Amber and her wolves

36 Chapter 36 Invitation In The Pos

I woke up in the morning with my bed brother free. I got up and did my normal routine. Then I went to the pack house to get some breakfast. I said good morning to everyone and they all said morning back. I sat next to Em who was arguing with her brother. We had over 50 children that needed to go to school. Because they were all different ages, we didn't have enough people to teach the amount of age groups that we have. So we have been talking to the SC to get protection for the hybrids that need school. The Primary school ages and the Secondary school ages would be safe enough because they didn't have their full powers yet. However the college ages and up who had their full powers were the ones in danger. We were giving the children a necklace to protect them and I was having to go to college to protect the others. I had volunteered to go because I wanted to go back and learn more. Plus it was boring here with my brothers watching my every move to make sure I'm safe. Also I'm the only one who is of the right age so that it won't look unusual and I could call my brothers at the slightest chance of trouble. Em didn't want to go because it meant she wouldn't be able to spend time with me. I've told her that I wouldn't be here either and she thought that I was leaving. She looks up to me and that is a bad thing, some of the time. The SC had no choice but to agree and it was one of the things that the Alpha's discussed at the meeting. Some of the Alpha's disagreed because they could endanger the other students. The real reason is because they are assholes who are stuck in the past and hate hybrids. I mean why would the Moon Goddess create hybrids if it wasn't essential to us? I read somewhere that the Moon Goddess created vampires and wolves whilst the Sun God created hunters and witches so that nature was even and humans could still be around. The first hybrid was a blood thirsty vamp and wolf. The Sun God created hunters to kill the hybrid. No one knows why all hybrids are killed. Some people think it's because the Sun and Moon Gods are at war and use super natural's to fight their wars. Others think it's because the Moon Goddess made a mistake and asked the Sun God to help her. no one knows for sure so hybrids are killed even though it was never their choice. Only hunter hybrids are kept alive so that the hunters have more power and can kill more people.

Anyway, Ash snapped me back to attention by growling at something. I looked up and Ash was standing up and growling at a letter on the table. I sighed and grabbed the letter to look at what it said and who it was from. I knew the scent and it was Alec. What did he want? It was an invitation to a party to celebrate Daniels birthday. The invitation said:

'Dear Alpha's of the Hybrid Moon Pack,

You are invited to join the birthday celebrations of Daniel George future Beta of the Crystal Moon Pack. The party will be held at Crystal Moon pack house on the 13th of April. This will be Daniels 18th birthday where he will also be officially announced as the next Beta. The party will start at 7:30 PM and will continue into the late night. As there is limited space and many packs attending, we ask that only the top ranking members of your pack attend. Please reply as soon as you can. As this is also a Beta ceremony all Alphas and Betas must attend.

Your sincerely Alpha of the Crystal Moon pack.'

Now I started growling and ripped up the invitation and threw it in to the bin. Stupid rules about stupid ceremonies to make everything official. I am going to hate this next conversation.

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