Although I couldn't find a fundamental solution, somewhat neat, I stopped wearing water and put the bucket down. I felt the puffiness and the water dripping from my hair wet my shoulders over my clothes, so I took the towel out of the subspace to wipe my soggy head before my clothes wet any more.

"This way, Master Doyle."

"Oh, yes, thank you!?

But they gave me a towel long before I took it off. Gabbling up at the voice of someone who can't possibly even be there while receiving the towel offered reflexively. Ahead of his face, Jin stood, who walked away with His Highness yesterday.

I'm surprised you didn't notice at all until you stopped by a side like this, but this guy is still good enough to be said [next spear brave]. but only on the battle side.

I find myself desperately convinced that maybe he has the skills to dive through my signs perception. Until now, I didn't know the signs, which surprised me because it was about Ballad, who excelled in secrecy and intelligence sets, but I kind of regretted being informed that I didn't notice the signs of Jin.

I manage to push surprises to death while I am frustrated by meaningless repentance. Wiping his hair with the towel he received, he explored the area as if it were a distraction.

But the moment I find out there's no other sign around and no one but Jin, my powers fall out of my body. At the same time I searched for His Highness's appearance, noticed myself expecting it, and felt something bitter in my mouth.

That's too good for anything, me.

I turned my consciousness back to Jin while I was stunned at myself for having a sweet expectation. Apparently, she stops her hand and speaks to Jin waiting for me to finish wiping her hair, just after the obvious hair.

"Lord Jin."

"How's it going? Dear Doyle."

Gin asked me how I was doing with a cool face if I called her by name. I can't find the answer to my casual words and I shut my mouth. I'm not feeling well. But honestly revealing it to Jin is resistant. I mean, he wasn't looking at me when he saw Jin, wondering why this guy was asking me hard things to answer at pinpoint.

Gin, who doesn't know my crap, watched the handicap flyover I was flying until some time ago. I guess the earlier inquiry was like a social dictionary to the appearance that you weren't waiting for my answer. Because it's noble basics to talk proper public talk before the subject.

However, in the case of Jin, I am not sure if it is in accordance with the customs of the nobility or natural, but I don't like to be worried by answering that I am honestly not doing well here, so I decide that it was in accordance with the customs of the nobility, and I flush the words of Jin earlier. I felt like I was wearing a shoulder blur, but I have trouble pursuing it.

Stop thinking and observe Jin again. A common deer hair horse stood beside the gin looking at the set of handicap overflights.

It's the same fur color as the horse I was riding when I was rubbing it with Lute, and to see it with a reins and saddles, I guess it's the horse Gin caught.

The common deer-haired horse, who seems to be able to bury himself around in the woods in a good way, stands heavily by the gin.

Before I met Blanc, I felt my heart burn in Jin with the horse I had hoped for itself.

... You're the guy who gets all I wanted as much as I disliked it.

I really like Bran right now, and I have no complaints. No, but I call it spear aptitude, I call it magic aptitude, and I'm pissed off at this horse and the gin with all the things I want and give up. I don't even want to be neglected, but at these mundane moments, you're still the guy I don't like no matter what, I strongly think.

"............... how can I help you?

So I don't think I can help but be naturally flashy.

"... Am I interrupting? I heard you were here, so I came to check on you..."

"No, because I was just taking a break now"

"So can I take a moment?

"I don't mind."

"Thank you!

I will respond normally to Jin, who has asked me if I felt the grumpy attitude of me or if I was interrupting him as a shifu, when I became annoyed. That way I could see the hallucinating ears and tail I saw again one day to Jin, who replied visibly and happily.

I encourage him to sit in the gin thinking about being disrespectful when he gets [dog feeling] and this guy's mind seems to be able to read as well. Even so, there's just a fence and lawn.

"Why don't you sit down?

"Excuse me!

Bracket the horse's reins around the fence and then look at the gin sitting next to me. What the hell does this guy have to say to me? If it's about your Highness, you have nothing to tell me. I just don't care about Lute.

Though I thought so, I was driven back by Jin, who took me so far on purpose, and I ask Jin for help again.

"So, what the hell is Lord Jin for?

"I don't mind gin, Master Doyle! I wanted to ask you one thing and let me ask you something!

"Then I'll be with Doyle too"

"No, Master Doyle! I can't call the next Duke and throw him away!

