Amber and her wolves

19 Chapter 19 Alpha Dominic

After our trip to the hospital, I decided to ask Alec about Alpha Dominic and what he wanted from me. Well more specifically why he wanted me. I knocked on his office door where he looked like hell. His hair was wet from the shower and he looked tiered. It was a quick shower because he was only in there ten minutes. He was so busy at his laptop he didn't realise that I came in. He was looking at his paper work and throwing it in the bin getting angry and more frustrated. I walked over to his desk and sat down. He finally looked up at me. I could see he was having trouble concentrating on what ever he was doing. "Amber, I'm sorry but I can't talk. Whatever you want go and ask Daniel." He said in a very annoyed tone. I got up and went to see what he was working on. He was emailing different Alpha's about the rouge attack and Alpha Dominic. Apparently Alpha Dominic is an official Alpha with unofficial ties to rouges. He uses them to do his dirty work but no one can ever prove anything. Alec thinks that he sent them today to see where I was and how strong the pack really is. "Alec take a break. You've been at this for three hours straight since you got back." I said to him. He sighed and closed the laptop in defeat. I sat opposite him and waited for him to say something. He knew what I wanted to know. He took a deep breath and told me why Alpha Dominic wanted me. He originally wanted my mum. When he was eighteen he meet my mum. She was only sixteen at the time. He fell in love with my mum and tried everything to please her. It worked for a year. Then he killed someone in front of her. A hunter that was doing nothing wrong. An innocent person. My mother left running and crying. That's when my dad found her and helped her. They married a year later and had me. Yep my parents had me at eighteen. Not what they planned but they made it work. My dad inherited his fathers company and they were set up for life. And set me up for life too. When Alpha Dominic heard, he was furious. He decided that he wanted me instead. Of cause my parents refused and came to the pack to make a deal. They offered protection against Alpha Dominic if they gave protection from hunters and helped to heal those who needed it. It was a good deal for both sides and so everyone excepted. When Alpha Dominic finally found us my parent told Daniel to keep me out the house for an extra hour. That's why Daniel kept me out that day. He did it to safe me. If I had gone home I would have been taken by Alpha Dominic. My parents sacrificed themselves to save me. After our conversation followed by my crying we ate dinner and decided to watch films in bed for the night. Also it meant that Alec could keep an eye on me to make sure that I don't move too much.

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