overnight from the battle with Maris.

Sweet to Astra's generosity, I used my traveling time to rest, and I woke up with signs of a nasty magic I'd never felt before.

"- Just fine. Wake up, Doyle. Have you got a good rest?

"Oh, thanks to you, there's no problem..."

If you check down there in reply to Astra with a slightly blurred head on your sleep, the sun is rising to a high position there, and if you turn your gaze downwards, you flow backwards one after another while the city breathes in a style you've never seen.

Apparently, he's in a pretty hurry. Astra seemed to be trying to wake me up, and the signs that inspired me to wake up were drifting from the direction of progress, and a bad feeling passed behind my brain.

"Astra, by the way, this is no way"

"Oh. I guess it's already started"

Astra's words blew my drowsiness away, and I immediately activate [Wind Whispers].

What I've heard is explosions and ground sounds in the sound of blowing winds and flames burning, screaming like rage and the slightly audible sound of metal rubbing against each other, then a roar that frightens those who hear.

Not at all unexpected because Astra had spoken of hearing a dragon roar after the battle with Elatoma, but it is still too early to start a battle.

It's hard to believe that the Beastmen's countries were set up by the coalition because the beastmen named Rube, who were dressed as bandits, were supposed to have sent Seniors Leo to Fortrace before preparing to march for the mountains. Then, the dragons marched across the mountains much faster than Lord Scola predicted.

Did something strange happen in the land of dragons, or was it prepared even by Maris, Elatoma or Zenos in a souvenir? Various thoughts come to mind, and agitation makes my chest noise.

It was a zero whine from Astra's mouth that chilled my head like that.

"... I don't really want to think about it, but maybe my mother and everyone's capacity have changed dramatically"

It won't come true to look forward and see Astra's face moving the dragon wings. But it is painfully well conveyed that you are driven by haste and anxiety equal to or greater than I am.

That's why I had to snort.


Astra's mother was surprised to learn that she was also ill, and she was lost in speaking.

I heard the disease leading to death was spreading, but I never thought it was such a serious situation that I had to march faster.

What's more, the dragons are a strong species physically, so it's easy to imagine that they rarely have the chance to lose their bodies or friends because of injuries or illnesses, and the cheap consolation is comforting given how much fear and anxiety Astra is feeling.

Besides, when I open my mouth right now, I'm going to even say extra things...

I decided to keep my mouth shut because it wasn't a joke that I could get this far and rub it with Astra.

Silence is money, what a word.

Honestly, I can't afford to worry about Astra right now. Given the situation where the Musketeers are still fighting the dragons at this time, I can't help but want to rush Astra.

I don't know how many dragons are invaded by the disease, and I don't know how much the progression of the medical condition affects their power, but even one dragon is quite a threat to humans. The Allied forces must be forced to struggle even when Lord Muske, Lord Scola and the Beasts are present, and the more time passes, the more damage will be done here, not here in the land of dragons.

But the silent flying Astra figure wanted to scream. It held my feelings back.

I don't really feel the load that should occur when traveling at high speeds because I am inside the membrane of the wind that Astra cared for me with the protection of Lafar, but I feel that the flow scenery and the amount of clouds that the dragon wings cleave out is giving me a considerable speed.

If your mother is also suffering from a disease, there will be one desire to rush ahead.

Therefore, Astra should be flying at all costs and there is no question.

It's just impolite and impolite to rush here. Even though it was necessary for that, in an impending situation, Astra said I would settle with Maris, and I can't even tell her to let me fly more if she thinks she saw it through to the end.

I scratched my chest and shoved my anxiety into it, and I concentrated on listening to the sound of the battlefield so as not to invade my folly.

'Don't rest your hands! You think it's a hole, they're gonna shoot you!

"Don't let a single one cross the valley!

"I won't let you through here until the people who are going to Handel are back!

'Somebody help me over there. There's a magician in there. "

"You don't have to take them down, so push the dragons into the foothills!

A voice that scolds and encourages his people is echoing on the battlefield more than once.

Not only is the sound in your ear, of course, but the voices of the dragons intercepting the Allied forces, the sound of shooting arrows, the sound of the earth being able to decide, and the groans of the painful and the beastly men and dragons will not be interrupted.

The fact that we are at war stains us with realism.

But there was nothing I could do right now, I just had to endure jizzy and heartburning emotions.

Flying like that often.

An unnatural black dot appears in my eyes staring at the blue sky.

After finishing the conversation with Astra, it took me more than a dozen minutes, but I stood up quickly looking ahead with thoughts of a thousand autumns.

The black dot, which looked like a stain on a blue cloth in the shade of rapid progression, spreads instantly, and after a breath it turns out to be a large black cloud created artificially.

At the same time Astra called me.

"Doyle. You should come over my head. Your people will be relieved."


Follow Astra's suggestion that everyone in battle should come in an easy position to find, move the back of a big black dragon and stand over it.

What I saw much further ahead of my vision than when I was on my back was a coalition of humans and beasts fighting across the valley against colorful dragons across the border. It was a battlefield transformed into a crucible of magic of various races with dragons, elves, beasts and humans.

Many soldiers are hissing, emitting so many signs of chaos that they can even tell if it is an elf or a dragon because of all sorts of magic swirling.

'If you get tired, leave the place to your fellow members who are holding back and back off once! The important thing is not to rest your hands on the attack and interrupt your defense.'

'Yes, yes!

The scolding of a familiar Rin woman who reached her ear.

