Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Lesson 245: Sanale Terapeia Perspective

- One day in the rainy season.

"Is that okay? Sana."

"Yeah. What about Ljeci?

"Neither do I."

"Want to go deeper?


"" Let's go!

I say that and run with Ljeci in the wet woods with the rain that keeps falling down day after day.

Though I was told a few days ago to keep a review of how to discern medicinal herbs and their efficacy, the brother I was watching for was called by my father, and he went to help me, and only my sweet mother and I at home. It was about a moment ago that me and Ljeci were interested in playing with the rain by waving the words of a mother who was only in shape, without studying so hard in such a situation.

There was a big puddle in front of the house in the shade of rain all last night, and we got tired of playing with the mud and threw all sorts of things into it.

The sight of a boat of leaves circling in circles, struck by rain grains with floating petals continuing to descend, and pushing out in between, is quite beautiful and heartwarming. If you can play with a big leafy boat or a variety of flowers, it must be more fun.

With that in mind, me and Ljeci extended their legs from the side of the house to the border with the woods, and now they were coming all the way into the woods in search of bigger grasshoppers.

The sound of rain grains pounding trees and rocks.

Wet ground.

Wet forest scent.

It's supposed to be a familiar place as it's been in many times, but the sound, the feel, the scent that stepped on it, it's always different. What curiosity is tickled by such a sight, and the laughter of me and Ljeci woods the spirit.

But the fun didn't last long.

"- I found it!

I heard a voice I was used to hearing.

Then the feeling of being grabbed by the roots and the body of me and Ljeci floating.

"Ljeci! Sana! I told you not to go in there because rainy forests are dangerous!?

A proximate outburst of rage shook the tympanic membrane in a frizzy fashion, and his body bounced in freckles at first. When I looked to the side, there was Ljeci, who had his face drawn, and his eyes showed me with an equally pitiful face.

- Help, you said it would take till evening!

Why did you think it was so early? Once again they call me by name with one crack, and the emotion that I just suck occupies my chest. What comes to mind are medicinal herbs and books and feather pens that you keep spreading on your desk, and then you say, 'You do it right even if I'm not around. After I'm done playing,' he said and left. It's what my brother looked like this morning. What should I do? I didn't do it at all.

You'd be thinking the same thing. Staring at each other with Ljeci for a few seconds. Once again, when we were called by name, we took our gaze off each other with our minds, and it was time to raise our faces. That's how I followed the tip of the arm grabbing us, and there was a brother there with a tough look on his face.

- Shit. Super, I'm mad!

Either me or Ljeci would have gotten cocky and breathtaking at the pressure I felt from the shallow green eyes I looked up. Unlike the other adults, he's a nagging Zegen brother, but I've never had a tight eye on him like this.

"" Jesus, Brother Zegen ""

Brother Zegen never opened his mouth when his eyes met, and we stood softly on the ground facing him. I'm so scared of the shallow green eyes that observe us silently.

"Ha, that was fast!

"Have you finished helping?

I was scared of the reaction and with Ljeci I threw the words early and had a white grin hahahaha but Brother Zegen was unresponsive.

Kick, awkward......

To the silence that ensues, "Duh, what do we do?" "What do I do..." I talk with Ljeci with my eyes, but my anxiety and anxiety just solicit about the situation I experience for the first time, and I never find a solution.

The reaction that Brother Zegen has finally returned to us is with a long soothing exhalation and embrace.

"I can't believe I'm going into the woods at a time like this... how worried I think I am!

It was very warm in my brother's arms when I said that.

I was surprised when they held me without even noticing that I would get wet.

After that, me and Ljeci were lumpily pissed off by Brother Zegen.

Sermon all the way home from being dragged, while warming your body, and during dinner. The next morning I found out there was no abnormality in my health. No, I was given a review that I was supposed to do the day I escaped under Brother Zegen's watch.

And that's only been a few days. It continues today.

It was very quiet in the room I could have built to make medicine. Brother Zegen silently distinguishes herbs as he checks on us from time to time, and a pile of piles of herbs piled up in front of Rieti and me sitting across the street.

The herb, which was carved into small pieces by Brother Zegen's hand to make it easier for us to handle, is well dried, so it became easily powdered if it was placed in a breast bowl and crushed with a breast stick. It's quite fun for the herb to make a crisp and light noise and crush it. In the beginning, I and Ljeci were delighted.

But as I repeated it, those emotions faded, and I got tired of the monotonous task of just keeping the breast stick moving. I'd like to have a chat with Ljeci at least, but I can't because as soon as I'm talking irrelevant, Brother Zegen will notice me.

Speaking of the original, it's the reason we had a lot of chat yesterday and kept playing out...

I sigh when I see a pile of medicinal herbs that have been increased as punishment with Brother Zegen, who keeps a close eye on me as I remember yesterday's events. The boring stuff is boring, even if we know it's us that's bad. I know this is also a necessary task to acquire the skills that pharmaceuticals need to [grind], but I'm sick of thinking I have to keep even powdering my herbs, and I don't want to do it. All the more so because I heard your brother was good at mastering in less than a month.

I can't do this for a month...

If you look to the side with Chirali, Ljeci looks bored too. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing as me. You know exactly what we think of each other because we've been together the whole time.

