616 universe

Earth, Avengers Base

A white light appeared, and then a group of people appeared in the ruined Avengers base, and they were Li Qingyue.

"Boss, is this a parallel universe?" Walter asked, looking around with interest.

"Yes, this is the Earth in the parallel universe. Come with me, our enemy is about to appear." Li Qingyue raised his head and looked at the huge battleship in the sky and said.

Only then did everyone notice the giant battleship in the sky.

"I'll go, is it so big!"

"Okay, don't sigh, let's go find our client first."

"who is it?"

"Dr. Green is a combination of Hulk and Dr. Banner."

Everyone nodded, and then began to explore forward. Although they didn't understand why this place turned into ruins, it was not a good time to ask questions now.

Soon they saw the ruins in front of them, and saw three people walking up from a cave entrance.

"He is Thor, God of Thunder? Why did he gain weight?" Gil asked with a frown.

"Who knows? If you see the purple sweet potato spirit, he is our enemy this time. Get ready to take action." Li Qingyue said.

Originally, the three of them were confronting the purple sweet potato spirit, but when Li Qingyue and the others appeared, all four of them looked at him.

"Another wave of people are here, do you know them?"

"never seen it."

The man whispered something. At this time, the purple sweet potato spirit slowly stood up, put on his helmet, and pulled out the double-edged sword stuck in the ground.

"who are you?"

"We are the helpers Dr. Lu asked for. I wonder if he has ever told us about us?" Li Qingyue said with a smile.

"Are you from that office?" Thor asked.

"That's right." Li Qingyue nodded and said.

"That's enough. This is not a place for you to chat. It seems that my idea is still too naive. I should just destroy the entire universe and restart it, so that no one will ruin my plan." Purple Sweet Potato Spirit General He pointed the double-edged sword at Thor and said.

When Thor saw this, he stopped talking and opened his hand. The Storm Ax and Thor's Hammer fell into his hands. When he grabbed these two weapons, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck Thor. Thor completed his transformation and put on his armor.

I have to say that the armor made by Niveda Star is easy to use. Even if Thor has gained a lot of weight now, the armor can still be put on.

"Boss, do we want to take action?"

"Don't worry, you go find the client first. They are buried under the ruins. Tom and Jerry, please help me. Richard, Walter, and Jill, just stay and watch the show with me." Bar."


"Ah, what? The reinforcements of the three of you are too weak. Let's leave the rescue to Connor and Constantine."

The three nodded, and then the four of them stood at another high point and watched Thor, Captain America and Iron Man fight Thanos.

It has to be said that Thanos's fighting skills are not at the same level as those of the three, and he can suppress the three of them very easily.

Soon Captain America was seized by Thanos, kicked him away, and hit the wall hard. The force was so powerful that his body couldn't bear it and he fainted for a while.

The remaining Iron Man and Thor directly used their combined attack skills. Thor combined Thor's hammer and storm axe, and thunder and lightning the size of a bucket struck Iron Man's back.

Iron Man immediately converted the electrical energy and output it into lasers that were shot at Thanos, but Thanos directly turned the double-edged sword in his hand to block the lasers. Not only that, he also rushed directly in front of Iron Man with the lasers on his face. , knocking it away with one blow.

When Thor saw this, he could only rush forward to fight with him, but Thanos's physical fitness was too strong, coupled with his rich combat experience, he quickly defeated Thor and was unable to find North. Of course, it may also be due to Thor's lack of strength over the years. Exercise and his fat body also weighed him down.

Seeing that Thor was about to be killed by Thanos, Li Qingyue quickly took out his pistol, pointed it at Thanos' knee and shot him.

Although this shot could not cause any damage, the impact also caused the unprepared Thanos to stagger. It was this blow that gave Thor a chance to buffer. He suddenly kicked Thanos away, and then Fight Thanos again with dual weapons.

And this time, Li Qingyue and Richard also helped. The two kept firing, and each bullet could accurately hit Thanos' elbows, knees, wrists and other joints. Although it was not painful or itchy, the impact would make His attack was slightly deflected.

Don't underestimate a battle of this level. The slightest deviation is enough to determine the outcome.

Therefore, the superb marksmanship of the two people can be said to have brought a lot of trouble to Thanos, but Thanos also quickly found a way to solve the problem, which is to tighten his muscles. As long as this way, his bullets cannot cause him any damage. No harm done.

And after his muscles were tense, every blow he struck was powerful and heavy. After a while, Thor could not withstand such an attack, and was forced back by Thanos with a knife. He then chased after him and kicked Thor away hard.

Thor hit a big rock and his whole body was embedded in it. He struggled to climb out, but Thanos who came over made him fall back again with a kick.

The God of Thunder had no choice but to open his hand to summon the Storm Tomahawk, but Thanos seemed to have eyes behind him. He ducked sideways to avoid the incoming Storm Tomahawk, grabbed the Storm Tomahawk and pressed it down towards Thor. The sharp ax blade could not be resisted by Thor's armor.

At this moment, a huge silver-white scythe knocked Thanos away. Thanos adjusted his body in the air and stood up again the moment he landed. When he saw the person who attacked him, he frowned slightly. .

"Brother, thank you very much." Thor panted.

"It's time for you to lose weight, Thor, you are so different from what I saw you now." Li Qingyue teased, while carrying the sickle on his body.

And this scythe is the melee weapon that Li Qingyue opened from the gift box-Angel Scythe: Osiris. At the same time, this scythe also has another form-Devil's Ax: Arbiter.

These two weapons come from the variations of Dante's Rebellious Blade in "DMC: Devil May Cry", but this time only the sickle and giant ax forms are released from the gift box, and there is no form of the Rebellious Blade.

But it was enough for Li Qingyue. It took him a while to learn the attack methods of these two weapons, and it was easy to use them against Thanos.

Looking at Thanos rushing over, the angel scythe in Li Qingyue's hand emitted a burst of white light, and the next second a blood-red giant ax appeared in his hand, and this was another form of Li Qingyue's melee weapon.

Holding a giant ax, Li Qingyue had a head-to-head confrontation with Thanos until Captain America stood up again, Iron Man also regained consciousness, and Thor stood up on his knees while summoning Thor's Hammer and Storm Tomahawk back.

The three giants were preparing for the second round. Li Qingyue also felt the fighting spirit coming from behind, and switched to the giant scythe state to force Thanos back and return to the high point again, leaving the battle to the three of them.

"Thor, I have a suggestion for you. Give Thor's hammer to the captain, so that you can concentrate on using the Storm Axe." Li Qingyue shouted loudly, and Thor was slightly stunned.

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