I have no idea where you are, but even under this circumstance, I can breathe zero relief into Lord Scola's voice, who cares about others and skips instructions.


I don't know how long you've been confronting the dragons like this, but the coalition is functioning properly, and they can afford to rest tired soldiers.

If this looks like it, I guess I made it, not too late.

If so, one should think about how to make the hands of both armies stop.

Fortunately, there was a valley between the dragons and the coalition.

And I don't know why, but the two armies are split beautifully on the border with a big crack running to the ground.

You don't have to worry about involving someone if you build a wall over there, or you'll be able to prevent both sides from attacking you to do any more damage.

"Astra. I'm gonna build a wall over the valley, so just stick it in here."

"Can you do that?

"Leave it to me."

Astra laughs so hard at me for responding instantly.

"I understand."

Bass and dragon wings make noise.

Starting the descent further increased the speed.

With the distance approaching, I pull the holy knife out of my sheath to prepare as I look at the battlefield, where details are gradually revealed, such as rescue areas and earthy objects. And I tried to send magic to the Holy Knife to build a wall separating the two armies, that's when.


A sad cry calling Lord Muske I heard.

If you let something run your gaze on the battlefield, a green dragon about a turn smaller than the dragons around is opening its mouth wide. I guess that little green dragon is about to throw up his braces to see the light peeking through the back of his throat. Coalition forces are devastated if they are to be shot into the braces in this situation where soldiers flinch along the valley. It sucks.

What it took was a few seconds before I could draw a conclusion from my understanding of the situation.

But before I moved to do something about the braces, Astra's roar was echoing on the battlefield.

A smaller green dragon that was about to release a brace shuts its mouth reflexively to that roar that drifts the style of the king like the dragon king's son. Then I looked to heaven, but it wasn't just the Green Dragon.

All the other dragons and all the big black dragons who were looking at their enemies in the center, and all the soldiers of the coalition who were fighting them dead, look up so vigorously that they are likely to hear the sound of bah and looking back and see Astra and me in their eyes.


Caged in the voice of Astra, who shouted so, are the accusations of why he hastened his march and the relief with which he was able to deliver flowers safely and the anxiety of what situation the clan is in now.

Whether the voice of his son, with all sorts of emotions, arrived, the prestigious standing of the international great Black Dragon, who would be the Dragon King, collapsed slightly.

- Now.

I can jump off Astra's head to the Dragon King in a straight line and put all my magic into the holy knife I was squeezing.

"[Ice Wall]"

If you wave down the glowing Sacred Knife to respond to the magic you poured, the glassy ice fills the valley and stretches out toward heaven making noises with the pacifiers. And a beat later, a wall of ice standing high above heaven could be made between the dragons and the Allied armies.

I also use wind magic to land in front of the Allied forces to kill the impact of the fall while Astra, humanized on the other side of the finished wall, drops off before the Dragon King with a bowl of blue flowers blooming in her arms.

- Speaking of which, you did something similar in the castle at Fort Reyes.

I kinda miss jumping after Lord Sumva, though it should be these days.

Having put my foot on the ground without sound while thinking about it, I turn to it with graceful motion while using [the elegance of an upstream nobleman] to gather the gaze of the soldiers who are floating and solidifying their faces.

I guess I was desperately fighting to keep the dragons from moving forward.

They were all dirty with blood coming from dirt and scratches.

"The dragons have served their purpose, so they will not invade any more"

I spin my words slowly to reassure them of my sudden appearance.

As my voice echoed around the quiet, Astra's voice reached her ear, speaking to the dragon kings on the other side of the ice wall with the spirits of the wind on their backs to see if they had distracted her.

"- Thanks to the sons of those over there, Doyle and the elves, I was able to get the Cielo flowers. With the help of the spirits under contract with Doyle, they are now being grown in the elves, so they will arrive in large quantities shortly. We're helpful. You don't have to destroy this land any more. '

With the blue flowers left by my mothers in my hands, I look straight at the soldiers who are still holding their weapons, thinking of Astra, who is persuading the Dragon Kings to hold their spears.

There were a lot of things going on before this time.

But now I have something to tell everyone in front of me before I immerse myself in sentiment.

In silence, staring at the soldiers whose expectations are twitching and seeping into their eyes, I carefully put into words every single sound.

"Now, with this time, the war is over. Destroy the weapon."

A beat after I finished saying that, the cheers of the soldiers and the rejoicing growls of the dragons shook the air.

I'm honestly glad the dragon's voice tells the story of their delight when it comes to ice purity or glassy looking but heard over an ice wall made sturdy with enough thickness to fill the valley.

Looking back, Astra was looking at me, too, across the ice wall.

I felt that it was over when I saw Astra's face, who had lost her shoulder power in the cheers of both armies, and I removed the grin that was floating to reassure the soldiers, too. When I got inside the elf, I was just tired of meeting Astra, meeting Elatoma, then fighting Maris, moving quickly and building an ice wall.

Thank you, Doyle.

"This way, Astra. Thanks for everything."

The Spirit of the Wind told me my words. After Astra gave me a slightly surprised face, I laugh. The grin was softer than anything I had ever seen.

... I'm sure I look the same.

With that in mind, Astra inadvertently tightens her expression and stretches her spine.

"I'll be looking after you for a while now until we're all better. My friend."

That would be the greeting of the Land of Dragons. I felt more cheer echoing from both armies if I also responded with polite worship to Astra, who bowed his head with both hands together.

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