If I lost my motivation and looked out the window, at some point the rain grains were smaller and the clouds were thinning. At this rate, I might stop this afternoon. It's about me and Ljeci playing outside even in the rain, but if we stop, the other kids come out. Then you can play hide-and-seek or something. It's not exciting for the two of us, but it would be a lot of fun if we did it with everyone.

Still curving his mouth into a letter to, excited about his contemplated afternoon plans, he pokes a small flank of one crack.

"(Ljeci, Ljeci)"

"(What? If you don't take it seriously, your brother's gonna piss you off again, okay?

"(Look out!

You still remember being scolded. That's what I said as I brushed up the medicinal herbs. It was Ljeci, but if I showed it out the window, my hands stopped and my eyes glistened all at once. And it floats in the face directed at me, a precursor to evil wax.

- We have to get out of this somehow.

- Right!

Yes, it was for a moment that we looked at each other.

But I've seen it ever since we were babies, and I knew Brother Zegen was much better.

"Ljeci. Sana. Even if it stops raining and clears, I'm not taking a step out of this room until I'm done for today."

Bicker shoulders bounce on that lower than usual voice.

The proclamation that seemed to see through our thoughts conveyed a harsh look at my brother sitting across the street in a giggly and stiff motion and the cruel words, "If you want to go out and play, do it seriously and get it over with".

"You're such a killer!

"It's horrible to learn even though everyone's playing!

"You guys were just playing when the other kids were studying at home."

"" Ugh. ""

I raised my protest, but soon they say it back and I get stuck in the words. Shit. I can't really let you go play with me if I keep this up.

What are we gonna do?

What am I gonna do?

I often consult with Ljeci without words before my brother, who is resolute in his attitude.

"" Brother Zegen!

"My throat is dry."

"I think I'm hungry too because I had early breakfast"

Brother Zegen laughs when he says he wants to leave the room somehow to escape from the eyes of the surveillance. Why.

Brother Zegen elsewhere blinked us unexpectedly with that confident expression, taking out a plate containing cut fruits to make it easier to eat from his subspace, and cleverly avoiding piles of herbs.

"If you're hungry, you should eat this. If you're thirsty, I'll make you some tea because I have tea leaves and a glass. Don't worry, we have lunch and snacks after that. And don't hesitate to tell me if you want to go. I'll take you one at a time."

Until it's over, there's no way to make it a word I can hear my brother's heart say, "Let him go." I stare at my brother, roaring with Ljeci, who makes tea handily using the tools in the room.

There are several kinds of fruits and chopped lemone and nuts on a plate that I saw as chilli, and besides, there are some that I and Ljeci like that I can't complain about. Apparently, very little of your brother is going to keep us out unless he clears the pile of herbs in front of him.

Do we have to work hard to finish this boring work......

My mother and father would break me if I kept wasting my time, and my brother would have listened to me with some words until now. But my brother today doesn't feel like he's breaking it at all. Weird. But I'm dissatisfied with such a change, but the voice and warm arm feel of Brother Zegen a few days ago when I told him I would have been "worried" came to mind.


Oh, my God, I can't believe I'm wasting any more time.

That seemed like Ljeci was with me, and I sigh and groan that I couldn't help but have the same face and see that I held the breast stick in my hand, and I resume my boring work too.

"You do it with the awareness that you're going to crush it properly and powder it. If you do it right, it won't lead to skills."

The voice of my brother, who spoke to us reluctantly but back to work, is soft and warm hot air rises loosely from the cup where it was gently placed. When I took it in my hand, I saw a bright watery tea in my eyes.

"Brother Zegen"

"What is this?

"It's a herbal flower called Mallow that adds honey."

That's what my brother took out. A single herb that lumped a familiar form of leaf.

"" It's the one I use to make my throat pills!

"Yes. So I use the dried flower part for this tea. These flowers are interesting. It changes from water color to purple over time. Your thighs are different, aren't they?



A hasty peek into the tea utensil reveals the fluids that turned into puffy flowers and slightly purple colors. The brother, who laughed small at us, not expecting the strange sight, poured hot water into a flask with new flowers as he said, "Look at it". Then the clear flask was filled with dark purple.

"Is that it?"

"It's not water"

"This was extracted at higher temperatures than at higher temperatures, resulting in higher concentrations and purple. Therefore, you can enjoy the water color for a long time if you put it out of water. Well, it doesn't taste that good."

"" Heh!

It's the first time I've known. Interesting.

The tea I put on my mouth with excitement leaping my chest as I carved new knowledge into my head tasted slightly honey. My brother's right. I don't taste that good. But the added dialogue again stifles our curiosity.

"If you put lemone in it, it's gonna be even different colors."

On what I could hear, me and Ljeci take the lemone that was in the fruit dish and drain the squeeze juice in the cup. A drop, another drop and every drop of Shizukuishi spreads the ripples, turning the purple color into a lovely pink.

Water color to purple, and pink.

It was a brightly colored change like the sky at dawn.

Drink up the contents of the glasses and pour the purple liquid from the flask. And then I change the color of Lemone in my hand again.

- What? This is fun!

Try pouring it into a glass containing lemone squeeze juice, or sink every skin. Ljeci and I watching the color change in various ways. My brother said in a calm voice, "Are you having fun?" He inquired, laughing.

That's a distant old, gentle memory.

Why, I forgot.

I wonder why it turned out like this.

I woke up with a knock-on shock that ran all over my body. I felt so strongly about the sight I saw as I coughed up on the oxygen I inhaled in a hump.

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