As before, I see the Greys walking forward, exploring the signs of the surrounding area, with Ginn at the forefront, Barado, Seniors Leo and Sana 'a at the rear of the line.

............... Is this good?

The ballads in Lady Gray's air were well on their way to crossing the dangerous bridge. Tiredness in their expressions is not the anxiety or dissatisfaction of what they see, but rather feels hope and relief. The conversation between me and Master Gray, the orders that have been given while the momentum is probably influencing, but it is a series of flows and a good way of directing the atmosphere and a good boulder, Master Gray.

I guess it's an achievement of studying imperialism and dominance, but I think this situation that made me think that just the air and momentum in the field would be okay is a kind of hypnosis if used differently.

I gave my life to the Ballads who were distracted by the exchange between me and Master Gray, and I wondered if it would be a bit good for Master Gray, who let me leave without saying whether or not I had the momentum, but there was nothing I could do to calmly discuss it and be hated, so it would have turned out well.

Master Gray, who led me to the point of proclamation while showering accusations at me, is good at one or two as a leader.

............... even though I would never lose if I fought.

I'm confident Master Gray won't beat me when I pair up. I'm confident that if I win 100 fights, I can win all 100 fights. Of course Jin won't lose to Master Grey either.

It is strange because there is a feeling that they are rolled with their palms that they are overwhelmingly inferior to each other in combat ability for some reason. The current king also has four Yingjie people and fathers who are habitual, headed by his grandfather, and other subordinates who have both one and two habits, and I still think he is a special creature with royalty.

I honestly followed that ballad, too.

I go through the woods thinking it might have been okay to ask Master Gray for Ballad and Blanc instead of one of Lute's things. You're in the mood for Master Gray's words, and Jin, who kicks the Warcraft in comfort, is lively.

After putting such a gin in my sight, I freeze the area so that I don't forget to put out the fire the gin lit. The tracks we pass are easy to understand and the ice path is made, so occasionally we go along while we build a sidewalk. In the meantime, we certainly don't neglect to explore the signs around us. So much so that there's an "excursion until I get home," something that causes accidents and problems at the end of everything.

Continue silently through the woods, tightening his mind that seems to be loosened by the shrinking distance from the teachers. The air was somewhere light when she said she was just walking in the woods in silence, just like yesterday.

Feel the tranquility before the storm at the signs of the Scolls who won't even plunder from earlier, and keep your hands free to go through the esperda at any time without distracting you.


Just in case, I had a weapon caught in my hand when I was wearing a few knives out of subspace and somehow took them out. After much thought into the familiar green pattern, I also wore the weapon.

"- In about 500 meters, we'll reach the teachers."

As he silently proceeded through the woods, he heard Balad tell everyone so. Seniors exhale relief at that word of Balad, and look back, Master Gray and Jin also loosen their expressions. But Lady Gray, who immediately tightened her expression, retightened the loose air with a voice that remained tense.

"I haven't arrived yet. Don't get distracted. We're gonna keep running through this!

"" "" "" "Yes!

Gray, who regained his mind on the life he had given him and glanced at the Ballads who had replied well, then looked at me, so he nodded back.

And the moment I put my strength into my legs to rush out, I stopped at the disastrous signs that Billy and I would be hooked within my skill range. The seniors who noticed me stopped on that sign of gradually getting bigger also stopped on their feet, plus Master Gray and Ballad stopped on their feet.

"............... Doyle?

- Everybody, get down!

The moment I thought I was hooked, I shouted out loud at the signs of approaching me at an unlikely speed. If you force Senior Leo, who was nearby, to lay low on the ground, it is reflected in the corner of your sight that Jin and Lady Gray, who saw my behavior, similarly pushed the man who was nearby to the ground and lay low.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

And almost at the same time as everyone lays down on the ground, the wind that the Spirit of the Wind has caused is so strong that it is not his eyes that it strikes us.

The wind blowing from the sky to twist down folds and blows the trees around as it buzzes and buzzes. withstand such strong winds that you can't even breathe as you feel dead trees and pebbles rise and hit your bishibishi body.

If you kill your breath and hold still for a few seconds or dozens of seconds, the wind that blew through your surroundings to push you from the top slowly subsided. But at the same time as the wind weakened, there were signs of hooking up within the Greek Kill area just over there, and I felt it rushing down towards us.

I wake up, too, pulling out my espada at the signs of coming down the straight line, scattering a killing spirit far from friendly. Then, the [frozen blade] was used to wrap ice around the espada.

"[Flying knife]!

If you use the [flying knife] in an espada wrapped with ice, the little blades of ice will draw my will and fly towards my goal.



I cry out to the Grays as the ice blades I unleash crumble and fall apart in one of the Warcraft growls.

The moment I screamed, I checked it out. Behind me, I could see the pair still at a distance but like a teacher. He seemed distracted by the sudden blowing strong wind and the warcraft floating in the sky, but soon he noticed this one, pointing to this one, holding his weapon and seeing him stand up.

Happiness or unhappiness, the Warcraft has blown up the trees on one side of the neighborhood. It seems that the other side has noticed this presence, and it is reassuring.

"Let's go!

Hearing multiple footsteps running out with Lady Gray's voice screaming like that on my back, I confront Bishibishi and the killer warcraft flying from above.

