- I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Even as I stood up and tried to greet that voice, whose expression seemed fitting, backward to the appearance of feeling the length of the overlapping years, the words of restraint echoed before I could sit back.

"Please stay put. I'll be right there."

The behavior of the Arbor priest and the embroidery of silver threads in a pure white cloth surrounding him, as said, indicate that this old man is the head of the great temple of Agricult, which is famous for its largest, and wonders if it can really be sweetened by the word.

But once again, he gently told me to wait, so I calmed down in my chair. It's rude of you to insist on caring.

If you wait in a slightly restless mood, the door that leads to the hallway, stained orange by the hands of the Arbor cleric who entered later, closes and the room returns to white and silver again.

I guess it's a gift I've served God in this silence-wrapped temple for years that I can't hear anything but cloth deviation from the great priests and Arbor priests approaching me step by step in silence. The high priest, who walks quietly through the world of white and silver, had an incomparable sanctity to every priest he has ever met.

My spine stretches itself into the majestic atmosphere created by the Temple and the Grand Priest. It didn't seem like I was the only one, and Ries, who had left his back in the chair if he noticed, was right, and Rafael and Albione, who were flying freely around the room, were also standing down near us.

I guess my expression was tense to the unspeakable tension. The Grand Priest, who came to us after losing so much, smiles like a little troubled.

"You don't have to be nervous like that. They just say they serve the gods longer than others, such as me."

Even if the Grand Priest says so......

What a thought like that overheads the dialogue of the Great Cleric in difficulty in responding. I know as much as I am a toddler who doesn't know anything, and I can't be made up because I've been in the clergy for a long time.

A priest Arbor, who lowered his eyebrows about how my mood conveyed like that, was looking at his boss with a troubled look on his face, and I felt that somehow I could see the character of the great priest.

- Is that something like a spokesperson for the gods?

I don't think so to the Great Cleric, who would think so from the bottom of his heart, neither humble nor humble. I suppose you are solemnly trying to do your part of serving God without any desire to boast that you have abandoned the world but are not unaware of the virtuosity of the late, or the influence that comes with that identity.

I feel that from that appearance, which does not make me feel greedy, there is no sign of lies or malice, and even from this one I can believe that it is the word of the gods. The Great Cleric had an atmosphere different from that of such a normal human being.

And that coincides with the anecdote of my mother before I met my father, which I heard at an early age.

Dear Serena, the charitable, sober and beautiful Virgin.

I only know my mother now, who is unknown and free-handed, but could therefore have imagined it well, but if it had remained a figure as described in the book, it would have been like the great priest in front of me. I felt like I only figured out a little bit about what my mother was like in the past.

At the same time, I will patronize the Grand Priest's attitude.

If the nature is similar to that of a mother, then perhaps this person's thoughts and behavior will remain unchanged just how much influence the position of high priest has conveyed. There's something about my mother that seems easy to flow and doesn't bend my opinions.

But it's brittle in the mood, so if there's a thread to facilitate the conversation, there it is.

"The position of the Grand Priest is also respected, but before that, I heard that you were the parent of your mother's upbringing, so I don't care if you are disrespectful."

I told him I had a different reason to respect him than being in a position of high priest to be more comfortable in front of me, and then I got up without putting my hair in, and I knelt down and prayed politely while activating [the elegance of an upstream nobleman].

"I'm sorry I'm late to say hello. I'll see you first. My name is Doyle von Aginis, son of the brave Alan of Thunder Spears and the Virgin Serena. Thank you for inviting me this time. We are truly delighted to have met with Sereos."

If you say that and smile, the Grand Priest tends to move his mouth a few times after his eyes, eventually spinning his words so that he can bite it off.

"... what I could do for Serena as a parent, that's all I can count."

Sorrow or joy or memory?

I don't know why the Grand Priest's eyes moisturize.

However, I understand very well that there is something in my chest that is in my eyes.

That's why I dare tell you in a bright voice with a strange face.

