Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Lesson 223: Leopardo Desfecta Perspective

- There is no such thing as tightness from the edge.

It was Louve's roaring low voice that moved the spot so cold that his goosebumps stood on the screams, including the noisy sounds, that he was engulfed with breathless tension.

- What's that supposed to mean?

"Hi, I'm just saying this! The Dragon King's son seems real, but there's no dust on his mind to be here as a messenger. That Elatoma was just making him act like it by saying it well, and the purpose of the Dragon King's son was to say something about the elves... anyway, it was a mouthful like it was apart from the imminent battle. The bond that the elders intend to make with the dragon kingdom will not be fulfilled. No, they weren't tied up like that in the first place!

Upset spreads among the beasts in the words of the angry Vulk as he seeps deceitful remorse into his face.

I don't know anything about them at all, but for now, there was some kind of promise between the land of dragons and the land of the beasts. It was a maniac such as Elatoma, and I could understand that knowing it probably caused Valk a huge injury from being stuck in a mouth seal.

And unlike me and Ljeci and Sana 'a, the priests and temple knights, who seem to be grasping some information, have a rugged look and whisper to each other.

"You planned to gather at the foot of a mountain on the border with the land of dragons, a coalition of Fortrace and the kingdoms of the Beasts."

"Yeah, I was wondering if the contents of the covenant, instead of only letting Fortrace fight, would not vandalize the kingdoms of the Beasts"

"It can be easily lowered, such as an isolated army on an expedition. In an instant, the fortified city will be rebuilt, and the dragon kingdom will march easily to Agricult and Handel."

- Is that what this is about?

I grasped the situation from the conversation between the priests I had stolen and listened to, and I knew exactly why, whining in my heart, I imagine Doyle's behavior while zeroing a dry grin.

Perhaps you already know the march between the Land of Dragons and Fortrace. I mean, if I suck, I want to stick my neck in and leap in. That's right, I guess I do. And at the same time, we are on the run to stop the collision itself, and the delivery from Serena is of such use to Doyle.

You should have followed criminals like Zenos and Maris on a journey. During a swirl of cross-racial warfare, you are no longer in the realm of admiration through shudderness. If Doyle were in that situation, we'd be under attack just to deliver. I'm convinced it's a mess.

"... brother"

"Brother Doyle is here now..."

"Definitely, you're running the front line."

"" Right. ""

If you give Rieti and Sana a a heartbeat from the stories of the beasts and clerics to the same imagination, a dry laugh strikes you in the ear. It's rare, but I'm pretty sure the two of us are thinking the same thing right now.

"" That's Brother Doyle ""

When I heard the dialogue between Rieti and Sana 'a as if it reflected the voice of my heart, the beasts who took off from the upset began to make a scene out of their impatience.

"Whoa. That's not good."

"What are you talking about?

"That's right. If we don't get back to the news soon, we're gonna be in big trouble!

"Luv! If the Vulk story is true, our country will be trampled and vandalized irresistibly!?

If he grabbed Luv's shoulder, which was conceived by tiger-like beasts who walked out of the rushing beasts, he spoke to the birds who nodded and despaired with the calmness of the group's length.

"Oh. Valk, what happened to those who were on Elatomas' escort with you?

Vulk shakes his head sideways at Luv's inquiry.

Such a sad look on his face spoke eloquently of the answer.

- I can fly. I told him to come back.

"Okay. Enough, rest."

To Vark, who managed to answer that, Luv pushes his body to put him to sleep after responding briefly. "I'm sorry," however, Vark refused to be that kind, and Luv rose up slowly when he whined one more time to see if he'd learned such a thing about his mood.

Watching the exchange between the two of them like that, I will inscribe in my memory the name of the man who would have taken the life of their people.

- Eratoma, huh?

I don't know how old he is or how he looks, but he took the head of the kingdoms of the beasts, and I knew perfectly well that if the plot came to light, he would have slaughtered the witnesses without hesitation. Just talk or busy.

When one decided to tell Dawn that she could only rendezvous with Master Doyle, she barked once she glanced over at the noisy beasts who stood up.

"Everybody, you heard the information the Vulk squad members took home risking their lives! Our task is pointless, beyond the fact that our covenant with the Land of the Dragon was a madness. Therefore, the manipulation of Fortrace is discontinued and withdrawn from here! Pack your bags immediately and tell the head of your country it's up to you!

"" "" "Ha!

A wide variety of beasts salute the words of the air-shaking Luv in an undisturbed movement.

The sight was so dominant that it gave me goosebumps, and the moment they all proved to be soldiers who had been heavily trained, not bandits.

- That's a roll.

Beside me I admire him. Rieti and Sana praised him for being amazing too, but the Temple Knights seemed to think differently, and I heard disturbing remarks from them staring at the Beasts with difficult faces.

