Leaving himself to a sense of difficulty in speech, and going through the woods for a while, Bran, who felt something, accidentally lurks in his footsteps. If you use [Signal Detection] to look around you in such a blanc appearance, you will find a place where creatures the same size are solidified by about twenty as you feel many signs, big and small, and head there without thinking about anything.

The sight I found that way was certainly a connivance of [Goddess of Love].

After ordering you to descend from Bran and back down, observe that pioneering place, lower than any other, peering through the gaps of the trees, the scent of a lighted pine and slightly felt cooked food to avoid the eyes.

And there's one small, beautiful tent in the bandit camp that's out of place with the obviously non-amateur men dressed like bandits. On the side of that tent stood four men, like knights guarding the Lord's chamber, whose perseverance and expressions indicated that the original men's identities were far from the vocation to which they were associated from the clothing they were wearing.

"- I found it."

"... you're lying, aren't you?

Groups of campers who look far away similarly whine as if a lute down from the horse and sidelined speak for my feelings. Whatever I say when I follow the senses without question, it is certainly an incredible sight to find, in this wide forest near the border, a group of high school teachers who could not even grasp their tails in such a short time, at a pinpoint.

"The Power of Love" and I've always thought it was frigid, even when I was away, to know where they were, but to the strange sensation I had just experienced and the view I currently peek from the gap between the trees, I don't think it's too vulgar to go praying to [the Goddess of Love] when I get back.

"Even I know that in this place, where there are many signs of creatures, it took a lot of time to discover them. It's true destiny, Master Doyle, such as being discovered in a short time without hesitation!

"Princess Claire is under the protection of [the goddess of love], so I guess Lady Doyle is also under the protection"

"Dear Doyle, you love Princess Claire!

"The Power of Love."

If you look back at the signs of the Spirit of the Fluffy Wind, the Ballads will approach you as they say so. He used some skill to keep Balad from being found by the people downstairs, and he muttered in a small voice, "This is okay," so thank you and go back to observation.

I certainly thought the Ballads had a point, but I wouldn't affirm it if I made a mistake. You're going to lose Master Gray.

I feel my gaze gather from the lutes in the words of the Ballads who are spoken to, but ignore any of them and I speak of the maneuvers I had in mind.

Everybody, listen up.

At the same time that I tell you so, the air that was tapping lightly mists in an instant. Looking at them with a tight atmosphere on their skin in an instant, eight pairs of eyes, ready for battle, looked straight at me.

"From here we act in two parts. Ask Jeff and Solcier, Rita, Prague and Waldo for a positive move. There is no need to actually engage. Attract them with as flashy magic and attacks as possible and retreat as soon as you pull them off. It only takes a few dozen seconds to attract it. Balad and Lutze are Jeff's support. I didn't want to sacrifice anyone, so I asked for it, Ballad. With you, we can safely retreat."

"Huh!.................. I did. So what the hell is Doyle going to do?"

As I speak of the operation, I find Balad changed his expression, so I strike the lead not to make him object. It was a ballad that showed an overt difficulty in the words of another action, but he also understood my intentions, distorting his expression for a moment when he heard it to the end, closing his eyes in the next moment so that he could admire it, and asking me that with the words of acknowledgement.

"I'm going up the cliff with Lute. Don't worry, I won't engage them for real. Run all the way down from the top and retrieve Claire and the others and retreat. - Even if it's the Sturp family sergeant. You can do it, right?

I answer that in prayer for Balad's rest, knowing so painfully about Balad's loyalty, but still thinking I might be a terrible husband telling him not to come. And I confronted Lute.


"Okay, let's go. I'll leave the time to you. I'm asking you to be flashy, like Claire and the others jumping out of the tent by accident."

I looked at the cliff at my words and said, "Don't be ridiculous," and Lute decided that there was no problem, and I turned to everyone again, and that's how I close.

I nodded back at them forcefully at my words, and if I called Bran who had kept him waiting and crossed, Lute would have called his own horse in the same way.

"- Wishing you good luck. Dear Doyle."

"Yeah, you guys, too."


Luce, Jeff and Solcier also bow their heads so as to come to me across Bran and imitate Ballad, who broke his back firmly. I felt indescribable to them saying that it was enough for me to get this far, but saying these words of my own guidance. I wanted to give them a voice for what they looked like, but Ballads' expressions don't want that.

So I stopped saying extra things. Because I thought it was to look safe with Claire, without words, if I was to live up to their feelings.

See you later.

Yes, I laughed straight back at my men's gaze as I told the Ballads in my heart, and I followed the scene with Lute.

The kidnappers were camping in a pioneering place, with cliffs about 10 metres high behind them. From the highest places the rock skin gradually goes low, enclosing a plot of land pioneered to spread its feathers. At the end of the flat, trees grow, and the egg-shaped land with buttocks tucked away from the cliffside towards the flat is a very convenient terrain for them who have to be vigilant about their surroundings.

A tent with Claire and Serejeira was located near the cliff from the center of the land, where more soldiers were positioned as the cliff became lower.

The total number of enemies is twenty. They are all equipped with swords, bows, etc., and can see from their bodies that they are adequately trained. You can see them taking turns eating, and the air flowing into the field is light somewhere.

Stay out of my way.

You're treading if the chaser doesn't come, and I think so looking down at the Marquis' private soldiers, who are creating an atmosphere that makes you feel spared.

"............... are you sure you want to go with that?

"Oh, it doesn't matter how bad the hit is, the target needs to be seriously ill."

It was shabby, so if you wait for the signal of the Ballads while observing the Marquis' private soldiers, you will be questioned by Lute, who was sightseeing the opportunity in the same line next door.

Unlike anxiety, he gives me a complex look and shows Lute my weapon, waving a spear in his hand with that answer.