Marnagarm, with his golden and silver eyes shimmering as he carried an incompatible blue sky on his black fur, raised an angry growl when he met me confronting him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

.................. for a long time, you seem angry.

I hold that feeling when I see Marnagarm roaring in such a way as angry minds. Probably a lot of anger at the trap of rotten meat we've been setting up in the tent and the fact that me and Jin took down one reconnaissance unit. But on the other hand, I feel inexperienced in the margins that can also be taken as Marnagarm's unsatisfactory, which did not come to hold my breath in one thought.

If you wanted to make sure our breath was stopped, you should have set it up with the first shot. Marnagamur's purpose in blowing up the trees and showing himself in front of us without daring to do so is unclear, saying that if we had attacked him while he was hiding, he wouldn't have had to worry about being fought back.

Is that all you have confidence we can't beat, or are you just an idiot with no idea......

Well, which one is this guy?

Observe your opponent without distracting yourself from Marnagarm, who stares at me with a roar.

Earlier strong winds were never the kind of attack that would take lives. The aim is probably to capture us moving in the woods. There are no major injuries, and the wind blowing to retreat the trees that were blocking their sight remains to create a square about 100 metres in diameter.

But I know that Marnagarm feels less than half angry with us, to observe from the killing and groaning and groaning claims of displeasure flying from earlier.

Well, I've been poisoning the rotten meat I've been mass-producing in my tent to buy time, and earlier, I'm knocking down one reconnaissance unit. It is only natural that Marnagarm should recognize us as enemies.

If you look up at Marnagarm looking this way from the sky, you're looking at this gap, albeit angry minded. Apparently, he's not short circuited enough to come in angrily. Apparently, some demon kings solve humanities, and they're more intelligent than Scoll and Hattie, who act as instincts.

As far as that body, which is just slightly smaller than the Marnagarm described in the inheritance, I feel like this individual who grew up to be this demon king is still young. The old warcraft, who has been running away from humans for years, does not confront people, but definitely comes first to hold his breath with a first blow.

Mistakes don't bother to show up like this Marnagarm and imitate self-asserting.

Maybe this is the first time he's confronted a human being.

He looks at me with certainty, but feels a strong curiosity and confusion from Marnagarm, who observes him somewhere vigilant without attacking him.

There are still magical signs of extinguishing two Hatties and freezing a whole skol in the place where the scouts were laid. And the road from that place to this place was cut open by jinn, and there were many paths that I froze.

Assuming this guy lived near the depths of the Abyss Forest, there wouldn't have been anyone to manipulate magic but his own species. Except for the deepest part of the story, both Scoll and Hattie join the ruling class in the forest. Marnagarm in front of him, who was born from it, may be an elite demon king born, if you will, from the ruling class.

Slowly from an early age without great danger of life, the kind of magical trace that the demon king, who surely accumulated and evolved power, did not see in his own race for the first time, which is also expected to be quite powerful, did not create a curiosity and a slight impatience for enemies yet to be seen?

But now, my confidence in my strength prevails over my fear.

Absolutely confident in his strength, he evolved into the Demon King. I didn't want to lose to us, and I had the exhilaration to give in to the creatures I'd seen for the first time. But at the same time, I guess I'm confused by the alarm my instincts sounded at the magic that was still dark in color.

I observe Marnagarm looking down at me from the sky with no margin, and I conclude so.

I don't think Marnagarm, freshly demon king, has complete control of both the Skol and Hattie races. Now Balad was the first to say it was a herd of about 50. A small number of herds led by the Demon King are yet a sign that Marnagarm in front of him will be the head of the herd.

This guy defeats you here before you give him any more strength.

Once again, I reinvigorate Esperda when I feel that Master Gray and his teachers have safely joined the world in the great magic signs used behind him.

I do feel bad signs from Marnagarm in front of me, but I don't feel so dangerous that my skin pops, like when I confront my grandfather or father.

With this guy right now, I can take him down enough alone.

So convinced while exalting myself to a situation where I could fight with all my might, I stare at Marnagarm with the intention of killing him. Feeling the look of Marnagarm, who stopped roaring for a moment and the letters flowing 'I acquired [intimidation]', reacted to my killing, I put a kinky temperature-reducing espada in my sheath in proportion to the magic I put in.

Of course, I don't do stupid imitations that take my gaze off Marnagarm in the meantime. With the intention of shooting both gold and silver in his eyes, he gives himself up and enters the position of a sleeping slayer.

I'm afraid I can't use [flash of first blow] because I attacked him earlier using [flying knife], but if this guy looks inexperienced, [living slaughter] would suffice.

I sharpen my nerves with the willingness to make up my mind with the first shot. Marnagarm, who sensed a change in my signs, also entered a state of battle as he roared again.

There is so much tension between me and Marnagarm that I feel tingling on my skin. That was how we intimidated each other for a long time, but it was Marnagarm who rushed ahead.

Marnagarm, who roared so loud that he shook the grass trees billibly and made them sound like they were in the woods, rushed down towards me with the momentum falling from the sky.

I wait for Marnagarm like that, thinking that he is still inexperienced, such as to be in such a hurry. And the moment they came into my making about this while Marnagarm peeled his fangs off and captured the looming sight with his eyes firmly. I pulled out the Esperda while activating the [Living Slash].

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