"... it still seems they were a coalition of the nations of the Beasts"

"But if the rumored bandits were a coalition, it would be a big problem."

"I didn't hear about the loss of human life, but I heard a lot of people were harmed, so I guess the cause will remain."

When the priests gave their worried expression to the words of the Knights of the Temple, they narrowed their eyes softly and looked behind the three of us.

"What are you going to do? Captain Luv."

If you follow the sight of the priest, who asked with perseverance, this again stands one unseen face of agitation.

What the hell is this guy doing here when he says the beasts are moving busily? I have such a question, but I take a few steps back with Ljeci and Sana to see how things are going because I don't really feel like I'm going to pinch my mouth. If you get caught up in the contention of the country and the Great Temple, it's tough.

"That's for the elders to decide with the royalty of Fortraith and Agricult, not for me to judge here. The task I need to do now is to get you to the Royal Castle in Fort Reyes and bore the status quo quickly. Apologize or negotiate, we don't have enough."

"You don't seem to have forgotten your promise. More importantly. But wouldn't it be in the interest of the nations of the Beast not to disclose unsolicited information to Fortrace?

What the clergyman returned to Luv's words, which responded pale, was a dialogue that could be taken both as a guide and as an accusation.

"I am prepared for this end of my life at a time when the chief betrayed the interactive Fortrace and nodded at the tightness of the land of dragons. I have no remorse for abandoning the trust I have built so far and praying for peace and security in my country, nor am I willing to be deceived. You deserve it, and time will never come back. But no one knows what will happen after this. I would like to be honest with the people of Fortrace, who believe in us at the end of the day and are ready to march."

The look on Louve's face, who spoke in his chest, was unwavering, and his eyes lit with a straight light.

Apparently, he's also a race on the Doyle-like side, just like the clerics.

- Finally, and always this guy!

I just want to yell at him about the position pattern of a healer, about not making it easier for him to be ready to die, but I don't like it because I know I'm not saying it cheaply because I had a lot of opportunities to see people living on my back of the country up close.

But I felt the difficulty of moving the country and protecting it by dealing with Doyle and Gray, and I couldn't pinch my mouth because I knew that there were times when just every beauty couldn't be helped.

Quietly watching Luv and such a cleric who sees him with his sincere unreadable eyes as such, often.

"- That would be nice. It is also the role of those who can be used by God to help people on the right path. If you want to confess your sins, give me this hand if I have to watch you never give up halfway down the road."

Louve was blinking his eyes at the words of a strictly exaggerated cleric, but I must have looked similar.

- You mean you've been trying?

And Luv passed, so I'll help him. Simply put, I guess that's what this is all about, but am I the only one who thinks you can tell me in advance if possible? If you look to the side as you think about it, Ljeci and Sana also had what a hard look to say, so they stroke their breasts down somehow.

"... not at all able to go about the expansion"

"Me too."

As I nodded deeply into the dialogue between the two of you who speak for my inner self, the priest and Luv came to us when they finally got the story together.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. We need to get ready and rest, and we were talking about leaving after dawn, okay?

"If we leave here at the same time as the sun rises, we'll reach Fort Race before noon, so we only have a few more hours, but you should rest. You must be tired of Vulc's treatment on top of what your men were forced to bring in, right?

In the cave, I didn't realize that either because of all the things that happened, but at the same time I'm surprised that I was spending so much time with the beasts that the night dawned in a few moments, I feel the fatigue that I wasn't aware of pushing me to the dock. If I turned my eyes to Ljeci and Sana 'a, they seemed to be in the same condition, and I could see them narrowing their eyes in a sleepy manner.

If we fall on the side of telling you to take care of your body, you won't be able to say anything to Master Doyle...

More importantly, we are inexperienced in these rough things and have inferior health. Self-management is also essential in order not to pull the legs around.

"Me and you both, it's time for the limit, so I'll let your words sweeten you."

"Oh. You shouldn't have to. If you're on the front line, you can't just deliver it and end it."

If the words blinked his eyes unexpectedly, Luv pointed to the black beast ears moving with a good look.

"We have far better ears than humans. So I heard all the whining and whispering of those who were here. Are you proud to be a noble and helpful master?

"... oh. Well."

It was somewhat embarrassing to be heard while also being surprised at the high physical ability of the beast man to hear even with this many people, and the vague reply came out of his mouth zero.

I'm sure Luv summed up Doyle's personality exactly from our conversation, but when he asks me again, I can light it up. Robe would be happy to talk about the overflowing master love here, but I can't do that, or honestly, I don't want to be.

As for Doyle's men, he remembers his squire as a senior and is in a subtle mood, so Luv walks out to take him to a place where he can rest, so he follows his back with the priests.