"Really? But my mother admires Sereos very much. I was very pleased to hear that Serena had her name divided between you, because she was also impressed by the child."

"Really? I'm glad to hear that."

Gradually lowered his eyebrows as he heard my childhood thoughts, Master Sereos smiled small as he closed his eyes to swallow something. But the grin as if it reflected the heart of Master Sereos is instant and turns into a merciful look like a great priest while he blinks.

"Please take your seats. What can I do for you?"

"Thank you"

Without touching on that change, which I have told you is the end of the story, if you put your hands on the chair you were sitting in earlier as you were prompted, Master Cereos will also sit in the front seat. When Cleric Arbor checked with us like that, he started making tea by heading to the tea bowl that was in the corner of the room without a sound.

I turn away softly from the horrible reality of being entertained by the Grand Priest and his accompanying clergy, and I sit quietly in my chair, too.

Much better than to be hostile in a place where there is a different order than the reign of the Great Temple, but it's too favorable and that scares me. I wonder if I'm the only one who feels that way, but there's no way I can put it in my mouth and ask why. I confronted the Great Cleric with a slight confusion in my chest.

Even though I am afraid of being a grand priest alone, I cannot be crude if I am the one who falls for my mother's father. While I was tightening my mind, I first thought about introducing Ries and Raphael, but Sereos, who looked at me quietly before the words I had in mind became voices, cut the fire.

"Serena told me that my child is watched by the Spirit of the Wind and the Spirit of the Water, but you also have the protection of the Spirit of the Earth"

"... Yes"

Even though I marvel at what I've been told with my eyes narrowed for love, I nod remembering that this person is a great priest who can hear the voices of the gods. In the Majesta they were never noticed unless they showed up intentionally or in a vessel, but many beastmen and dragon men look around to find out if they were good or not, and the elves, of course, like the great priests and Arbors, the high priests, naturally, reflect spirits in their eyes.

I will introduce them to the Grand Cleric, recognising that it is a little fresh and that we must be careful in setting up the operation.

"This is how the two of you are on your side, and you are waving your strength for me at the Spirit Hall of the Earth at Epis School. Then this is Ries the Elf. They're working together as people with the same purpose."

I'll skip the real names of the spirits because they don't seem to sound anything but the ones they admitted where I spoke, and I'll give you a brief description of Ries. I can hear you and call you if your nickname is like the fia that Master Celery is under contract to, but it seems there are some constraints to knowing the true name that can bind the Spirit's actions.

"It's Ries, the grandson of Elder Lang. I'll see you first."

"Thank you very much for your kindness. As you may already know, I am entrusted with this great temple. My name is Sereos. Forgive me for throwing your last name away a long time ago. And then there's my most trusted cleric, my name is Arbor."

"It's Arbor. See you later."

Cleric Arbor, who was about to be introduced by the Grand Priest, quietly placed the five cups on the tabletop, poured tea and gently lowered back. Apparently, he's not willing to take a seat.

As far as going back on the road from the ruins that were near the barracks to this room, he should be quicker to count from above too. I'm not frightened when such a person behaves like a squire, but I can't pinch an extra mouth without knowing what's going on in the temple.

Looking at the timing of cutting out the story while swallowing the tea served feeling slightly uncomfortable, he asked kindly from the great priest, who quietly placed the tea utensil, whether he noticed me like that.

"So, what brings you to the Great Temple today?

I couldn't tell you that much from the gods, and I open my mouth to explain the purpose of my visit to the Great Temple while thanking God Sereos in my heart for the care he showed with a pranky grin.

"I met His Highness Brio when I was following him to capture some of them, and when I did, I asked him if he had any information here that might help me. To put it straight in, I'd like you to tell me from where you bought the 'Clear Magic Storage Timber' that the Great Temple bought in Handel about a month ago to offer to the gods. I would also like to borrow it if you have a record of the purchase and sale."

Sweet for your words. A slight but surprising emotion arose in the face of the great priest and the Arbor priest. But it was for a moment, and the Grand Priest nodded once and for all without asking any more.

