American Big Landlord

Chapter 305: Domineering Apple

In the Hilton Hotel, there are four people in the gauze at this time. There is a lot of food on the table at this time, but only one person is eating. Moreover, the food on the table is rapidly decreasing by a few visible to the naked eye, and the faces of the Jobs and his wife are a little black, and they become surprised and stunned!

Nikki was actually a little embarrassed at the beginning, especially when he saw Helen's face a little black. She knew what Helen was thinking about. A highly educated person of course would not do such a shameful thing. However, she didn't want to explain it for a while. In fact, she couldn't help but want to see the surprise of the two of them. It must be fun to think about it!

As expected, she knew that Jessie Chou actually didn't like to be disturbed when she was eating. If she eats slowly, it's okay. You can talk while eating. But if he eats quickly, it's best not to disturb him. At this time, his temper will be too good.

This time seeing the two of them surprised, the little gloom in Nikki's heart was released in a very satisfying way. "I'm sorry, Jessie eats a lot, I hope you don't take it off. And when he eats fast, he doesn't like to stand it down." She handed Zhou Jiexi a fried steak and pointed to it. The two said.

"We are indeed a bit, um, surprised!" Helen paused after speaking, and then said the words.

Jobs was the same, but it just surprised him a bit, he hadn't seen anyone in his life. But it was the first time Jobs had seen such a rich, so edible, and his size.

Jessie Chou, who was eating, actually saw the appearance of a few people a long time ago, ‘haha. . . Sure enough, people's quirks are a very powerful weapon! Think about it when I thought of eating fast and didn't like being interrupted. This quirk is really clever! ’

Seeing that the heat was almost finished, and the food brought over was eaten a lot, Zhou Jiexi picked up the tablecloth and wiped her mouth. "It's really rude, I'm full, and you guys should eat more. The food served today is very good, and the taste is really delicious!"

Helen concealed and swallowed, "I think we have already felt the charm of the delicious food you said. But thank you for your compliment!"

Seeing that Jessie Chou had some doubts when he heard Helen’s words, Jobs said relaxedly: “Today’s food Helen is part of the decision, especially the pasta you like. Helen is in an Italian restaurant she likes. which provided."

"Oh" Jessie Chou nodded, "Thank you, great food!"

Helen smiled happily after hearing it, and she couldn't help but feel a lot more towards Jesse Chou. Years later, she could still remember the way he ate fast and his words of praise when she first saw this legendary figure. She couldn't help feeling that sometimes fate is so strange.

Several people chatted a few words about food, and then turned to the main topic this time. Jobs said seriously to Jesse Zhou: "Jesse, I have seen your investment ratio. I have to say that I am very happy to have someone who trusts Apple so much, but I can ask, What makes you so confident in Apple?"

At this time, Jessie Chou actually wanted to say, "You think someone will tell you that I came back and I know that when Apple was at its peak, the stock price had risen to more than US$700. What is the concept of Nima? , Brother bought it for only one hundred and four dollars, even if it was bought later, the average price was raised to one hundred and sixty dollars. ’

‘But compared to the high mountain of more than 700 dollars, the price of buying the club, then it’s nothing. It would take several times the profit to reach that level. I invested so much money, and when the time comes to sell the stock, it will be called a refreshing. ’

Jessie Chou sorted it out, then looked at him with those black eyes, and said seriously and seriously: "It's you, Steve Jobs."

"Me?" Jobs felt a little surprised, and that calm face was a little surprised at this moment. But in fact, it is reasonable to want to come. But he still couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Seeing this person who was almost a myth in his previous life, with such a strange and very questionable expression in front of her, Jessie Chou was a little excited in her heart. "Haha... it feels really good, especially the feeling of ‘historical celebrities’ like flickering."

Jessie Chou smiled, a big and still very bright smile, with the wanton and unruly expression of a young man. This reminds Steve Jobs of the years when he founded Apple. At that time, he faced so many investors, he was so confident and young! Youth is always remembered.

"I remember at the end of the two thousand years, Dell’s CEO, Michael Dell, once commented on the precarious Apple company, “If I’m at Apple, I’ll close the company and return the money to the shareholders.” This was the time. The best description of Apple’s terrible situation."