Pin! and stood his ear and said cheerfully to Jin. Once I told him I could use a name too, he clearly said no. I felt my cheeks pull as quickly as I felt good, but I felt it would be a barren feud so I decided not to pursue it deeply.

But after all, I can't like this guy!

I mean, if you don't think it's rude to say no to their offer by pretending to be from yourself, or because you're never going to give them permission to call names again, there were a bunch of things I wanted to say, but I'm happy to go back to business. It's a mistake in the first place to take the natural brain muscle bastard's opponent seriously.

"... call me whatever you want. So, what the hell did Jin ask me?

Jin's opponent feels fatigued again differently than Balad, and asks again about the matter. To my words, Jin opened his mouth with a serious look after changing his stretched legs to his front seat and fixing his standing.

"............... in fear. I don't think this is something I should say, but I really want Doyle to answer me."

"If it's something you can answer to me"

If I replied to Jin, who opened his mouth in a harsh tone, Jin visited me as if he had decided to.

"Why is Master Doyle so stubborn that he refuses His Highness Gray's help?

I thought so.

I honestly admired Jin's inquiry because he assumed questions such as why he had received Lute's battle and why he would imitate His Highness's expectations to betray them. I also thought during a mock fight that this guy unexpectedly takes a good look around.

"... may I ask why you thought so?

So I asked him the opposite question. It's not like you can tell me everything if you ask me, and I'm not being nice enough to be honest about everything I'm asked.

Besides, I'm purely interested in why Jin came to the conclusion that I'm refusing His Highness's help.

"............ you have trouble asking me why.... I just wondered if there was such a thing as this, but somehow it was."

"Is it somehow?

"Yes.... On the day of the announcement of the division of the squad, Master Doyle had easily guessed how His Highness Grey felt. Even if His Highness is angry at me from the front, it's easy to flush, and I feel that His Highness understands Master Doyle very well. I feel a bond between the two of you that I can't break into, so I assumed that Doyle would naturally have noticed that Lord Grey rushed to help Doyle that day in one of Lord Lute's cases."

I look really closely.

His Royal Highness rushed in on all that haste, and he broke in between me and Lute. And he told me far away that he had no objection to my division. As much as Your Highness has tried to protect me, I know it.

"So that day, it seemed to me that Master Doyle was deliberately refusing His Royal Highness's courtesy.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. For not being able to help you with one of the spears, be strong. Yet Master Doyle is stubbornly rejected. Why is that? Your Highness would be more pleased if Master Doyle relied on you. No one else, and Master Doyle wants me to rely on myself, it must be stronger than anyone else. - And I think Doyle understands how His Highness feels more than anyone."

"So I came to ask you why," reassures Jin, staring straight at me. As long as Jin is around, I'll be fine. If I can't live up to His Highness's expectations, His Highness will be fine if Jin stays with me. This guy can have something important to stand next to the king that Father used to say.

I felt that way and remembered my father's words. The words my father said that day, without wonder or darkness, still remain in me word for word.

"............... what do you think gin is important to stand next to the king?


"Not strength, not attention, not wit, not prepared to risk your life, not respected character, not honesty. Do you know what's the most important thing to stand next to a king?

"Something important to stand next to the king, is it?

"By the way, I knew right after Father used to ask me the same thing."


It's a lie, though. I had no idea, and my father told me the answer. And there's only one thing I'm deciding on when I hear that answer, and I have it. Something I taught my father a long time ago who was a [hero].

Like me when I was a child in front of you, I waited for Jin, who roared and bothered my head. My father couldn't give me an answer this way either. He waited a long time for me.

As I remembered my father then, I waited to hear Jin roar until Jin surrendered.

"Uh-huh. - - I don't know! I surrender!"

And Jin, who had been worried for quite some time, ran out of words, wondering if he had looked up Gabba.

"No matter how much I think about it, I don't know! I'm afraid, can you tell us the answer!?

He's clean. I think this honesty of gin is a virtue. It's the scratches on the balls that are too easy to tell, but I don't hate these parts of Jin.

"What's important to stand next to the king,"


"Never rely on a king."


Listen to my answer, Pocan and I open my mouth. I look at Jin's dumb face, and I laugh.

I didn't realize that grin, and I laughed as I killed my breath not to raise my voice to Jin, who still chewed my words up with a difficult face.

Oh, I'm sure that day.

After telling me the same words, my father, who raised his voice and laughed, thought he must have laughed when he saw my face like this.

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