love with the brave, her feet firmly set foot on the same earth as ours, and the atmosphere that was so gloomy stared at her loved one with her lively eyes as a lie. He was relieved that his righteous daughter had finally acquired the happiness of the crowd by walking together without losing sight of the hand offered by the brave man.

I offer my thanks to the gods as I think of Serena's smile singing raw, and I can remember that day as if it were yesterday when I made a vow never to doubt that heart again.

More than twenty years after that.

Though Serena was sent to the brave men of the thunderbolt spear by the descent of the temple, I was about the position of the high priest as I realized that it was God's call to those who did not often think that the famous Virgin would leave the Great Temple.

It was about a month ago now that there was a change in my days of becoming a high priest and devoting myself to the gods and praying for peace in the people and the world.

While blinking my eyes to the accidental entrustment, I offered the sober wood that I had obtained by sending the trusted priests to Handel as the gods wished. Shortly after I removed the strength of my shoulders with the clerics who served me that way, I received a letter from my righteous daughter.

That's how they haven't used the power of the Virgin in a long time. They accepted a request from Serena and sent out the three entrusted earlier, but they see signs of trials in their whereabouts.

If it is a test given by the gods who have also saved righteous daughters, then there will be a good future ahead to overcome, but I cannot stop worrying because I am also a child of men. If they say that it is the sons of righteous daughters and the sons who are close to each other, it is up to them to pray thus.

- But you also recall twenty years ago when this is going to be a monument.

The crusade of the worm Demon King, which was causing great damage to Agulkurt and Fortrace, inspired Lord Alan to make his name blow as the brave man of the thunderbolt spear. We listened to the voices of the gods more than once, given the news of the birth of the Demon King of Disaster at the time, and the thought that he had been entrusted shortly thereafter to take Serena on a journey, and the presence of a new brave man.

Is it too much to think that this time my righteous daughter and I have entrusted you with a gift that feels like some kind of foreboding...

Trials awaiting the three priests and useful actors that Serena would have given if she had asked her son about his safety, neighbouring countries showing some disturbing movement in the clean trees that the gods dedicated to the altar are likely to be able to make into temporary accommodation, and then signs of the coming of Doyle, son of the brave man and Virgin of Thunder Spear.

The colours, the colours and the bells that should not ring placed on the altar ring as if to tell you that you are correct if you disturb your mind no way to the possibility of floating from them.


"- I'm in awe. As the gods willed."

If you break your knee to the [shrine] you hear, a sound similar to that of Lynn and the bell strikes your ear, and the great power that rang the bell goes away. I now pray once in front of the altar, where the aftermath of God's visit lingers, feeling signs of leaving and often confused.

And when I stood up slowly, I took a new step to convey the will of the gods.

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