"But you didn't. No matter what the outsiders say, you Steve Jobs persevered. I remember that if you buy $10,000 of Apple stock after 2001, the stock will be It is worth ninety ninety-four, five hundred and seventy dollars, which is more than ninety times that number!" As Jessie said, she looked at the people who were doing it, and finally set her eyes on Jobs. .

"Indeed!" Jobs said slowly, but he didn't say anything either. It was just that Jessie Chou was laying the groundwork.

"Haha... More importantly, in October of this year, Apple had already dominated the mp3 player market, reaching almost 80% of the market, and it also created a profit of 26.7 billion US dollars. However. In my opinion, these are just the beginning!" Zhou Jiexi's words were a bit surprised, and several people around were obviously taken aback.

"Ignorant mortal" thinking of this sentence from Colonel Chu, it is really cool to say!

"Apple is now mature, and it is moving towards a higher level. In my opinion, it is really a matter of time to surpass Google." Zhou Jiexi said this sentence is actually a little bragging in the eyes of several people. You must know that Google’s stock price of Lions is now more than four hundred and almost five hundred dollars per share. Apple is still wandering around the one-hundred and two-hundred cards, which is better than Google, and those shareholders and investors must not have a carnival!

But Jobs was no ordinary person. Hearing what Jessie Chou said, his eyes couldn't help but flashed with light. In his mind, he wanted to surpass Google and even other companies on the market. This is just the beginning!

Although it was just that moment, the light spot in Jobs's eyes was still caught by Jessie Chou. He couldn't help but smiled secretly in his heart. After preparing a few words, Jessie Chou went on to say: "Apple is very good at expanding new business. I remember that the popularity of iPods has promoted the popularization of mp3 players. Apple sees business opportunities and binds iPods and iTunes software. And set up the apple??store, paid downloads of music, and achieved great success."

"This success has brought huge benefits to the company, and this platform has also brought a lot of benefits to countless musicians and music companies, and it has also stifled the rising piracy." Speaking of which, Jessie Zhou I really admire the old beauty's copyright awareness is really nothing to say.

This is where Jessie Chou is speechless in the pirated dynasty. Western music has made a benign development because of the lack of piracy. In this way, musicians are more attentive when they have bread to make music. As for the heavenly dynasty, this aspect is getting worse and worse. The writing really has no connotation. Even the songs written by saliva are inferior to others, and the songs written in the last great dynasty are not even better than the little big stick country.

Of course, this is not just about music, but also movies, TV series, books, etc., a lot of things. 'Well, Jessie Chou thinks that sometimes she thinks a little too great, saying that in his previous life, he also watched pirated copies, and he saw a lot of pirated copies from the Heavenly Dynasty, and the island country’s love action movies were also pirated, as if he hadn’t bought them. Pass the genuine one! ’

Closer to home, several people on the table continued to listen to Zhou Jiexi’s words: “Apple has pre-installed the mac operating system on imac computers, and successfully entered the operating system market through a simple and beautiful interface and extremely high execution efficiency. It changed the concept of people using computers and won people's love."

"In 2007, Apple entered the mobile phone market and launched the iPhone. Its stylish appearance, powerful functions, and novel and simple operation immediately had a huge impact on the mobile phone market, causing the trend of smart phones."

"In 2008, Apple launched the netbook macbook air with its stylish and thin design, which caused the netbook boom afterwards. In 2009, Apple continued its efforts and launched the tablet computer ipad, opening up a brand-new electronic product market. ."

One by one, Jessie Zhou talked about the success of Apple in recent years. Even Helen will know that this person has done a good job of studying Apple. Speaking of it, I really want to thank Harvey. Zhou Jiexi put the information he provided in the space. When he couldn't think of anything to say just now, he opened the information in the space and watched it shrink some to everyone. Said.

You have to know that there are still many things that he didn't say. He will now tell Jobs, ‘Apple will break Nokia’s position as the number one in sales for 15 consecutive years and become the world’s largest mobile phone manufacturer. In the end, the Rockia mobile phone business was almost abolished.

After 2011, Apple's market value will surpass Exxon Mobil and become the world's most valuable listed company. In 2012, Apple surpassed HP to become the world's largest computer manufacturer.

With this series of numbers, how does Zhou Jiexi have no confidence in Apple? Of course he is confident!

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