"I thought your master's name was definitely Doyle, but does it fit?


"He also seemed to have a conversation where he didn't know where he was, but is it okay to just send him to Fortrace? Thanks to you for saving Vark, we were able to find out what Elatoma was up to, so if you're looking for your master, we can help you."

Me, Rieti and Sana nod face-to-face at the suggestion that Fu and Luv had spoken on the road. If you were working at Fortrace, you would be purchasing a lot of rumors, so it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Haven't you heard rumors of a tough guy about our age? He's a prominent guy, and he said he'd make money locally for travel expenses, so I think he's looking at a material exchange or something. Yeah, and then he's got one man and one woman at a time."

"I have purple eyes on my blonde hair. Oh, but maybe he said he'd change colors and disguise himself?

"You said it. Oh, your face is neat and it's for women!

If you speak of the traits that come to mind, Luv, who was walking in the lead, of course the priests, the temple knights, and a few nearby beasts, stop and stare at us.

... what?

Even tilting his neck at the drifting subtle air, the doubts immediately fogged as he was made aware of the information told by Louve, who had a slightly stiff look back.

"... I have met a man of your age, a man with arms named Ruid, who is false to his silver-haired purple eyes, accompanied by one man and one woman at a time"

"That's it!

"My mother has beautiful silver hair and purple eyes!

Rieti and Sana nod happily to a pseudonym and disguise that they would understand if they knew who they were. On the other hand, after the clergy and the Temple Knights had a stunned look, they were whispering to each other in a hurry.

"Dear Cleric. Didn't Lord Leopardo and the others say he was a guest from Majesta?

"When I said purple-eyed woman to your silver hair in Majesta,"

"Your son Doyle is seventeen years old. I hear your hair is as golden as the brave man with the thunder spear, and your eyes are a beautiful purple color conceded by Master Serena. Senior Arbor Cleric said he was very strong and that he had broken off Marnagarm... I heard he was related to Serena, but I didn't know he was referring to his son as his lord."

Luv and the beasts changed their complexions sassy to the origin of Master Doyle, whom the cleric told them.

The slightly bluer faces of the beasts and the words "I have met them" by Luv. And given Doyle's character, I can somehow imagine what kind of encounter it was.

"I was driven away face-to-face with Master Doyle during the raid as a bandit, is that it?

"... exactly. There was also a great deal of rumor among mercenaries and adventurers about what they meant by deceiving the color of Lady Serena the Virgin. I was wondering who it was because there was information that the mercenaries and adventurers had been reached directly in the upper layers of Fortrace on the horribly arm, but no way is it the son of the brave man of the thunderbolt spear and the Virgin. Even though I didn't know it, I have worked a great deal of disrespect..."

The priest hears us softly when Rieti and Sana 'a are all surprised by the look on the faces of Luv and the beasts who seem to look good with the word stunner.

"I heard that the kingdoms of the Beasts have benefited many times from the royal trust given to them by the Virgin Serena, and that the warcraft who were attacking people around Fort Lace have crusaded them before the brave men of the Thunder Spear were crusaded in Agricult twenty years ago."

"I hear the Warcraft was devastating, too. I'm sure a lot of people have been helped by your father."

"Besides, the race of beasts adores and honors the strong, cherishes their companions, and the grace they receive is a courageous character that they will never forget."

"" "... I see" "

Even without trying to explain the priests and the Temple Knights, their voices overlapped, and then the three of us looked at each other as if they were flowing. What a snort.

That is the face of the Duke of Aginis house, which boasts the best martial arts of Majesta, the only martial arts tradition I can say.

"Hey, Luv. You and this princess were proud of each other for traveling with the Virgins and saving lives many times."


"My village, thanks to the brave thunder spears."

"So am I."

The beasts who would circle their tails when their ears were tight were depressed to see them, and if they let them go, they would not be able to clean them up, so we decided to go in and put out the fire.

"Uh. I guess you don't have to worry about that, huh? Master Doyle doesn't feel like he cares enough about the damage he's done, and he never tells you that he's repelled the bandits."

"That's right. I don't know, I'm busy with other things, and it's not the same thing."

"I think Master Doyle is on the run to stop the war, so I'd be happy to have your help."

After confirming that the ears of the beasts had slightly risen to the words of Ljeci and Sana 'a, I spoke of the character of Master Doyle in vain.

"I'm not a dude I don't know how to talk to, so it exaggerates my feelings that you guys acted to protect your country. If you're willing to make amends, don't do anything wrong."

"... right"

My husband scolded me. Dog-like powerlessness doesn't seem like a man who didn't even waver when Elatoma's plot was revealed, but I don't want to say anything extra because I seem to feel a little better.