"Okay. Arbor."

"We'll have it with you soon"

With a respectful bow of his head, Cleric Arbor turns himself softly to the door that leads to the hallway.

It was us who were surprised by the quick decision of such a high priest and the honest obedience of the Arbor priest.

"... is that okay?

I can't hide the question of what the hell is going on, and those words fall zero out of my mouth. No matter how much my mother was a famous Virgin and stepdaughter of the Grand Priest, it's just unusual to accept the demands without asking about the details.

"Your husband. Isn't this a little too convenient?



It seems I wasn't the only one who feared the reaction of the great priests, and Ries heads up with a slightly stiff face to Lafar, who leaned his neck against the words of Albione, who frowned.

Such a conversation between them seemed to reach the ears of the Great Goddess, of course, and he laughed as troubled.

"I have been given by the gods to respond to your demands, and I actually have a favor to ask of you."

"Please, is it?

"Yes. Perhaps I should rightly say from the gods to you, Doyle."

I wonder if I should be relieved or wary of the fact that Sarah was told.

I'm glad it's gotten better without worrying that there might be a weird backdrop to the good treatment so far, but I'm anxious to see what the requests from the gods are.

You can't say no again...

I guess I have to do this favor to get information on Holy Tree, but what the hell do I have to do in this busy time?

"It's, again..."

"You don't have to worry. We'll be done by the end of the day. Instead of asking for a favor, I'll send you to Handel with a transfer team from the Temple. From here, you'll be able to reach the temple near the royal castle in less than a moment."

That was a very attractive suggestion.

Not only is it early, but your body and mind are safe if you let me use the rumored Temple Transfer.

While I'm impressed that the transfer team that really connects each temple in the corner of my head is real, I'm worried about what the hell it is that you want me to do by revealing and using information that can be considered top secret.

The time now is evening.

It was still a bright orange when the Grand Priest seemed to be in it, but the redness was increasing when the Arbor Priest went out to pick up the trading record, so the sun would go down in less than an hour.

It will be over by the end of the day, as the Grand Priest said, and if you can let me use the transfer formation, I can return to Handel faster than I can with the help of Rafael, so there is no harm in it. From the air drifting in the temple, it doesn't seem like something extremely dangerous is waiting. I have some anxiety, but it won't be such a bad story.

It was not a bad feeling if we concluded that and turned our attention to Ries, but because Albione gave us the backing of 'Maybe not bad', I turned my gaze back to the Grand Cleric.

"I understand. So what the hell am I supposed to do?

If you acknowledge, the Great Cleric's face will be broken.

But then the words told were puzzling.

"Does Lord Doyle know the conditions for becoming a [cleric]?

"... I was taught that healing magic is aptitude"

If you respond to abrupt inquiries in that way while confused, the Grand Priest will continue to talk further with a serene voice as if you can't see my confusion or something.

"So what is the difference between [clerics] and those called [Virgins] and [Saints]?

I don't know the intentions of the great priest who overlaps the questions. But I can't not answer it, so I explored my memories in order to put the question in the corner of my mind first and spin the answer.

"I wonder if we can hear the gods or not."

"Exactly. It is rare, however, that those who are blessed with protection from certain gods, kings in distress of the nation, etc. listen to their voice and give their word to the mundane applause. For this reason, the Temple has decided to allow you to name [the Virgin] or [the Saint] from the moment you acquire the skills of a [Temple] who can beg you to speak to the gods."

"... I didn't get to know you that far"

"If you don't work for the temple, you'll have no reason to know. You don't have to know."

If you are sincerely impressed with the information you know for the first time, a kind word returns that you have no choice.

I was surprised that there was a clear line on the Virgin and those called saints, but more concerned about what the Grand Priest was trying to convey. But I don't have the courage to imitate the answer in a hurry, just the emotions that I get in my chest.

You don't know what's in my chest like that.

"So what do you think is the difference between [heroes] not being called [brave]?

The great priest looked at me and smiled softly, spinning further words in a clear voice.

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