The spear, which cut the wind buzzingly as I moved, was familiar to my hands with a different feeling than Espada's.

I didn't know it would help in this way.

With that in mind, I look at my spear I used until just before I remembered my previous life, and laugh.

I'm not uncomfortable with the spear I haven't held in about a year. Rather, this feeling of calming when I gripped it made me feel sure that I was holding this weapon and the length of my days spent.

The spear that I kept risking my life on as a young man ended up being only as good as the average soldier.

But now that you don't kill people and just want to kick their ass.

That's no big deal. The spear is just fine.

............... If it would help Claire rescue, maybe the time I spent wasn't a waste either.

I remember the days leading up to enrollment in higher education and I think that way.

Though I had to, I thought I had spent a pointless decade stuck to unlikely spears and continued to build workouts.

But the days spent on spears in that waste are now, at this time.

If you think it was meant to rescue Claire in full circle, you feel saved, too, the days of anguish and grief that preceded you in your previous life.

Even though he is the lowest demon king, in Espada, where he can easily amputate Marnagarm, he easily kills people on some applause. I might use my skills unconsciously to 'slash' them.

But if you're a spear without any skills, you don't have to worry about that.

In the unlikely event that it kills Adele's human beings, but also Marquis' private soldiers, it is a serious diplomatic matter on the day they are left in this country as it is. That's why I don't know what you'll be asked to do to make sure there was no such thing.

But with a spear that doesn't have much power, you don't have to worry about it.

Assuming the Marquis' private soldiers are my spears with only enough arms to give the rookie knight a critical chance, they won't be the first to lose their lives.

Above all, the spear is a great weapon to handle on horseback and is terribly suitable for the operation we are about to carry out.

So, if.

If it meant anything to me that I was raw without spear aptitude.

That, I'm sure.

It must have been to help Claire today.


"Oh! Here we go. Ready, Bran!


In my decade, which was pointless, the first moment I found meaning.

Part of the woods shines, and the lute who sees it calls me. I grabbed the spear and reins back into the voice, and I looked at the tent.

The battle takes place once.

The moment they come out of the tent is the beginning of the battle with the positive movement of the Ballads.

With the lute, measure the timing.

Pah with the signal! and at the same time the explosion sounds, Zzzzzzz! and the ground rocks away from the tent. The cliffs collapse raggedly. Then something hit the cliff that went on and on and on, rolling over to the side of those who were just eating, beefy! and rolled around flying the light like a incense fireworks.

"And, enemy attack -!"

Turning from the soothing air, pay close attention to the trend of the tent with Edel's private soldiers starting to make noise. The first explosion sounds like Pulha's magic, Jeff's hammer that broke the cliff, and something like adding incense fireworks and rat fireworks and cracking them are probably Sorcier's magic props. And the bows and arrows flying from somewhere and the trees rolling down would be Rita and Waldo.

They know exactly what I mean by "flashy". Occasionally audible explosions, shaking of the ground, attacks such as arrows and trees on inexplicable objects were too substitutes for alarming and anxious people.

"- Please wait! It's dangerous out there!

"Let's go! Bran."

"I'll take care of it!

I saw two little brunette women jump out of the tent with the men screaming, shaking off the men's stop. Multiply the confusion, I guess you're willing to run away.

As soon as I see them, I go down the cliff with Bran.

As Bran moved, Lute, who was next door, also jumped into the cliff.

As you descend the cliff, guts, guts, guts and heavy shocks strike your body, but endure guts and teeth. Bran is working hard enough for me. This is something I should endure.

"A cliff!

I was about half way down the cliff and I heard someone scream like that. At the same time, I saw four people in front of the tent and others nearby coming this way with their weapons in their hands.

Re-grabbing the spear to the appearance of the enemy gathering, he finishes down the cliff as he burns the enemy's placement, where Claire and the others are, and the path that leads to the woods in his eyes.



If you call Zuzazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazazaza Give Blanc a path like that and I'll wave the spear.

"The enemy is two horsemen! Strike it out!"

Lay down your weapons and smite down those who obstruct your path with relentless spears.

I push right behind me, making sure Lute is running, and I see Claire and the others looking back at me in the heart of the land. To get to her, who stopped to look at me, if I let Bran increase his speed, a man I knew was strong at a glance, and half his length danced out to block me and Claire with a certain axe blade in his hand.

"Go ahead!

Gunn! and he takes the root of Hulbert's axe blade, waved down by a man, with a spear, and plays it. In the meantime, let Lute, who was behind you, go first.

Lute, for a moment, showed hesitation, but remembered the promise he had made in the study room, or ran to her without stopping the horse.

Side by side, take the spear rolling out for the pattern of Hulbert shaken off to aim at Bran. If you take that axe blade properly, you'll easily break my spear or something.

So calmly judging, they stare into each other's eyes over each other's weapons intersecting gaggedly. The axe blade, seen up close, was carved with a sun-eating snake, and the sun part was watermarked.

"I'm at work! I'm sorry, but I'm not going through here!


"Yes, sir!

A man who has a different atmosphere than a marquis private soldier, when told to do so, flies away and rebuilds Hulbert. And then I put on a run, and I headed this way.

"Get out of the way!!

I make Bran run toward the man, too, as I respond to the man who rushes toward me.

Then he sticks a spear down its side to slap Hulbert's axe blade swinging out of the side again onto the ground.


I pierced the watermarked carved sun as I heard the man's stunned voice, took my hand off the spear that stopped Halbert from sewing to the ground, and I ran with Bran.

I turn to Claire at first sight without looking back and reach straight for Claire, who was staring at me.



"Dear Doyle!

With a joyous look on his face, that hand of Claire stretched out so hard.

I let go of the spear. I squeezed it tight with my hand, and I held Claire up.

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