"In the meantime, I have to deliver it, so I'll even ask Fortrace. So, since you're a prominent person, I'm sure you'll find it soon, but I'm glad you can help me find it."

Just in case you can't forget too many depressing promises, and to distract you again. Tell him so, Luv pins his ears. And he responded with the most powerful voice I've ever heard.

"Oh, okay. I'll take care of it. We will surely deliver you to your master!

hours from Louve's powerful proclamation. We took a break in the meantime, and at the same time the sun rose, we arrived at Fort Race in roughly two hours to continue by air on the front carriage again.

And after only a little while after leaving the Majesta, we arrived at the fortified city, where the search for Doyle was carried out using the handouts of the Luvs and the Beasts and the clerics.

"- Is Master Doyle in the Great Temple of Agricult?

"Yeah. Now he's acting to prevent the collision between the elves and Handel. In the morning, the news arrived, and it said, with the help of the Spirit, we would be there in less than a day."

"I wrote to you like it was before noon yesterday, so you're probably already there, right?

To the words of an elf named Scola, who pointed her seeping eyes of mercy at us, and a mercenary named Muske, her twin brother, who haired her with a masculine action that did not even put her beauty on her teeth, I fell apart, forgetting that Ljeci and Sana were all aligned and at the gate of the castle.

- What has been the struggle so far?!?

Just one day. Yesterday's event passes through my brain like a running lantern, having had such a thick experience in my short life that I competed for one or two. I want to scream from the bottom of my heart that if I stayed in the Grand Temple of Agricult, I would have been able to rendezvous without the difficulty of raids, etc.

Besides, there's about to be a battle not only between the land of dragons and Fortrace, but also between the elves and Handel, behind which is a man named Maris and Zenos, and Master Doyle says he's on the run to stop them? It's too magnificent that there will be a fight on a scale that will cross the war!

"... That's Dear Doyle"

"It's easy to go beyond our imagination..."

Hahaha, ugh, lychees and sana with a dry laugh on the side, I shook my hands to the ground and told myself as I swallowed the gushing emotions.

- We should change our minds here.

We didn't do anything unnecessary. Instead, they saved Vulk's life because he left the Great Temple, and a man named Elatoma was exposed, and Fortrace was able to intercept the land of dragons alongside the beasts. According to the mercenaries who signed with Master Doyle, our work was helpful. And then you would have handed over the deliveries from Master Serena and told her about the movements of the nations of the beasts and about a man called Elatoma, who was half-hearted but worked hard. You want it to be, or else you'll do it!

The voices of clerics and mercenaries who seem worried when their heads are shaking through a headache strike at the work of Doyle-like far beyond their imagination.

"... Lord Leopardo"

"Should I get ready for the break room?

"Uh, what is it? Are you all right? If you're Doyle's man, I'm not going down there, and I'm gonna give you a lift to the Grand Temple. So don't let it go."

"No, if we're going to the Great Temple, let's send them to the Rapta. It's a lot faster than running on the ground. Their wings will get there before nightfall."

If you put your face up to Luv's suggestion, you'll see each other with a worried look on your face. There are many things that I feel in the gaze of labor and pity seeping through, but given the circumstances surrounding Master Doyle, I can't eat time here. I bet that guy has a lot worse thoughts and experiences than we do.

That's right. I cage my strength in both legs as I stir myself up.

"Let's go, Ljeci, Sana. If you were so broken, you wouldn't be able to keep up with Master Doyle."

"" Right. ""

Stand up. If you called on Ljeci and Sana to do so, they both rose up with a tired grin.

"If it's that important, it might be our turn."

"Doyle, if you have a brother, there's no way you can't."

"Exactly. So, can I have a lift to the Grand Temple?

I snorted at the two of them for putting their temper back together, and then asked Luv to do so and he came back with words of acceptance, so we re-carry our bags.

"Are you going yet?

"Master Doyle is waiting."

And exchange those words with an elf named Scola.

"Please bring this temple knight. I can't go with you, but I pray that the gods do not bless you, Lord Leopard."

"Thank you"

Say goodbye to the cleric who said to watch the meeting between the Beasts and the Royal Fortrace.

"Thank you for your help. Thank you. If you have a life, I'll go directly to apologize, but tell your lord I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"Oh. I'll tell Master Doyle right away, so do it right."

Send encouragement to Luv to make everything boring.

"Tell Doyle we'll take care of the beasts and the clergy. I'll do something about this one, so I asked you to do it."

"Copy that. I'll give you the information I kept."

I remember Doyle-like letters handed to me by the head of a mercenary group called Muske, and I walked out to the front carriage to return to the Grand Temple of Agricult with Rieti and Sana 'a.

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